Heimarian Odyssey: Comments related to the works on the shelves


In the introduction of the book, Xiaodou said that he was a novice. As a novice, it is conceivable that his writing is not so good.

At present, this novel has written 500,000 words, about 40 hits a day, and the status of a favorite every two or three days. I’m not afraid of everyone’s jokes. Among them, Xiaodou contributed a lot of hits.

I think the main factors to measure the existence value of an author are collections and recommendation votes. A lot of collections means that someone likes to read it, and a lot of recommendation votes means that readers think the author’s writing is not bad.

To tell the truth, I have had the idea of ​​being a eunuch, but every time this kind of sign appears, there are always several readers in the comment area encouraging Xiaodou. I often say, ‘Your support is the biggest motivation for my writing. ’

As long as there are readers reading Xiaodou’s book, Xiaodou will not enter the palace. There are enough people in the palace, and it is not bad for Xiaodou.

In the past three months, Xiaodou kept updating every day. As a novice author, I want to write more. The speed of coding is there, and I feel very uncomfortable.

This month, under the advice of readers and her own encouragement, Xiaodou began a journey of no return for the two chapters of the daily update. Sitting in front of the computer for three hours every day is just for an acknowledgement. I hope everyone can take a good look at Xiaodou’s book.

After the launch, another item of data, subscription.

To be honest, Xiaodou has no idea. Haha, very embarrassing.

As for the future development of the novel, Xiaodou has a thorough understanding. This book is not a traditional Western fantasy. As for the situation, everyone will know after seeing it.

When Xiaodou first became an author, he imagined that he would build a readership one day, but I don’t think about it for the time being. I will decide when my collection exceeds 1,000. I hope that day will come before the end of the book.

In December 2017, “Journey of the Knights” was drafted. It has been officially serialized since March 2018. In the past three months, Xiaodou has never been updated, and will not be in the future.

Here I would also like to thank my editor-in-chief Hu Da, for choosing “The Journey of a Knight” in the vast sea of ​​books, so that Xiaodou can complete the enthusiasm for this creation on Zongheng Chinese.com.

Finally, let’s look forward to where “Knight’s Journey” will go.

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