I Am Supreme Chapter 342: Nine palaces, holy ones? who is it?

With this thought for a lifetime, Yun Yang’s heart suddenly felt an indescribable sorrow.

  I think of my own cultivation process, the Heavenly Sword Technique and the endless magical skill; from scratch, it doesn’t feel difficult, but from the first to the second, it feels quite simple. It wasn’t until the fifth stage that it felt a little difficult.

   Generally speaking, from the first stage to the fifth stage, Yun Yang only took about two years before and after, and he has completed his work. But to break through this sixth level, it took me a full six years, and it still consumes resources far more than the previous six years!

   Judging from the current progress, the seventh step that follows is probably more difficult!

   As for the eighth stage and the ninth stage later… Yun Yang said that besides he couldn’t imagine, he didn’t dare to imagine.

  ”The practice of this road is really time and time unknown!”

   Anyway, now that he has broken through the sixth level, it is always a great thing. Apart from this change, Yun Yang’s cultivation strength is no longer a simple multiplication, but a crazy rise with somersaults. No, It should be said that he has turned several somersaults one after another, and his strength has soared more than tenfold? !

   This recognition made Yun Yang very short-lived.

   At least for now, even if you look at the entire Xuanhuang Realm, you should be considered the number one person, not too big or too small.

   With the current strength of cultivation, Yun Yang feels that his nine palaces have at least the possibility of impacting the high-grade Heavenly Fate Banner.

   “I hope those guys can be more upbeat.”

   With such a breakthrough, Yun Yang has a certain degree of self-protection for this trip to the demon race, and he has a lot to do.

   Seeing the endless variety of heaven and earth treasures in this divine consciousness space, Yun Yang raised his brows with joy.

   This time, it’s worth it!

   not only helped the Holy Land of Punishment that I can respect, but also gained so many good things…

   I think of the Golden Armored Ant family, when I gave them life source qi into the spring water, they didn’t give a copy according to the previous agreement.

   Feeling the heroic self-destruction of the three hundred golden armor ants, Yun Yang gave two copies!

   all stayed at the bottom of the water, and I could feel that the spring water that came out again was different from before. The power of life was full.

  With this gift, the ant family must be able to grow rapidly.

   I walked all the way, I just found some scattered monsters to practice my hand, and I was lucky to find some natural treasures in my spare time; Yunyang didn’t walk fast, but he still had to walk thousands of miles in a day. It’s not slow in terms of footwork.

   But Yun Yang also quickly discovered a problem, or rather puzzled: According to reason, everywhere is so tightly sealed off, the Heavenly Demon Portal in the Holy Land of Heavenly Punishment will never let any demon race into Xuanhuang. Earth.

   Then, where did the monster races that have entered the Xuanhuang Realm come from?

  After thinking and thinking about it, I’m puzzled.

  With this question, it became more and more desolate as it went, and after half a month, Yun Yang finally saw the Blood Soul Mountain in the place of the established target with his own eyes!

   For thousands of years, there is very little knowledge or cognition about the Blood Soul Mountain in the Xuanhuang Realm, but the related legends are countless; countless bards and poets have left behind because of this. pen and ink.

   Poetry, picture book, story, rumors… and everything!

   Even the ordinary people in the Xuanhuang world do not know the Blood Soul Mountain.

   The key to the battle between humans and monsters is related to the survival of humans.

  While the monster race is getting stronger and stronger, human beings are constantly advancing; one desperately wants to invade and expand his own territory, while the other is doing his best to block and defend his sovereignty at all costs!

  The social battlefield where each other fights is in the Blood Soul Mountain!

  ”A man is a business man, he fights a **** soul with a sword; he is willing to be a ghost after death on the battlefield; he will not be a rich man in his hometown!”

  ”In this life, this person is Xuanhuang, and he has fought to have two temples; 9 million miles of blood and soul soil, all are hometown good men!”

  ”The man should be Xiu Xuan, the sword points to the Blood Soul Mountain; the powder body does not smile, the fame is in the world!”


   Blood Soul Mountain has always been the highest battlefield of the Xuanhuang Realm, and it is also the dreamland of the entire Xuanhuang Realm warriors.

   Why are the rivers and lakes of the Xuan Huangjie calm? On the one hand, it is naturally because of the extreme harshness and selfless law of law to supervise and control the law; on the other hand, it is because of the Blood Soul Mountain; once the Blood Soul Mountain is lost, the Xuanhuang Realm will be destroyed, and there will be no peace!

   This is a hurdle that will continue to pass through misfortune, and it is a hurdle that cannot be missed.

  The pressure of the blood soul on the humans of the Xuanhuang Realm is too great, too heavy, and difficult to bear, but I have to do my best to bear it.

   I don’t know when, there is an unwritten rule: even if it is the hatred of killing the father and the hatred of the wife; but as long as it is a warrior, as long as it comes to the blood soul mountain to fight against foreign enemies, then Let go of hatred!

   For millions of years in the Xuanhuang World, all warriors who died in the **** soul mountain; my family honored for three generations!

   This unwritten rule was proposed by a sage at the time: Wu Feng is awe-inspiring, heroic soul is not fading, honorable for three generations, and respected by the world!

   This proposal was approved as soon as it was put forward. The warrior’s life is not necessarily the only way forward, and there is no lack of fame and fortune. This proposal, no one will object!

   However, another holy monarch put forward: The martial arts are mighty, the heroic soul should continue, only for three generations; no further extension.

   is the old blood soul mountain is a land of war and glory.

  Thinking about this, Yun Yang looked at the vast mountain range hundreds of miles ahead of him, that towering into the clouds, stretching for tens of thousands of miles, and dividing the entire continent into two halves, full of respect!

   This is the backbone of humanity!


   But then a question came… How should I get there?

   In the past, the Blood Soul Mountain was not built. At the end of the ultimate battle between the monsters, the ninety-nine demon formations laid down by the ninety-nine holy emperors of the human race were sacrificed. After killing countless monsters, they were finally at the level of the eight great saints of the demons Several powerful players joined forces to break through, but the monster’s vitality is a foregone conclusion. This ultimate battle was won by the human race. It took advantage of the gap to build the blood soul mountain and blocked the monster race to the other side of the blood soul mountain. Lei Chi one step!

   But while the Blood Soul Mountain blocked the Monster Race from invading the Xuanhuang Realm, it also prevented the Human Race from going to the Monster Race!

  Do you really want to break through the vicious and unpredictable old place of the monster formation, this only known channel of communication between the two realms? !


The words of    are divided into two parts.

   Nine Houses.

   At the moment when Yun Yang broke through to become a saint, the aura within the Nine Palaces suddenly had a sudden change like a tsunami!

   The aura from all directions, coming soon, flooded the entire nine palaces strictly!

   Because the aura burst this time was too abrupt, and the amplitude was still so intense, many of the disciples who had just started to practice were comatose on the spot…because their bodies simply couldn’t withstand such a huge aura impact.

   is extremely rich, almost condensed into a substantive aura, directly dyeing the entire nine palaces purple, and such a powerful and dense spiritual atmosphere lasted three days and three nights!

   Then it fades away and becomes invisible.

  Everyone experienced this change. For a while, they didn’t know whether it was a blessing or a curse. They couldn’t help but worry about gains and losses. However, after careful sensing, they were surprised that the aura density of the Nine Palaces is at least three times richer than three days ago. !

   The highest point of the main peak of the nine palaces!

   The Zhongpin Tianyun Banner, which symbolizes the status and status of the Jiuzun Mansion now, has suddenly come upon itself. Peiran’s spiritual energy struck the ground as soon as it struck, standing in the air, waving in the wind; After three days of extreme spiritual scouring and nourishment, the three characters “Nine Houses” on the Tianyun Banner have become the purest purple and gold.

   At the moment when the Tianyun Banner is fluttering in the wind, golden glows are emitted, covering the entire Nine Palaces!

  Dong Qitian, who was cultivating in the neighborhood, was surprised at this incident. He looked at the Tianyun Banner, which stood up in front of the ground and stood still in the air, with a solemn face.

   The fortune flag that day is now standing in the void; it is not inserted on the top of the mountain; the space below ten feet is full of illusory clouds. Until ten feet above, it was transformed into a purple-gold flagpole, which swung up to support the Heavenly Fortune flag above.

   At least in Dong Qitian’s cognition, this should never happen in the Zhongpin Tianyun Banner school.

   After only a moment, several figures rushed by.

   Luo Dajiang and others, as well as the elders of Fengnaimen, apparently also noticed the great changes in the flag of the sky, Qi Qi came to check it out, and with their arrival, Dong Qitian’s figure quietly disappeared. Naturally, no one would have noticed that he ever existed here.

   Looking at the Heavenly Fate Banner of the Nine Palaces, the elder Li of Fengmingmen almost stared out of his eyes, his face was completely unbelievable, unbelievable!

   and other people’s expressions are the same, looking at the Heavenly Luck Banner of Jiu Zun Mansion, it is like hell!

   On the contrary, although Luo Dajiang and the others’ expressions are also shocked, they are not more unusual, but this is a manifestation of superficial knowledge, and I don’t know what the change means right now!

   “This is…” Gan Tianyan swallowed with difficulty, and looked at the Tianyun Banner, with a difficult voice: “The Heavenly Fortune Sky… This means that there is a powerful person in the Nine Palaces?”

   Elder Li swallowed and murmured: “And it’s not a beginner holy…that’s ten feet in the void…”

   Luo Dajiang and others were ignorant of this, so they came to ask.

  ” The Tianyun Banner standing on the gate only means that the Tianyun Banner recognizes the current qualifications of this sect… and the Tianyun Banner stands in the empty state, but it is the image of the high-grade sect… which is what I just said. Universiade…”

   “Generally speaking, only those who are strong in the sect of the sect can appear; this will happen; and you must be the founder or head of the sect to reach this state…”

   Gan Tianyan looked at Luo Dajiang with straight eyes: “Among you… some of you have broken through the Lord?”

   Luo Dajiang and the others still had a dumbfounded look, and they were taken aback on the spot: “???”

   The people in the Nine Zun Mansion are also puzzled: The Lord? Who broke through the Lord? Our strongest is also the first level of the holy emperor, okay, there is still a long, long distance from the level of the holy sovereign, that is a whole big level!

   Dong Qitian? It goes without saying that Elder Dong is strong and profound, and his cultivation level is beyond everyone’s cognition, but he can’t even be regarded as a member of the Jiu Zunfu, let alone the founder Yunyun, definitely not his…

   Feng Naruto people left soon.

   They just feel that they have been beaten to perfection, and there is only one mind left in despair.

   These nine palaces are really a group of evildoers, from top to bottom, from big to small, all evildoers.

   But, among these evildoers, who is it that broke through the Lord?

   Is this too exaggerated? !

   Looking at the entire nine palaces, it seems that no one is over fifty years old. Who has reached the level of the saints, unsolvable, unsolvable!

   And the middle-class sects under the Sacred Heart Temple, including the first three sects, count as one, and no sect can stand the banner of heavenly luck in the sky!

   Sovereign powers are rare. They are the top combat power in the Xuanhuang world. However, at least one or two Sovereign powers are in the top three of the middle rank Celestial Fate Banner, but these Sage powers are rare. The founder of Paimen, or the contemporary leader!

   Naturally, there will be no such treatment.

   I want to make my Tianyun flag appear in such a state as Tianxing Universiade. Only if it can rush to the top-grade martial arts position, it may appear!

   For example, the Tianxia Business League, which was successfully promoted because of the four strongest masters, now has such a spirit in the Tianyun Banner, but before they were successfully promoted, when they were in the middle-rank sect, even if they were middle-rank Chief, Tianyun Banner is still indistinguishable from other middle-class schools.

   But the Nine Palaces… Now it’s only ranked first in the middle-class martial arts, how can it show such a gas!

   Nine Palaces are nothing but an initial creation, and there are quite a few people who can talk about the founders, such as Yun Yang, Luo Dajiang and even Qianduo can be listed among them, but everyone in Fengmingmen knows that they know the strength of Nine Palaces. Fundamentally, even the strongest Yun Yang has only just been promoted to the elementary level of the Holy Emperor. How can it be possible to climb the Holy One in a short time!

   is absolutely unreasonable, unreasonable!


  Feng Naruto temporary residence.

   “Someone in Jiu Zun Mansion has broken through the sage level, and he must be one of the twelve founders of Jiu Zun Mansion…”

  ”Only Yun Yang and Tiancan Ten Shows and the little fat man who have a lot of money are the founders of Nine Zunfu. Now, apart from Yun Yang’s absence, there are also Kong Luoyue and Lan Ruojun who took his disciples out to practice The nine of you are here, who will it be?!”

  ”Shi Wuchen has not yet left the gate. With his self-destruction of the foundation and forging the sword’s heart, even if he can achieve the holy lord, it will not be achieved in a short time, and we are all close. If he breaks through, We can’t help feeling that, in the same way, other people have not broken through the Holy Venerable; then, it can only be the other three people who are not in Jiu Zun Mansion, either Lan Ruojun or Kong Luoyue. If they are still not the two of them, then It must be the person in charge!”

   “Then who is more likely?”

   Everyone looked at each other and saw an affirmative answer in their eyes.

  ”Yun Yang, the head of Yun! It must be him, because of some kind of opportunity to break through to the highest level!”

  ” It is only Yun Yang who has broken through the ranks of the sages. As the head, he is the founder and the first founder; and the name of the Nine Palaces… Only then will such a person appear Signs of the ascension of chickens and dogs!”

   “But when Yun Yang went out before, he separated from us not long ago, but the first-grade holy emperor has only been a few days, two months?”

  ”How can it be possible to break through the Holy Lord’s rank in such a short time, how can it be a whole realm?”

   “Anyone will think it’s impossible, but what about the Fortune Banner this day, it can’t be faked.”

   This incident directly shocked the people of Feng Naimen to the point that the six gods have no master!

   Everyone’s mood is extremely complicated.

   For a long time, although the people of Fengmingmen live in Jiu Zun Mansion, they always have a sense of superiority in their psychology: we are the chief sect of the Zhongpin Tianyunqi competition, and we will also be the sect of the top grade Tianyunqi. !

   You nine palaces, but you barely managed to get lucky before you climbed to the bottom of the Zhongpin Tianyun Banner.

   is the bottom!

   So, even if the environment of Jiuzunfu is much better than Fengmingmen, when you watch and visit, you will unconsciously take a condescending attitude: even if you have a profound background and an excellent environment , The resources are abundant, but if you want to catch up with our Feng Naruto Gate, it will take at least several hundred years and several thousand years…

   But now, with the addition of the Heavenly Luck Banner, it has volleyed into the air, immediately smashing Feng Naruto’s pride!

  Don’t say anything else, the founder of the family is awesome; the leader is awesome; with one person, the whole school leap! Just look at the aura of Jiu Zunfu~ IndoMTL.com~ is already more than five times that of Fengmingmen!

  The disciples of Nine Zunfu are all geniuses; if you want to catch up with Feng Naruto…how much time can it take?

   This answer is just depressing to think about it!


   At the same time.

   Dong Qitian took the initiative to gather for the first time in the Tiancan Ten Show, and there is a lot of money; a small meeting was held.

   “You have all seen that the Nine Palaces show the signs of heaven and great fortune, and only Yunyang can be promoted to do so. So… Nine Palaces has officially entered a stage of super rapid development. However, want to become a high-grade martial art. , The chaotic atmosphere just now is not good.”

  Dong Qitian doesn’t sell Guanzi, but directly tells the story and points to the key points.

  ”All the disciples are a generation of disciples, there is no difference, and there are huge hidden dangers; martial arts facilities are far behind the true sense of the famous school; rewards and punishments, medicinal medicine pavilion, spiritual medicine garden, disciples are graded It needs to be re-planned; there are also Musashi pavilion, where the ancestral hall is, weapons, etc… all of you have to find other ways to plan for improvement;”

  Dong Qitian just reminded him in a very simple and general way, and then he ignored everything.

   To tell the truth, Dong Qitian felt that his reminder was unnecessary; these things were originally the basic structure of a sect. It can be small or just a prototype, but as long as it is a sect that wants to develop, it cannot be without.

   Dong Qitian left after speaking.

   But Luo Dajiang and others have been in meetings with Qian Duoduo all night.



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