I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon Chapter 102: Safe Chariot I. Zero pawns

, the fastest update I am really not the latest chapter of the devil!

Driving in a vehicle named “Ping An Chariot” by Lingping himself.

Ling ran wildly and recklessly among the vast gorges.

The vehicle he drove, judging from the data suggested by the nightmare legend, the speed is close to 300 kilometers per hour!

Almost the speed of sound!

Moreover, this area is basically valleys and mountains.

But sitting in the vehicle, there is no sense of bumps at all.

Not scientific at all!

What’s more unscientific is the off-road performance of this vehicle!

No matter what the steep slope, no matter what the bumpy road, it’s just going to be over.

What’s more exaggerated is that driving is extremely simple. You only need to drive mentally and safely, and you can immediately complete acceleration, deceleration, and turning operations.

“This kind of vehicle should be developed in reality…” Lingping thought to himself: “The local tyrants shouldn’t be mad?”

Even if it is a game, Lingping feels that the local tyrants are going crazy.

The only problem, the durability of this thing drops quickly!

Basically, it loses five points of durability in one minute.

So, Lingping was only cool for about 20 minutes, and the thing was broken into a pile of bronze garbage.

The first generation of “Safe Chariot”!

Why is it the first generation?

Because Lingping has already targeted the components of the second-generation ‘safe chariot’.

He jumped onto a cliff and overlooked a valley in the cliff.

There was thick smoke billowing inside, and countless chimneys lined up.

The four huge metal creations placed in the center of the camp are the ones that drew the most attention.

Each of these four things is at least as big as the wheels of the big trucks that transport ore in mines.

Moreover, it looks round and round and has the potential to be a wheel.

“Hmm…” Lingping watched, rubbing his hands, and said: “It must be a wheel!”

He looked at a humanoid thing that was active in this camp.

The bodies of these things are covered with all kinds of strange sarcomas, and various green and black thick juices flow out from the body from time to time.

Every step I took, it seemed like I was about to die.

But even so, these monsters are still carrying things like glass bottles and earthen jars.

They moved these things into the chimney-like buildings.

Ghosts know, what are they producing?

But it’s definitely not a good thing!

Ling looked peacefully, and couldn’t help feeling pity!

“So poor, why don’t I help you out!” Both his heads were shaking, and he automatically shouted the slogan: “waaagh!”

Then Lingping jumped off the cliff.


His burly body directly smashed a boss’s depression on the ground.

Several monsters who were carrying some glass jars were killed directly.

These little things are too fragile.

Lingping sat down, and several of them died. The impact of the landing killed several more.

It’s not that he is too powerful, but that the level of these monsters is too low!

They are all LV1/LV2 mobs, and their blood volume is even scary.

Only ten o’clock!

In other words, even if the spirit doesn’t fall down, they won’t be able to live long.

The only trouble is that after these monsters die, their bodies explode immediately.

The power is not small, and the spirit has only landed safely, and I saw a dense array of plague damage, toxin damage and Gu spell damage in the battle prompt.

Only then did I know that the names of these little things are ‘Nurgle Spirits Transformed by Gu Art’, and these inconspicuous little monsters actually have the same background story explanation as ordinary bosses.

It’s just that Lingping didn’t have time to see, because his two heads and four eyes had already seen it, and from the countless chimneys and cellars, countless monsters crawled out.

Densely densely packed, it is all this kind of ‘Nursing spirit transformed by Gu technique’.

They are about the same size as a four or five year old child.

The whole body is covered with sarcoma, and the sarcoma is full of dense small worms and pus secreted by these small worms.

After discovering the peace of mind, these things actually plucked the sarcomas filled with pus and bugs from their bodies or simply from the bodies of their nearby partners, just like basketball players shooting. , Throw these sarcomas towards Lingping.


Ling Ping An had not even had time to stand up, when at least a few hundred sarcomas smashed at him.

The sight is almost completely occupied by these disgusting sarcomas.

“Although I also like playing basketball!” Lingping said: “But, you guys are too much!

Should a good basketball court only allow one knuckle?


He glanced at the damage in the previous combat log.

Basically, only 1 point.

It is a mandatory blood deduction by the system.

In other words, the sarcoma damage thrown by these little things may not be able to keep up with his passive recovery speed.

So, he just stood upright in place.

Let the sarcomas greet him.


Hundreds of sarcomas smashed over, most of them failed to hit him and only exploded around.

Only a few hits Lingping.

It seems that these little monsters not only like to play basketball, but their skills are similar to those of Kun Kun.

The only problem is that they are too unhygienic!

Hundreds of sarcomas smashed around Lingping, one by one broken.

The pus and bugs inside were bombed everywhere.

Lingping’s body is covered with all kinds of small bugs, covered with slimy liquid.

It makes him feel a little uncomfortable psychologically, but he feels inexplicably refreshing physically.

It seems that this body likes such an environment!

And such an attack is really scary.

Let Lingping’s blood volume begin to ride the roller coaster!

It fluctuated back and forth between 1600-1800 for at least a few seconds, and finally recovered slowly.

But it was never full.

Because, after these sarcomas explode, the incidental Gu surgery damage is continuous.

The general duration is as long as fifteen seconds, and some can even last for a minute!

“That won’t work!” Lingping thought.

Although he is passive, he can’t stand such a waste!

So, before the second wave of sarcoma attacks from those monsters came, he immediately activated his skill: I Xunsi lv1.

Simply picked up the two glass jars that I could pick up on the ground that had burst open, and then transformed these glass jars into a shield.

Holding this shield~IndoMTL.com~ he rushed directly into the mobs.

These are called “Nursing Spirits Transformed by Gu Technique”, they are too fragile.

It’s scum in melee combat!

Ling Ping rushed in, like a heavy tank crushed a group of ants.

No effort at all, even hands-on!

These monsters die in pieces.

Then exploded one by one.

The pus and worms in the sarcoma are flying everywhere.

What’s more frightening is that if one die often, it will cause the monsters around him to die with him.

An explosion will blow up the surrounding monsters together!

For a time, the whole camp was like setting off firecrackers, crackling non-stop.

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