Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 2: “Traveler” Richard and the “Hunter” family in Ironwood City

The streets in Ironwood City are very spacious, and the pavement paved with stone slabs looks clean and tidy. Many of the houses on both sides are newly built. The entire city is planned very rigorously. It can be seen that the designers have a lot of compulsion. disease.

Richard rode a horse and walked on the spacious avenue of Ironwood City, looking at the small city he built with his own hands with a critical eye.

Under Richard’s several years of management, Ironwood City has attracted tens of thousands of people to settle. Although the population is far from that of some modern county-level cities, in this alien continent, the productivity is only slightly stronger than that of the Middle Ages. It can also be called prosperous.

The New Year has passed, but spring has not yet arrived, the weather has not gotten warmer, it is getting late, and there are only a few pedestrians on the street.

The cold nights in the North are the most long and unbearable. If ordinary people spend the night outside the house, they will be frozen into ice sculptures the next day.

Richard couldn’t help but speed up his journey home. Although he was a quasi-knight and had excellent physical fitness, he didn’t want to experience the cold night in the North.


Ironwood Castle stands on a high ground in Ironwood City, with a stone wall as high as five feet.

Archery towers are reasonably distributed on the castle to ensure that the arrows fired by the defenders can hit all attacking enemies without blind spots.

Different from the brand-new buildings in Ironwood City, although Ironwood Castle is often repaired, there are always sword marks and small holes made by arrows on the walls that are difficult to repair, giving it a feeling of having experienced many vicissitudes of life.

Ironwood Castle has been run by three generations of the Hunter family. Construction began with Richard’s deceased grandfather, and it gradually gained a firm foothold amid constant friction and conflicts with snow pirates, wild people, and half-elf tribes.

It was not until Richard’s generation that Ironwood City was built based on Ironwood Castle under Richard’s promotion.


“Stand at attention”

“Every member of the team participating in the bear hunt today, except Pierre, can receive a silver gnar.”

Everyone except Pierre looked happy when they heard this. One silver nard is enough for a family of three to live decently for a month, and it is also equivalent to their salary for a month. The soldiers who participated in this bear hunt are all considered to be rich. A small fortune.


Following Richard’s order, the soldiers happily walked back to the barracks. The soldiers patrolling and standing guard around them all cast envious looks at them.

Although Master Richard stipulates that all soldiers take part in the bear hunt in rotation, not every time there is a harvest. Sometimes there is no trace of the bear at all and they have to return empty-handed.

Of course Richard will not suffer a loss. The forest giant bear is full of treasures. The bear skin can be made into expensive clothing and is sought after by the upper class nobles in the royal capital. The bear bones can be used as medicine to help polish the body, and the bear paws are rare. It’s delicious. After a little processing, it’s worth at least 3 gold when sold to the Chamber of Commerce.

(100 silver nar=1 gold nar, 100 copper=1 silver nar)


After inspecting the military camp and making his presence felt in front of the soldiers, Richard turned and walked towards the main house in the backyard of the castle, where his parents and several uncles and aunts lived.


It has been the seventeenth year since Richard came to this world. The memory of his previous life has been somewhat blurred. He has now fully accepted his new identity, the young lord of Ironwood City and the eldest son of Viscount Hunter’s family. Young Master – Richard Hunter.

As a liberal arts student in my previous life, I couldn’t even remember the recipe for gunpowder, and I couldn’t advance in science and technology in this alien world with backward productivity.

Based on vague memories, the craftsmen were guided to make a pulley and use it on the bed crossbow, so Ironwood City’s heavy military weapon “Bear Hunting Crossbow” was newly released.

However, in terms of management system, Richard made a comprehensive reform of the entire Hunter family’s management system.

Perhaps it is not so much about reforming the management system as it is about establishing it, because from the perspective of Richard, a graduate student in economics and management, the previous management of the Hunter family was simply different. Dad and a few uncles only collected taxes, drank wine, and fought wars. It is an extensive blind management that combines empiricism and personal preference.

After Richard obtained the management rights of the territory, he cleared the entire farmland of the territory, divided the land into upper, middle and lower grades according to the degree of fertility, and strictly formulated the tax laws of the territory.

After executing the tax officials of several villages, the authority of the new law was quickly established, nearly doubling the tax revenue of the Hunter Territory without increasing taxes.

Riding on the popularity of the new tax law, Richard immediately enacted a law for the Hunter family territory. A law that seemed extremely rough in modern times, but at this time, the Hunter territory was so detailed that everyone was amazed.


Richard came to the bright hall of Ironwood Castle. The hall is spacious and simple in furnishings. The entire decoration style is clean and tidy. Perhaps the Hunter family has only been passed down for three generations, and the fiefdom is far away from the prosperous royal capital. It does not have an aura of luxury. .

Walking through the hall to the castle garden, there was some noise coming from the restaurant in the garden, and several maids could be vaguely seen walking through it. It should be that the Hunter family was gathering together to prepare for dinner.

“Cousin Richard!”

Richard turned his head following the sound and saw a teenage boy running towards him excitedly.

“Hey, little Tilly.” Richard leaned over and took the running child into his arms.

Little Tilly is the youngest son of Richard’s third uncle. Old Viscount Hunter, who founded the Ironwood Castle business, had three sons in his life.

When Old Hunter passed away, only Richard’s father was a knight and successfully inherited the title and became the current Viscount Hunter Salter. However, Richard’s two uncles were no longer in personal strength. Quasi-knight. He began to work hard to assist his eldest brother Sauter in guarding the territory, and the entire family could be said to be sincerely united.

“Cousin Richard, please take me with you next time you go hunting for bears.”

“Hahaha, when little Tilly grows taller and can dance with a knight’s sword, my cousin will take you there.”

The knight swords here are all heavy two-handed epees, the lightest weighing nearly twenty pounds. They must be at least knight-level warriors to use them.

It was difficult for the ten-year-old Tilly to lift the knight’s sword, let alone swing it.

Little Tilly also heard Richard’s excuse, hugged Richard’s arm heavily, curled his lips, and looked unhappy.

Richard carried little Tilly across the garden and walked straight to the dining room. The maids he met stopped and saluted him, and Richard nodded slightly in response.

When we came to the dining room, the dining table was already filled with food. The dishes were not exquisite but they were very rich.

Big chunks of meat and big bowls of wine, the aura of the Hunter family’s nouveau riche came to my eyes.

Both sides of the dining table were already filled with members of the Hunter family. Richard’s aunts and cousins ​​were sitting at the base, chattering away, and his two uncles were sitting near the main seat. Sitting on the main seat were Richard’s parents, and there was an empty seat next to him for Richard.

“Richard is back, I gained a lot today.”

“We, Richard, are getting more and more handsome, and I don’t know how many little girls he will charm.”

Richard responded humbly to his relatives’ teasing and naturally sat down next to his father.

Viscount Sauter nodded reservedly to Richard, but Richard’s mother already held Richard’s hand affectionately and began to check whether her precious son was injured.

“When you lead troops to hunt bears, you must pay attention to safety and don’t hurt yourself.”

“Yeah, yeah.”

Facing his mother’s concern, Richard could only nod his head in agreement.

“Haha, sister-in-law, our Richard’s skills can kill a giant forest bear alone, let alone carrying a bear hunting crossbow and soldiers, how can he be injured.”


Viscount Sauter interrupted everyone’s conversation with a cough.

“Now that Richard is back, let’s start having dinner.”


The Hunter family had a happy dinner. Currently, the entire Hunter family can be said to be respectful to brothers and humble to brothers, and a loving father and a filial son.

Richard’s father, Viscount Sauter, is an official knight and a talisman in the family.

Although Richard’s second and third uncles were not promoted to knights, they are still peak quasi-knights with five times the physical fitness of ordinary people and have rich combat experience. They will not fail against two or three ordinary quasi-knights in a short period of time. Downwind.

Ever since Richard’s father inherited the title, he has worked conscientiously to assist him in ensuring the security of his territory.

Richard is the only child of Viscount Sauter, but there are several cousins ​​in the whole family. These brothers and sisters have been crushed by Richard since childhood, and they have been submissive to Richard.

Not long after the Hunter family was inherited, the entire continent was not peaceful. The eastern part of the kingdom was constantly threatened by orcs. From time to time, the ports in the southern gulf were heard to be looted by Nagas. Even deep in the adjacent Ironwood Forest, there were occasional reports. There are ogre tribes infested, and war is never far away.

The strong sense of crisis has made the whole family work together. There are no intrigues between relatives, and there are no messy little ones. As long as something is beneficial to the Hunter family, the entire family will carry it out to the end.

When Richard reformed the territorial system, his two uncles were the sharp blades of his reform. All opponents and those who made small moves were suppressed by these two uncles with absolute force.

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