Heavenly Star Chapter 455: Deterrence

. Time passed by in a tense atmosphere. At a quarter of an hour from also at noon, when looking up at the tower, there was a sudden dark pressure in the distance, bringing the dust everywhere.

Much the same as Evil Sect told them, millions of Great Wind Army rushed over at noon. But even if they rush forward, they can’t change the fact that Heavenly Wind City fell overnight.

The gates of Heavenly Wind City are closed, Ye Nu stands on the wall, concentrates the eyes looks into the distance. The Great Wind Army in sight is getting closer and closer, and the momentum is unexpectedly surging, and it is likely to be destroyed.

“They’re here … when are our two wings going?” Ye Wei asked beside him.

Ye Nu‘s gaze moved from the front to the right, then to the left, and suddenly said: “Wait a bit, the atmosphere seems a bit wrong …”

Ye Wei froze and nodded solemnly: “Yes, I also noticed something that seemed unusual.”

This is a battlefield smell that is groundless and has been trained in too many wars. Ye Nu has experienced countless battles throughout his life. He has been deeply convinced by this strange and illusory feeling. He looked at the front silently and sought the source of this strange feeling.

Great Wind Army is getting closer and closer, the horseshoes of the front cavalry are already close to their ears, and the rear infantry is everywhere, without seeing the edge. On the constantly fluttering banner, it can be clearly seen that most of them are “wind” and “yue”.

Finally, a million troops came to Heavenly Wind City. The first one was the great leader Yue Handong. He had a magnificent look and looked angrily at the wall. The rows of Heavenly Dragon Army soldiers let him sink to the bottom with a heart . . . Heavenly Wind City, it really fell … Where did this Heavenly Dragon soldier come from!

Commander Yue, I haven’t seen it for many days, but is it okay?” Ye Wei said with a high look, smiling.

Yue Handong gritted his teeth, said solemnly: “What method did you use!”

They are stationed at the junction of Great Wind Nation and Heavenly Dragon Nation, let alone Heavenly Dragon Army is out of bounds, as long as the whole army moves forward a little, they can detect it. But the day before yesterday, Heavenly Dragon ** in their east actually appeared in Heavenly Dragon City, and they won the Heavenly Dragon City raid overnight … They could not get help from ghosts and gods! ?

“Good question, although I can’t tell you all, but I have to say that we are invincible … but the victory is the victory. The capital city of Great Wind Nation is my Heavenly Dragon, Commander Yue. Are you surrendering or wanting to surrender? Its recapture? “

Yue Handong said coldly: “Return? I will never have these two words in my Yue Handong‘s life! Where is my emperor!”

Hahahaha, well said!” A loud laugh came from above, and the sound was a Feng Lie sound.

Feng Lie, who was **** by five flowers, stood up from the city wall. His hair was disheveled and he was wearing pajamas. He looked at Yue Handong and loudly said: “The puppet fell into their hands, it is not a pity, but the puppet can die, but Heavenly Wind City can never be lost. , I can lose, Great Wind Nation will never lose! General Yue, also, all my Great Wind Nation warriors, do n’t need to worry about it, just when I ’m dead in their hands, I ’ll take back the Heavenly Wind City that belongs to us … I ’m dead Also eyes … If all the people with a surname died in their hands, General Yue … You can become the emperor after you recapture Heavenly Wind City! I only ask you to never change the name of ‘Great Wind‘ !!!!

“Emperor!” Yue Handong shouted. Feng Lie even said that he was to become emperor in the words of millions of troops, showing his determination. And his decisive shout instantly aroused the ambition of all Great Wind officers, Ye Nu glanced at Feng Lie, frowned, and began to regret bringing him over.

After the Feng Lie was captured, he has always shown the fear of shrinking. He originally wanted him to let the Great Wind Army cast a ratchet, or let him persuade him to surrender. Unexpectedly, he has always made that gesture so that Ye Nu can bring him to the army, just for this moment. Great Wind Emperor, how easy it is.

“The men of Great Wind!” Yue Handong turned and shouted loudly: “Raise your weapons, burn your blood, our emperors are so dead and unyielding, why do we also not use our lives and blood to belong to our Heavenly Wind City? Recapture! Men … “

His shocking order has not yet been issued, and a loud noise suddenly comes from both the left and right directions, followed by Zhentian’s neat stepping and shouting. . . The dust was flying in the distance, and two black soldiers surged quickly to the left and right of the Great Wind.

“… Wait! This is not our army!” Ye Wei arranged two wings ambush on the left and right outside the city, ready to seize the opportunity to give Great Wind Army a surprise attack, but they have not given orders at all, and the two army’s Above the banner is clearly …

“Southern Sunflower Water, northern Azure Billows … how did their soldiers and horses appear here!”

Yue Handong and Ye Wei both saw the ownership of the two soldiers and were shocked there. . . Here, it should not be where they appear at all!

The two armies did not attack directly, but stopped in an orderly manner on the north and south sides of Great Wind Army, sandwiching Great Wind among them. There was a sudden riot in Great Wind Army, and the atmosphere changed greatly.

Yue Handong looked around, uneasy in his heart, and drank, “It’s really unexpected. But do you think this will stop me from being a Great Wind man?”

Hehehehe, then add this Emperor.”

Not many people have heard this voice, but everyone who has heard this voice changes his face when he hears the sound of the sound, and the Feng Lie who was captured and indomitable is hearing this The voice trembled uncontrollably, and his face was inconceivable. . .

And when the sound of Master suddenly appeared in the sky above Great Wind Army, everyone who saw him was frightened.

silver clothed, silver-masked, Silver Cloak … It’s Evil Emperor! It is said that Evil Sect Emperor, which has destroyed Southern Emperor Sect and Northern Emperor Sect and is beyond its imagination, is the most terrible person, and the person who under the heavens can’t provoke or even meet.

He is just a person, but he has made the millions of troops he faces feel an indescribable heavy coercion at the same time. It is a feeling of being suppressed by something inside, and that feeling is eating away. Their fighting spirit and guts made them suffocate, trembling … fear.

Just one person!

“That’s … that’s the legendary Evil Emperor?” Zhuge Xiaoyu‘s lips opened, and he was surprised to see the man floating in the sky above him like a god. . . Perhaps there is no one in the entire Heavenly Star Continent who does not know the name of Evil Emperor. From his appearance to the present, his reputation has become more and more prosperous, powerful, scary, mysterious … He has long been known as a god-like figure. Everyone wants to see this mythical figure with their own eyes, but fears that they will meet him one day because of his reputation.

Ye Nu and Ye Wei are also the first time to see this Evil Sect Emperor. They looked at each other and their hearts were turbulent. Why did Evil Emperor appear in person … What is behind this?

The moment Evil Emperor appeared, after Feng Lie was scared, and then thought of the sentence he had just uttered, his face suddenly became pale … He finally understood that he was tricked by Evil Emperor, as a chess piece … … He originally asked him to send troops to take Heavenly Dragon directly, in order to let Heavenly Dragon take him Great Wind instead!

The eyes have become a dead color. Since the ending has been decided by Evil Sect, who in the world can resist it … can this million troops … he knows it can’t. . . The trend is really gone, there is no way to turn around. What he didn’t want to understand was exactly what he did with Evil Emperor. He wanted to treat him like this … With his ambition and ambition, making him a loser who lost his country and his family was the cruelest destruction to him.

“Evil … Emperor!” Yue Handong‘s face changed, from surprise to anger, he gritted his teeth and said, “You … what the **** did you do to my daughter!”

“Your daughter is very good, maybe you are already unwilling to go home. Maybe. However, this Emperor thinks that you still have to take care of yourself first, also, the million male soldiers behind you are more appropriate.” Evil Emperor lightly smiling said .

“Oh … no wonder Heavenly Dragon soldiers can descend from the sky, and no wonder Sunflower Water and Azure Billows soldiers can also arrive at the same time. Your Evil Sect is indeed the Divine Ability, and such a Divine Ability may only be made by you Evil Sect.” Yue Handong has some understanding. Evil Emperor reminded him of the Evil Sect that has been passed on to all things. If they really intervened, then what these common senses can’t explain right now may become possible … this is also the best explanation!

“Yes, that’s true. Now that you know I’m Evil Sect intervening, can you still resist?”

Hahahaha!” Yue Handong laughed loudly. He had no fear of Evil Emperor, and more of hatred for taking away his only daughter. Would he compromise with him: “Just a big joke, we Great Wind men always I don’t know a ‘fear’ character! “

Oh? would rather die than surrender?”

“Absolutely, no, surrender, surrender!” Yue Handong shouted in a low voice.

“That being the case, then you should die.”

In the sound that he suddenly became extremely gloomy and cold, his right hand was slowly raised, and all of a sudden, everyone knew what it means to be changeable, and what is the power of anti-sky.

The light from the sky changed, and a icy cold suddenly passed. They simultaneously looked up, the distant sky, the bit of cold mang is so dazzling, like the stars are covered with sky, can not see the margins at a glance. At least, the whole million Great Wind soldiers and horses were completely covered. At first glance, they blinked, and at second glance, they almost stopped their heartbeat.

It’s ice … It’s a sharp arrow condensed by ice, densely covering the sky. Each one flashed a dazzling cold mang, and each one released the icy breath that brought them near death. Every Great Wind Army felt that there were countless ice skates on the neck. As long as one of them moved at random, their lives could be harvested.

Everyone has witnessed this power that should not belong to people, fortunately or unfortunately.

“Heaven … Heaven Ah… …” Zhuge Xiaoyu stared wide-eyed, covering his mouth, the separated lips could not be closed for a long time. Because this is really a scene that can only be heard in myth.

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