I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World Chapter 43: Roberts troubles

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The bell rang for a long time.

No one answered?

But when Jiang Chen was about to hang up, the phone was connected.

“who?” A strange and short voice came from the phone, and it was in English.

The voice is very low and hoarse, it seems that Roberts did not answer the phone.

“Jiang Chen, the Chinese friend of Roberts’s boss, may I ask you?” Jiang Chen replied slowly in his English level six.

“Nick Kaczynski. My boss is in trouble … Can I trust you?” Nick asked after hesitating for a moment.

“Of course, Roberts is a good person. Although he is far away from China, I still miss him. And, there is still a business between us that has not been completed.” Jiang Chensou had been scratching his stomach for a long time, and finally gave this paragraph in English. Read it clearly.

The phone was silent for a moment, but Nick finally spoke.

Because Jiang Chen’s English is terrible, Nick deliberately slowed down. After a lot of trouble, Jiang Chen finally figured out the whole thing.

In short, the guy Roberts ran to Iraq two days ago to do business and was accidentally tied up. Originally, Nick’s combat power would not have such a chaos, but no one expected that the old informer who cooperated too many times was actually an inner ghost. It was n’t armed at all to take over the arms, but a group of veiled terrorists.

Hang up the phone, Jiang Chen’s face showed a bitter smile.

This is troublesome …

Mommy, you do n’t do gold business, you go to the ghost place to do something, the chain is off at a critical moment … and no matter how Jiang Chen scolds in his heart, in fact, Roberts also has his pains.

Originally, I was ready to stabilize this time, but seeing Jiang Chen never called, he couldn’t help but whisper.

Does the Oriental really have business? No news? So Roberts, who couldn’t sit still, itched again, and it happened to be the business of the old man’s joint, the risk coefficient was “low”, so he went …

However, if you scold, then Huang Jinchen still has to find a solution.

It’s just that for a while, he really can’t find any way to realize so much gold. Will these gold be sold in China? It’s crazy, 500 million dollars worth of gold, and TMD has no invoices. He didn’t want to be stared at by the mysterious department. If it really made those people discover something, it would be bad in every sense.

Or … go to Iraq?

Jiang Chen’s face was a little hesitant, but then there was a playful smile, which might be a good idea. With his excellent equipment and his “superman” body index, he really didn’t really worry about what danger he would encounter.

Not to mention, you can run without playing. Turn to the corner and cross directly, fled to the last days to stay for a day or two, who can beat him?

At the same time, Jiang Chen has another consideration for this decision.

If Roberts was pulled in this matter, not only will the gold matter be resolved smoothly, but there will be one more way forward. If one day he can’t get mixed in the country, can he find some places to go, right? Believe that Roberts will not pull him back instead.

Although there is only one side, he still can see that Roberts is a businessman with a “contract spirit”.

This is very important.

If you are an old traitor and profitable, it would be a waste of feeling to save, and it would be more convenient to change to another partner.

Jiang Chen, who made up his mind, did not delay. He immediately ordered an online flight to Dubai and planned to transfer to Baghdad after arriving in Dubai. Something like a passport was ready when he was in school, but he hasn’t had a chance to use it for several years. Then go to the embassy to get a tourist visa and you can leave.

After dealing with the ticket, Jiang Chen also stayed more and straightened out and went out. Since the house is no longer rented, he casually found a seven-day hotel to open a standard room, and waited for the gold to be dealt with before considering buying a house.

Although it is not easy to sell these tons of gold, it is still possible to take out one or two kilograms of gold to cash in RMB first.

Jiang Chen ’s money was almost exhausted, so he took out the business card and called the boss Liu of the gold shop to make an appointment.

It is still seven kilograms of gold, and Jiang Chen is too lazy to care about those odds and ends, and directly deals at 150W.

Just what Jiang Chen didn’t notice was that when he left the gold shop, Liu Anshan’s face flashed with almost unabashed greed.

Liu Anshan is more and more convinced that this guy must have a special way to get a lot of gold. Maybe it’s a tomb robber? Maybe it’s a private mine? Liu Anshan doesn’t know, he only knows that the kid definitely has more than that!

He secretly investigated Jiang Chen. When Jiang Chen got the money last time, almost all the money was spent without blinking. It’s been less than a month now, and he came to his shop to sell gold again.

What does this mean?

This shows that his gold has reached an unimaginable level! If he only got gold by accident, how could it be spent so quickly?

As for whether Jiang Chen is a dangerous person … this point boss Liu also asked an acquaintance to investigate.

It was just a small employee who had worked in a clothing store in Bailian Shimao for a year, and was finally dismissed by his boss. He didn’t believe in killing him, what background this little man could have.

It’s time to contact brother …

But when he thought of his brother, Liu Anshan still showed a little hesitation. To be honest, he didn’t want to have too much relationship with that brother, but he had to ask him to come out.

After hesitating for a moment, Liu Anshan made up his mind and dialed the phone number in his hand.

“… Hello? Brother? It’s me, Liu Anshan … I’m not greeted anymore, are you interested in a business? We have five or five points, the lowest is four or six points! Now … “

Liu Changlong, the boss of the Hongyi Gang, is also a character with a head and a face in the underworld and Tao in Wanghai City.

Speaking of that, Jiang Chen and the Hongyi Gang have a little holiday …

After coming out of Jindian, Jiang Chen directly went to the suburbs of the city. He wants to rent a warehouse in the suburbs to store materials that are ready to be transported to the end times. Although online shopping is also a very convenient method, it is not a long-term solution after all. The survivor base now has more than 30 people. It is more convenient to purchase materials directly from grain product wholesalers than to buy in supermarkets, and it can also save costs.

After paying the rent for one year directly, Jiang Chen rented a small warehouse. Whether it is the traffic environment near the warehouse or the concealment of the interior space of the warehouse, Jiang Chen is very satisfied. The rent is 3,000 yuan per month, and it is not very expensive in the suburbs of Wanghai City. Jiang Chen rented it directly for two years.

Jiang Chen, who rented the warehouse, did not stop, and directly found a number of local grain product wholesalers in Wanghai City online. Jiang Chen, who fought in the past, was no nonsense. The direct opening was 10 tons of rice, 5 tons of flour, 300 boxes of canned meat and 200 boxes of canned fruit, and various materials such as salt, grain and oil. For such a big business, the grain and oil shop owner who answered the phone naturally took the list without hesitation. After asking the address, he patted his breast and promised to deliver it within 2 hours. The only requirement is to pay a deposit first, after all, he is also afraid Jiang Chen is playing him.

Jiang Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and directly beat all the money.

As soon as the full amount of 160,000 yuan arrived, I was shocked by the grain and oil boss. I did n’t know what luck I had today, and I ran into a large household with such a generous shot. The full amount of 160,000 won’t blink at me.

The grain and oil boss who received the money naturally prepared it non-stop, and even got on the truck in person, and drove to the warehouse Jiang Jiang rented in the suburbs with the driver.

Jiang Chen was naturally gratified by the grain and oil boss, but Jiang Chen did n’t tell him much, but he repeatedly emphasized that if the quality of this batch of goods is good, he will come to him next time to buy. In this regard, the grain and oil boss naturally patted the breast and beat the package ticket. All the rice is new rice that has just been shipped from the factory, and the canned food is also imported from regular channels without any problems.

Jiang Chen smiled noncommittally, and then vaguely indicated that he needed the kind of non-printed goods next time, but the quality was not vague. The grain and oil boss was stunned at this, but then a smile of “I understand” was revealed, and he agreed.

The kind of goods is not difficult for him. It ’s easy to get in touch with the acquaintances in the factory, but it is just one less procedure on the assembly line.

After a few simple greetings, the grain and oil boss saw Jiang Chen seemed to have something to do, so he said goodbye.

After watching the truck drive away, Jiang Chen returned to the warehouse and closed the door. Then it’s time to do the right thing.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath as he looked at the materials that were piled up in more than half of the warehouse.

Jiang Chen would light a cigarette and take a break. Then, under the surprise and surprise of Miss Sun Jiao, Jiang Chen piled most of the materials in the warehouse into the original gold swimming pool.

A pool full of food …

“… I’ll help you get some gold in the vault,” Sun Jiao, in a daze for a long while, recovered, and just jumped out of the sentence.

“Poof, this time the gold hasn’t been completely taken off. You can get me another pile and I can’t change the money. Also, this grain of food can’t cost us much at all.” Jiang Chen said with a smile.

“Then why don’t you come back a little bit.” Sun Jiao was a little embarrassed. In order to cover up his own, he hurriedly put a vicious expression on Jiang Chen’s teeth. It’s just that this expression in Jiang Chen’s eyes is nothing more than coquettish without deterrence.

“Don’t be greedy, snack food, do you get so much back after you eat it?” Jiang Chen laughed and patted Sun Jiao’s buttocks.

“Eat, you can leave it until you finish eating.” Sun Jiao blushed and stared at Jiang Chen again.

“Don’t eat as a pig, then I’m going to eat Yao Yao.” Jiang Chen said playfully.

“I’m going to die, rogue.” Sun Jiao raised his hand angrily and hammered Jiang Chen’s shoulder a few times, but watching Jiang Chen’s smirk, he knew that it must be painless.

Of course, Jiang Chen just said that, he did n’t have such beasts and would really “eat” Yao Yao. Moreover, Sun Jiao’s body-building small waist does not seem to grow fat.

“By the way, you have to find a few careful people to deal with the production date and other signs on these things. This matter is not at all sloppy … or you simply decide it. Do it with Yao Yao personally. In the future, I will try my best to get the kind of goods that are not printed on the packaging. “

After repeatedly telling Sun Jiao several things to pay attention to, he crossed back to the present world again.

Looking at the empty warehouse, Jiang Chen walked out of the door without stopping. Lock the door of the warehouse, and then carefully confirm whether you can see the inside of the warehouse from the outside. Then he walked straight to the side of the road, stopped a taxi and went straight back to the city.

In the car, he took out his phone and called Xia Shiyu.

“What? Do you have to go abroad for a while? How long?” Xia Shiyu unexpectedly didn’t show too much surprise, or it’s already strange to see Jiang Chen disappear for a while.

At least this time Jiang Chen reported his whereabouts, so there was no news. Last time I was so scared that Xia Shiyu thought he had an accident and almost contacted the police to find someone.

“Uh, it wo n’t take long, business matters. I will be back in about a week.”

“What about the company’s affairs …” Xia Shiyu sighed, her voice quite helpless.

“Of course it ’s you, hehe …”

“…” Hearing Jiang Chen’s hippie smile, Xia Shiyu rubbed his temples bitterly.

“I have put the game data in a USB flash drive, and I will send it downstairs to your house later. You must be more familiar with the approval process of the incineration department or something. There is labor, and when I come back to invite you to eat a big meal. “Jiang Chen felt that his face was getting thicker and thicker, and said with a smile.

“Invite me to eat for a week!” Xia Shiyu gritted her teeth bitterly.

“No problem, it will be completed in a month!” However, the hearty voice from the other end of the phone gave her a sense of anger.

Hang on the phone, Xia Shiyu put the phone aside and leaned against the back of the sofa and exhaled.

This **** guy …

But now he is his subordinate, if he used to be ………

Thinking of the past, she suddenly fell silent. Somehow, she suddenly felt a trace of concern about driving away Jiang Chen. Thinking of the tragic life after she lost her job, she suddenly felt bad.

Guilty? disturbed? Self-blame?


Putting the back of the head on the backrest of the sofa, I don’t know what to think, Xia Shiyu stared blankly at the ceiling.

She likes this modern apartment very much. The compound structure of the upper and lower floors is compact without losing comfort. Although at work, she usually looks unsmiling. But in life, she was surprised that she was a woman with a good taste in life.

She has a monthly salary of 10,000, and she has given half of it as housing expenses. She doesn’t feel distressed at all about this expense, because in her consumption concept, earning money is originally to improve the quality of life, and excessive saving is just a manifestation of not being confident about the future.

Besides, Jiang Chen did not rush to urge her to repay the money, and she was not so eager to save it.

However, even she did not realize that she, who had always paid attention to reasonable planning expenses, did not take her monthly expenses into account when she paid back the deposit.

Looking at the exquisite crystal chandelier fascinatingly, Xia Shiyu suddenly thought of the squeezed life she spent in the low-rent house with a monthly rent of 800 yuan. At that time, she had to plan carefully even for a meal.

Somehow, a man’s face suddenly appeared in her mind.

It’s a face that always smiles hippie.

To be honest, Xia Shiyu, who has always been accustomed to seriousness, hates the hippy smiling face.

However, that face made her unable to hate …

Xia Shiyu touched her lips dullly. She couldn’t understand the problem.

A throbbing that she has never felt in her heart.

Why is this …

Forget it, don’t want to. She shook her head and sat up from the sofa. She picked up the remote control on the coffee table and turned off the variety show.

Jiang Chen will come to deliver the USB flash drive later. It ’s not easy to see him. Let ’s take a shower first … Thinking of it, Xia Shiyu returned to the bedroom and took it out of the wardrobe Put on the clothes, then walked into the bathroom and closed the frosted glass door.

Looking at the splashing water under the sprinkler, letting the crystal beads wash over his fair skin, Xia Shiyu started again.


Speaking of it, have n’t I washed it once after running late …

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