I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 233: ? Brother?/a>

All morning, Lingping wrote greeting cards.

A greeting card, each with the address, name and greetings.

From elementary school to university.

Class teacher, class teacher, counselor, dean, principal…

Everyone has a share.

So, the young bookstore owner felt a little exhausted when he finished writing.

Holding these greeting cards, a huge pile of them is heavy.

Lingping put them all in a bag, then carried it, took her pet, and went out.

Walking to the mailbox in front of the street, he stuffed the cards one by one.

Soon, the mailbox was full.

Looking at the mailbox, Lingping smiled: “Although, it’s just a greeting card…but…Teachers, the so-called courtesy is light and affectionate…This is also my heart for students…”

“I wish you a happy family, a happy family, and good health…”

After speaking, he walked back with his pet.

A few minutes later, a green leather truck from the post office arrived in front of the mailbox. A staff member got out of the car and packed all the mail into a box.

Then he carried the box and walked back to the mail truck.

The mail truck started slowly and disappeared into the traffic.

Half an hour later, the mail truck drove to the Dongcheng District branch office.

The staff who had been here for a long time waiting for sorting and posting the mail, moved the boxes out of the mail van.

“Where is the mail in the back alley of Jianshe Road in the Industrial Park?” At this moment, a police officer came over, took out the certificate, and handed it to the staff.

“All here!” Seeing the police officer, the post office staff immediately cooperated.

The police officer looked over and saw a box. He said, “Open it!”

“Yes!” A staff member immediately opened the box.

It is full of greeting cards.

One after another, both sent to the local Jiangcheng city and sent to Yaodu University.

All greeting cards are written with pens and written with correct words.

Basically, these are commonly used sentences.

What chalk made your black hair white, but you set off the youthful green more intensely…

At first glance, I knew it was copied from the Internet.

However, in this era, students who are willing to write word by word with a pen are rare.

“Okay…” The police officer checked roughly and said, “Thank you, everyone!”

He turned around and walked to the police car in the distance.

“Report…” He said into the headset: “All the targets sent are Teacher’s Day cards!”


Teacher’s Day greeting card?

Situ He put down the phone, frowning.

He felt that he had guessed wrong again.

“After the target wakes up, it seems that he is still affected by his original cognition?” He tapped the table lightly.

Initially, his assessment with the entire black guard was that after the target awakens, it is very likely that he has abandoned his previous cognition.

After all, his person is there.

It is already great to be able to offer extra grace and continue to shelter and protect his relatives before waking up!

After all, He is God!

Moreover, it’s a **** with a very high personality!

But it now appears that this is not the case.

He still chooses to send cards on Teacher’s Day.

What does this mean?

Considering the particularity of the target, Situ He knew that he had to re-examine it.

The entire black guard also had to re-examine him!


Any misjudgment of his behavior may lead to disastrous consequences!

And the consequence…

No one can afford it!

So, Situ He immediately picked up the phone and dialed a number: “I am Situ He…”

“Start immediately to investigate the teachers who have taught in all schools in the past of the target…”

“What they are doing, give me a summary…”

“Well…especially in the last few days, when they received the greeting card…”

“I want to get the most detailed report!”

“Um…just under the name of a social survey…don’t mention the goal…”


“Delegated to the foundation under the Ministry of Civil Affairs to do…”

“It is better to be a volunteer!”


Li Anan and Chu Weiwei walked into the office building of the Kyoto Special Security Agency.

Along the way, the staff who came and went bowed.

Major Yuki Yamashima of the Kyoto Special Security Agency walked out of the office building to greet him.

“Welcome, Major Li An’an, Lieutenant Chu Weiwei…” The Fusang major clasped his hands in the traditional manners of the Federal Empire: “I’m really sorry to interrupt the vacation of both of you…”

“On behalf of the Kingdom of Fuso and the people of Kyoto, I would like to express my apologies and deep gratitude to both of you!”

“You are serious!” Faced with the representatives of the foreign countries, Li Ang’an was very decent, she gently clasped her fist and said: “Fusang and our country have always been friendly neighbors separated by a strip of water. The two countries have a special traditional friendship… It is our honor to help the people of Fusang!”

“The friendship between the Federation Empire and Fuso has lasted forever!” Yamashima Yuki listened and couldn’t help but said sincerely: “It would be better if your country allowed us to join the Federation!”

Li Anan and Chu Weiwei listened, and laughed in embarrassment and politeness.

The other party also seemed to realize that it was not suitable to say such things in such a situation, so he smiled and changed the subject.

“Two, please come with me…” He invited Li An’an and Chu Weiwei into an elevator.

Take the elevator, go up to the third floor, and then come to a conference room.

Major Yuki Yamashima opened the door and said: “Please come in…”

Li An’an and Chu Weiwei walked in and found that there was already a slide on the big screen of this conference room.

On the slide, there is a **** corpse.

“This is?” Chu Weiwei frowned immediately: “The damage caused by some kind of alien?”

The corpse on the slide was scattered, his internal organs were almost completely eaten by something.

“Um…it is…” Major Yuki Yamashima walked in. He picked up a remote control and started to play the slideshow: “But… we only know it now. The murderer of all this is not the only one. One…”

One by one slides, keep playing.

“In the beginning, they were active in the suburbs…but recently, they are getting deeper and deeper into the city…”

“This month, these things have caused the deaths of more than ten innocent civilians…”

“There are even more captains from the Security Agency who were attacked during the investigation…”

A slide show appeared on the screen: “This is the situation when Captain Asano was found…”

“We found that these things always seem to like to eat the internal organs of the attacked…”


A brand new slide appeared. On it was a corpse lying in a pool of blood, but… it was not a human being, but some kind of humanoid creature.

“We found… they would attack each other… swallow each other…”

“This is the corpse of a monster we found after being killed by the same kind…”

“Our scientists have detected human cells and genes from its corpse and blood, but in addition to these, there are many strange unknown cells and unknown gene fragments…”


“We named this newly emerged heterogeneous population Ghoul!”

“Belonging to humanoid and heterogeneous…”

“Humanoid and heterogeneous?” Li An’an and Chu Weiwei looked at each other, and both felt the severity of the problem.

Humanoids and aliens are actually aliens transformed by humans.

This is a problem that has plagued countries for a long time after the revival of Reiki.

Because these things are aliens that have been attacked by some psychic powers for which the reasons are still unclear so far.

Some of them are very peaceful…

For example, Qin Lu has an ethnic group called elves who have no hobbies other than art.

But some pose a serious threat to civilians!

The werewolves and vampires of Qin Lu, the zombies of the Federation Empire, the mandrills that once appeared in Silla…

These alien species have the same characteristics-they can be mixed with civilians and are difficult to detect.

Moreover, they are difficult to eliminate completely.

If the root cause cannot be cut off, they will continue to appear.

It took a hundred years for the Federal Empire to finally incorporate and suppress all zombies, and establish a zombie alert system covering all territories of the country.

After that, in order to help Silla ban the mandrill, it took 30 years to control it!

And Qin Lu’s werewolves and vampires are still raging so far, and they have even become the guests and even the masters of the country!

In other words, the danger and difficulty of this matter have greatly exceeded the expectations of Li Anan and Chu Weiwei.

The two looked at each other, and then asked: “Have you notified the black guard about this matter?”

Yuki Yamashima nodded: “It has been notified!”

He smiled and said: “It is your country’s headquarters that notified us that the two are qualified to handle this matter, so I brazenly asked for guidance…”

While he said this~IndoMTL.com~ couldn’t help but look at the major blackguard.

The living Koi, the living Bodhisattva boy?

This hibiscus, which has a strong Buddhist atmosphere, is very attractive!

Li Anan listened and became suspicious.

“I’m just a major, and Weiwei is more than a lieutenant…” she thought, “Where can such a big deal be handled?”


She is not easy to refuse, because she now represents the Federal Empire, a black guard.

So, she thought about it, and said to Yamashima Yuki: “Can you wait a moment?”

“My superiors and I would like to ask…”

“Please…” Yamashima Yuki said with a smile.

Li Anan took his cell phone, walked outside, and dialed the number of his boss.

“General Zhang…”

“Are you kidding…”

“How did Wei Wei and I deal with such a thing…”



Hang up, Li Anan sighed.

I said above, trust her completely.

And give her full authorization, if necessary, you can start the psionic satellite scan.

At the same time, all intelligence resources and powers of the Federal Empire are fully opened.

General Zhang Hui said: We can trust the major! We believe that the major is capable of solving this matter!

This made the newly promoted major, while feeling pressure, also developed a strong fighting spirit.

The scholar died for the confidant!

Since the above trust her so much, she has no reason to refuse and shirk.


Zhang Hui put down the phone, and the corner of her mouth smiled slightly.

This is the best experience opportunity!

The so-called swordsman’s edge is sharpened, and that major should accept such a test!


She will be fine!

Even danger can’t happen!

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