I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World Chapter 834: Two seconds?

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In the conference room of the Pentagon, there is no empty seat in front of the conference table. Sitting here at this moment is almost the core of the American power hierarchy.

Not only senior officials of the Ministry of Defense, White House politicians also visited this conference room very rarely. Seen from the left-hand side of Defense Secretary Ashton Carter, then President Hillary Clinton, her chief of staff, and the White House National Security Advisor.

The atmosphere on the conference table is very depressed, and everyone’s face is not very beautiful.

At this time, the door of the meeting room was opened, and a young man in a suit pinched a thick stack of documents, and the meteor stepped in.

“Morel, you are late.” Ashton Carter dissatisfied.

“Sorry, it took some time to print these materials … how about my seat?”

“Today is a bit crowded.” Sighing, Mr. Carter looked at the assistant standing next to him, “Move a chair for Mr. Morel.”

“Okay.” The assistant nodded and turned to walk outside.

Hilary exchanged her gaze with her chief of staff, then looked at Ashton.

“Since everyone is here, can we start now?”

“Of course,” Ashton nodded and looked at Morrel. “Then, let’s get started quickly, starting from the page of the Guam military base.”

“Okay, BOSS.” Morel immediately turned the document to the report page of the military base in Guam, and couldn’t care about the lack of a chair, so he stood at the table and read, “July 24 At 3 a.m. on the morning of the day, Starring Trading’s Dolphin-10 ballistic missile was launched from a submarine missile well in the Western Pacific. When the missile rose to the stratosphere, it briefly appeared on the Sade anti-missile system deployed at the Guam military base … … “

“Appears briefly?” Hillary raised her eyebrows, and the pen lightly clicked on the book, interrupting Morrel’s speech. “I want to know how short this is, how long is it?”

After hearing this question, Morrel’s expression suddenly became awkward, and he glanced at his head boss Ashton subtly.

However, the latter didn’t pay attention, just said impatiently.

“The President asks you questions, don’t delay our time.”

“Yes …”

Morel nodded quickly and looked at Hillary. After hesitating for a moment, he finally made up his mind to tell the truth to all of you here.

“Two seconds.”

The room was quiet.

Although it has always been quiet, Morrel felt a deathly silence at the moment.

“… Thank you.” He took the chair from the assistant, and Morrel sighed in relief, and whispered, sitting on the chair.

The feeling of focusing on his body, he really did n’t want to bear it for a second.

The silence continued on the conference table for a while before Hillary broke the silence and looked at Ashton.

“The budget of the Ministry of Defense is not enough. You tell me, there is no need to play tricks at such meetings.”

Ashton was a stunned face, and he hadn’t recovered from the number of two seconds.

Two seconds?

How is this possible!

From the Moroccan War of Independence, the Star Ring Trade used intercontinental missiles to force the United States to make concessions. Not only did the most advanced Sade system be deployed on the Guam military base, but also the radar of the original Patriot 3 air defense system was updated …

However, the person in charge of the Guam military base now told him that they only observed for two seconds?

And it is still the easiest missile to be caught by radar and the easiest to intercept, from the launch point to the low-orbit propulsion and acceleration phase!

Seeing that the boss did n’t speak for a long time, Morrel thought that it was necessary for him to make a clearance for the boss, so he continued daringly.

“No, it has nothing to do with the budget … The Dolphin-10 anti-detection level is very high. It is not just us, our allies, Japan, even did not even notice the use of ballistic missiles in the star ring trade …”

“What are you doing with a budget of US $ 600 billion a year! Why can’t you even catch the missiles of a small projectile country.” A White House official couldn’t help scolding.

“This cannot blame us! We are developing anti-missile technology, and they are also upgrading ballistic missile technology!”

“Haha, explain to the taxpayer!”


The conference table was in a row, and Hillary, who was the first to speak, fell silent.

The use of intercontinental missiles to shoot a neighboring country within a few hundred kilometers is no different from the use of artillery to fight mosquitoes. Obviously, Xinghuan Trading did not mean drunkards to drink. Obviously, the sword refers to the Philippines, but it actually provoked the investigation ability of the Sade system.

If you ca n’t even find the trail of the missile, let alone the anti-missile.

Hillary suddenly and pessimistically found that, whether it is EMP or missile technology, the star ring trade seems to be ahead of the United States.

The tragedy of Manila has proved the terrifying lethality of EMP weapons against modern civilization.

The entire city returned to the Stone Age overnight, from traffic to social order, and the whole was destroyed. There are no pollution residues or even deaths, but the consequences are more horrible than killing tens of thousands of people.

If the EMP detonated over Los Angeles, Boston, or even Washington …

Hillary ca n’t imagine it, but one thing is certain.

The entire world ’s economy will therefore decline for at least two decades.

Since the Cuban missile crisis, the national security situation in the United States has never been so severe …

“Immediately increase the R & D budget of anti-EMP technology! I do n’t want to wait until the EMP strike comes to our heads, the whole country can only move tanks and armored vehicles. There is also an anti-missile system! Let ’s replace Sad! Within five months, I asked the Pentagon to come up with a solution! If it does n’t work, replace it. ”Hillary stared at Ashton and said with a little joke.

The latter held his breath and nodded stiffly.

“I promise.”

“So, today’s meeting is over.” Hillary stood up.

Seeing Hillary plan to leave the seat, Morrel hurriedly finished the report.

“Wait, there is also the issue of network security! Regarding the Star Ring Trade ’s cyber attacks on the Philippines, we sent network security experts to remotely assist the Philippines government in defense —”

“Then lost, right?” Hillary Lipe looked at Morrel with a smile, the crow’s feet and the narrowed eyes formed a seam, “I don’t want to hear you report your incompetence, I hope you Can come up with a solution as soon as possible! “

“Yes …” swallowed and Morrel nodded stiffly.

Clinton looked at his chief of staff immediately.

“Help me adjust my schedule, push off all activities in the afternoon and evening, and free up the rest of the day. I will have to go to the United Nations in a while, and EMP weapons must be restricted. I will go later A trip to the CIA made Naomi Madden waiting for me in the office. “

“Okay.” The chief of staff nodded.

“Also, to send John Kerry to Manila, we must talk to Jiang Chen.” (To be continued.)

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