Heavenly Star Chapter 536: The anger of Qian Zhong

. Xue Ye‘s blood saw has skyrocketed to a kilometer’s length, and the blood-colored sawtooth affects the tearing force that can destroy even space. The blood saw was lifted high, and then saw the **** breath towards the seemingly fragile neck of Black Profound God.

Boom! !! !!

Black Profound God‘s palm smashed on the blood saw that was cut. In a surge of power, the kilometer-long blood saw broke into countless blood-colored fragments in an instant, far to each He flew out of the direction and spilled into the unknown distance … Facing Black Profound God, the strongest Xue Ye of Three Sacred Generals in God Continent was just a face-to-face, and the weapon that never left was directly destroyed.

When Black Profound God‘s hand touched the blood saw, his power was also instantly transmitted to the body of Xue Ye along the blood saw, and a burst of blood burst from the Xue Ye body. The body of the Xue Ye was as **** as that. The broken sawtooth usually flew out far away … Indeed, her whole body was covered with blood. As you can imagine, she was injured by Black Profound God to the level of what kind of.

Xue Ye !!!!!!”

The energy explosion caused by the Black Profound God attack did not cover up the incredibly thick and screaming shout. At the moment Xue Ye was hit, the Qian Zhong that was about to release a charged blow was stiffened, and the body It was like a heart that was torn into countless fragments in an instant … The blood-colored figure let him see that Xue Ye ’s life was bleeding and dying at that moment. Such a heavy injury, not to mention Xue Ye, is the strongest body and the most tenacious vitality. He couldn’t possibly survive.

Xue YeXue Ye !!!”

He yelled insanely, except in his eyes that he could not see anything else except the tiny shadow in the distance. He forgot to attack Black Profound God, crazy flew to the position of Xue Ye, stunned, the horrific coercion that severely pressed his body fell on his head, that was another attack of Black Profound God .

A faint white light appeared in his sight, this white light made him sober, and in the blurred vision, he saw that white figure took the tiny blood shadow. He stopped, turned abruptly, and rushed to Black Profound God‘s body in a roar.

Black Profound God‘s waving arm was avoided by Qian Zhong, and the coercion of that power did not force its body down or retreat. The Qian Zhong, which was very close to it, actually touched the body of Black Profound God at this time. He pulled his body tightly with his hands and stuck his body to him.

“Uh uh uh uh Eh!!”

Xue Ye The scene of bleeding and withering caused the greatest pain and hatred in his life. Because for him, Xue Ye was his sole purpose of survival. If she died, he would never have a reason to exist. Watching her die in front of him, what he felt was a real heartbreaking pain.

In the distance, Ye Wuchen catches the body, life and consciousness of Xue Ye, which has been completely dissipated almost instantly, and quickly instills her Wuchen Power into her body, healing her broken body almost at any time at the fastest speed. , Also hung her last trace of life that will soon dissipate. This collision with Black Profound God, Xue Ye has nothing intact in her whole body. If she does not have the strength of Sacred General, she would have died hundreds of times. The only thing the world can save her at this moment is Ye Wuchen, and as long as Ye Wuchen is only a few seconds later, Xue Ye will undoubtedly die.

So, she is not dead after all. Ye Wuchen transferred Wuchen Power to her whole body. Numerous internal and external wounds were healed quickly, but within a dozen seconds, no matter the trauma or internal injury was completely healed. For Ye Wuchen who has reached Wuchen Arts Fifth Layer, as long as a person has not died, no matter how badly he is injured, he can live him right away. At the same time, with his current strength, even without Life Power, he can already rescue the Yan Zhimeng frozen in Snow Woman Palace.

The body recovers. The blood that has lost too much is also slowly regenerated under the power of Ye Wuchen, and life is gradually recovering. At this moment Xue Ye has completely escaped the danger of death. His hand rested on Xue Ye, but his gaze kept looking forward, and he tightened.

“Uh uh uh uh Aaah!”

It was a more terrible roar than the roar of the demon. At this moment, Qian Zhong is like an angry beast, holding the body of Black Profound God, and screaming out to the extreme horror, thinking that Xue Ye has died in the hands of Black Profound God Without seeing her rebirth, endless hatred and strength swelled his body … his body was zooming in, and his original height of more than five meters turned into ten meters … fifteen meters … twenty meters … …

The complexions God Emperor and Demon Sovereign have turned a little gray due to the light trauma. They appeared behind Ye Wuchen in the space switch. Just after they appeared, God Emperor saw the Qian Zhong that became huge with their strength. His face changed suddenly, and he shouted, “Get out of here !!”

Qian Zhong‘s body is still being enlarged, and it has grown to the size of Hei Xuan god-like. His two huge hands are holding the Black Profound God body tightly, holding the dark Doll Profound God, Black Profound God. Xue Ye‘s almost deadly attacks continued to land on his body, but failed to destroy his body, or even to escape his restraint. The Qian Zhong at this moment seems to have become an extremely scary Demon God.

Demon Sovereign also felt a huge danger at the same time, promptly urging Space Power. Between them, they had shifted to a high altitude of tens of thousands of meters under the switch of space and looked at the distance. And with such a long distance, the terrible coercion from Qian Zhong is still heavy like a heavy iron plate pressing on their chests.

God Emperor glanced at the **** Xue Ye in Ye Wuchen‘s arms, and all of a sudden understood, she closed her eyes slightly and sighed sighing: “Xue Ye is the biggest taboo of Qian Zhong, he must think that Xue Ye is dead , So I will use Forbidden Technique which can only be used once in this life. “

“He likes Xue Ye?” Ye Wuchen glanced at the girl in her arms, and then looked at the two figures in a distant position and asked.

“No, Xue Ye, it’s his daughter.” God Emperor answered slightly. This secret was not known to anyone except Qian Zhong and her, even Xue Ye. Because this is destined to be a secret that cannot be revealed, so Xue Ye is also destined to lose what others have been born … she never knew that that would listen to her, and obey her “big guy Elder Brother” Is his biological father.

Because of the guilt of Xue Ye, Qian Zhong‘s doting on Xue Ye is even more than the average father.

Thinking of the hugeness of Qian Zhong and the petite and exquisiteness of Xue Ye, the look of Ye Wuchen froze briefly. Even he would never consider this direction because of the huge gap between them, and others, including Xue Ye, would never believe that Qian Zhong would be her father.

“If you have the chance, I want to hear your story …” In the distance, the body of Qian Zhong has grown to a height of 100 meters, and the dark body is like a mountain, suppressed by death. Black Profound God. Ye Wuchen‘s face was slightly darker: “Can only be used once in a lifetime … what does that mean!?”

“Once you start, you can’t stop, you will die.”

Ye Wuchen: “…”

Aaaaahh Aaaahh !!!”

Boom! The body of Qian Zhong suddenly exploded at this moment, and the loud noise made both Demon Sovereign and God Emperor lose their hearing temporarily.

Around, the land of Demon Continent that was completely destroyed by the God Emperor and Demon Sovereign attacks suffered another devastating disaster. At a distance of 10,000 meters, it was at a very high altitude. The Ye Wuchen three still felt it. The impact of a huge force. Qian Zhong of God Kingdom Three Sacred Generals, he explained the power of a Sacred General with his own life, and also explained his anger and a father’s love for his daughter over all else.

Qian Zhong Overwhelms hearing with the saint Forbidden Technique released by his own life, but does not overwhelm vision. Extremely far away, Ye Wuchen saw that Black Profound God, which had been hugged by Qian Zhong, was shocked by this tremendous force, and his body rolled in the air and fell to the ground …

Qian Zhong … Thank you Qian Zhong …” Ye Wuchen murmured softly, closed her eyes, and suddenly disappeared in front of God Emperor and Demon Sovereign, appearing not far from Black Profound God in the this humble one landing state. Around, the power from Black Profound God and Qian Zhong still exists, casting it into a vacuum without any substance. And no matter who is in a state of weakness and fall, it will be his most powerless moment to resist.

Xiang Xiang!”

Ye Wuchen yelled and flew towards Black Profound God. On his shoulder, the long-awaited Xiang Xiang waved his delicate arms, and a large white light sprinkled down, covering Ye Wuchen also Black Profound God. After a brief stagnation, the surrounding world finally turned white.

Looking at the surrounding white, Ye Wuchen let out a long relaxed breath, Xiang Xiang finally successfully brought Black Profound God, which is difficult to resist at this moment, into this Soul Space made by Xiang Xiang. He even knew that with the power of Black Profound God, this Soul Space could not be supported for too long. He didn’t stay, followed the feeling, and ran forward quickly.

Tong Xin! Tong Xin … where are you! Tong Xin …” he yelled, and then stopped suddenly.

The white world shows a black shadow, she ran in the cry, and then suddenly fell in the arms of Ye Wuchen, crying crash.

Long black hair, black eye pupils, black skirts … He apparently saw her for the first time, but immediately recognized that she belonged to him Tong Xin. However, she is no longer the child who can’t speak, but a grown-up Goddess, Black Slip Princess of God Continent.

But no matter what she becomes, she is just his Tong Xin, the girl who always stood in front of him with his own strength to protect him.

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