Heavenly Star Chapter 480: The last calm (on)

. “No, right! It ’s like this … Come, watch me write … This is what it looks like, then the right side …” Ningxue wrote on the paper with a pen. serious. Tong Xin took the same pen, and looked intently at the shaped word under Ningxue‘s pen. He didn’t even know that the ink on the pen was on his clothes.

“Well! Okay, this is the word” Yao “, the last word of the Elder Sister name.” Ningxue said in a pen, excitedly. The characters flawless written by her are as engraved as it is hard to imagine that this is a character written by a ten-year-old girl.

And Tong Xin

Tong Xin stared at the word “Yao” without blinking. After looking at it for a long time, she felt that her eyes had been spent, and the pen was suspended by her for a long time, but she did not fall. To her, writing a word is much harder than killing a hundred people.

Wu… … Forget it, let’s learn mathematics.” Three days taught Tong Xin five words, and the other day was forgotten four Ningxue finally gave up, took out Ye Wuchen to teach her to compile it by herself The booklet, and then page by page, all the way to the fifth page.

In the past year, Tong Xin has learned only the first four pages.

Wu…Elder Sister Tong Xin listen well. This was just done yesterday, and you can figure it out all at once … make a big stone into three small stones, and then make each small stone into three Smaller stones. Finally, how many small stones will there be in total? “

Tong Xin: “! ¥ …”

“This was just calculated yesterday. Elder Sister Tong Xin got it right yesterday … It must be possible today.” Ningxue encouraged with a smile.

Tong Xin has three delicate fingers sticking out like roots. Her skin is very white, but her white is a kind of white that is different from Ningxue, that is a white like ice, white and clear, and Ningxue is white like snow … and then Xue Feiyan, that is Milk fat is generally milky. She flicked her fingers and stretched out three left-handed fingers, and then … she was stupid, then lost her eyes, and finally looked pitifully at Ningxue, an expression of mercy.

Wu… … Let’s go find Elder Sister to play. It’s going to be dark and Elder Brother is coming back soon.” Ningxue‘s patience was finally worn out, and said frustratingly, fortunately, she was already used to it. Tong Xin is still Tong Xin. At first, in order to protect Ye Wuchen from being hurt by Jue Tian, she exhausted the last trace of power in the body, and exhausted the power of her power. Her power could not be recovered, but it is strange that she wakes up from her After coming here, her strength started to recover, and she recovered faster and faster. One month ago, she recovered to the strength that was not inferior to her past. That was called “Woman of Divine Wrath“. Ye Wuchen was surprised again and again. However, at this time, Ye Wuchen was obviously no one to provoke, and her protection was not needed. She is with Ningxue every day. Ningxue teaches her to write and write again and again. Tong Xin is also studying very seriously, but she seems to be born with this trick. The same knowledge takes her more than three times as long as Ningxue. , And it’s easy to forget, so far, she can write less than two hundred characters, and Ningxue can already occasionally write poems and essays by herself, also paints Elder Brother.

Whenever this time, Xiaomo will go far away. Although her mind is only a teenager, her memory and knowledge are not lost at all. She can only feel boring to see how they write there, but it also No interest in being their teacher. Compared with the carefreeness of Ningxue and Tong Xin, there is undoubtedly a lot more of what she thinks and worry about, and what Ye Wuchen is worrying about, she also knows best.

Also, she noticed that Ye Wuchen‘s recent mood was obviously different. It should be what he felt.

And what makes him react like this is not the person or thing on this continent, it can only be …

“No one wants to hurt him.” Xiaomo lying on the edge of the window and looking at the sky outside, held up his two fists, and whispered to himself in a very low and low voice. Grim light.

Ye Wuchen appeared in the room of Hua Shuirou, looking up at the Hua Shuirou in a suit, looked up, and greeted it with joy. Ye Wuchen she has been used to this sudden appearance, she will not ask why, nor will he ask where he is, what he is doing, and when he will return, he will only do it at home with satisfaction and happiness Holding his wife. Married to Ye Wuchen for more than half a year, she is still soft and shy like a green girl. The biggest change is that under the nourishment of Ye Yeyu, young woman charm has been added. There is a touch of charming in the eyes, and her chest is also high The towering sky bulged, holding up the clothes.

Husband, the weather is getting colder. This is new clothes just made. Try to fit them.” Hua Shuirou gently took off his outerwear and put on the outerwear he just made for him. It’s another fall. Autumn is the season when the Ye Wuchen wakes up from a decade of sleep.

“The clothes made by Little Rourou have never been out of shape.” Ye Wuchen said with a smile, and let her pick up her arms and put them in her new clothes. In this world, only she knows what color and style of clothes he likes to wear, and only the clothes she makes are always so fit. Wearing it on the body always brings him warmth.

Hua Shuirou served him well, put the buttons gently from top to bottom, arrange his placket, stepped back, and revealed a beautiful and soft smile: “Well, it fits well, Husband no matter what you wear The clothes are so good-looking … This dress is getting dirty. I will wash it later. Would you like to wear Husband first? “

“OK.” Ye Wuchen took a step forward, holding her silky face.

Hua Shuirou‘s head is slightly drooping, and Jiaoyan secretly smears a layer of Hongxia, and the voice is thin and weak: “Husband, my body is a bit inconvenient today, I may not be able to … tonight … tonight Can you find Huang’er Younger Sister? “

Ye Wuchen was undecided, but the touching shame caused his tenderness in his heart. He lowered his head and kissed her lips deeply before leaving his room.

Open the door and walk out, a wind slightly chill rushes on, Ye Wuchen took a breath of fresh wind and sighed softly: “Fourteen years.”

It has been fourteen years since he came to Heavenly Star Continent.

Among them, ten years of sleep, two years of coma, and only two years of memory.

Fourteen years, life can have several fourteen years, whether the “home” in his memory has been a vicissitudes of change, right and wrong. If he finds his past, how to go back and face it.

Great Wind Nation‘s mad sand difficulties have been quelled, Heavenly Dragon Nation has also begun the process of conquering Great Wind. In the past six months, the huge layout of Great Wind Nation has gradually been incorporated into Heavenly Dragon Nation. Those who refuse to surrender have been forcibly broken through the city with fierce force. They have not relented when they acted. In addition, Evil Emperor, the god-like Existence and the blessing that he eliminated the Great Wind 10,000-year disaster, few people can’t think of it. In some cities, even if the leader resolutely does not fall, they will first be met with the outcry and dissatisfaction of the city residents. Therefore, the process of conquering Great Wind Nation did not take much time and effort. Today, the entire Great Wind Nation has been all under Heavenly Dragon Nation. In the face of Heavenly Dragon Nation, whose area has expanded several times, Sunflower Water Nation and Azure Billows Nation have become worthy small countries.

However, they are not worried about being annexed by Heavenly Dragon Nation, they are more at ease than ever.

After the accident/surprise half a year ago, Leng Ya completely disappeared, disappearing without trace. With the power of Evil Sect, Northern Emperor Sect, Southern Emperor Sect all over the world in Ye Wuchen, he could not find his clues, as if He suddenly disappeared completely from the world. However, the news of Chu Jingtian always comes once in a while. He didn’t go back to the north to find Chu Cangming, maybe because he broke Cangming Sword and saw him faceless. He wandered around Heavenly Star Continent every day, while searching for Leng Ya trails, he went all the way, but … although he always carried his back The broken Cangming Sword, but never used a sword again, to fight with people, to fight with the beast, he always picks up things that can be borrowed around him, sometimes dead branches, sometimes brushes, sometimes scrolls, sometimes For the stone … if there is nothing he can borrow, he will use his hand freely and use Sword God Arts. At that time, he will use his finger as a sword, his hand as a sword, and his arm as a sword.

Gradually, there is nothing that cannot be regarded as a sword.

While walking around the world, he has never had a battle for failure in the past six months, and he has never been with anyone. Perhaps, he has begun to like this feeling of traveling alone.

In the past six months, Xiao Zi has changed the most. Ye Wuchen watched it change from a Rank 5 Demon Beast when it was born to a current God Level Demon BeastRank 5 to God Level, it took only half a year. I am afraid that I will never find a second one. Dragon Crystal is indeed something that even God Kingdom is coveted. The half-year-old Xiao Zi‘s body shape has not skyrocketed as its strength, but it has faintly increased a circle that is almost imperceptible. And it has never shot once so far, and it has become a partner of Ningxue and Tong Xin and … toys every day. However, this self-respecting Little Amethyst Evil Dragon is comfortable every day. There is no dissatisfaction. Whoever I meet, no hostile person will be born.

He did not immediately return to his room, but twisted his body, leapt to the sky, tilted and panned in the air, and fell into another small courtyard. No sound was heard from him, and no one was there. aware.

His Spirit Awareness swept around, then looked up, and pushed forward to open the door only for him.

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