I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 175: Fox fake tiger power

The chimes of Weiyang Palace rang nine times.

Wearing a crown, surrounded by officials.

Liu Yu walked slowly towards the building in front.

This is the temple of the Xinghan Dynasty.

It is dedicated to the emperors and their powerful ministers since the founding of the country.

God, Taizong…and the first emperor who has just entered the master, his father.

The power of the three generations of the Black Dragon King enveloped the temple.

And he will get new inheritance and recognition from this temple, becoming the fourth generation of the Black Dragon King, the new emperor of the Xinghan Dynasty!

On this land, since ancient times, only the king recognized by the temple has the legal right to rule.

Liu Yu walked into it.

He stood in the middle of the temple under the guidance of the ceremonial officer.

The phantoms of the three dragons emerged from the garment crowns enshrined in the temple.

“Chen Yu, respect the emperor Gao, Emperor Taizong, and the gods of the father!” Liu Yu seriously kowtowed his head.

Three sets of clothes, no wind automatically.

Then, from these clothes, a little light floated on Liu Yu.

This means that the ancestors and ancestors have recognized him and recognized him in charge of this country!

Therefore, the divine master cards of the countless famous ministers and generals enshrined in this temple were shaking one by one.

This is a gift from the famous ministers enshrined in the temple to the new king.

Liu Yu bowed his head to his ancestors before bowing.

Then he turned around and looked at the crowded officials in front of him.

“I, ascended to the throne today, be the first emperor, Taizong, and Gaodi! The empress dowager is the empress dowager, and the empress dowager is the empress dowager!”

“Your Majesty is filial!” All the officials bowed their heads.

“Although I came to the throne today, he is young and unable to communicate with government affairs, large and small affairs. From today on, I will first hand over to the Queen Mother for review, and then the officials will discuss with me!”

“Your Majesty Shengming!” Countless people bowed their heads cheerfully.

But the corner of Liu Yu’s mouth sneered slightly.

At this moment, he remembered what the princes said in Tianzhou: Three years of silence, a blockbuster!

But he doesn’t need three years!

March is enough!

Within three months, he was sure to refine five thousand pottery soldiers in the Shaofu.

With these five thousand elites, and then taking righteous status, he can rest assured!


Han Li walked out of the parliament building of the United Nations National Security Organization.

She has already got what she needs for this trip: Unreal Spirit Mushroom!

Moreover, she got three.

This is the entire output of Kunlun Mountain this year!

In addition to the Unreal Spirit Mushroom, Han Li also got 1000 ml of Tianxian Drunk!

This is also the entire family of the United Nations National Security Organization!

Obviously, the performance of Jianning County last time allowed her to gain everyone’s trust!

Take these precious spiritual things.

Han Li knows that she has a great responsibility!

Although, she has not actually talked about herself with representatives of various countries.

But she can see their desire in the eyes of those representatives, in the hopeful eyes!

“This trip, I must succeed!”

“Unsuccessful, you will become benevolent!”

With such determination, Hanli carried a parachute, jumped down, and jumped into the sky

In order to avoid being attacked, the headquarters of the United Nations National Security Organization is suspended in the air above 20,000 meters.

Because, there is no record yet that ghosts or evil spirits can attack such heights.

This time, in order to make it convenient for Han Li to fetch the phantom mushrooms and the drunken goddess, this high-altitude fortress has moved thousands of kilometers, from a secret location hidden deep in the ocean to the sky above Linhai City.

Fell from a high altitude, the parachute opens.

Han Li slowly stretched out his exquisite body in the air.

Suddenly chattering sounded in my ear.

Han Li opened his eyes.

She looked up at the sky,

Two people wearing exoskeletons and carrying a rocket bag are galloping towards her.

They are two demon hunters.

A colonel, a major general!

Han Li looked at them, her mouth overflowed with a sneer: “The running dog of the abyss!”

This world has more than heroes who would rather stand to die.

Of course there are scums who want to live on their knees!

Twenty-three years since the cataclysm, countless scums have betrayed mankind.

They think that betrayal can be exchanged for forgiveness from ghosts and evil spirits.

But the truth is-in the eyes of ghosts and evil spirits, the flesh and soul of such a traitor is more delicious!

But not all traitors were killed by those monsters.

Some people, especially some demon hunters, use the ghosts sealed in their bodies to communicate with the abyss and get in touch with some terrifying existence.

Like those two people.

“The smell of Rose!” Han Li’s babble was a little joke.

As if to believe in Rose, what irony and funny things are.

Han Li doesn’t understand well.

Speaking rustlingly, Han Li knew the reason.

A man who believes in Rose is as ridiculous as looking for a virgin in Ms. Joy’s church!

Although he still doesn’t understand why, Hanli knows that he is facing new threats.


A sneer overflowed from the corner of her mouth, looking at the scum of the two demon hunters like a prey.

“Little ladies!” When the two of them realized that they had been discovered, they immediately accelerated and rushed towards Hanli: “Hand over your secrets and honestly explain what happened in Jianning County?”

“Who is interfering in the affairs of Jianning County?!”

This is the goddess of the abyss that they have taken refuge in, a task assigned to them by a goddess who allows them to worship and obsessively with just a little glimpse-to find out what happened in Jianning County!

They immediately reported their knowledge to the goddess.

A demon hunter, a major demon hunter, summoned monsters from another world and flattened Jianning County.

Even in the end, Mrs. Fungus appears.

However, the huge fireball that fell from the sky burned Mrs. Fungus and everything about him!

Goddess Rose is very satisfied with their report!

So, they gave them a brand new task-to catch the demon hunter who summoned the alien monster, to torture her secret, and best, to bring her soul to Goddess Rose.

If they can do it, Goddess Rose promises that when he comes to this world, he will personally accompany them to have a good time!

This makes these two people excited!

You can kiss Fangze with the goddess!

Just think about it, they can’t wait!

As for…

The little major?

They didn’t take it seriously!


Hearing their threat, the major witcher smiled.

A smile and a hundred Meisheng made them feel stunned.

Then, the demon hunter in the sky gave a light kick,

She actually used her strength high in the sky!

The spiritual blade in his hand cut open the parachute.

A pair of silver wings spread out from behind her.

“Traitor!” The smile of the demon hunter girl suddenly became extremely cold: “Everyone will get it!”

She waved the spiritual blade and rushed over.

The two people wearing exoskeleton and carrying rocket bags were caught off guard and were approached by her.

Then they only saw a cloud of aura bursting out of them!

In the high air, two demon hunters were torn apart by spirit blades!

Their soul escaped from the flesh and wanted to escape, but the witcher girl, shaking her wings and holding a long whip, was already waiting for them on their way.

“I’m not the me I used to be!” Han Li said seriously.

Her long whip rolled up the souls of the two traitors, and gently applied force, tearing them apart completely!

Han Li has the qualifications to become a succubus lord after taking the potion for raising spirits!

As long as she is willing, she will fall into the abyss!

Then the abyss will immediately cheer for her fall.

The power of Styx will soon enable her to gain her own world in the countless worlds of the bottom abyss!

But how is she willing?

The souls of these two traitors were completely shredded.

Han Li slowly put away his wings.

She knows very well that the use of the power of the succubus of the abyss, she needs to be modest.

She must rely on “The Spirit Sacrifice of Death Walker” to continuously strengthen her soul and will.

Only if the soul and will are strong enough, can she avoid being corroded by the abyss!

She released a slow fall technique on herself.

Then slowly fall from the sky to the ground.

And on this ground, the remains of the two traitors are already covered.

She jumped over the traitor’s limb in disgust.

“Little girl…” Suddenly, a woman’s voice came from behind her.

Han Li turned around vigilantly and clenched the spiritual blade in his hand.

The power of the succubus is full.

Because she has already sensed that there is a powerful and terrifying existence, betting her will on her.

The babble in the ear rustled.

This made her feel at ease.

Because it was just a thought.

A thought from the abyss.

No threat to her!

“Would you like to serve me?” The woman’s voice said earnestly: “Become me, the elect of the great dark mistress!”

“I can assure you, as long as you promise!”

“Within two thousand years, I will be able to prepare the ritual for you!”

“Let you be my obedience!”

“Be like me, get eternal life and glory!”

“Dominate and weave the destiny of countless mortals!”

Obviously, this is a very tempting proposal.


Han Li sneered: “Only you?”

“You are not as good as the fur of the great master I serve and worship!”

“Stupid Abyss Reptile!” Han Li mocked unceremoniously.


“The humble mortal!”

“How dare you despise me! The great spider queen, the dark mistress?!” The woman scolded angrily: “When I come to this world, you must subscribe your ridiculous soul to my **** On the walls of the country, let those dirty men abuse you day and night!”

“Then you come!” Han Li chuckled lightly: “Look at the flame messenger who is the great ruler, first burn you to death…”

“Or do you kill me first?!”

“The Flame Messenger…” The female voice was taken aback.

Han Li sneered: “Don’t believe it?”

“Then how about I summon the messenger of the great master to talk to you?!”

The other party disappeared without a trace in an instant~IndoMTL.com~ He was talking rustlingly in the ear.

Han Li knew that he was scared away!

“It seems that the fireball life that suddenly fell from the sky last time…”

“The deterrence to these abyssal creatures is not so great!” Han Li said.

Although she doesn’t know how and why those sacred fireball lives appeared.

But she knows that from now on, they can be used to scare the demons in the abyss.

The taste of a fake tiger.

Han Li feels very good!

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