I Am Supreme Chapter 88: Fortune star cheap god

  ”What should I do when I cannot resolve it with my own power?”

   Yun Yang flashed his eyes and murmured: “This winter is cold, I should have won, why not come to pay the debt…”

   just thought of this.

   Suddenly only heard a voice at the gate shouting: “Boss! Is the boss here? My younger brother is here to visit you, quack…”

   This voice is saucy and cheap, and it has an indescribable sense of triviality.

   Yun Yang was stunned.

  ”The ancients are sincere and not deceived by me; the people of Tang Dynasty are evil, and they will come to the turtle when they talk about the king…”

   “Hurry up, please come in!” Yun Yang said loudly.

   There really is no time to look forward to the arrival of this bastard; when he heard the sound of cold winter, Yun Yang was actually a little excited and a little excited: Wow, the resource is here! Here comes the thugs!

   Actually, I don’t need Yunyang to say anything if I invite you to come in. The cold winter is already uninvited, and he rushed in with a strange and sneaky smell.

   hadn’t arrived yet, a two-headed Tianshi under his robe had rushed to Yun Yang’s side, shaking his head and tail, extremely happy.

  ”Today…why did you change your outfit?”

   Yun Yang stared.

   “I won, why do I still wear green?” Winter smiled triumphantly: “Now they are all green from head to toe, the three of them!”

   Yun Yang scratched his head: “You won?”

   “Won!” Winter came up coldly and flattering, almost adoring the ground: “Boss, you are a **** and man! A terrible god! Boss, you… I worship you like a big river of heaven. , The endless deep sea, the lofty snow-capped mountains, the supreme divine veins…Oh, you are no longer what can be described as turning stones into gold, you are turning into gold from a little shit……”

   Winter is cold with heartfelt piety: “Boss… I am to you… I am… I love you! I love you so much…”


  Yunyang’s goose bumps swooped out; he felt chills all over. Both eyes are a little straight…


   Yun Yang blurted out, just these two words.

   Yun Zun has always been gentle and gentle; it is a man who can force Yun Zun to blurt out such swear words, it is really cold in winter…

   “It’s cold in winter!” Yun Yang looked at him with disgust: “You…you won’t be…”

   “Boss…” It feels like I have been hurt by ten thousand points in the cold winter, and said aggrieved: “What do I say in the cold winter is a son of a family, how can it be like that? I like women…”

   Yunyang looked at him suspiciously: “Really?”

   “If you don’t believe me, I will take off my pants and show you!”

   “Look at me!” Yun Yang kicked over: “It disgusts me like this!”

  ”This is my admiration for the boss…” In the winter, he took a cold foot and didn’t feel angry at all. On the contrary, he felt quite honorable. He said triumphantly: “The boss is a god-man, you must respect it!”

   Yunyang held his forehead: “Why did you come alone today? Where are you guarding?”


   I was asked about the cold in winter, and asked about the sad thing. A long sigh of resentment made Yun Yang’s hair horrified, and then began to complain mode.

   “Boss, you don’t know what life I have been in this time…” It was cold in winter and almost made my nose and tears tears: “Since I won them, they have to ask me to hand over the master behind me. …But who is it when I am cold in winter?”

  ”I’ve always been a valiant and brave in the cold in winter. I treat my friends, do my best, treat my brothers and cut my ribs! How can I betray my friends?”

   said coldly and violently in the cold winter: “So I won’t recruit, so they imprisoned me and watched me! Even my last latrine…I was accompanied by someone…”

   “What kind of day is this…” Winter was cold and hard to get Yunyang’s sympathy and approval, tears down.

   “You obviously want to eat alone!” Yun Yang revealed it mercilessly.

   “Uh…” I didn’t feel embarrassed in the cold winter, and immediately changed to the heart-to-heart mode: “Boss, you say, in this world, who doesn’t want to eat alone? Right? Since we have such good resources, why should we Let others share it? Right? Our brothers are making a lot of money. Let those guys beg for food. How cool? Give them a few copper plates when they are happy, and let them learn how to sound and listen. Taste, sour and refreshing… right? This is the highest state of life…”

   The clouds are like sinking water, with a black line.

   This product’s life is just so little pursued…

   “Less nonsense!”

   Yunyang stretched out his hand: “Where is the winning bet?”

   The cold winter suddenly stopped: “Boss, it’s boring to talk about money between our brothers…”

   “You don’t want to give it?” Yun Yang looked calm and smiled: “Then I don’t want it.”

   “Don’t…don’t don’t.” It was cold in the winter and suddenly panicked. It was originally a gift, so why did you have a bad mouth just now…

  ”No more! I’ll see if others can give it.”

  ”Boss…please…” In the cold winter, he knelt down quickly: “If you don’t want me, I won’t get up…”

  ”Really cheap…”

   Yunyang looked speechless.

   “I think so too…” The cold winter is also speechless. I’m not guilty

   This is not an ordinary sword, it’s so cheap!


   “So much?” Yun Yang looked at the cold winter items.

   “This time, it’s a big bet.” In winter, he smiled coldly, and was quite vigorous: “The total bet money is 1,500 Xuanjing; I think these are too few… so I took it out myself. Five hundred Xuanjing, honor your boss…hehehe…”

  ”Is this wrong?” Yun Yang looked suspiciously at the cold winter: “At that time, you said that each person had one hundred profound stones, one pill, in addition to the conditions of dressing up, plus a meal Burst…”

   “No matter how you count it, it won’t reach two thousand mysterious crystals…”

   cold scratching his head in winter: “That’s it… ahem, this time bet, because the time interval is too close, they will all raise the price, wanting to win Lao Tzu by a one-off… So, Just raise, each of you two hundred profound crystals, plus one marrow pill…”

   Yunyang coughed and rolled his eyes.

  ”These guys have a good calculation. They don’t have a marrow pill in their family. Even if they do, they can be assigned to them. They don’t know the year of the monkey. But my grandfather is the first alchemist of the eight families. , This Xisui Pill, what I have in my house is……”

   When it’s cold in winter, gnashing your teeth, and then triumphantly: “These guys just want to cheat me. I propose to fight, and the three of them will bet against me. Each of them will be two hundred mysterious crystals and one marrow pill. , These **** have a good calculation! They didn’t plan to lose, they planned to beat me! Then they got a share of the profound crystal and the marrow pill… and they can beat me again!”

  Yun Yang babbles his teeth: “Such a condition clearly pits you, can you agree?”

   Winter is cold and embarrassed: “The challenge I put forward, people offer the terms, can I agree to it? Even if I know it’s a pit, I have to jump… Could it be that I challenged my front foot, and people said a bet on my back foot? It’s too expensive to bet… I can’t afford to lose my face, Boss…”

   Yunyang looked speechless.

   squinted at this mean face, and thought, just your face…you can’t afford it? You still have a little face…

   The cold winter has begun to dance with joy: “They want to cheat me, how can I know, but I have absolute confidence in the boss, you can win if you say you can win! So I am not afraid! Resolutely face it, hahahaha… …Boss, you didn’t see it, these three guys actually lost when they saw that they looked like a dead mother on the spot…Ahaha, I’m so happy… I’m so happy, I just kept slapped my butt. , Hahaha…”

   Yunyang rolled his eyes: “Don’t flatter, winter is cold, your mind, I don’t know? I told you at that time, if I lose, I will all…Is it? Are you worried about him? What about this? That’s why I dare to bet?”

   Winter cold swears: “Boss, am I that kind of person? Look at my honest face…”

   Yun Yang snorted.

   It’s cold in winter and suddenly chuckled, he laughed, his eyes rolled.

   Actually this guy had this idea at the time: Yun Yang said he would accompany the bet; hum, if I lose, I will rely on this kid! I was beaten at most…Anyway, not once or twice…

   But if you win…

   This is my God of Wealth.

   was a little bit embarrassed by Yunyang now, but his face had already been thrown out of the clouds, and it was only a little embarrassing, and he immediately recovered, swearing a curse, referring to the world.

  ”I’m too lazy to care about you!” Yun Yang rolled his eyes: “That’s not enough.”

   “Do they have a pill for washing the marrow, three paupers, this young master is too lazy to persecute them, each discounted three hundred profound crystals.” Winter flattering said: “Boss~IndoMTL.com~ This is nothing false. ……”

   Yunyang snorted: “Where is your guard?”

  ”The guard is in the inn…I sneaked out.” Winter smiled coldly: “It just happened to have something to do these few days, and the two **** were so busy. They went to visit the surnamed Qiu, and I finally got free. Come out.”

   “The surname is Autumn?” Yun Yang was taken aback.

   “It’s the dude of the Qiu family! Qiuyun Mountain! That’s a really troublesome prodigal…” In winter, he was very happy and excited: “I went to Qingyunfang a few days ago, and then this guy didn’t know what to do. I gambled, saying that I would win Yun Zuiyue within three months, so I started pursuing…”

  ” In the end, this chase was a chase. This Yun Zuiyue had a hard backstage, Qiu Yunshan, this guy lost the bet, and was beaten to death by his uncle. A little bit even the egg was kicked to pieces… Now he is lying half-dead at his uncle’s house…”

   Autumn Cloud Mountain? Qingyunfang? Yun Zuiyue? !

   Yun Yang’s eyes lit up, and he immediately showed a look of enthusiasm: “Is there still such a thing? Tell me, haha, I like to listen to the unlucky stories of others…”

   Yunyang looked gossiping, making it cold in winter that he had met a confidant, and he slapped his thigh: “Boss, you deserve to be my boss. I also like to see others who are unlucky. Hahaha… What the heroes see is the same…”

   Now, Yun Yang is inexplicably more and more fond of this guy who is cold in winter.

   Although this **** is cheap, it’s really my lucky star.

   When I was short of resources, he sent bets. When I was short of news, he would send the news; when I was short of thugs…it’s not a problem to find a few thugs like this…


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