I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World Chapter 1469: Trident

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“Have you heard? It’s time to fight …”

“Warfights? Haven’t you already been fighting wars?”

“Not Columbia … It is said that the star ring trade has attacked the battle group of the USS Ford in the Caribbean …”

“Hold the grass ?! Why don’t they think about it …”

“How long have you been disconnected from the Internet? Anyway, I plan to go back to China to hide for a few days and wait for the situation to stabilize before returning. If you plan to leave, it ’s best to make a decision as soon as possible. Is the last-“

“Worri … damn, the tickets for the last week have been sold out!” holding the phone, the man pounded his chest and regretted it.

In the past two days, similar conversations have been common in Penglai.

It seems that everyone is not optimistic, the new country can win in this war.

The dictator finally overplayed the fire. The 72-hour ultimatum in the White House was obviously not a joke. The five carrier battle groups had already assembled in the Pacific Ocean and were sailing towards the Western Pacific Ocean. Perhaps the White House has secretly adopted documents to launch a nuclear strike against the industrial facilities of the new country, so that both Anga Island and the city of Koror can’t escape the disaster.

Star Ring City, Earth Observation Center of the Ministry of Space Affairs.

Corresponding to the new country time, it is exactly eight o’clock in the evening.

All vacations have been cancelled, and Star Ring Trading has ushered in the most critical moment. The staff sat nervously in front of the computer and kept their eyes on the radar of the observation satellite. Some people had not slept for twenty-four hours in a row, relying on caffeine until now.

At this moment, an exclamation broke the busy silence in the Earth Observation Center.

“Let’s launch!” Suddenly stood up from the seat, the observer responsible for the number W14 satellite pointed directly at the red dot on the radar screen, “Coordinate N29 ° 04 North latitude, W154 ° 20 West longitude, bomb UGM-133A “Trident” submarine-launched ballistic missile! A total of twelve were launched! “

“Two hours ahead of the original seventy-two hours …”

The observer sitting next to them also observed the twelve missiles on the radar and could n’t help but scold.

“I knew … this group of Americans could not keep their promises!”

“Nuclear submarine launch?” Quickly walked to the W14 satellite observation terminal, the chief of the observation center Qi Yingze frowned, put down the coffee cup in his hand, “Can you determine the type of nuclear submarine?”

“It should be an American Ohio-class nuclear submarine!” the observer replied.

“Report the area coordinates of the submarine to the Star Ring Navy immediately!” Qi Yingze ordered immediately, “Notify the headquarters of the Ministry of Space Affairs to prepare them for a nuclear strike!”



Ten minutes after observing the Trident missile lift-off, the air defense alert sounded over the city of Koror. Police drones patrolling the streets, repeating the same words with radio.

“… The enemy ’s airstrike will arrive in Koror City in ten minutes. Please ask the citizens to stay at home and not to leave their homes. Xinghuan Trade Security Defense Co., Ltd. promises to ensure the safety of all citizens’ property and protection from unlawful forces. Please Citizen … “

As early as three days ago, all cities in the new country, including Penglai, had implemented a comprehensive curfew. The sudden air-raid alarm did not cause much confusion, because there are no tourists in the city of Koror at this time, and the citizens who lived here at this time also stayed at home because of the curfew.

Actually, they should panic, but when they saw their president still standing in front of the presidential palace to be interviewed by domestic media, they slightly dispelled the fear in their hearts. Whether it is destruction or victory, someone will accompany them to bear all the consequences.

At nine o’clock in the evening, twelve lights appeared in the air.

Some people screamed, some people hid their heads under the bed, some people wept in prayer, and some people quietly took a bottle of cold beer from the refrigerator and sat in the yard, just like waiting Like the fireworks of the celebration, quietly waiting for the final moment to come.

Everyone knows what that is.

After all, it should come.

Two Trident missiles flew smoothly over the city of Koror, and even the Americans who pressed the launch button were surprised. Soon, the nuclear warhead mounted on the Trident missile exploded, and the light of the nuclear explosion dispersed the whole night, engulfing the whole sky in the endless mushroom cloud.

The faint rumblings shook the eardrums of everyone crawling under the mushroom cloud.

Just when everyone thought their life was over, something surprised everyone.

The nuclear explosion did occur, and the mushroom cloud did rise, but the devastating shock wave did not arrive. Everyone is still alive, watching the mushroom cloud spread, and the sea breeze blowing away is slowly taken away …

It ’s like a miracle of a god!

“God … am I dreaming? Am I still alive?” Drilled out from under the bed, a middle-aged man about forty years old, staring blankly out the window, gradually burst into tears, “I actually Still alive … “

“Dear! We are still alive!” A pair of young men and women hugged each other, kissed each other frantically, and finally rolled onto the sheets, shoes and clothes were kicked aside.

“Unbelievable, like a miracle! No, this is a miracle!” The thumb and index finger repeatedly rubbed the cross on his chest, and the old priest sitting in the church murmured nervously.

“Long live the new country! Long live star ring trade! Go to his nuclear weapon! Go to his Yankee! We are invincible!” The drunk drunk standing on his balcony and shouting loudly. Shouted. If the usual troublesome neighbors will definitely warn him to disturb the people, but today it does not.

Because he shouted out everything in everyone ’s mind.

If even nuclear weapons cannot conquer them, what else can defeat them?

From this moment on, this war has already been decided.

Five minutes after the nuclear strike came to the city of Koror, the White House held a press conference. Faced with media reporters across the United States and the world, the White House spokesperson announced this “sorry” fact to the media with a sorry tone.

“Just about an hour ago, we had twelve Trident missiles. Maybe their radar was alive. Besides the malfunction, our missiles were not intercepted. And just five minutes ago, the White House Asked the Pentagon about whether our nuclear bomb successfully hit the target, the answer was “Yes” “

“We express our concern and regret for the disaster that the people of the new country are enduring.”

“But we believe that a new home that is more free and equal, free from the oppression of unscrupulous enterprises, oligarchs, and puppet governments will allow the people of the new country to live in a better environment in the future …”

“And we will shoulder the responsibility of a big country and help those suffering to rebuild their homes.”

The nuclear weapon damage assessment is temporarily unavailable.

Because all the US military observation satellites were destroyed by the Star Ring Trade missile three days ago.

The Trident missile, which launched a nuclear strike against the new country, used pre-calculated launch parameters. Although there will be a certain error in this way, what is the difference between a one and two kilometers error for something like nuclear weapons?

The Pentagon only knows that the nuclear bomb is “fired”, “middle”, and “explosed”, but this is enough …

Is it really enough?

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