I Am Supreme Chapter 26: Selling ancestral properties

But what surprised him most was Yun Yang’s other words.

  ”Will you help me heal my injuries? Three days?”

  Shi Wuchen’s eyes widened suddenly.

   Shi Wuchen is not surprised that Yun Yang assumes that he is the first hitman, and his own cultivation base is there. Since he joined the faction, he should contribute, and at the same time, he should not accidentally express Yun Yang to help himself The saying that heal his injuries can only show more combat power when his injury improves. This is just the intention, and it makes sense!

   What really shocked Shi Wuchen was Yun Yang’s so-called three-day cure!

   My injury, with the help of the power of the earth veins, I spent a full three years of cultivation and only recovered 30%. You said that I would heal in three days. Guess I believe it?

   I believe in your evil!

   However, as a life essence penetrated his body, Shi Wuchen obediently closed his mouth, his expression agitated.

   The facts are condensed before you, no matter how evil you are, you must believe it after all!

  His true cultivation base reached the early sage level, he was naturally a person of knowledge, and subconsciously asked: “This, is this… innate essence?”

   With this extremely pure life force, it is enough to suppress all the adverse reactions caused by the pain, and there is no need to worry about it. You only need to concentrate on running the body to heal the injured body.

   It is expected that 70% of the strength will be restored in one day. After such a calculation, the statement that the day after tomorrow will be fully restored is not a problem at all, and even a conservative statement, there is much room for it.

  If so… if you can keep this magical essence a little, let yourself follow this life force to consolidate your own cultivation base, or it will be of great use for future cultivation base breakthroughs!

  This… This is clearly a godsend, the super beauty of the pie in the sky!

   Shi Wuchen suddenly felt that joining the Nine Palaces does not seem to be a bad thing, but rather the opportunity for the continuation of his future path of cultivation.

   In fact, he had long wanted to join a sect. Even if he didn’t solicit for Yunyang today, if he was solicited by others, as long as the other party was still able to get along, he would probably go smoothly.

   Over the years, he has gone through the destruction of the family, the world of desperation, has been drifting around, and has formed a lot of cause and effect. After all, if you want to survive in the rivers and lakes, it is inevitable to settle hatred and resentment; many enemies have forced him He has nowhere to be, without a helper, he has long felt alone.

   Yunyang’s invitation is just right.

   Otherwise, even if it is powerful and difficult to break through the cloud and cloud phase incarnation, as long as you don’t hesitate to wear it, fight for the worsening of the injury, force the move of the cage of the world, and use the real gap between the cloud and the sky to transform the elbow and armpit. Yunyang may not be planted here,

   And as long as you really get the Purple Pole Sky Crystal, how can you suppress the injury with Shi Wuchen’s cultivation?

   So, the previous battle was not so much at the mercy of Yunyang, but there were also elements that Shi Wuchen was quite willing to cooperate with. It was like Ximen Qing hooked up with Pan Jinlian, who wanted to refuse or refused to welcome it. In fact, it was willing. Of course, in the end, you and I will hook up into… what’s the matter!

   It’s just that Shi Wuchen fought with Yunyang, and the idea of ​​compromising and accepting that meeting was that our buddy is also an organized person from now on, although this organization may not be reliable, if someone finds fault at any time , I can deal with what I can deal with, and I will spare no effort, but if I can’t deal with it, I won’t pay myself a life. Everything is the first priority. I will act according to the opportunity and never try my best. Guy, it’s not easy, just talking about his weird ability that can’t be killed, he’s a little good.

   Then, after watching the formation of clouds, Shi Wuchen had another recognition in his heart: this guy is not only special in martial arts, but also with weird and supernatural powers. He is also good at formation. He is truly an extraordinary talent. It’s unknown whether you can follow such a person to break into a world.

   It was three days for Yunyang to heal the injury he had not recovered for three years, but Shi Wuchen took a heartfelt breath.

   has received such a great benefit before dripping, and if you have any reservations, you can’t justify it. Then stay here with all your heart. If you really encounter danger, you will die.

   is so heart-to-heart and treats each other so sincerely, if I still have the idea of ​​quitting people at any time, at least in my heart, it is not enough for others!

   At the moment when this thought came up, I suddenly felt that the thought was mastery, and it seemed that the whole person was relaxed.

   Shi Wuchen realized that his thoughts are accessible, his body and mind are refreshed, but he feels that the spiritual atmosphere around him has increased again. After careful examination, I found that it was the already strong spiritual energy, which seemed to have increased significantly, and I couldn’t help but speak. Asked: “Boss, what kind of blessing do you use on the base, and how can you achieve this?”

   Shi Wuchen didn’t believe what Yun Yang said about “rare energy crystals”.

  ”It seems to me commonplace, a lot of things in my hand.” Yun Yang still didn’t tell the truth: “When I have time, I will tell you the effect, and I will tell you.”

   It’s not that I don’t tell you, but it’s just normal. I have a lot of things!

   Although this sentence is not a lie or a big talk for Yunyang, the truth is extremely absurd!

   You and he said that the Purple Pole Sky Crystal is commonplace and has a lot of hands. Even if it is true, you dare not say that. Are you not afraid of being beaten to death? !

   Shi Wuchen nodded unsurprisingly, and said: “Since it is a normal thing, I won’t ask more.”

  He is a sensible person, and even more transparent. They didn’t meet each other for the first time, so they are really taboos to talk shallowly and deeply. The future will be long, so why bother about it.


   At this time, the little fat man has a lot of money and is now incarnation of a rich man, participating in the auction in the auction house, and setting up the legs of a man, a picture of the uncle, and the momentum is actually quite good.

   “If it weren’t for the loss of the family business, how could I take out this treasure.” The little fat man sighed.

  ”My uncle, two uncles and others are eating, drinking, and gambling, and they are not doing their jobs properly…hey, and they are dyed with flowers and willows…”

  ”Now the livelihoods of the family are all on my own head. It’s difficult…Our family with a history of five thousand years is gradually declining…It is really ashamed to say~ IndoMTL. com~ However, no matter how difficult it is, we will never sell this ancestral artifact for a cheap price. If the price of your business is not suitable, we will not make a deal, no matter how frustrated, but our family of five thousand years , Also can withstand a bit of wind and frost.”

  The manpower of the auction house is speechless and indifferent.

   “If it is used for auction…how about directly selling at the auction price?”

  ”Well, this is not impossible, but there is such a good thing auction, in addition to the amazing transaction price, it also provides you with room to increase your reputation. After this calculation, your cheaper is greater. Commissions cannot be calculated according to the usual rules.”

  ”The general auction house rake is 10%. In addition to avoiding the tap, you have to give me an extra 100 high-grade spirit jade. I won’t force the others. People have to bow their heads under the eaves. Thinking of my 5,000-year-old hidden family, I have seen all the winds and frosts, and read all over the world, but because the descendants of future generations are unworthy, they sell their ancestors and make a living…”

  The people at the auction house hardly rushed past.

   What’s playing?

   We are not only working in vain, but we also have to lose money and make money?

   Just like this, it’s as if you are losing money and let us pick up the bargain? ! ! !

   How did you think about this, speak to the five thousand-year-old family, shut up and watch it all, you are so confident that you can directly break the void and sell your ancestral property!


  Genius only remembers the address of this site in one second:. Mobile version reading URL:

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