I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 225: Go to pay tribute (1)

Holding the rifle, walking in the open corridor.

There are countless murals inscribed on the walls on both sides of the cloister.

Ran Bing has already seen these murals.

So, she knows that these murals depict the history of the race named “Kunyang”.


Look again, Ran Bing is still extremely shocked.

Kun Yang…

A powerful race that once crossed the stars!

They have served one ancient and inexplicable **** after another.

These gods have bestowed Kunyang people with taboo knowledge and power.

So, with the help of the power of the gods and those forbidden knowledge.

The Kunyang people conquered decline and conquered death!

In the end, they broke free from their bodies and became immortal immortals.

Aging and death have become a historical term.


This is also the source of their curses and disasters!

Conquer death, conquer aging.

The increasingly powerful Kunyang clan is cursed by eternal life!

The number of the entire ethnic group will never change.

The entire social relationship is eternally fixed.

People no longer make friends, no longer contact.

They closed themselves up.

Finally, a group of individuals who could not bear the torture of this eternal life chose to end up themselves!

They flew to the stars and ended their lives in the solar ray.

Many people have witnessed these people’s choices.

So, the remaining individuals began to think about how to get rid of the curse of eternal life.

Some individuals have recovered their bodies.

You can see in the murals that they start to manipulate their bodies wantonly.

Let it go from aging to young, and then from young to aging.

They began to dominate the ecology of their planet.

Instantly let the storm come, instantly let the scorching sun burn, and let the thunder and lightning flash instantly.

They also cross the galaxy, go to other planets, and play tricks on primitive civilizations.

They create all kinds of torture spells, torturing themselves and others.

They struggle to find anything that might make their lives interesting.


All these efforts failed in the end!

After trying all means, the immortal souls finally discovered that they have no desires and desires.

The fun on the surface is actually dull and boring.

The eternal singleness and boringness within the race makes them crazy.

Countless people flew to the stars one after another, severing themselves, and ending this torture of eternal life.

There are fewer and fewer remaining individuals.

Tens of thousands…



When the number of their ethnic groups is reduced to less than one hundred.

An ancient and great being contacted them.

The ancient existence gave them a kind of taboo knowledge.

Calabar Tree of Life!

Following the taboo inner circle of the tree of life and passing the origin, the fertility of the race can be restored.

It makes them ecstatic.


The Calabar tree of life is a realm guarded by a great god.

Any race that attempts to meddle in this area will surely face sanctions from great gods!


The desire for fertility!

The desire for new life and reproduction made this race determined!

They took advantage of the eternal existence that rules everything, when some problems appeared.

They crossed time, crossed space, and came to a new world.

A low-level world.

Here, they hide in the underground of this world.

Started to study the Calabar Tree of Life with great concentration.

The content of the mural ends here abruptly.

Ran Bing’s eyes scanned these murals and felt the content described in the murals.

She actually knows that the following content should be inseparable from the collapse of the old world.

But the problem is…

Where are the Kunyang people?

In this mural, the Kunyang people who have conquered death and aging, are immortal and powerful enough to cross the stars with their physical bodies. Where are the Kunyang people who have incredible abilities and technology?

When I came to this world, there were dozens of individual Kunyang people, what happened?

When the old world collapsed, who was the tentacle protruding from the crust?

These mysteries haunt Ran Bing.

“Turn left!” There was a whisper in the ear.

Ran Bing turned to the left and saw a moving valve.

Ran Bing stretched out his hand to open the valve.

Several employees wearing exoskeleton umbrellas raised a handful of weapons and prepared Ran Bing for them.

“Devil! You devil!” Someone yelled, “What are you going to do?”

Obviously, they had passed some monitoring equipment, and before they saw Ran Bing, they cleanly killed all the employees under the umbrella.

Maybe they even saw the spear spirit eating.

So, Ran Bing didn’t answer them.

She just raised her gun and aimed at these people, these unforgivable sinners!

These sinners who killed billions of people!

They should go to hell!

“Crazy man! You crazy man!” The umbrella employee opposite yelled, pulling the trigger one after another.


The weapons in their hands spray out fire tongues or strips of light.

It’s a pity…

In front of Ran Bing, an invisible barrier rose.

This is the protective cover of the gun spirit.

The weapons owned by these employees of the umbrella are just simple and crude imitations of the Kunyang weapons.

The power is less than one percent of the original version, and even Ran Bing’s protective cover can’t be broken!


Ran Bing shot!

The rifle shoots revenge!


An employee with an umbrella was directly knocked over, and his exoskeleton armor could not protect him at all.


Another shot!

Another employee was knocked to the ground.

Boom boom boom!

Ran Bing shot calmly, knocking down the enemies in front of him one by one.

In front of the bullets of the gun spirit, avoiding is useless.

The high-explosive warhead penetrated their exoskeleton, directly nailed to their bodies, and locked their souls.

At the same time, the bullet began to release some kind of energy.

Like the venom of a viper, it corrodes and digests these humans who have been injected with Kunyang gene bit by bit.

Ran Bing carried his rifle and walked over.

She walked up to these people, her muzzle hung down, and the spear spirit immediately started to greedily suck.

One immortal one after another, slowly turned into a stone sculpture.

Ran Bing picked up the silver crystals on their bodies one by one.

Suddenly, she felt something.

I raised my head and looked overhead, where there was a moving camera looking at her.

A sneer overflowed from the corner of Ran Bing’s mouth, she looked at the camera.

“I know you are watching me!”

“Umbrella bastards!”

“I will find you!”

“Exterminate you all!”

Then she raised her gun and smashed the camera with one shot!

Next, Ran Bing walked towards the opposite side of the room expressionlessly. She walked to the wall, pressed the wall, and put the cube she was wearing into it.


The wall stretches to both sides.

The core part of this pyramid was revealed in front of her.

Silver cube crystals lit up next time.

Everything in front of you will be very bright.

This is a seemingly intangible abyss.

But when Ran Bing walked over, pieces of crystal appeared from under his feet.

She stepped forward slowly and walked to the middle.

She raised her head, and a white spirit pivot rose from the void.

A weird creature is sleeping in the spirit hub.

It is human, but with an eagle face.

There are countless unknown metal pieces hanging all over the body, and it holds two statues in its two hands.

One is half-human, half-snake, weird creature with wings similar to bats.

One is a giant snake wrapped around a sun-like scepter.

“Sure enough…”

The whisper in the ear mocked: “Cowards took refuge in another coward!”

“Open it…” murmured and urged: “Take out those two statues…”

“Then follow the prompts…”

“Summon that traitor!”

The shadow of Ran Bing is reflected on the crystal ground.

The countless dark lines are slowly drawing something.

That is something similar to a mathematical formula.

It’s just that the complexity and weirdness of this formula exceeds the limit of any life’s imagination!

So that if others just take a look, they will immediately face endless madness and truth!

In the legend, if someone can solve this formula.


He or she will immediately call out the outer gods who symbolize the basic rules of the universe and the world.

The body of the black goat that breeds thousands of children!


Han Li continued on.

Along the way, she beheaded a single demon.

And she is constantly deepening into the core of this abyssal territory.


She saw a huge burning portal!

Also, the terrible demon under the portal!

The black clouds squirmed up and down.

The horrible breath and terrible energy dissipated around.

Only the moment he saw him, Hanli suddenly felt that life was meaningless and everything had no fun.

The only truth in the world is to lie down lazily and quietly.

Never move!


Too much trouble! No!

Sleep? Too troublesome! No!


Everything is trouble.

Only lying still and letting others serve and take care of yourself is the real happiness!

So she lay down.

I curled up lazily on the dark red turf that exuded the stench and strange smell.

The Demon Hunter closed his eyes.

The characteristics of the succubus began to appear.

Make her more and more charming, plump and charming!

A layer of spiritual light appeared from her.

The will of the demon lords has been betting over.

“A succubus not controlled by the abyss and the river!” The Shadow Demon Queen exclaimed: “Moreover, she already has the potential to become a succubus lord!”

This is incredible!

Because, for countless years, who has ever heard of someone breaking the control of Styx and Abyss?

But the truth is here!

“She is mine!” Lord Wuan yelled.

A succubus quasi-lord not controlled by Styx?

She must have a secret!

And it’s a big secret!

Lord Wuan couldn’t help but remember the big explosion that happened in the Dark Well not long ago!

That explosion swept across the entire bottom abyss, even the demons in the deepest part of the abyss could feel it!

And that explosion wiped out the entire dark well at the same time!

According to legend, even Styx has suffered a lot!

The only one who knows the details of this is the demon prince Demo Kogan!

But Demo Kogan returned to the saltwater marsh and couldn’t leave the door behind closed doors!


Styx has taken back the title of Demon Prince of Demogogan!

So all the demon lords frantically inquired about this matter.

Everyone wants to know the inside story of this matter.

For this, some lords even turned to the legendary wizards and even gods who are good at prophesying in the material world!

It’s a pity…

No one can glimpse the truth about the Big Bang in the Dark Well through spells.

Everything is blocked.

But now…

Under the eyes of everyone, a human, a human with the potential of a succubus lord, but with no signs of controlling the abyss and the river, appeared in front of them.

Every fool knows that this human has a secret!

Maybe, she is related to the Big Bang in the Dark Well!

So, Lord Wuan was excited, and he was about to descend from the abyss and **** this human.


He took a step slower.

In other words, his act of coming is actually forcing his brother Lupusio to take action!

He succeeded!

The cloud that has been unwilling to move by the portal, quickly rushed at an unimaginable speed at the succubus human who had completely fallen into the desire of laziness because of witnessing his body.

The methods of the lazy lord are extremely sharp!

His undulating cloudy body quickly covered the succubus.

He looked at this creature mixed with humans and succubus.

“This is really…” Even Lupusio couldn’t help but sigh: “The only beauty in the world…”

“Even if the entire abyss is exhausted, there is no woman more beautiful than her!”

The key is…

Such a beautiful succubus, such a powerful succubus.

It’s still a baby!

Moreover, she still has a secret!

This is priceless!

The lazy lord’s excitement is beyond words!

He couldn’t believe that he had such good luck!


At this moment, he suddenly sensed the danger.

A certain horrible feeling hit his heart instantly.

It’s like encountering a natural enemy…

Rupusio raised his head, and he saw that in the vast galaxy, stars began to twinkle.

Seven bright stars appear in the sky like the sun in an instant.

At the same time, the entire sky has become a paradise of stars!

One after another, tens of thousands of stars that are usually invisible to the naked eye flicker.

They turned the sky into a paradise of stars!

An ancient and holy, weird and terrifying hymn echoed among the stars.

“Gorgeous crown coronation…”

“Yellow robe covered…”

“The unnamed person…”

“The faraway party…”

“The Lord of Deep Space Stars…”

“The Immortal King of Yellow Clothes…”

“He is the master of the wind…”

“All winds follow his orders…”

“Whatever the wind…”

In this terrible and terrifying hymn, a figure appears under the stars.

The seven stars shining on him.

The yellow robe envelops his great and terrifying body.

Endless power is constantly coming from under the robe.

The white mask was on his face.

His figure changed and split.

In Lupusio’s spiritual sense ~IndoMTL.com~ cast terror, spread unknown.

“A crude sacrifice!” Tentacles stretched out from his yellow robe, and easily rolled up Rupusio: “It can barely be used!”

This sentence not only echoed in Lupusio’s soul.

It also echoes in the souls of all the watchers, making them tremble and fear…


They really felt how powerful the terrifying existence under this yellow suit is!

“God to God!”

Undoubtedly, this is a terrifying **** comparable to a god!

So, all the demon lords, instantly disconnected all contact with this world!

The spider **** queen immediately destroyed her mind!

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