I Am Supreme Chapter 257: One shock!

   Yun Yang was very touched, gratified and envied by the love between the fifth elder brother and Yue Jie, but even more regretful for Yun Zuiyue’s loneliness, and similar things shouldn’t happen to people close to him. Up!

  , it’s better to forget about the present. This adaptation seems to be suitable for the present!


   Qiuyun Mountain brought ten masters from the Qiu family, and Xia Bingchuan also brought ten masters from the Xia family; he had been waiting in Yunfu for a long time.

   has long been waiting to see through, but when I finally saw Yun Yang’s return, I was naturally overjoyed and greeted me ecstatically: “Boss, you are back.”

   However, the twenty high-level cultivators of the two big families saw Yun Yang coming back, but their eyes were full of suspicion: How does this kid look like a beast trainer above the high level, okay? Is he really able to advance the profound beast beyond the limits of what a human can’t? My young master was not deceived, right?

   As long as a cultivator with a little more experience in the arena and lakes will have this question, after all, Yun Yang’s age is too young, even if the appearance of people is outstanding, they can’t obliterate the reality of the young age, and among high-level animal trainers One of the characteristics is that he has a lot of experience, a lot of experience, which is impossible to achieve at Yunyang’s age.

   Yunyang’s thoughts were very heavy, he snorted, ignored the two of them, and went back to the room.

   Hanging out the two eldest sons, looking at each other.

  The reaction of the guards was furious.

  Why is this guy so rude? !

   Don’t know who we are? We are the elite masters of the Qiu and Xia families!

   Based on our identities, we have derived our own strength cultivation base. With so many people together, even the princes and patriarchs of one party dare not despise this, right? !

   This group of people was about to have an attack, but they were soothed by Qiuyunshan and Xia Bingbing; these two people knew very well in their hearts that if their guards really offended Yunyang today… Then, train Xuan Beast This thing is absolutely nothing!

  Yun Yangyun Boss has never been a talking person!

   At this time, another team hurriedly arrived at the gate——

   “Where is the boss?”

  The person who speaks is amazingly the Spring Festival Gala.

   Spring Festival Evening Breeze is also holding a small mysterious beast cub in his arms, but it is a small tiger image, covered in variegated fur, but there is something that people really want to touch Immature.

   Apart from anything else, just this show, the cubs of profound beasts carried by the Spring Festival Gala have already knocked Xia and Qiu to the bottom, relatively incompetent!

   As the Spring Festival Gala breeze came in, a guy with a dejected face and an unhappy face came recently. He was not someone else, but the last of the Four Young Masters. It was cold in winter.

   This guy seems to have come by himself this time.

  ”Where is the boss?” Winter Cold also asked the same question as the Spring Festival Gala.

   Xia Bingchuan and Qiuyunshan rolled their eyes, each holding their own profound beasts, and ignored them.

   Just ask if you hold the profound beast; why don’t you ask if you don’t hold the profound beast!

   Wouldn’t it be uncomfortable if you didn’t see our brothers? !

   In fact, Xia Qiu is more upset than the two. The masters of the Xia and Qiu families all showed a solemn and unprecedented look. They focused on the little tiger in the spring evening breeze, and several people even showed deep envy and jealousy. Look.

   Spring Festival Gala, this little tiger is by no means only an image that kills the cubs of his own two mysterious beasts.

   This is clearly a pure combat type eighth peak profound beast, a black-winged tiger!

   This kind of profound beast, once it enters the growth stage, a pair of wings will grow on its ribs.

   Although this pair of wings cannot make this tiger soar into the sky, it is a sign that distinguishes it from other profound beasts.

  Besides this pair of wings is extremely hard, it can be used as a weapon to kill the enemy; it can also be used for short gliding, crossing mountains and rivers but waiting for meddling, even if the wind is smart, it is not difficult.

   In addition, the black-winged tiger still has a talent skill, that is, it can emit sharp air arrows from its mouth; not only is it invincible, but also accurate, it is directly a phenomenon-level representative of accurate sniping among the profound beasts!

   This is definitely a rare fighting profound beast elite; whether it is the Wanjin bear of the Xia family or the three-eyed pig of the Qiu family, it is completely incomparable with this black-winged tiger, and it is directly compared to a scum!

   “Boss!” The Spring Festival Gala breeze can be described as a spring breeze, full of ambition, high spirits, coquettish, and he screamed.

   “The son is resting.” Fang Mo’s burly body appeared on the side, and said lightly: “Please wait a moment.”

As soon as    Fang Mofei appeared, a powerful Qi appeared in his body, which immediately attracted the attention of the guards of the three major families.

   “Eight-Rank Peak Profound Expert!”

  Almost everyone showed a look of guard.

   Although the cultivation level of their own and others is not weaker than that of the guy in front of him, and there are even many people who are even more superior to him, but such a high-level cultivator hastily appeared in the mansion of Yunyang, the secular son, but Everyone was surprised.

   Lao Mei also stood out from the pavilion under the blossoming tree, and everyone was surprised to see that she was another 8-rank master!

   Although the cultivation level of the person who appeared later is slightly worse than that of the previous one, he is still a real Yaeshan cultivator. Is it because the high-level cultivators are so worthless now, there are two people here casually? !

   But surprises are coming!

   in the wing room.

   Bai Yixue lazily said: “The visitor is a guest, and everyone is free to do so, without restraint.”

  The voice came slowly, the tone was calm, but a pressure like a mountain also suddenly emerged from the place where the sound was made, instantly permeating the entire Yunfu, like a roof!

   A total of 30 high-level practitioners from the three families were shocked: This is clearly a peak practitioner who has surpassed the top ten percent!

   There is such a super repairer in a Hou Mansion in a district. Are we really reduced to frogs at the bottom of the well?

   For a while, everyone was at a loss.

   Did we come to the mansion of a grandfather Hou in the world? Or came to Senrotin? Or is it the headquarters of the five major sects?

   Is there any higher-end combat power yet to be revealed? !

   What’s more, is it true that the so-called that the cub of the profound beast breaks through its own limit and rises beyond the limit? !

  In such a strange and unpredictable realm, it may be true!

   The arrogance in everyone’s heart suddenly disappeared, nothing left, even a little cautious.

   At this moment, Yun Yang is in the room, standing in front of the window, looking at the thirty masters from the three major families, with a solemn expression.

   Although the three major families **** the profound beasts to be foolproof and not to lose the profound beast cubs that have been so hard to obtain, it is too much to use such a large battle; among them, the Jiuzhongshan repairers have dispatched several; , Probably have other ideas?

   That’s why Yun Yang let Bai Yixue come forward to be shocked, and completely wipe out the small abacus that the three major families may have before they sprout!

   If it comes up, it will fall out… There is no benefit to my follow-up plan at all, it will only expose my true strength!

   And as long as these people are here, even if you really fight with the masters of the Four Seasons Tower, these people will definitely not be able to stand by? They also point to their own cultivation of profound beasts…

   But today, Yun Yang has no plans to go out at all; for one thing, after blasting and killing the senior cultivator of the Four Seasons Tower before, Yun Yang clearly felt that his endless magical power was again Some meanings are about to move around, and you need to sort them out to rest assured.

   One more…

   There are too many scheduled and occasional things during this period of time. They are too complicated and messy; they also need to be sorted out carefully.

  While Shui Wuyin is still sorting out the tasks assigned to him by Yunyang, the whole person has become very haggard; however, under his integration, the Order of the Nine Heavens has initially entered the orbit, and it has displayed outstanding performance. .

   Although it did not pull these people to the bright surface, nor did they fully concentrate these people; after all, these people can only play a huge role in the dark. If once exposed to broad daylight, facing a behemoth like the Four Seasons Tower, I am afraid There is no effect at all, and it will only become a target that is targeted and annihilated.

   Shui Wuyin continued to issue orders, so that everyone who belonged to the Order of the Nine Heavens slowly realized that it was Master Feng Zun who was in charge now; and then through orders, they integrated step by step, although the process is unavoidable. , But there are no hidden dangers.

   from time to time to stimulate hatred, so that everyone’s heart of revenge is burning…

  , from time to time, describe the vision…

   I have to say, Shui Wuyin is indeed a master of trickery!

   Through his various means of operation, the people of Nine Days Order are now more efficient, and various departments have begun to cooperate… and there is little friction and the like.

   It is a miracle to be able to reach this step without seeing the high level and without any strong restraint of the wrist!

   At least Yun Yang asked himself to do this is not easy!


   Bai Yixue screamed~ IndoMTL.com~ People from the three major families are waiting quietly in the courtyard of the Yunfu. Although the weather is a bit cold, it is not a big deal for these high-level profound practitioners. Not to mention that the aura of Yunfu is far beyond that of other places, and it is not inferior to the ordinary heaven and blessings. Staying here is good for everyone and happy to see it.

   is one thing willing to stay, but everyone is still wondering.

   After he came back, the young man Yun went back to the room with such a dark face, as if someone owed him countless money…

   Is this because of that?

   Seeing that it was already afternoon, Yun Yang still did not come out, but an outsider came.

   “This is the House of Yunhou? Dare to ask Young Master Yun Yang where he is?” An elegant voice suddenly sounded at the door.

   Everyone was taken aback when they heard the sound, and they followed the sound.

   I saw a man in Tsing Yi, with a big bird on the left, and a thin boy with a black face on the right, standing at the gate of the yard with a smile on his face.

   had entered the door uninvited.


   “I have arrived in Shanghai. 》


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