I Am Supreme Chapter 372: We can die!

Yun Yang stayed on the Soul-Eating Tree for one day and one night to make sure nothing went wrong.

I waited until the green tree was able to absorb the vitality of a tree, and after absorbing thousands of trees, I repeatedly confirmed that it was indeed no longer a function of swallowing, and then stopped.

The sharp shoots seem to have lost a little color at this moment, but they are still green and straight, and there is nothing unusual. This was relieved.

When they got down, the elders who were waiting below were already waiting for their eyes, and were impatient. Seeing Yunyang’s return, they all rushed up with anxious expressions, their faces full of anxiety.

Yun Yang is the first person since the establishment of this realm to make them feel the closest to the truth. They are eager to know the truth, but in addition to the urgency, there is a bit of panic about the unknown!

Is our guess correct? Did something really **** from us?

“How? But did you find anything?”

Yun Yang took a breath and said: “We guessed right, it’s all these trees!”

Everyone’s faces suddenly darkened: “I would like to hear the details.”

“These trees are not as simple as they seem, and they have a special function hidden, that is…all cultivation under the trees, or doing fascinating actions…will be extracted from the person’s little pure life source. Divine consciousness, and the Qi of Tianyun Banner…It is especially remarkable for the breath of life origin and creation that overflows when men and women are absorbed in the Dunlun.”

Every time he talked about a consequence, the faces of everyone present became ugly, and when it came to the end, all of them were in despair.

An old man looked sad, but muttered in a low voice: “Is that true, but I have been here for many years. Apart from the fact that my cultivation base has rarely entered, there are no other negative effects. You said that what I am waiting for is the most essential part of life practice, how can I wait for nothing?!”

Yun Yang shook his head: “In fact, your abnormalities have already appeared, but only a leaf blinds your eyes. Please think about whether you were all the leaders of the sect at that time. It was a temporary choice, but you are in In this state, how does the cultivation base progress? Even if this place is not the Xuanhuang Realm, it is not a good place for cultivation, but should your cultivation level be limited to the present?! Why is it so? And then your descendants. , What are their talents and aptitudes, but how many people are talented people! Why are they so? And everyone’s Heavenly Luck Banner, which is said to never be worn out, will be worn out. Why is it so? Are these all proofs?!”

After listening to Yun Yang’s words, everyone’s faces became more and more bleak.

Yes, these are all visible and shouldn’t be abnormal!

Yun Yang remained calm and his face was heavy: “The shortcomings I have said before are only for you, and as far as I know, there is a heavenly demon portal in the Holy Land of Xuanhuang Realm, and this heavenly demon portal is A legacy from the time when the Xuanhuang was divided, it will be opened every 100 years. It is probably the monster attacking from there. The strategic purpose is basically similar to that of the blood soul peak. As long as you successfully break through the door, you will set foot on the Xuanhuang land. Prosperous, but the countless profound beasts in the Holy Land of Heaven’s Punishment have been guarding this gate for tens of thousands of years. The monsters are incompetent to cross the thunder pond… However, the most recent opening, the monsters used the power of the Heavenly Fortune Banner to steal the sky and change the day The opening time has been advanced by a full thirty years… I was caught off guard by the Holy Land of Punishment! The danger has fallen…”

“Even if the Holy Land of Heavenly Punishment has exhausted everything and managed to defend this wave of offensive, it will be a great loss of vitality. I am not sure whether I can restore vitality before the next Hundred Years Holy War. What is especially worrying is that, Whether the one hundred years of the Hundred Years of Jihad can still be accurate, maybe it will no longer be a hundred years, but seventy years or less, and once the sky demon passage falls, it will be within the Xuanhuang Realm. By then…”

“And where does the power of the demon race come from…”

Yun Yang sighed and said no more.

The dozens of people who were waiting for Yunyang looked ashamed and stupid on the spot.

The matter has been laid out clearly, there is still room for doubt. The lack of corners and dimness of the Tianyun Banner is a fact witnessed by everyone. The slow progress of the cultivation of oneself and others is even more evident. There is also the problem of the talents of the descendants and children. This is even more a problem that everyone has long puzzled…and this Everything is directly and indirectly proved that the monster race raises people like itself, and its purpose is to extract the power of life origin from these people, extract the power of the banner of heaven, and break through the mysterious yellow channel!

“Unexpectedly… I have been using by the monster race but I don’t know it! We all think we are stubborn and have a good sense of integrity, but we didn’t expect it to be the scum of us who are greedy for life and fear of death. Major things that endanger the well-being of mankind are being carried out all the time!

An old man looked up to the sky and sighed: “The old man was the first group to be taken captive here… Until today, how much energy has the old man provided to the monster clan to counterattack Xuanhuang?”

As he talked, he suddenly burst into tears, sobbing silently, and everyone else was sad and unexplainable.

“Mao, what is the point of regretting now, what shall we do from now on?” A middle-aged man with a sullen face finally asked everyone the most difficult question to face.

Mao took a deep breath, and his eyes showed decisiveness: “What else can we do, we people have endangered the safety of the entire Xuanhuang tribe! The two methods are carried out at the same time, and the first is to destroy all these trees. Drop. Then…and then destroy ourselves!”

As soon as Mao Lao said this, the whole scene immediately fell into a silent atmosphere.

Someone couldn’t help turning their heads, looking at the shining lights of Wanjia in the night.

There, there are my own family, children, and wives.

Although my family are all prisoners, they also have to enjoy the joy of family relationship. How can this family’s care be put down?

Kill all?

How easy is it? !

“Why are these two methods ~ IndoMTL.com~ Although there is a difference between the priority and the follower, in the final analysis, all of us must die! Once the tree is destroyed, the Yaozu will naturally know that we people already know They have lost their secrets and will never keep us.”

“The more than 83,000 lives here are all destined to die.”

The other person whispered.

Lao Mao suddenly turned his head and said angrily: “What else? Continue to pretend to be confused? Continue to linger here? Continue to act as a charging machine for the Monster Race to provide energy for the Monster Race? Wait until the Monster Race collects enough The energy to defeat the Xuanhuang portal?!”

“We can die. But let the children who have not practiced live!” One person with tears in his eyes, hopefully said: “Children are innocent.”

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