Heavenly Star Chapter 86: Dark Forest

. “Xue’er, I’m going out this morning. Will you go with Elder Sister later?” Ye Wuchen helped her put on her skirt and said softly.

“Can’t I go with Elder Brother?” Ye Ningxue asked wistfully.

“Not this time. Rest assured, Elder Brother will be saved soon.”

“Well, I’ll wait for Elder Brother to come back.” Ye Ningxue obedient nodded. She would never allow herself to be a burden on him.

After eating with Ningxue early, Leng Ya finally came out of the room. His breath was as usual, and he could not see any trace of crying, but his eyes on Ye Wuchen were obviously warmer, even with a touch of gratitude.

“Your mother’s health is too weak. This is caused by long-distance travel, poor diet, and depression. But it is not a big deal. After half a month’s recuperation, you can recover and you will not fall back to the root cause. “Ye Wuchen said:” In addition, at that time, I will let someone put your mother to the wife’s home. Women of similar age can better communicate with each other and can be a companion. “

Leng Ya looked up fiercely and looked at him with scorching eyes: “My mother and I are Great Wind Nation people, and you Heavenly Dragon Nation hate the Great Wind Nation people the most. You Ye Family is the family that kills the most Great Wind Nation people. You treat us like this, and not Say whether your family will agree and what others will think of you. “

Oh? can’t see you are not too stupid.” Ye Wuchen has a face of pondered. Because yesterday he said mercilessly to him: “You are still too tender.”


“You can rest assured. I won’t let you stay at Ye Family, and your mother should have been Heavenly Dragon Nation.”

Leng Ya‘s pupils shrink, coldly said: “What do you mean? How did you know?”

“I guess.” Ye Wuchen turned around: “Remember what I said, and be loyal to me for ten years. Within this decade, you will not refuse to let me do anything. I have been cured With your mother’s eyes, you have no reason to doubt me! Now, follow me. “

Leng Ya followed without a word.

Get out of Ye Family, all the way to the east, through a crowd of noisy people, all the way to the Heavenly Dragon City east gate from the future, Ye Wuchen still did not stop, but passed through the city gate and continued to go east. He didn’t say a word from beginning to end, and didn’t turn back, just glanced around constantly with his eyes. Leng Ya followed closely, and did not say the same word. But he knows where the east gate of Heavenly Dragon will go straight to the east. Few people in the entire Heavenly Star Continent did not know it, because there is a recognized inaccessible Forbidden Place.

The more eastward you are, the less people there are. Twenty years ago, the broad avenue had now become a large area of ​​deserted land covered with grass, and almost no traces of anyone stepping on it were visible. After walking for more than two hours on foot, a dark forest appeared.

“Do you know where this is?” Ye Wuchen finally spoke, and he didn’t stop, and still moved forward in a hurry.

Leng Ya: “…”

“The name of this forest has been forgotten. The vegetation here used to be the most normal green, and it has evolved over the past two decades, but now it has become such a deadly gray-black. And deep in the forest is A Demon Sealing Tower that was originally used to detain the most vicious people, but it has become like this since a person was detained in it. This terrible change makes people no longer dare to approach this Dark Forest. “Ye Wuchen said gently There was no hesitation at his feet, as if he did not know that the wood he was approaching was the Dark Forest in his words.

Woman of Divine Wrath.” Leng Ya whispered.

“Yes. If I take you to Demon Sealing Tower, how dare you go in?” Ye Wuchen lightly said, there is no joking in the tone.


Ye Wuchen glanced back at him, shook his head and said, “Mandy! You know how many people who are ten times or more powerful than you have never gone in. If you don’t care, you can break in without any care. The big deal is death. But who will take care of your mother after you die? “

Leng Ya: “…”

“Do n’t bet your life easily before you are ready to die. Otherwise, being brave is just a shameless man.”

Step forward, Ye Wuchen has finally stepped into this Dark Forest, which everyone has been stepping back, and I have n’t known for years. Leng Ya also followed without fear.

It’s weird and quiet here, no birdsong, no beast roar, no even wind. A dark air filled the air, and the oppressed could not breathe.

Death Qi!” Ye Wuchen whispered to himself.

He is immune to the magic of the six elements of death due to water, fire, wind, and thunder, and can also manipulate these elements initially. Naturally, he is relatively sensitive to Death Element. Although the Death Element here is very weak, it is impossible to take away the life of an ant in a short time, but it is indeed Death Qi. And according to rumors, the more inward the Death Qi should become, the more the center of Death Qi is Demon Sealing Tower!

It is also because of the thinness of Death Element that the trees here have not been taken away, but have gradually adapted to Death Element in the subtleties of more than two decades, and have been transformed into this unique black and black of Death Element.

Ye Wuchen is immune to everything from the death system, so naturally you won’t be afraid of Death Qi here. And this concentration of Death Qi will not have any effect on Leng Ya.

Ye Wuchen glanced like electricity, scanning every tree in front of him, remembering their location with his extraordinary memory, and silently counting the distance he had traveled.

The more inward the atmosphere, the more depressing it becomes. Obviously it should be the morning of the day, but here seems to be the evening of the night. The footsteps of the two were also unwillingly lowered, unwilling to destroy the palpitating peace here.

With a soft noise, Ye Wuchen stepped on a dead branch. There was a sudden agitation in the black grass in front, and a black rabbit rushed out, disappearing in front of them under the cover of trees in a blink of an eye.

An also animal here? Ye Wuchen was slightly surprised. Animals are far less powerful than plants, and their regeneration capacity is much weaker than plants. Under the long-term erosion of Death Qi, it will be slowly taken away from life and then die. And very few animals that can survive indicate that they are inherently resistant to Death Element, and inherit this ability, even in genetics become more obvious due to natural reasons.

“Your nickname is Little Feng?” Ye Wuchen, who had been silent, asked coldly.

“Yes,” Leng Ya replied.

“Your mother’s last name is cold?”


“Your father’s last name is wind?”

Leng Ya‘s footsteps suddenly stopped, his fists clenched quietly, and his breath became cold like a knife in an instant.

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