I Am Supreme Chapter 321: The best time

“What did Tang Yishou say?” Mr. Bi asked.

“Tang racked his brains with one hand until he couldn’t vomit blood, and he didn’t think of it. So… he is currently recuperating.” Yun Yang said.

“Hematemesis? Cultivation? If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, how could you have thought that there should be such a game in the world, it is really a spectrum of blood vomiting…”

Mr. Bi sighed deeply, suddenly his eyes brightened, and said: “Is this the rumored blood hematocrit that no one can solve forever?!”

Yun Yang said in amazement: “The blood-vomiting spectrum? What is the secret in chess?”

Immediately nodded, and said with deep conviction: “It’s no wonder that, so the old legendary chess piece, how can I…”

Mr. Bi concentrated on thinking, and after trying all the methods he knew in his mind, he quickly came to a conclusion.

This game of chess must never be broken by conventional means.

As soon as he thought of this, he tried again, and started to deduct various changes in his mind.

But the more complicated the thought, the more changes, but the final result is still in vain, it is difficult to change the defeat.

As time went on, the black and white on the chessboard in my mind gradually turned into a confrontation between the black and white armies, thousands of armies and horses, roaring in and leaving.

The two peerless commanders have all made coups one after another, the opportunities are endless, and the fight is infinitely fierce.

Mr. Bi gradually appeared in a trance, and muttered: “There is no way forward, no way back…so in such a desperate situation, but what is it to do? How can we reverse the defeat and vindicate the decline? Why is this, why is it?!”

With one word, his face became paler and paler, and his body was gradually teetering.

At this moment, Mr. Bi’s whole mind has been immersed in the chess game. His eyes are full of illusions, his face is getting worse and worse, but he himself is completely unaware.

Yun Yang also thought about it as if he was unwilling, but in fact, his mind was not on this at all; only the non-stop funny in his heart: This chess book Bacchus Fengxian Song has studied for most of his life, he vomits blood and vomits his life. Yuandu vomits a lot…Even if you have reservations, you are one of the prime ministers of the Four Seasons Tower, and you are still some distance away from the superior cult doctor Bacchus Fengxiange, right?

Really sink in, see if you die?


His Royal Highness slapped the table with a sudden slap, and there was a loud noise.

Mr. Bi woke up, spitting out a mouthful of blood with a wow, his expression languishing, he opened his eyes and said, “It’s dangerous…”

He didn’t finish his words, only heard a wow, Yunyang on one side moved, it seemed that a blood rushed to his throat, but he closed his mouth forcibly, and swallowed the blood back with a grunt. But the redness on Jun-soo’s face will never be seen by anyone, let alone the shaking of her body, and the moment of wiping off the blood from her mouth with her sleeves, all showing the same bad condition. No better than Mr. Bi, but he laughed bitterly: “Where is the chess book, it is clearly a life-killing knife. Before, I laughed at the chess king and chess idiot, with insufficient concentration. Now I am immersed in the scene, and it is unbearable!” /

Mr. Bi also gave a wry smile, and the doubt that had just risen in the depths of his eyes had disappeared.

“It seems that this spectrum is not solvable by my generation, and it is reluctant to do it, there is no gain!”

Yun Yang retracted the chess record with a wry smile: “I’ll take this thing back and put it on the shelf. It turns out that there are three thousand great roads, and different paths lead to the same goal. Once you are really immersed in chess and martial arts, you can’t get rid of it. It is obsessed. If you sink, you will be injured, so let’s avoid it for good.”

Mr. Bi sighed softly and said: “Yes, yes, what the son said is extremely true. The ancients made this world-shaking chess game with painstaking effort. How can we wait and see it?”

However, despite all the fixed opinions in his heart, when he saw Yun Yang really put the game book into his arms, he was inexplicably reluctant to give up, saying: “Don’t you really want to study the game, Master Yun? !?”

Yun Yang laughed, and said somewhat self-deprecatingly: “Mr. Bi is a wise man. Isn’t it possible to understand the reason? This chess game must never be played again. It is reluctant to do it. It is only a big deal for you and me. It’s not a good thing. Shu Yun said bluntly; Yun and His Royal Highness have no personal relationship, and they have never been in the same line politically; everyone has very different positions, and naturally they have to bear their own circumstances.”

“Yun is certainly not willing to have an accident. However, if Mr. Bi tells something because of this chess, the thunder anger of the crown prince will inevitably involve Yun. This is not a beautiful thing for people and himself, or it is missing. Fate!”

Yun Yang smiled happily.

The prince was on the side, and his dignified face also showed a smile, saying: “Yun Shizi’s words are very reasonable. The way of game has its own subtleties, but after all, it is a trail. It is not a beautiful thing to consume it. Now everyone has nothing to do, it is the best.”

Mr. Bi smiled freely, and said without any complaints: “Master Yun said it right, so let this matter go, I hope he will still have the opportunity to learn from the world.”

But I said in my heart: “Anyway, I have already memorized the key to the first game. Going back and slowly researching and researching is that if I can break the game, it will be my unique secret, better than sharing with others, and leaving a name in the history of chess. I should be the only one!”

Yun Yang immediately put away the game score, said goodbye, and then went away happily, seeming to let go of a big deal.

Mr. Bi watched him walk out of the gate of the Prince’s Mansion, his eyes flickering, and said: “His Royal Highness, today is the best time to kill that Yunyang!”

The prince suddenly turned his head and looked at Mr. Bi: “???”

Obviously, His Royal Highness did not understand Mr. Bi’s sudden suggestion at all. Why did it come from?

Mr. Bi took a deep breath and said: “As it is said that time and time, now your Highness happened to establish a ground of goodwill with Yunyang under the fate meeting. At this moment, even if someone suspects afterwards, His Royal Highness also has words to get rid of suspicion. What’s more, it is the moment when the killers are fighting against each other, but it is also a moment of chaos. It is extremely convenient to start at this moment!”

His Royal Highness nodded slightly and said: “That’s not bad, it’s the best time for us to start at this moment. No one will doubt that the friend who just showed good intentions and released the kindness, Mr. Really wise.”

Mr. Bi smiled and nodded ~ IndoMTL.com~ leisurely said: “It should be God’s will destined to do something for His Highness, it is absurd if God does not take it!”

It should not be too late, and His Royal Highness immediately ordered to go down.

When the order was about to be delivered, Mr. Bi added an extra sentence: “Remember to bring back the chess book in the arms of Mr. Yun, and do not damage it.”

The prince was stunned.

Why did you kill Yunyang? Is it for yourself or for yourself?

It’s just a trivial game book. As for doing so blatantly, is it fake for personal gain?

His Royal Highness could not understand Mr. Bi’s mentality in doing this at all.


Yun Yang walked out of the Prince’s Mansion; just after turning a corner, he saw an acquaintance at a glance.

Shangguan Lingxiu.

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