I Am Supreme Chapter 186: Fire forging a loyal soul!

Zhange’s heart was stunned. He faintly felt that, or maybe his thoughts were true!

The teacher may not be oblivious to it, but it is still necessary to carry out the previous move to the end!

Early the next morning.

The sky is still dark, and the dawn of winter always comes very late.

However, the sudden screaming for killing shattered the night.

Dong Xuan’s general attack of soldiers and horses finally officially launched at this moment!

In Tieguguan, the Yutang army, which was already exhausted, rushed to the head of the city the first time.

At this moment, Qiu Jianhan has already lost weight.

This old man, who has been over the past few years, has been in the city during this period of time. He disappeared and stood upright in the atmosphere of thick smoke; on several occasions, he was fainted by the smoke. After all, the city The head position is the hottest place for the flames. Even with the protection of profound profound arts, it is still difficult to bear.

But he would rather be overwhelmed, still not leaving the city.

“How many enemy troops are currently participating in the general attack?!” Qiu Jianhan’s voice was hoarse to the extreme. A pair of eyes shone like a ghost in the dark.

“Above hundred thousand or more.” Wang Dingguo just listened roughly to the other side’s movement and reported an accurate number. This is the military quality of a general who has experienced many battles, and it is nothing.

“It’s still too little…” Qiu Jianhan sighed: “However, this should also be the limit of Hanshanhe, the last thing we can get!”

Wang Dingguo stood upright: “They must be told to come and never come back!”

“Use all the remaining kerosene for this campaign. You don’t need to keep any reserves. Pour it all down for me!”

Qiu Jianhan coughed violently, spit out a thick **** sputum, and said sharply: “After all the kerosene is poured down, everyone quickly evacuates the city! According to the established plan, transfer to the west gate for a decisive battle!” /


Barrels of kerosene were dumped in an orderly manner, and a group of Yutang soldiers rushed down the city with a loud roar, rushing in with their own flesh and blood. Fight hand-to-hand with the enemy in the sea of ​​fire and oil!

With the buffer of the gentle **** of the ice layer, Yutang soldiers are also cheap, at least at this moment, they can jump directly off the city head without risk of injury!

A total of 30,000 Jade Tang heroes rushed out like crazy tigers, fighting the enemy to death in the atmosphere of flowing fire oil!

The mentality of these Jade Tang warriors is very different from that of Dongxuan soldiers.

The soldiers of Dongxuan only know that the enemy is crazy, and it is the last desperate fight; as long as they are repelled, it will be victory, and it will be a broad road without hindrance.

However, Yutang soldiers understood more clearly in their hearts. Starting from the time when he and others rushed down, his life was in the countdown. Once the kerosene under his feet was poured, it would ignite into the sky!

At that time, both you and the enemy will become a pile of coke!

At this moment, this battle, whether it is victory or defeat, is a mortal game!

But they still have no fear!

“Follow Lao Tzu on the road! Dong Xuan boys! Hahaha…”

These 30,000 Jade Tang heroes have formed an unprecedentedly strong army since they jumped from the top of the city. All of them are armed with big swords and spears, launching the most powerful and extreme counterattack, and they will live as the Dongxuan army. The impulse of a hundred thousand army suppressed it, and it is rare to make an inch!

“Marshal, Yutang soldiers and horses jumped off the Tieguguan to fight!”

“Huh? How many people are there?”

“The coming is menacing, and the offensive brewed by my 100,000 army has been contained!”

“In other words, the enemy has at least 50,000 or more?”

“Well, even… there are more.”

Han Shanhe was silent, paced for two steps, and finally ordered: “Increase by 80,000 troops and win the current!”

In the Dongxuan army formation, the sound of the drum beat suddenly changed, and it rang out in another way.

Han Shanhe’s face was uncertain in the torch mapping.

“Qiu Jianhan has always loved soldiers like a child. If it were not for the last moment… such extreme tactics would never happen. That means…”

The flesh-and-blood body of the thirty thousand strong men of Yutang turned into a new iron-bones barrier on the gentle **** cast by both the enemy and the enemy!

They rush forward regardless of their lives and the madness of life and death!

At this moment, everything is out of my head. Parents, wives, children, red-faced brothers and friends, everything, all the past, just flash in my mind, and then forget everything. The whole person turned into a tiger with red eyes down the mountain!

A majestic voice suddenly rang into the sky, and someone stood up and shouted loudly in the air!

“The Jade Tang hero is here, who dares to offend me!”

“Who dares to offend my mountains and rivers!”

All the 30,000 strong men shouted in unison and moved forward three steps at the same time!

“I have no regrets in my life in Yutang!” The sharp voice shouted.

“I will enter the Yutang without regrets in this life!” Thirty thousand strong men shouted together.

“Use my iron bones to cast the male gate!” Li Lie shouted loudly.

“Use my iron bones to cast a male pass!” Three steps forward again!

“If there is an afterlife, come to fight!”

“If there is an afterlife, come to fight!”

“Break to pieces to repay the country!”

“Break to pieces to repay the country!”

A total of 30,000 soldiers, suddenly screaming at the sky like a wolf howling, rushed out in desperation, inserted into the Eastern Profound Army formation, shouted, and started fighting!

“Going to the country today is difficult!”

“Why break this body!”

“If there is an afterlife!”

“Still Yutang people!”

The light of the sword is shining, the blood is rushing into the sky, and countless heroes rushed into the enemy’s formation in the darkness before dawn, killed the enemy, fell, and repeated, like endless, endless death!

It is precisely because of these people’s death to forget their lives that countless Dongxuan soldiers’ bones and blood gurgled on the ground as a stream.

On the back of the city, there are still countless Yutang soldiers with tears on their faces, but they are determined, and quickly dumped barrels of kerosene. Every Yutang soldier on the front of the city feels that the blood on his body is burning fiercely. They now very much imagine that the 30,000 warriors are fighting desperately, splendid and happy, but they can’t, they still have to dump fire oil. Only by completing this last important task can we talk about other things!

The sound of Dongxuan’s fighting drums shook the sky endlessly, and countless soldiers rushed up like the tide.

At this point in the fierce battle between the two sides, there are not many 30,000 soldiers who rushed to the head of the city. Even though the survivors are all wounded, they are still fighting and fighting. A big man is covered in blood and roars up to the sky: ” Before the grandpas are dead, who can go forward!?”

“Hahaha…” The strong men who were trapped in the enemy line laughed at the same time: “Yes, before the grandpa is dead, who can move forward!?”


“Old Marshal, all the accumulated kerosene has been spilled!”

Wang Dingguo’s face burst into tears.

Qiu Jianhan’s face is majestic and solemn: “Wait! Wait, after all our warriors are killed! They shouldn’t die under the sea of ​​fire cast by our own people!”

“The old man wants them all to die on the battlefield. They must not die under our own family!”


Wang Dingguo and Qiu Jianhan stood at the highest point together, watching closely the charge and fighting below, and as far as they could see, they trembled and choked.

The heroic shouts below are getting less and less, and I can’t hear them…

At the head of the city, Dongxuan soldiers have begun to appear!

Qiu Jianhan fired in his eyes, and suddenly shouted with all his strength: “Fire! See you off for my brothers!”


Wang Dingguo jumped up like crazy, and the longbow in his hand instantly pulled into a full moon, and the rocket ignited and shot out quickly.


The countless Yutang soldiers were full of tears, shouting hoarsely.

At the same time~IndoMTL.com~Countless rockets illuminate the entire sky of Tieguguan!

“See you off for my brothers!”


The flames soaring into the sky ignited blazingly, and the heat wave was soaring!

On the ground, the viscous kerosene that was originally flowing everywhere, at this moment, is like a winding fire dragon, suddenly shining, and then soaring into the sky, burning with unprecedented intensity!

Dongxuan’s main attack of hundreds of thousands of troops has already rushed to the head of Yutang City at this time, but the latter part, or most of the soldiers, is still on the gentle slope. We are advancing fast!

The moment the fire suddenly ignited, it burned to the end of the gentle **** at an incredible and unbelievable continuous speed!

This also means that Dongxuan’s 100,000 troops who launched a total offensive this time were caught in the flames at the same time, and they were not spared!

Everyone is like a fire man, clashing, screaming, and struggling in the sea of ​​fire.

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