I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World Chapter 633: Use?

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Ji Chencheng walked behind Jiang Chen for a while and saw no one around, Ji Yucheng swallowed and asked cautiously.

“Have you found the secret of immortality?”

“Not yet.”

“Is the password incorrect?”

“The password is correct, but unfortunately, someone from the director’s office has already been here.” Jiang Chen took out the diary from his pocket, “only found this.”

Ji Yucheng reached out and wanted to take it, but Jiang Chen did not intend to give him his diary. His hand was suspended in the air awkwardly for a while, and then he returned it.

“The agreement between us …”

“Of course it counts,” Jiang Chen smiled. “After all, letting an obedient person become president has many benefits for me.”

According to the agreement between the two, Ji Yucheng told him the password, and he helped him become president, and then killed the former president and the chief of staff who secretly calculated him.

The first thing after Ji Yucheng became president was to introduce a bill to join the NAC economic zone, which became a place similar to the sixth block in NAC.

Thinking about the chip implanted in his back neck, Ji Yucheng sighed and spread his hands. “I still don’t understand. Compared to Wanghai City, everything here is obviously terrible, whether it is a Federation or an Empire. . Except for the mystery about immortality that is almost equivalent to legend, is there anything else that can enter your eyes? “

“This kind of territory, when you have it, you want to have more. Of course, I don’t have to explain this to you, you just have to do what I said.” Jiang Chen said.

“So … what are you going to tell me to say? It should be something that is not convenient for others to know.” Ji Yucheng asked.

“About that password,” Jiang Chen looked directly at his eyes. “I hope you take a good look back, how did you get it.”

After hearing Jiang Chen’s question, Ji Yucheng froze and said with a sigh.

“On this issue? I bet you will be disappointed after listening.”

Jiang Chen gestured to continue.

“The password was brought by a postman. At that time, I was sitting in a tavern and drinking as usual. He found me and said that someone in the empire gave me a letter and asked me to sign it. At that time, I was inexplicable … Then it was even more inexplicable after opening the letter. A series of passwords were written on it, with a detailed description of Refuge No. 71 and a signature of the payment. ”

“That’s it?” Jiang Chen looked at him dumbfounded.

“That’s it.” Ji Yucheng nodded, the expression on his face was very helpless, “so I said you will definitely be disappointed.”

Jiang Chen glanced at the program associated with the slave chip on the EP. From the perspective of heart rate fluctuations, he did not lie.

“Then you gave the password to the president.”

“Yes. I thought I could be his confidant, but I didn’t expect him to be murderous.” When he said this, Ji Yucheng’s tone was somewhat bitter.

“Who is the sender?”

“Dr. Sun.”

Dr. Sun, do n’t …

Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

Information collected from the Zhao Group, regarding the doctor who will not age, he initially thought that the person was also a cyborg. But now it seems that this is not the case.

But why?

For what purpose was the doctor who was staying in the Imperial Capital at the moment, the code in his hands was given to the hands of the federal legislators. In other words, for what purpose did he want the federal people to see the diary he deliberately left behind?

Seeing Jiang Chen not speaking, Ji Yucheng couldn’t help feeling a little nervous, secretly speculating on his mind.

But soon, Jiang Chen spoke again.

“The last question, give the password to the president … do n’t you want to live forever?”

Ji Yucheng froze, but he didn’t expect that he would suddenly ask this insignificant question, so he teased himself with a self-deprecating tone.

“I ’m just a poor ghost, and I ’m not even a congressman in the Federation. I run all day for those stingy poor ghosts. Maybe I will be the president.”


The gunfire in the distance stopped, and the war ended with the total destruction of the mutants.

A total of 215 mutants, and dozens of mutant dogs, all collapsed into the ruins miserably.

NAC killed 2 people and wounded 17 people. Such miraculous results are in the eyes of the survivors onlookers.

However, the expeditionary personnel did not show much excitement. The superiority in equipment destined this war to be a crushing situation from the beginning.

Jiang Chen personally held a simple funeral for the two fallen soldiers.

Their remains will be nailed into the coffin and airlifted back to Wanghai City for burial.

As for wounded soldiers, with NAC’s medical level, as long as the wounds are not lack of arms and legs, they can be cured.

In general, the mutants here are far behind those in Jiashi that are supported by the Dusk Church. But in terms of combat effectiveness, the mutants here are unexpectedly stronger by more than half.

The NAC researchers who accompanied the army to Hongcheng took blood and somatic cell samples from the corpses of these mutants and took them back to the military outpost ’s combat laboratory to identify the DNA and metabolic status of these mutants.

The appearance of these mutants is quite different from that of Wanghai City. Jiang Chen was very curious about this, so he assigned the task of the laboratory to the researchers.

The results obtained are also very surprising. There are 6 pairs of chromosomes in these mutants whose DNA is significantly different from Jiashi.

“FEV virus is also called the human gene directed correction virus, and its design concept is to allow the Pan-Asian people to evolve into a new human being more suitable for the harsh environment. However, the FEV program has received resistance from the mainstream society, that is, the pure school . Human beings are destined to defeat nature, not compromise with nature and become monsters. “

“So the research and development of the FEV virus was put on hold, and it was not until the war that someone turned these materials out and re-studied. And the FEV virus culture fluid that is currently spread on the waste soil is mostly an improvement of the original FEV virus.”

In the research institute, a researcher responsible for deconstructing the remains of mutants reported to Jiang Chenhui.

“Apart from being different from the mutants of Wanghai City in appearance, is there any other difference?” Jiang Chen asked.

“Of course.” The researcher nodded. “In addition to the slightly poor resilience, the mutants in Hongcheng also have extremely strong metabolic abilities. But unlike the Jiashi mutants, their theory Lifespan is almost three times that of Jiashi mutants. “

“Three times ?!” Jiang Chen wondered.

“Yes.” The researcher said affirmatively, “The FLV virus in Hongcheng has the function of extending the telomere of DNA. The technology is very difficult, but it is not impossible in theory.”

The strength of the mutants and the non-invasive nature are inherently annoying, especially the cockroach-like resilience, and they can easily adapt to this wasteland.

The two weaknesses of infertility and short lifespan have also limited their ethnic groups. And the mutants in Hongcheng live longer than humans? It’s unbelievable.

After returning to the command room, Jiang Chen found Han Junhua and began to discuss with her the strategy of killing the mutants.

The combat plan was initially determined to send scouts to determine the mutant FEV production base, arsenal, command headquarters, air defense firepower points and other important facilities.

At the same time, with the support of the Order, the ground troops advanced to the west bank of the Poyang Lake occupied by the Gelu tribe, liberating the human beings enslaved by the mutants.

As for the empire …

“These days, based on the information returned by the scouts we sent to the United City and the Imperial Capital, I studied the forces of Xiahong City …”

Standing in front of the holographic map, Han Junhua held his arms and calmly analyzed the complex relationship between the empire and the Gelu tribe to Jiang Chen.

After listening to Han Junhua ’s analysis, Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes.

“You mean that the empire took advantage of us?”

“The possibility is 90%.” Han Junhua turned his attention to Jiang Chen. “So, what are you going to do?”

“Not much. They will soon realize that our surgery is not free.” Looking at the imperial capital on the holographic map, Jiang Chen’s mouth twitched a playful arc.


They are playing with fire. (To be continued.)

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