Heavenly Star Chapter 91: Violation

.Ye Wuchen eyebrow raised, slowly got up from the incense couch, moved under his feet, and appeared on the side of Hua Shuirou. Hua Shuirou just felt that the white shadow in front of his eyes flashed, his body was already gently clenched, and then he was taken to somewhere …

“Do you want to call now?”

sat Hua Shuirou on the soft bed, he clasped Hua Shuirou‘s body to his legs, and wrapped her arms around her slim‘s waist.

The first time Hua Shuirou was so tightly held by a man for a few seconds, just when she was trying to escape. Ye Wuchen had kissed her tender lips before she resisted, and then indulgedly grabbed the fragrance and sweetness in her mouth. Except for Ningxue, this was the first time he tasted the taste of a young girl’s lips. For a while, he gradually became intoxicated, and his kisses became more and more wanton.

Hua Shuirou‘s brain was blank, and the crystal eyes widened out of focus, as if he had been taken away at the same moment, he wouldn’t let him move. When Ye Wuchen finally reluctantly left her lip, she still stared at him dumbly, and accumulated water drops in her eyes.

Finally, her bow dropped slowly, and she sobbed gently on Ye Wuchen‘s chest, shaking her shoulders slightly in the cry. She is like a young girl who has done wrong. She can only use her cry to vent her grievance and guilt.

The girl’s first kiss was taken away by her without any preparation. In addition to grievance and sin, she lost also in her heart, because she lost the most precious thing for the girl. At this point, she had forgotten that she was still lying in the arms of a man, and that man had taken her first kiss and made her feel that she was no longer pure flawless.

The wetness began to get more and more noticeable on his chest, letting him know that the girl’s tears could be called “flooding.” He didn’t talk, just hugged her so gently, and let her adapt to a girl character who had no first kiss in her vent.

But this is obviously a relatively long process. The abrasion of the girl’s soft body even made him react slightly. When she finally stopped crying, Ye Wuchen raised her delicate chin with her hand and whispered, “Don’t you cry? Then, come again.”

His body leans forward once again covered the two tender lips of cherry blossom-like, and one hand moved quietly to her chest, holding her warm and straight chest, soft and full of hands. The size of a sixteen-year-old girl is already considerable.

Hua Shuirou, who was suddenly attacked again, finally struggled hard, but the body that had been crying weakly could not escape his arms anyway. Ye Wuchen ignored her struggle, savored her taste carefully, and rubbed her hands gently on her chest, feeling the warm and smooth of warm jade-like and her violent heartbeat. The little hands that kept beating him in the chest were soft and weak, until finally they lost all their strength and couldn’t help leaning on his chest.

Hua Shuirou stopped struggling, letting Ye Wuchen **** the fluid from her mouth like a lamb to be slaughtered, even the bad hand he had violated her chest no longer resisted. Only the tears of grievance have been dripping from his eyes. Until she was about to suffocate, she gently lifted her tender lips away from him, then laid her head down on his chest, closed her eyes, and listened silently to his heartbeat.

“Don’t cry, you will become a Little Flower cat after crying again.” Ye Wuchen gently stroked her face and felt her hands wet. The girl who had been wronged by Tianda has released all the tears accumulated during this period.

“Why do you always bully me?” she murmured softly, with a weeping cry in her voice.

“Because you are destined to be bullied in my life, and I can only bully you alone.” Ye Wuchen said stroking her hair.

“But I already have an engagement …”

“Would you like to violate this marriage contract for me?” Ye Wuchen lowered his head to lightly muttered, his voice softly audible.

Hua Shuirou A small hand moved gently in front of his chest, and replied with a nightmare voice: “These days, as soon as I close my eyes, I think of you … I must be hit Your curse, right? Now you treat me like this, who can I talk to besides you … “

A girl who is too conservative, this is where Ye Wuchen appreciates her most. So he used her conservativeness to force her to make a decision.

He smiled contentedly, “This way is good. I said, as long as you are willing, you will always belong to me Ye Wuchen. Your father will agree, Lin Family, will agree. Do not think more, more Do n’t worry about it, leave everything to me. What you think in the future can only be me, you know? “

“Hmm …” she answered softly, like a soft kitten.

“Are you … take your hands off first?” Hua Shuirou blushed. The hand that had been rubbing her right chest, like magic power, made her whole body slowly dry, and there seemed to be something standing quietly on her chest.


Ye Wuchen removed his hand, Hua Shuirou had not had time to breathe a sigh of relief, but his hand sneaked in from her collar that she did not know when it had been loose, and unblocked her. A tender breast was held in his hand, playing carefully.

Hua Shuirouying~” sounds, the already weak body becomes softer, as if to melt. She twisted her body impatiently. The strange feeling kept her in chaos, but she did not resist. The moment she was finally conquered by him, she did not know how to resist him, but wanted to be as docile as possible.

“The chest of Little Rourou is so charming that I can’t bear to let it go … Can you let me play like this every day?” Ye Wuchen said, lowering her fingers, pulling her fingers gently.

Hua Shuirou‘s whole body trembled, and he didn’t dare to lift his head. He just said in the voice of a thin mosquito flyer, “I will only belong to you in the future. You can do whatever you want to me.”

Ye Wuchen‘s another hand pulled up her long dress, exposing two as if carved out of white jade calves. His hand rested on her calf, and she opened the dress slowly and stroked it back and forth on her smooth and soft thigh.

Hua Shuirou‘s tense whole body is tight, and his legs are tightened subconsciously, pressing his heartbeat nervously, waiting for him to violate her last forbidden land. But the hand had been enjoying the silkiness of her thighs, no further.

The gentle soothing lasted for a long time, Ye Wuchen finally let go of this weak and docile girl, and carried her to the bed behind her without any energy. Gently kiss on her lips, Ye Wuchen said with a smile: “Have a good rest, I’ll wait for your father to come back. When he comes back, I will propose to him.”

Hua Shuirou nodded gently, his gaze followed him until he left his sight.

The only person left in the room was her. She had been here for years, and she had a loss and loneliness like never before. Because at this time she was no longer alone, and there was a constant concern in her heart. The moment he left, she wanted to call him to keep him from leaving …

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