I! Accept Disciples and Become Stronger! Chapter 2: Flowers falling


Has a pivotal position and great influence.

When Si Tingxuan came to the gate of the college, the place was already overcrowded.

Hundreds of young people from the Tianling Mountains arrived here early in the morning, either alone or accompanied by their elders.

I am afraid of missing the registration time.

Of course, Qibing Academy is a high-end academy, and there are conditions for entry.

The first condition is to have the strength of a second-level soul master. This is a basic requirement for all senior colleges!

The second condition is that the martial spirit must be a weapon martial spirit.

The third condition is that the age must not exceed eighteen.

The arrival of Si Tingxuan immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

After all, he is very conspicuous in his tutor uniform.

The key point is that compared with other mentors who are in their forties or fifties, he, who is less than thirty, looks extremely young.

It made everyone look at him.

Some of them pointed at him and said with surprise: “He is also a mentor? He is too young!”

The person who said this was dressed in ordinary clothes and was obviously just a soul master with an ordinary background.

Some people from small and medium-sized soul master families.

Immediately looked over with contempt, and then looked at Si Tingxuan with admiration: “What do you know, that man is not only the youngest instructor in the academy, but also a powerful Soul Emperor. That’s Among the top three in the academy.”

“Soul Emperor? Darling… In the small town where I was born, the Soul King is the strongest, and there is no Soul Emperor. Let alone such a young Soul Emperor.”

“Forget it! Such a young Soul Emperor, not to mention your city, even the entire Baroque Kingdom, and even the entire continent, is gone… I heard that the legendary figure back then, in his At this age, it is far inferior.”

“It would be great if I could become his student… It would be best if I could call him teacher!”

“You really dare to think!”

On the mainland, only those who have learned from a teacher are called teachers. In other cases, they are called mentors.

Just like Tang San and the master in the original work.

So, teacher is not just called randomly.

But right next to them, a girl of fourteen or fifteen years old heard the words, her eyes flashed with dazzling light.

My hands can’t help but clench into fists!

I thought with some excitement: “If I am really lucky enough to have him as my teacher…then all the crises the family faces will be easily solved!”

She is not a soul master from an ordinary family, but from a small soul master family.

So he knows far more than ordinary soul masters…the youngest soul emperor in history…the most promising being in the Baroque Kingdom to become a titled Douluo.

That status is far beyond what an ordinary Soul Emperor can compare to.

Her name is Hua Qingluo… She is the eldest daughter of the head of the Hua family in Huifeng City, a hundred miles north of Tianling City. The Hua family is considered very powerful in Huifeng City.

Together with the other two families, they are known as the three major soul master families in Huifeng City.

As the daughter of the head of the Hua family, her status is naturally noble, but this dignity is limited to Huifeng City.

After leaving Huifeng City, she was also a little genius with some talent.

She is a smart person, so she has set her position very well. After leaving Huifeng City, she has been very low-key and never caused trouble.

Because she understands that she is nothing outside of Huifeng City, and no one will give the Hua family face.

“Whether our Hua family can survive this difficulty depends entirely on you… As long as you enter this Qibing Academy and be valued by the youngest Soul Emperor… Even if he is Dongfang Mingde The Academy of Alien Beasts values… and can’t do anything to us.”

The person standing next to Hua Qingluo was an old man over fifty years old.

He is the elder of the Hua family and Hua Qingluo’s second grandfather.

Although he is only a fifty-level soul king, he is also ranked among the top five experts in the entire Hua family.

The strength is only ranked below the old family head, the current family head and the great elder.

However, what he said was not only to Hua Qingluo, but also to a young man on the side.

His name is Hua Bufan, the youngest son of the head of the Hua family, and Hua Qingluo’s biological brother.

He is the number one genius of the Hua family and the hope of everyone in the Hua family.

As for the flowers falling…it’s really…hard to describe!

Her martial soul took on the surname of her mother. When she awakened her martial soul, everyone’s hearts dropped when they saw it.

But when he tested his soul power, it turned out to be even better than Hua Bufan, with an innate seventh-level soul power!

But… her martial soul is so weird, so weird… When she hunted for the first and second rings for her, the hairlines of the family heads and elders rose by another dimension.

If I come back a few more times… I guess the head of the Hua family and the elders will all be bald.

So, after much deliberation, the entire Hua family decided to send her to the Qibing Academy. After all, there was no more suitable martial spirit for her than this academy.

“Hahaha, it really made me laugh… You, Hua Bufan,… you actually want to be valued by this person… and you don’t even pee and take photos… Are you worthy?”

Everyone in the Hua family was so familiar with this person’s voice that they knew who it was without looking back.

Hua Qingluo is very close to Hua Bufan, so before Hua Bufan can refute, she immediately retaliates, turning around and glaring at the person coming: “Zhang Liang… My brother is not worthy, it is difficult to find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com Not worthy of you?”

Zhang Liang is from the Zhang family in Huifeng City.

The Zhang family, the Dongfang family and the Hua family where Hua Qingluo lives are collectively known as the three major Huifeng families. [In fact, they are all the lowest-ranking soul master families]

Zhang Liang is the most talented among the Zhang family.

He used to be the number one genius in Huifeng City, but since Hua Qingluo and Hua Bufan awakened their martial spirits, he has been suppressed.

So, he has always been hostile to Hua Qingluo and Hua Bufan.

I saw him looking at Hua Qingluo with disdain: “And you… If I had a martial spirit like you, I would just throw myself into the river. How could I have the face to continue living in the world…”

Hua Bufan also sneered: “My defeated general…what qualifications do you have to scream in front of us. And don’t forget, this is the Academy of Strange Weapons. The more bizarre the martial spirit, the more popular it will be.”

After finishing speaking, he comforted Hua Qingluo: “Sister, please ignore him…”

Zhang Liang also sneered: “Hua Bufan, you should know that my martial spirit is a three-star sword. Sword-type martial arts are very rare. With my talent, it is not difficult to get the attention of the teaching director of Qibing Academy. ..With his guidance, believe me…our strength will soon expand.”

At this time, the teacher in charge of the registration also noticed Si Tingxuan’s arrival.

I couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment, and thought to myself: “Isn’t it my responsibility this time? Why is he here?”

However, he didn’t ask any more questions.

Instead, he nodded politely to him, and then shouted to the many people who came to sign up: “Quiet, everyone, registration starts now… Please line up and come forward one by one… Don’t Don’t be in a hurry…we won’t miss anyone.”

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