I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 181: A tragedy caused by a dream

When Ling woke up safely, it was almost ten o’clock.

“How did I sleep until now?” He said he couldn’t understand.

Sitting up, picking up the phone, he thought about it on the sofa, it seems that after getting drunk last night, he had a lot of dreams!

But most of them have forgotten.

I just vaguely remembered, as if I had heard some sounds similar to celestial bodies.

Other than that, I don’t remember anything.


“Why am I so tired…” He scratched his head: “It seems that I really can’t drink anymore…”

If you are drunk, this is easy to happen, which seriously affects your sleep quality!

He stood up, wrapped the mushrooms that he forgot to put in the refrigerator last night with plastic wrap, and put them in the refrigerator compartment.

Then, I went to the bathroom to take a shower and changed to a new suit by the way.

Standing in front of the mirror, Lingping looked at her appearance.

It seems to have dark circles under the eyes, and looks a little haggard.

A thin beard grows on his lips.

The young bookstore owner was frightened suddenly.

“No! No!” He said, “I have to pay attention to health!”

He’s only twenty-four years old, and he doesn’t want to be stubborn, just like an uncle.

So, he picked up the razor, clicked and shaved off all the beards.

Look in the mirror again, and you feel more comfortable.

“I’m still the boy who used to be…” He didn’t know what he heard from there, and Ling walked down the stairs safely: “Nothing has changed…”

Halfway through, he stopped.

“This song is great!” He said, “What song?!”

But he wants to break his head and can’t think of what song it is!

I don’t know where I heard it.

He even only said this.

It’s as if such a lyrics and such a tone suddenly appeared in his mind.

“Maybe when I was in school, I heard it in that Internet cafe or supermarket?” He thought, so he didn’t think about it.

Because of similar things, everyone has experienced it.

Suddenly seeing a certain building or suddenly seeing a certain TV, I feel familiar, I feel like I have been/watched it before, but I just forgot.

Go to the door of the store and pull up the rolling shutter.

The sun is shining outside, and the sky is clear!

The most important thing is-today’s Jiangcheng is actually cooler than yesterday!

Even if I stood under the sun, I didn’t feel any heat in my spirit.

“The climate in this city has become so suitable?” Lingping was shocked!

“Yes!” Aunt Cai next door also said: “Today’s weather is really nearly 20 years, Jiangcheng has the coolest summer!”

Ling Ping’an returned to the store with steamed dumplings and tofu brains and sat down at the counter.

Turn on the TV, and I saw the host on the TV, sitting upright with a serious face.

The background panel of the studio was replaced with a global weather cloud map.

“In a few hours, the global climate has undergone tremendous changes!” The host introduced very seriously: “The average temperature in the Arctic region has dropped more than ten degrees in five hours!”

“The temperature near the North Pole dropped by more than 20 degrees!”

“Experts predict that the temperature of the North Pole may drop to an all-time summer low tonight!”

“At the same time, a large area of ​​snowfall began to appear!”

A picture of the North Pole with heavy snow on the TV screen.

The steamed dumplings in Lingping’s mouth are forgotten.

The North Pole…summer…snow?

What’s so special… Damn it!

Because, his common sense tells him that in summer, the Arctic is eternal.

The sun will not go down, it will always shoot energy directly in the North Pole.

This is why the Arctic glaciers melt a lot in summer!

It’s ready now!

A cooling and blizzard…

There are only four words in Lingping’s mind: ecological disaster!

The reason is simple. In summer, the Arctic is a breeding ground and hunting ground for countless birds and marine life!

As soon as this cooling and Blizzard come, there will probably be a large number of chicks freezing and starving to death.

Thinking of this, Lingping sighed: “Human! It’s really…”

In his view, this must be a series of ecological disasters caused by human industrial activities.

On TV, the host continued to introduce: “At the same time, the temperature of the Kunlun Desert in Kunlun Prefecture has risen to the highest point ever!”

“The highest temperature has exceeded 68 degrees!”

“Scientists predict that the average temperature of the Kunlun Desert today may reach forty-three to forty-five degrees…”

“A variety of desert creatures unique to the Kunlun Desert are facing extinction!”

“…” He continued to introduce climate change in other parts of the world.

Of course it’s not all bad news.

For two consecutive months of rainy weather in Xinping County, Beizhou, it finally cleared.

The tornado disaster that had been raging in the Southern Week for several days stopped.

South Kunlun Republic, which has been drought for three months, finally ushered in the first heavy rain since the beginning of summer.

On the territory of the Federal Empire, it can only be described as good weather and everything goes well.

It’s raining where it should rain.

It’s time for the sun to appear.


The host’s face has not changed at all.

He still solemnly said to the audience in front of the TV: “This time the global climate change…”

“It is the chain reaction caused by the increasing carbon dioxide emissions of mankind!”

“We should not only see the benefits of this round of climate change, we should also see the deep-seated natural disasters hidden in this round of abnormal climate change!”


“We should attach importance to the “Teikyo Climate Protocol” signed ten years ago!”

“Countries around the world work together to reduce carbon emissions!”

“Today in the Arctic and the Kunlun Desert may be the tomorrow of our humanity!”

A snowy Arctic land appeared on the screen. On the cliffs, numerous birds shivered and died one after another in the wind and snow.

Countless chicks died in the nest in the heavy snow.

Then there appeared the Kunlun Desert under high temperature and heat.

Under the high temperature, the gravel is roasted red.

The corpses of the desert lizard and desert rat are clearly visible under the lens!

Ling Ping’an watched, and she couldn’t bear to watch again, and turned off the TV.

“Hey…” He sighed while eating steamed dumplings.

For the sake of mankind and the ecological environment, Lingping decided not to turn on the TV or fans today.


This is the limit he can do.


Dijing, the headquarters of Heiyiwei.

Li Shouyi walked into this fully guarded office building.

People who come and go are hurrying and look solemn.

All the facilities have been lit up with red lights.

This is a red light that means that the situation is very critical and all the black guards have entered a state of emergency.

“The temperature of the Arctic is still falling!” Zhang Hui greeted Li Shouyi and introduced the situation: “Within one day today, the temperature of the Arctic may drop by ten degrees!”

“The average temperature drops ten degrees in one day!”

“This is not just an ecological disaster!”

Li Shouyi nodded.


In general, in an area, the average temperature drops by two or three degrees a day, which is a remarkable thing.

In places like the Arctic, it drops ten degrees in one day!

As fools know, there is a problem here!

“In addition, in many desert areas, including the Kunlun Desert, the temperature continues to soar!” Zhang Hui said anxiously: “I suspect that this is an ancient **** who has quietly awakened!”

Li Shouyi nodded solemnly: “It is possible!”

As the aura recovery intensifies, the steps of the ancient gods returning are more and more frequent.

Most of them can only wake up a little consciousness now.


There is always something special, you can return early!

For example, isn’t Jiangcheng just holding one?

Fortunately, the person in Jiangcheng has kindness to humans as a whole, and has a bond with humans.

But what about the others?

If it is an ancient **** who has a bad attitude towards humans or even an evil **** returns!

For example, those tyrannical guys from Qin Lu!

I love to drop the flood at every turn, so that mankind can feel the kindness…

The world will be destroyed at every turn…

Hold the trident at every turn, to set off a tsunami, just to let humans give him a beautiful woman…

There are others who want to eat a son at every turn…

If they wake up, they find that the world now seems not as good as they intended.

They do everything!

The only good news is that even if they return, there are ways to check and balance the current Federal Empire!

Big deal, let Jiang Chengcheng take the shot.


In that case, humans will be reduced to a trembling species in the balance of terror.

For this reason, Li Shouyi has been in retreat since returning from Jiangcheng.

He is trying to digest the gains from the last meal.

It’s not because of the sudden change in the Arctic climate this time, he had to go out, otherwise, he would continue to retreat until he was completely digested!

Follow Zhang Hui and walk into the Black Guards General Control Center that has been fully guarded.

Satellites have been urgently transferred to various important areas.

Data is being collected.

Over the North Pole, the Federal Empire even dispatched strategic bombers, carrying psionic collectors, and began collecting psionic substances in the atmosphere.

“When will there be results?” Li Shouyi asked.

“About half an hour or so!” a staff member answered after saluting.

“Hmm!” Li Shouyi sat down.

Zhang Hui sat next to him.

“Nanyang’s matter has been resolved…” Zhang Hui reported: “From yesterday to today, the entire Nanyang has emerged from the reverse tide…”

“Yeah!” Li Shouyi nodded: “It seems that Captain Li is really a koi!”

He smiled and said: “We may be able to bye bye more in the future!”

Zhang Hui nodded her head with understanding.

There is a trump card in hand, of course you need to use it.

Just, be skillful.

The two were sitting and talking.

About twenty minutes later, the first report came out.

The psionic response in the Arctic is normal.

No human intervention was found.

Holding this report, Li Shouyi frowned.

Next, a new report came out. The weather satellite showed that starting tomorrow, the temperature of the North Pole will gradually rise.

Then, reports from other places came out.

All data is displayed, there is no abnormality.

Moreover, weather satellites and local weather forecasts have shown a common trend-the weather in abnormal areas will return to normal levels in the next three days.


This is what God made a joke with humans?

Li Shouyi took these reports~IndoMTL.com~His look was more serious.

“Always be vigilant!” He said, “Don’t relax!”


“It seems…” He looked at Zhang Hui: “The mountains and rain are coming and the wind is all over the building!”

Zhang Hui nodded.

Li Shouyi and Zhang Hui both understand that this is probably just a temptation for the ancient **** who might not know where to hide and manipulate everything.

Because all the evidence seems to be ok on the surface.

But in fact, it just revealed the problem!

Behind the seemingly no traces of man-made is the most obvious place!

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