I Am Supreme: Happy New Year’s Day!

? I have had a fever for several days. I took the medicine yesterday and went to bed without waiting for zero.

This time it’s very strange. It’s just a fever, but my head doesn’t hurt, I don’t feel dizzy, I don’t have a runny nose, I don’t have a cough. In short, I don’t feel any uncomfortable feeling, but my body temperature is high…

However, I just burned all the way… New Year’s Eve.

Bless my brothers and sisters of the Feng family, Happy New Year!

I hope that in the new year, your work will be smooth, your family will be happy, everything will go well, walking to meet opportunities, dreaming of winning numbers, job promotion, financial resources, and your mood will always be beautiful and beautiful.

Looking back at 2018, I have been stumbling and stumbling this year; I was looking forward to it a long time ago. 2018 has passed and 2019 has come!

Now, the new year has begun.

Brothers and sisters, I don’t say anything pretty, in the new year, look at the action!

I also wish myself that in the new year, everything will go well.




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