I Am Supreme Chapter 522: One courtier and one courtier!

Seeing Yun Xiaoyao turning around without saying a word from beginning to end, Qiu Jianhan sighed in sorrow, and then turned and left.

Leng Daoyin and Fang Qingtian glanced at each other, both of them worried.

The old lady of Shangguan gave a sneer, looked at the broken stones of the Yunzun statue for a long time, and then went away with a sneer on a walking stick.

In the early dynasty of the next day, the old lady of Shangguan came to the table, saying that the world is peaceful, Haiyan Heqing, the four barbarians will serve, all nations come to the dynasty; there is no rebellion inside, no war outside; the Shangguan family intends to resign from the generals He said that he would give up his military power, return to his hometown, and leave the world alone. Let a few grandchildren send themselves back to their hometown to take care of themselves.

The emperor Tai-sun has repeatedly said to stay, but the old lady’s attitude is firm, and the emperor Tai-sun’s expression is helpless.

At the moment when the emperor and grandson agreed, Qiu Jianhan’s eyes were almost out of the sockets, and his mouth was unconsciously **** ho and sound. He wanted to say, but he couldn’t say a word, but his expression was full. Desolate.

The old lady of Shangguan thanked Junen, withdrew from the hall, turned and decisively left.

Until the old lady disappeared at the entrance of the hall, all the civil and military officials remained silent.

Everyone knows clearly: an era is over.

So, Xuanhe has been in the world for hundreds of years, and has shocked the entire continent. Since then, he has disappeared in the Yutang military and the Yutang court!

The starry night is full of stars to participate in the Big Dipper, and the world’s generals are honored to be superior!

This sentence has since become a legend, or, the beginning of another scam!

The Shangguan family moved up and down very quickly, leaving all the gifts bestowed by them in the courtyard of the old house and kept in the warehouse. Nothing was taken away. Only the Shangguan family was taken away. The spiritual seat of the ancestors who died in battle over the years.

The little brothers of the Shangguan family have just begun to come into contact with the military, and they have just begun to establish a reputation. They have also retired with the resignation of their ancestors, and no longer involved in the court. Two of them were reluctant to leave because of Huang Taisun’s promise and affection. They were directly ordered by the old lady of Shangguan to break their legs and carried them away.

The day the Shangguan left the gate, outside the south gate.

Qiu Jianhan and other military leaders all rushed to see him off, and everyone sighed.

“The old lady takes care all the way, and when I get to the place, I also invite a letter to let me rest at ease.” Fang Qingtian said tremblingly.

“The state of the world is so cold, why not, everyone has a great future. Why should the past be lingering in your mind? If you leave today, you will be indefinitely later.” The old lady of Shangguan looked cold and indifferent, said indifferently: “Where to settle down, the old man dare not dare Tell anyone, if Shangguan’s surname is the last one, what face is there to meet my old man in the ground, and what face is there to meet the ancestors in the sky.”

As soon as the old lady said this, everyone was silent for a long while, and no one was born.

“The old man used to think that the past was nothing but accidental, and that it was only done by the caring people. Now it seems that there is no shortage of caring people. The generals are like this, and the same is true for Yun Zun. From then on, the Shangguan family is just the Shangguan family, never Shechaotang, let’s not get involved in the disputes in this world, our Shangguan family is afraid, afraid that even the last bit of reputation will not be preserved!”

The old lady of Shangguan said indifferently: “At this moment, the rapids retreat bravely, you can probably retreat all over, if you wait a few days…maybe the spiritual positions of Shangguan General’s door will also be pushed down. The old man is scared, really scared.”


These two words make everyone speechless.

Let’s cross the world, the generals gate of Megatron Continent, the general gates of generals who have never been afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice, have protected the gates of generals of the Yutang Empire for hundreds of years. I am afraid!

These two words are so sad.

Everyone was speechless, and they really didn’t know what to say.

The old lady of Shangguan waved her hand: “You cherish it, and you will see it indefinitely again.”

“Wait a moment, Lord Yun Xiaoyao hasn’t arrived yet, the old lady should wait. If you don’t, I don’t know when…not to see you, it would be regrettable.”

The old lady laughed and said miserably: “Yun Xiaoyao won’t come, how can he come?!”

The old lady turned around before she finished speaking.

The carriage of the Shangguan family, surrounded by five thousand generals, flew away from the boundary of the capital city like a fly, leaving it as fast as countless beasts chasing it.

On the next night, Qiu Jianhan received the news: The members of the Shangguan family disappeared strangely after turning into a mountain forest. Only a few thousand horses remained, left in the forest.

Shangguan moved everyone up and down the door, and disappeared like the world, leaving no clue.

Qiu Jianhan tears in tears.

“The old marshal found a team of people and followed the Shangguan family all the way. After discovering that the Shangguan family was missing, the team continued to search in the forest…”

Qiu Jianhan shed tears, and ordered fiercely: “Send this team of people, as well as those related to them, to my corpses, all! Then find out the identity of everyone, and destroy the whole family! Nine Races!!!”


The old Tai Wei Fang Qingtian resigned a few days later.

“The old official is old, afraid that time will run out,…only the fallen leaves will return to their roots and the soul will return to their homeland…”

The emperor and grandson treated the generals as they did, repeatedly trying to retain them without success. In the end, he gifted the old lieutenant to protect the country, hereditary resignation, and resigned.

Following the Shangguan family, the line of Lao Taiwei Fang became the second wealthy family to disappear from the capital.

After the old lieutenant resigned, hundreds of disciples and lieutenants of the old lieutenant left one after another, leaving without saying goodbye, their whereabouts are unknown.

A group of up-and-coming stars quickly took over the position, but the waves were unhappy and did not cause the slightest disturbance.

Half a month later, Lengdaoyin’s old injury relapsed and was bedridden. Leng’s father went to the palace to cry for the imperial doctor. After seeing the imperial doctor, he said that the old marshal’s life was not long, and he still had ten days at most; Lengdao He was confused, lying on the bed, just whispering every day: “Go home…Go home…”

The Leng family said farewell and sent the old marshal back to his homeland; his eldest son said that he would come back three years later; the emperor grandson would play.

Leng’s family left Beijing just now, and immediately there was no trace of where they were going.

A few months later, it was confirmed that Leng’s family had not returned to his hometown, and no one didn’t know where he went.

The grand commander of the border gate, Sun Zihu, was assassinated during a one-day tour. Three thousand soldiers and four generals were assassinated together with him, shaking the country.

Tie Zheng, the de facto first marshal of the Yutang Empire, suddenly shouted after being drunk for a day: “Go and rest! Go and rest!”

On that night, the entire family of Tie Family disappeared, and only the corpses were scattered all over the floor, but it was the handwriting of “I’ll go!”

According to the investigation, these people are all royal spies who have been inserted into the Tie Family in the past few years…

No one was spared, and all were killed in Tiezheng Mansion.

The emperor and grandson were furious and ordered the whole country to arrest Latte Zheng; a group of generals were filled with righteous indignation and asked for orders to arrest Latte Zheng. Several of them led the team to capture Latte Zheng, but after leaving the Yutang Capital, the water was like a sea , The world has evaporated…

The only remaining old man in Beijing, Qiu Jianhan, old Marshal Qiu seems to be confused.

Every day, he would order the family to lift himself, lift himself up to the city gate, wrapped himself in the thick fur, and staring into the distance.

Looking at the people going in and out of the city gates, you will cry.

He murmured, his expression and demeanor were full of sadness.

But no one can hear what he said.

“The Jade Tang Empire, which flourished for a while, finally reached this point…”

The old marshal felt his heart broken into eight petals every day.

“I want to watch… I want to watch…” He roared vaguely: “I want to see where you are going!”

The human heart is treacherous, and it has always been like this, for those who sublime, the people, the superiors, everything is like this!

No more!

Or as the saying goes: In this world, no one is indispensable, no one is indispensable!

Yunyang climbed to Xuanhuang and didn’t wear the Yutang, but Yutang still pacified the world, the king is over the world, and Yunei Shengping!

No longer the Shangguan generals the door to the court, the Yutang military is still majestic!

Even if Tie Zheng is gone, Sun Zihu is gone, Fu Baoguo is gone, many old marshals have disappeared, and the court officials almost changed them all; however, Yutang is still Yutang, it seems this The world has not changed with the departure of these meritorious ministers, lost its stability and flourished.

At this point, nine out of ten traces of the nine statues have been erased from this continent. However, the world is still peaceful and there is no war. Even if a small rebellion occurs occasionally, it is just a quick response and it is difficult to become a climate.

At least, the lives of the people of Yutang who are gradually getting used to peace and peace have not been affected in any way, and it is probably the heroes who often talk about the new generation.

The greatest characteristic of human beings is forgetfulness. Especially if it doesn’t matter to yourself, let alone five or six years, half a year is enough to forget it.

Moreover, new rumors continue to rise, legends…

Slowly, there are different opinions, and all the past events are covered in the fog of rumors…

Yun Xiaoyao watched all this happen coldly.

He still couldn’t believe that the child who walked out of his own home, the smart and smart boy, the one Yunyang tried to protect, would actually do these things.

He would rather believe that these things were done by his emperor brother Yu Runze, who manipulated them behind the scenes.

In that case, he might still feel heartache, heartache, disappointment, but at least he won’t… despair!

One year before Yun Yang left, Bao’er was sent to the palace; this year, Yun Yang has been away for seven years.

Can such a huge change be made in seven years?

What caused this change? Is it really that kid?

A year and a half ago, the statue of Yunzun was overthrown and smashed.

That night, His Majesty the Emperor came to Yun Xiaoyao’s palace in a micro dress and sighed.

“Although I don’t want to say it, I don’t want to admit it, but that kid is really a natural emperor’s talent, and he has little hesitation.” His Majesty said.

Yun Xiaoyao said nothing or said nothing.

“Although his methods are too extreme and immature, he has concentrated all his power in his hands. This is already a qualified emperor.” His Majesty’s expression is very complicated.

“If I didn’t guess wrong, wait until he has cleaned the court and the military, and completely eliminated the influence of Yun Zun, the last step is to deal with me.”

“Although I delegated the power to him, let him become the emperor grandson and save the position in the Eastern Palace, I don’t care about anything, and there is no threat to him at all. I have even expressed my attitude and will pass it to him at the right time. He, everything is just waiting for it to happen… but he still doesn’t rest assured with me, he still stays fully guarded.”

“Even if I pass the position to him now, it is still not enough… I must pass away, and everything is over!”

“Because even if I gave up all rights and abdicated to him, as long as I was still alive, there would be a threat to him. Threats can only be eliminated when they are budding, so he will definitely kill I must kill me!”

His Majesty the Emperor smiled faintly, as if he was not talking about himself, but about the fate of others.

“So many old brothers were slaughtered, expelled, and put in prison by your emperor and grandson, are you just watching?” Yun Xiaoyao finally spoke, and he pointed to Guan Qiao.

“Alternation of imperial power, this is inevitable.” The emperor said: “One emperor and one courtier, the ancients are the same, the present is the same; I have tried my best to let them retain their lives and wealth, which I can already do To the limit, more, I can’t give it, I can’t give it.”

“The centralization of the monarchy and the way he speaks is the current general trend. As an emperor, I have done a good job in self-examination, but I am empathetic, soft-hearted, and difficult to stand up, but it is a taboo for the emperor. Now this kid , It’s much better than me.”

“For a lonely family, there should be only imperial power in the eyes, above 10,000 people, but I am the only one, very good, very good.”

His Majesty’s words have a weird taste. They seem to be sincerely complimenting, and they seem to be telling the inner irony.

“I can kill him, since that day, I have wanted to kill him more than once!”

Yun Xiaoyao said quietly, his tone indifferent, but with awe-inspiring killing intent.

“Even if I really die, you can’t kill him.” The emperor said lightly: “He is not only a qualified but also the only heir to the throne.”

“This continent, since ancient times, has never truly ruled the world. Perhaps, in his hands, he can truly do it.”

His Majesty the Emperor even has some expectations for this.

This is his lifelong dream.

Yun Xiaoyao still didn’t speak, but his expression became more and more grim.

“Xiaoyao, you also give up. You don’t give up, you don’t leave, sooner or later… will start with you.” His Majesty the emperor smiled bitterly: “Now in the world, no one can manage Jade Universe!”

Yun Xiaoyao said coldly: “I want to kill him, just a sword!”

His Majesty the Emperor smiled bitterly: “Then why don’t you kill?”

Yun Xiaoyao gritted his teeth.

The emperor sighed softly: “Now… in addition to Yunyang falling from the sky, it can also make him jealous, and can change the overall situation… Other people have no such possibility.”

“Yun Yang has been here for nearly seven years, and there is no news at all… It separates the two worlds, it is easy to go up and down. Maybe one day he will return, but… we may not be able to see it, because I don’t know how many years later…”

“Xiaoyao, just like your name, is it okay to go away freely?”

His Majesty the emperor whispered: “At least now, I can protect you for the rest of your life!”

Yun Xiaoyao sneered, lowered his eyes, but held up his teacup: “See off!”


After His Majesty the Emperor left Yun Mansion that day, Yun Xiaoyao never saw him again.

Even if he comes to ~IndoMTL.com~, he still won’t meet, and even if he meets, he still doesn’t say a word.

It’s obvious.

“You are waiting to die, you are waiting to die, it’s all your business, don’t let me know, I don’t want to know.”

Yun Xiaoyao also knew that the emperor’s body was actually dead long ago. After being poisoned that year, he was cured by Yunyang, but it also left the root of the disease. Now as long as he is overworked, he will faint and his body will become thinner. The burly body now weighs almost less than eighty catties, with only skin and bones left.

This is also the reason why the emperor can’t wait to delegate power.

Because he was afraid that he would die too soon and his grandson would not have time to study.

But now it seems…but I learned too fast…


amp;lt;Heavy rain, five consecutive days…amp;gt;

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