I Am Supreme Chapter 360: Ask for something

It looks like someone called such a cry, but all the banshees here have turned a blind eye to them, and they are still in a frantic snatch.

“My, I came first!”

“I have already paid!”

“Cut, who didn’t pay?”

“This bottle is mine!”

Under the powerful temptation of eternal youth, let alone the mere lady of the city lord, even if the demon queen arrives, these crazy banshees will just turn a deaf ear to it.

Seeing that this side doesn’t care at all, the city lord’s wife is also anxious. They are not young and old in this line of monsters, even the wife and the second wife, the concubine… there are full of thirty or forty numbers.

I was already a monk with more than a few meters. I originally wanted to rely on my own identity to get a little cheaper, but now in this situation, the identity strategy is doomed to be useless. .

I don’t know if it was a coincidence or a coincidence, but the last bottle has already been snatched by the banshees!

At least for the time being, the lady of the city lord and the other demons are destined to come back with joy!

Faced with the fire-breathing eyes of the city lord’s wife, the white bear stammered: “No…nothing…really…nothing…”

It’s not stuttering, it’s scaring!

Who would tremble with the eyes of these women who want to cramp and peel themselves, so why can Bai Xiongbai be an exception? !

“It’s gone? It’s been there just now. How come we came and you are gone? Do you look down on this lady?!”

The wife of the city lord looks like a knife in her eyes, and her words are like a knife.

The extreme disappointment after the extreme surprise made her almost crazy. Thanks to the long neck of the crane clan, it was already flushed, and one hand seemed to touch the hilt of the waist on purpose.

It’s really gone, my lady killed someone!

The white bear’s face is white. At this moment, his face is the same color as his fur, no difference.

“This time it’s true…It’s gone…” Bai Xiongbai didn’t want to die, and in a panic, he said without a word: “This is originally my master’s… It’s not mine, he will give I’m so much…”

“Where is your master?”

“My master is here…”


After a moment.

Yun Yang’s room is full of demons, full of pits, ah, banshee!

Yun Yang didn’t think he was disgusted, he was still calm, the face of the transformed fox tribe’s old face was full of amiable smiles: “Madam, stay calm.”

The lady of the city lord said angrily: “Your apprentice said that the amethyst queen honey is gone, how can I stay calm.”

“Since I came to Skycrown City, how could the old man do such a stupid thing that offends the city lord’s wife?”

Yun Yang smiled slightly: “Those before,

Although it is genuine amethyst queen honey, but the quantity is limited, only to meet the needs of life; but for the madam, I have already prepared it for a long time, and I must satisfy my wife! “

The lady of the city owner lit up: “Oh?”

Yun Yang laughed and said: “It is said that the old man planned first and asked for something, but the demon knows his own affairs, and there is really no way to see his wife in person…without thinking, in desperation, I have no alternative but to make this move…”

The lady of the city lord is also a strong crane clan. A light flashed in her eyes when she heard the words, and said: “This fox clan…Brother Purple, if you have something to say, you might as well…”

A little concubine next to him asked: “Dare to ask this purple brother…you amethyst queen honey…how much is there?”

As soon as this sentence came out, it made all the women in the City Lord’s Mansion feel short of breath, without exception.

If you only give it to your wife, and don’t have ours… Then you will lose a lot of money. After that, won’t your wife have a lot of honor, and where are we still…

How could Yun Yang not understand this section, and said leisurely: “Of course I still have…”

Before he finished his words, with a wave of his hand, rows of small jade bottles appeared on the table.

But after listening to Yun Yang continued, “I have five hundred bottles…I believe it should be enough for ladies to use…”

It’s just that this meeting, but no one cares about him.

Including the lady of the city lord, all the girls looked at the neat rows of small bottles on the table with straight eyes, their eyes glowing like a arrow, like a sword, for a moment.

A thin and thin crane clan expert next to him took the first step and opened a few bottles for a slight inspection, and nodded slightly: “Yes, it is really the best amethyst honey. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is queen honey. .”

Amethyst honey is already a rare commodity that has no market, and the amethyst queen honey that Yunyang took out this time is an unprecedented high-end commodity, but it does not matter in any aspect of smell, feeling, etc. To give birth to ordinary amethyst honey several times, but it is also obvious, there is no fake!

After the verification was confirmed, the banshees became even more crazy.


The legendary amethyst honey can make you stay young forever, so wouldn’t the more premium amethyst queen honey be better, or even better, this kind of delicacy must not be missed, if you miss it, you must regret it lifelong!

Only the city owner’s wife tried her best to maintain her grace and calmness, but her slender hands that had been pinched white, and her face flushed with excitement had already betrayed her, and she tried her best to hold her back: “I don’t know sir… What are the requirements? You can say so clearly.”

The meaning is clear: With these amethyst queen honey, I will do it for you no matter what!

Yun Yang smiled: “It’s not a big deal… As soon as I am old and old, I feel hopeless to break through and want to get a life extension pill…”

The city lord’s wife cut her mouth: “There is no problem with this.”

A pill for life extension is only a hundred thousand sacred dollar coins at best. It is difficult to find one among others, but for a person with the identity of the lady of the city lord, it is nothing but a word.

“…cough cough, secondly, it is also the thing that the old man is most concerned about for the rest of his life…Zi wants to ask the Lord of the city to see the lord of the city. He needs an adult’s help in that matter…”

“I don’t know what the husband is asking for, why not express it, or don’t need Labor City Lord?”

An embarrassed look appeared on Yun Yang’s face, and he looked sideways at the crowd.

The city lord’s wife knows: “You retreat.”

All the demons have retired~IndoMTL.com~ It’s really… The old man has been stubborn for so many years, and he hasn’t advanced and retreated in cultivation. Although he tried all kinds of methods, he still had little effect… The amethyst honey I got was also the remedy that I used to heal, but unfortunately these magical products are still ineffective, but a few years ago, I occasionally obtained a secret book with a method in it that can solve my ills… it is… …Take some human practitioners as the furnace to extract their blood and the essence of their power…In short, it is to learn from the cultivation methods of the Xuanhuang Realm, and break through the inherent bottleneck in another way, so that you can reinvent yourself and climb again…”

“However, the old man is now dying, unable to go to the Xuanhuang Realm to prey on people…”

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Chapter Three Hundred and Sixtieth Asking for Something (Page 1/1)

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