I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 144: Recruitment

“Goodbye!” Lingping hugged the kitten Best, and waved goodbye to the aunt who was entering the security checkpoint.

“Goodbye!” Li Anan also turned around, bid him farewell, and walked into the security checkpoint with Chu Weiwei.

Looking at the figure of the aunt’s grandma, she disappeared at the security checkpoint.

Single breathed out a long and peaceful sigh: “The ancestor finally left…”

He recalled the **** life of the past two days.

Have to cook, have to wash dishes, have to go shopping…

This is simply torture!

Especially shopping, it’s Ling Chi at all!

You can imagine walking around for an afternoon, walking around most of the shopping malls in Jiangcheng.

I tried dozens of pieces just for fitting, hundreds of pants and more than 100 pairs of shoes.

In the end, did you only buy three sets of underwear?

This is the tragic experience of Lingping yesterday.


Ling Ping An looked down at the shirt and pants he was wearing.

“It fits well and looks good…” he thought.


In order to fit and look good, you have to go around the city?

Why not just go to the hypermarket and pick two items at random? Wear it and leave?

Lingping feels incomprehensible.

In the end, I can only summarize in my heart: “A woman is a tiger! It’s terrible!”


Best the kitten looks very happy too.

It rubbed Ling’an’s arm lightly, motioning him to go quickly.

Seems to be terrified of that ancestor too!

For fear that the ancestor would kill a carbine.

“Little guy!” Lingping touched its hair: “Your idea is right…”

He is also afraid!

So, hurry up, go home and play games is the right way!


Under the guidance of the airport staff, Li Anan and Chu Weiwei met the other team members on the trip at a gate specially prepared and arranged for them.

There are five people in total. They all look like new faces. Most of them are girls. They may not be too old.

As soon as I look at it, I know that it must be the newly recruited black guard intern member this year.

So, they all wore the formal uniforms of black guards, and they all looked very proud.

Li An’an and Chu Weiwei smiled at each other, remembering when they first entered the industry.

Like these young people, excited and excited, proud and proud.

Black guard!

Shield of the Federation Empire!

Black guard!

Guard the underground Great Wall of the people of the Federation Empire!

Black guard!

The sword of world peace and justice!

Black guard!

A stage for real heroes and women!

So, Ang Lee walked over and looked at these rookies, just like her former officer, with a straight face, showing his credentials.

“I’m Captain Lee Anan, the commander of your mission!”

“This is my adjutant, Lieutenant Chu Weiwei!”

“From now on, rookies, welcome to hell!”

“I am not your instructor, I will care about your three meals a day!”

“I’m not your counselor either. If I have a cold or catch a cold, I will feel cold and ask for warmth!”

“I’m just your chief! I only care about one thing: the mission is successful!”



“Speak up, I can’t hear you!”


“Be louder!”


“Then board the plane!” The young captain raised his chest, proud and serious, full of majesty.

Make young people feel ashamed.


Ling Ping An finally returned home.

My own warm home, free home.

Feeling the empty bookstore, he stretched out comfortably.

As soon as he put the kitten Best on the counter, he couldn’t wait to spread out on the chair.

“This afternoon, I don’t want to do anything…”

“I just want to lie down…” He said, “These two days, I’m exhausted!”

Although, in fact, he is not physically exhausted at all.

But psychologically tormented!

There is no time to fish!

This pair of bookstore owners who are determined to eat together and wait to die and lie down and win are really hit hard!

It’s not good to be paralyzed for a few hours, and the blood can’t be recovered at all.

So, he said so and did the same.

So, he slumped in his chair, and it was not until the evening that he finally felt the trauma healed.

You can play the game code again and live your happy life happily.

So, he took out his phone and planned to enter the canyon.

As a result, he found a software prompt.

Opening it, it turns out to be a reminder from the Nightmare Legend game: “Dear players, your Nightmare Legend Family Commander has been updated to the latest 3D panorama version. Please download the latest update package update on the official website!”

So, Lingping thought about it, and it seems that the game said last time that it can update the latest version to get the 3D panoramic version, so as to realize the execution of the instructions of the family.

He excitedly clicked on the link that came with the text message, entered the official website, searched for a while, found the download page, and downloaded the so-called 3D panoramic version.

This update package is a bit big, it is estimated to look like 5G.

With a safe internet speed, the next twenty to thirty minutes is normal.

So, after he clicked to download, he opened the canyon directly and entered it.


Lee Anan was flying on a military aircraft from the Federal Empire.

It took less than six hours to take off from Jiangcheng City to Lanfang City, the capital of the Lanfang Republic in Nanyang.

In the evening, her plane landed on the runway of Lanfang International Airport.

The staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Lanfang Republic, who had already been waiting here, and the officials of the Federal Empire in the Lanfang Republic, immediately stepped forward to greet them.

It’s just that because of the heavy rain, they are all holding umbrellas.

“Welcome!” In the downpour, Lanfang officials in formal suits were very enthusiastic: “Captain Li An’an, I am Luo Qing, deputy director of the Special Affairs Administration of the Republic of Lanfang…” He introduced himself: ” On behalf of all citizens of the Lanfang Republic, I welcome you!”

Li Anan nodded to him: “Thank you Mr. Luo!”

The Lanfang Republic is the country with the closest relationship with the Federal Empire among the Southeast Asian countries.

The relationship between the two countries is very close.

The vast majority of Lanfang people simply hold the special passport of the Federal Empire directly.

In addition to being unable to vote, they basically have all the powers enjoyed by citizens of other federal empires.

No way-the Lanfang people are the descendants of immigrants who went to sea from the federal empire hundreds of years ago.

In terms of relationship, it is closer than the Yin merchants of the Northern Zhou Dynasty and Southern Zhou Dynasty!

The Lanfang Republic can exist only because the Federal Empire pursues a national policy of non-expansion.

Don’t take an inch more, try desperately!

The famous sayings of Emperor Gaozong are still written in textbooks!

Therefore, the Lanfang people can only be aggrieved to remain independent.

“How’s the situation going?” Because the relationship is too close, there is almost no need for politeness between the Federal Empire and the Lanfang Republic. So Li Anan asked directly: “The disaster situation of Lanfang is now What’s the situation?”

“Very serious!” Luo Qing said: “The heavy rain has lasted for four days…”

“Flood flooded one-fifth of our country’s land…”

“Fortunately, the locals urgently transferred a large amount of supplies so that the people will not be short of food and clothing!”

Li Anan didn’t care about Luo Qing’s words of directly treating herself as a citizen of the Federal Empire. She asked: “Are there signs of extraordinary or alien intervention?”

“No!” Luo Qing shook his head blankly.

Beside him, the staff in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Empire also said: “Our psionic warning radar in Lanfang did not detect any abnormal psionic response from the ocean…”

“Scientists say that this year’s typhoon and heavy rain may be related to global warming!”

“Arctic glaciers are melting too fast this year!”

“The global ocean currents influence each other, and the melting of glaciers in the Arctic has caused the equatorial warm current to invade the Southern Zhou cold current, causing an adverse tide!”

Li Ann frowned as she listened, watching the pouring rain that was falling.

“No!” She said: “The reversals in previous years will not be so serious!”

“Someone must be messing up!”

When she got off the plane, she felt something was wrong, but she couldn’t tell what was wrong.

“Thank you all, please sort out the weather reports of various countries, as well as the intelligence of psionic warning radars and psychic early warning satellites, and send them to me as soon as possible!”

“I will open a special office in the embassy!” Li Anan turned around and said to Chu Weiwei: “Weiwei, this matter is left to you!”

“Yes!” Chu saluted slightly.


With a beep, the phone sent a notification that the download is complete.

It just so happened that Lingping finished the game.

So, he cut out the game and clicked on the downloaded installation package to update.

It is strange to say that the update package of the broken commander is slow to download, but the update speed is very fast.

The update is complete in less than a minute.

A pop-up window appears: Dear player, you have completed the update of the Commander of Nightmare Legend.

Now you can watch and instruct your family members in 3D panoramic mode.

The nightmare legend reminds you: because you are the master of the family, any instructions you make will be executed 100% without discount!

“Is that so?” Lingping smiled and excitedly opened the ‘Nightmare Legend Family Commander’.

The phone screen went black, and then a light came up from the phone.

Next, a door opened.

In front of Lingping’s eyes, a 3D miniature mountain panorama appeared.

Then, options appear from the left interface.

Lingping took a look. These options are called: give instructions, watch instructions and execute videos, adjust instructions, and family details.

He first clicked on the details of the family member.

So, there was an image of a cute little green skin walking in the mountains with a big hammer and an exaggerated belly.

He touched the little green skin with his finger, and a data frame popped up from its avatar frame.

The dependents: green-skinned orcs.

Tribe: Gamba!

Population: fifty-three thousand twenty-four one, fourteen thousand five hundred and twenty-two.

At the same time, the 3D mountain range also began to use red to mark the current territory of the family.

Ling Ping’an was surprised to find that the development of this Gamba tribe was beyond imagination, and it had expanded the territory hundreds of times in just a few days!

Almost the entire mountainous area is occupied, and it is still eroding down the mountain.

“It’s amazing!” Lingping smiled.

Just as he was going to watch the video, he found that a recruitment option appeared next to the cute version of the little green skin head.

He tried to click this option.

So got two different choices.

The first option is to change the leader of the family, and the second option is to recruit shaman.

There is one beside both choices? .

After the spirit is touched, I get a reminder: dear players, you can use the family points to recruit new family leaders or recruit a trustworthy shaman for the current leader.

He first tried to touch the boss option.

So, the little green skin images that are also cute versions pop up on the screen.

The first thing that appeared in front of Lingping was a cute little green skin carrying an axe and dancing while opening his mouth.

There is a line of text beside it: Ironhide is definitely the most powerful warlord of all greenskins! What it has done to humans, elves, dwarves and even rat people is enough to make it the most notorious green skin ever!

The dwarf even wrote dozens of books to describe the cruelty and cunning of this terrible green skin.

You can pay 500,000 family points to wake Ironhide from eternal sleep and let it work for you again!

This description is very refreshing and I am planning to buy it.

As a result, he saw the little green skin with a big belly, crying.

The cute version of Green Skin, crying, looks a little pitiful.

So he relented.

Of course, the most important thing is that he saw the number of family points he holds now—only 10,000 points!

He asked the game customer service how to get the points of the family, and got the answer: The points of the family are obtained by your family in battle.

Every time your family kills an enemy, you can accumulate one basic family point. The level of the enemy determines the number of additional family points.

Please grow and strengthen your family as soon as possible to get more family points!

Nightmare Legend Tip: The family points can not only be used to hire leaders and shamans, but also can be used for blessings, so that your family members have more combat expertise, and can also be used for technology research and development, so that your family members have more More possible!

He scrolled through the list and found out that even the weakest boss needs 30,000 points.

Also, that’s still a waste!

Not as good as the current Gamba!

So he chose to give up and went to see the shaman option instead.

A new row of cute green skins popped out.

The first one, looking at the description is also very powerful.

It is a goblin with a staff, wearing a pretty cute mask, and riding a cute little wild boar.

The text next to it has a description: Green Prophet Urzago is definitely an outlier among all green-skinned orcs!

This terrible shaman is known for his madness and cunning!

It often leads the squad of crazy greenskins and makes fierce raids on its enemies.

When approaching the enemy, it will immediately release the group death spell, sending death and pain to every enemy of it!

You can pay 300,000 family points to wake the Green Prophet from his eternal sleep and serve you again.

Lingping watched, smashed his mouth.

“So expensive…”

I can only give up.

But other shamans are not cheap either, one hundred thousand, two hundred thousand, everywhere.

Ling was pulled to the end and finally found a shaman who could now be recruited.

That was a thin goblin with a wretched appearance.

Looking at the description, it is indeed very awkward: Sour stomach, this is a goblin shaman who is obsessed with science and technology and winemaking. He has invented and created many new technologies and practiced them in battle.

Unfortunately, in a battle, it was fatally injured. As a last resort, it could only swallow a large number of strange experimental fungi. Although this allowed it to survive, it also caused it to suffer from serious decay. Bowel disease.

You can pay eight thousand and five hundred family points to awaken the acid stomach from eternal sleep and work for you again.

Ling Ping An looked at this wretched guy, and really had no choice but to click to confirm.

So, the guy who originally stayed in the shaman option box jumped out of the option box, and fell to the side of the cute big-bellied green-skinned orc in the interface, and took out from himself Someone who didn’t know something, quietly walked something from the waist of the big-bellied orc, and then covered his mouth and laughed incomparably trivial.

Ling Ping’an watched and shook his head.

“It’s just a game…” He said: “Let me take a look first. Let’s execute the video of the command I gave last time!”

So, switch to the main interface, and click ‘watch command to execute video’.


Gamba felt that he was cold all over, as if something terrible was happening without his knowledge.

Suddenly, the fear that made it immobile disappeared, and it became a little easier.

“Oh!” It said: “The great Brothers Eng and Mao are still watching the brave Gamba!”

At this time, something that didn’t know anything suddenly fell from the sky and landed beside Gamba.

Gamba turned his head and saw a thin, skinny goblin with a stench that made it nauseating. He got up from the ground.

“Who are you?” Gamba subconsciously covered the bag that hung on his waist and filled with the teeth it fell this morning-green skin has no currency, and teeth are their most precious Of wealth!

Greenskin will use his teeth to exchange mushroom wine and skugo.

Of course, in most cases, greenskins will choose to grab it-it’s much easier than buying!

“Who am I?” The goblin exclaimed: “You don’t know who I am?”

“I’m the shaman who is the favorite of Brother Mao and Brother Mao. The pride of all goblins and the sour stomach in Grey Mountain are talking about me!”

As he said, he took out a black jar out of his tattered belly with his dirty hands, and threw it in front of Gamba: “Look, this is me, great The invention of the sour stomach-fungus bomb!”

“The fortress of the dwarves~IndoMTL.com~ has been blown up by me!”


“The dwarves are all bombed into the sky!”

Gamba scratched his head, looked at the goblin, and then at the jar in front of him.

It seems…as if…is it right?

However, when Gamba was puzzled, the goblin quietly took out a root that he didn’t know where it came from, and quietly stole its teeth from Gamba’s body. .

Holding these big and dirty green-skinned teeth, his stomach smiled from ear to ear.

Gamba heard the laughter, turned around, and looked at the weird wretched goblin in front of him.

It has no idea what happened.

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