I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 151: The stars have reached the right place!

Zugmoi, Mrs. Fungus, appeared from the portal.

He saw the world in front of him.

Countless green-skinned orc-like creatures are coming to him continuously.

Thousands, uncountable!

“The Styx is up!” Zugmoy was ecstatic, because he could see through the structure of these creatures at a glance.

They are exactly the same as what Grazt had shown him.

It’s the spore life!

And it is a wise spore life!

Zugmoy’s ecstasy can be imagined!

“If I can get their faith?” The **** of fungi and spores, looking at the green-skinned creatures coming towards him, as if seeing his own godhood, the one who has become a powerful or even great **** one day!

“Little babies!” Zugmoy laughed wildly and immediately released a wide range of spells: “Be obedient to mom and stay still!”

The ground became extremely muddy in an instant.

All the greenskins who were rushing to charge, suddenly struggled.

Moreover, this is just the beginning.

Vines grew out of the muddy ground, and then firmly entangled every green-skinned body in the front.

Only a few people can break free of this restraint.

But they have just broken free, and the new vines are like bone gangrene, entangled them again.

“Mom loves you!” Zugmoy laughed weirdly. He has regarded these green-skinned creatures as his own heirs.

So he released countless spores from his body.

These spores drifted to all green skins controlled by muddy swamps and vines as if they were alive, and then got in through the nostrils, ears, mouths and even eyes of these green skin creatures.

One by one green leather, after a short struggle, began to change color.

Their skin changes from green to gray, black or blue.

Things like moss grow out of their faces.

Zugmoy looked at, opened his arms with great joy, and his huge body laughed wildly: “Child! My child! My lovely children! Come to mom! Mom will love you!”

The green skin, which had changed its color, stood up from the quagmire one by one and walked towards Zugmoi.

Han Li in the distance, watching all this, his heart fell into the abyss.

“Could it be…”

“My world is destined to be destroyed?” she murmured.

In the conference room of the United Nations National Security Organization, the representatives of the participating countries were hit harder than Han Li.

After all, not long ago, everyone here was cheering.

Humans can win a decisive victory over ghosts and evil spirits by just watching!

However, the situation was changed in a flash.

The terrifying giant monster is like a monster from **** in myths and legends, a monster that appears in a nightmare.

As soon as he appeared, he changed everything.

Look at the picture on the screen.

The representatives of various countries fell into the deepest despair.

“Our world is destined to be destroyed!” Someone has begun to cry desperately.

No way!

The flame ghosts that human beings have made countless sacrifices and cannot deal with have made people fall into despair.

Now, this brand-new giant monster is obviously stronger than the previous flame monster by many times.

His appearance means that the sum of all the power of mankind, I am afraid it will be difficult to shake his hair.

And the reinforcements summoned with great difficulty, they are about to be controlled by Him.

What future can humanity have?

What hope is there for the world?

At this time, an emergency fairy tale is automatically connected.

A voice roared from the speaker: “Report! Report! Report!”

“Starry sky! Starry sky! Starry sky!”

He yelled in the communicator hurriedly and nervously.

But no one cares about him.

Only the speaker who presided over the meeting asked mechanically and numbly: “What happened to the starry sky?”

The speaker simply presses a button to cut the reporter’s screen onto the big screen.

Everyone has seen it, a space observatory built on a deserted plateau.

This is one of the main observatories used by the United Nations National Security Organization to monitor space.

After all, the demon hunter cabin floating in space is not foolproof.

Humans must monitor them!

And a scientist who is in charge of observing space, is speaking incoherently at the moment, with a flushed face in front of the emergency communication equipment, yelling.

“Starry sky…starry sky…look at the starry sky!”

He was so excited that he finally finished speaking.

A picture of the starry sky observed by a telescope also appeared on the big screen.

In the depths of the universe, on the far side of the galaxy.

Bright flames rose one by one.

These rising flames are traveling through the space of the universe at an unimaginable speed.

Their goal is-the earth!


Han Li knelt to the ground in despair.

She couldn’t accept the efforts of herself and all humans, and eventually became like this.

Desperate emotions spread in her body and mind.

Let her plunge into the deepest darkness.

The characteristics of the succubus began to appear in her.

Her soul is disintegrating on its own.


Just when she was about to fall into the abyss of eternal despair.

The chattering in the ear rang again.

A voice said from the bottom of Hanli’s heart: “The stars have reached the right position!”

“The stars have reached the right place?!”

Han Li doesn’t quite understand.

But she still opened her eyes.

In the whispering urging, he looked up to the sky, in the northern sky, at the location of the treetops.

A star that has never appeared in the day, hangs there.

Its light is as dazzling as the sun!

The ancients called it Beiluo Shimen!

Astronomers named it Star A in Southern Fish!

This is a star that can only be seen at night, at least 22 light years away from Earth.

But now, it appeared during the day!

The brightness of the main sequence stars illuminates the entire sky.

Then, Han Li’s pupils were occupied by flames.

The fireballs, which drag their long tails, are as bright as the sun’s flares, and are quickly penetrating the atmosphere.

Because of their arrival, the entire atmosphere is burning!

The crimson flame ignited the world!

This is the flame of extinction!


Silver Palace, in the Tower of Thousand Gates.

Grazt, looking at the world across the portal, Mrs. Fungus Zugmoi easily controlled the situation.

“Could it be that…” The demon lord became puzzled: “I guessed wrong?”

“The opposite is not a trap?”

This makes the cunning demon lord a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, he does not lose!

Because, in order to get the life of those spores, Zugmoi paid him a huge amount of money to buy roads.

Not only signed a Styx contract with Grazt.

In the future, I will take three actions for him unconditionally.

I also promised to reveal to Grazte the deployment of Dimo ​​Gogan when necessary-Mrs. Fungus is Dimo ​​Gogan’s ally!

Of course, for the devil, allies are used to betray and betray.

So, these are not surprising.

What is really precious is that Zugmoi surrendered the control of the elemental temple he operated in the main material world.

This allows the demon lord to obtain a new unknown master world coordinates and channel.

Let him appear in the main material world with a brand new identity when necessary.

Maybe it will come in handy!


Grazte still feels that he has lost.

After all, Zugmoi, Ruo really controlled those green-skinned spore creatures.

Acquired a new race of faith.

So, with the reproductive ability and fighting ability shown by those green-skinned creatures.

In less than a thousand years, Mrs. Fungus will become the master of fungi and spores!

Become the overlord who can compete for the Demon Queen!

This is tantamount to creating a powerful enemy for yourself in the future!

This makes Grazt regret it!

“I knew I had come personally!” said the demon lord.

At this moment, Grazt’s heart suddenly became intensely disturbed.

A word, inexplicably floating from the bottom of his heart.

“The stars have reached the right place!”

The demon lord frowned.

He looked at the world across from the portal.

On the northern starry sky, a star shone with dazzling luster.

The sky is burning!

The flames dragging a long trail are quickly penetrating the atmosphere.

Just looking at these flames, the demon lord felt a kind of anxiety and fear from the deepest part of the soul.

Those flames!

The demon lord looks at them!

“Divine creature!” Grazt’s heart seemed to be caught by something.

He saw at a glance that these flames were life, and they had a surging vitality.

Some crazy, powerful and indescribable will is flooding them!

They are absolute divine beings!

And he is the heir of some incredible god!


They are called by some existence.


They are here!

“Sure enough, it’s a trap!” Lord Wuan wiped the drops of sweat from his forehead.

He knows that even if his body descends to face these fire creatures.

I am afraid it will definitely die!

And it’s a complete death!

Even the source may be erased!


“The stars have reached the right position!” Inexplicable words sounded from the depths of the soul.

Zugmoy raised his head.

He saw the entire sky and it was burning.

The flames dragged a long trail.

They passed through the starry sky, through the atmosphere.

Ignite any objects encountered along the way.


They are here!

And the target~IndoMTL.com~ is Him-the **** of fungi and spores!

“No!” Zugmoi screamed: “You guys can’t stop me… the great **** of fungi and spores!”

At this time of life and death, Zugmoi did not choose to escape.

But face the battle!

Because, his instinct tells him that in front of these flame divine creatures, escape is meaningless.

So the huge demon rose into the air.

Then, one by one, spherical flames fell from the sky and hit the body of this powerful demon in the front.

It ignited his body, burned his godhead and divinity, and greedily ingested the soul, thought and consciousness of this powerful demon lord.

This is a rare meal!

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