I Am Supreme: I’m back! !

The update should be resumed at night.

This year’s Chinese New Year is very boring.

No one followed the cannon…

Furthermore, I took eight days off, but I hung the bottle for four days, you dare to believe it! I am still wearing a thick cotton hat, you dare to believe it!

When I didn’t ask for leave, I didn’t feel sick. After asking for leave, I got a cold head and caused a migraine. It’s almost straightforward…

I still want to have a big drink this Chinese New Year… As a result, I was so troubled by this that even the red wine did not touch my lips!

Dare you believe me that I haven’t touched my wine this Spring Festival!

Others have gained ten catties during the Spring Festival, and I have lost six catties during the Spring Festival, you dare to believe it!

Others drink and brag at night, but at night I wear a perm-specific electric hood that my wife borrowed to sweat my head…

Hey, it’s not selling badly.

Anyway, I don’t open the forest.

Codeword codeword, updated at night.



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