I Am Supreme Chapter 358: A place of peace?

In the afternoon, Hua Xiongsan finally came back, and there was a team with him!

No way, Yun Yang put out quite a lot of things, not one can hold it!

And that night, Yun Yang’s identity as a monster came out.

A white stone sign, enter aura, and a purple furry fox head will appear with an introduction next to it.

Fox family, violet.

In order to get this brand, Bai Xiongbai spent a fee of ten thousand sacred coins, tears glistening with distress.

Well, the name Violet is obtained by Bai Xiongbai.

“Master, is the name okay? It’s far better than our generation’s vulgarity.” Bai Xiongbai looked very proud, out of words.

Yun Yang sighed sincerely.

Damn, what else can your family know besides color?

Forget it, violet is violet, isn’t it just a name, I will bear it!

That night, the long convoy finally entered Skycrown City.

Yun Yang finally saw the so-called “peace” in this city…

After entering, I didn’t find a place to live, so I encountered four or five waves of robbery…

What a “peace”!

The dozens of human-shaped crane heads at the gate of the city, as well as the brawny men with big wings drooping on both sides of their bodies, turned a blind eye to the robbery and scramble close at hand, because their work was limited to inspections. The identity of the pedestrians entering and leaving, and… the fee.

Whether the foreign demon enters the city or leaves the city, he will always have one sacred dollar at a time, without exception.

The demons in this city, or the demons in the territory of the crane tribe do not need to spend money in and out.

For those who do not have an identity, they will receive a one-time payment of one hundred SGD coins and an additional 5,000 SGD coins to reissue their identity certificates.

“This business is okay, and there is a lot to do.” Yun Yang expressed his appreciation for this, even astonished.

I have to say that the monster race is super capable of reproducing, and there are no statuses everywhere!

This kind of charge is simply unreasonable.

If this scene is performed in the human race, there will be a big mess if it is properly performed, but this scene is carried out in this monster race, but it is logical and natural.

All demons actually feel taken for granted.

But what made Yun Yang express his incomprehension is that on the gate of the gate, there is clearly a huge crane with an unusually godlike horse. It is covered with white feathers and red eyes. It is quite different. It should be this one. The commander of, is ready to punish those disobedient monsters at any time. He has a Saint Emperor rank in his cultivation, and he is quite for it. There is this one who sits here and waits for the idle monster to decide that it will be difficult to cause trouble. The trouble is to die!

However, Yun Yang quickly defined this product. This product is too lazy. He just takes off the lazy eyes that are about to squint. It seems that as long as there is nothing wrong at the city gate, the other party will be all right. , I don’t care.

When it was Yun Yang’s turn to enter the door, he first proved this point. The city gate guard looked up, and Bai Xiongbai slid a handful of Saint Yuan coins by himself, nodding and bowing with a smiling face.

“That’s the old fox…” Apparently, Bai Xiongbai was able to find this guy last night, and saw his long neck twisted: “Go in.”

Yun Yang and the others just entered the gate of the city. Suddenly a few shadows flashed in the shadows on the side of the road. Several skunk-like guys rushed to the food truck like crazy, each carrying a lifeblood. It’s about to rush out.

Faced with this scene, no matter it was the city gate official or his subordinates, there was no action, as if they had never seen it, they were used to it!

On the contrary, Bai Xiongbai and the other bears reacted swiftly, Bai Xiongbai shouted, and his brother Qixiong shot together; the skunks sprayed blood and fell out and fell to the side of the road, motionless, obviously unable to live It’s a painful killer, no mercy!

On this side, I just pressed it, but there was another wave on the other side, one after the other, without any hesitation from the death demon in front.

And Bai Xiongbai waiting to deal with these scenes is also very familiar, handy, and another wave of death output, which makes the team all enter the city, and the temporary guarantee is safe.

But after walking less than a hundred meters away, another group of monsters charged, all of them were yellow and thin, and their eyes were full of green light. It was obvious that they were very hungry. Seeing the fruit of life, they were all connected. Life is gone.


Bai Xiong Bai and others shouted, and acted with all their strength, Xiong looked at me, and finally retreated another wave; but after a short while, another wave came and started fighting again…

Seeing the demon race rushing forward regardless of the cost of casualties, Yun Yang has a black line on his forehead: “This is the place of peace you said!?”

White Xiongbai fought bravely, his sturdy arms pulled up the sturdy rods, and he was very angry: “Master, this situation is considered very good, it is very peaceful…”

Yun Yang was speechless for a while, really didn’t know what to say.

Do you have any misunderstandings about the word peace?

A total of seven or eight battles within three steps, at least more than a hundred lives in your hand, this is how you can say peace, it’s good…

The old man is really drunk.

The convoy turned around and stepped into a wide avenue~IndoMTL.com~ but the avenue is full of people!

People! ?

Yun Yang kept his eyes, eagerly looking closely, only then could he see clearly that these “people” wearing clothes, even most of the “people” in Confucian robes…In fact, all of them were transformed from the monster race, and they started from here. , There is no fighting.

There is even a melodious sound from the silk tube in front, and the fragrance of various foods is tangy…

There are street stalls, clothes sellers, food sellers, restaurants, restaurants, hotels…well, there seem to be brothels, brothels, and Chu halls, all of which are bright and clean. Kind.

This scene greeted my eyes, and the scenes only tens of feet away seemed to be two places, like a world away!

“Master, as long as you get here, you will be really fine and safe. The section of the road you just came in is probably a slum. It is helpless to be robbed by a demon…”

White Xiongbai breathed a sigh of relief: “And here is the inner city, here, even if you grab a penny, you have to behead your head, and as long as there is such an inner city, it can be regarded as a place of order. !”

“So, this is really a place of peace!”

White Xiongbai looked at the scene before him, and said with some comfort and satisfaction.

“Let’s find a place to live first, let the master rest, it is serious for us to hand in the task.”


Yun Yang checked into the hotel smoothly, and began to close his eyes to rest in a room, but in fact he was planning the next action plan.

The crane clan also belongs to the talented flying monster clan, and the first prerequisite for the monster clan to enter the Xuanhuang to capture the juveniles of the human clan is to have the flying talent. In this case, regardless of whether the crane clan participated in this action, they should have some influence on this action. Understanding is!

The question now is, what should I do next?


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