Heavenly Star Chapter 449: All annihilation

.Ye Hui rushed left and right, covered with bloodstained, the long knife in his hand had been cut off, and the lieutenant next to him protected him, falling one after another, but still no hope of breaking through. After some scuffles, he brought the army to 70% off. With a sigh of lament, Ye Hui is like a blood pool, like a desperate beast like crazy, killing from time to time.

At this moment, a sound of cannon sounded from the left and right wings, and the shouting and killing sound of Zhentian came to the ear. The flags waving in the distance were marked with the words “Zhuge” and “Dragon”.

“Reinforcement! It’s reinforcements! General Ye, we are saved!” The lieutenant around Ye Hui shouted in a hoarse voice, the dawn of hope suddenly re-injected the exhausted body with strength, and the sword rose, Cut and kill enemies who rushed up one after another.

Yun Hua City‘s reinforcements arrived as expected by Great Wind **, but the direction of their arrival was completely different from what they expected … It was not out of the city, but it came from the wings and was caught by surprise. They didn’t want to understand when they ambushed to the north-south direction. . .

The flag swings distantly, and Great Wind ** suddenly roars, but the seemingly chaotic team is showing a set pattern running quickly. Their formation has just changed, and the two flags on Yun Hua City are about left and right. A pendulum, the shouting Heavenly Dragon Army suddenly changed direction, one attack on the southwest and one attack on the northwest, occupying their newly-built eyes directly, but not stopping to kill, but impacting forward, sprinting across the left and right wings, Reversing the position, the Great Wind Nation‘s Xuanjia array was destroyed and the Great Wind ** was in chaos, and they had to fight for themselves. The position was chaotic and the army was chaotic. The combat power of Great Wind ** quietly declined. In the chaos, Heavenly Dragon Army broke into the army and was protected by the siege of Ye Hui. The two wings formed a team. . .

Receiving Jinming in the direction of Yun Hua City, the Heavenly Dragon team immediately stopped tangling with Great Wind ** and evacuated quickly. The 10,000 army brought by Ye Hui has less than a thousand people left at the moment. The heart is in pain, and in the hatred, he slams left and right to kill. Heavenly Dragon Army breaks through the siege and rushes in the direction of Yun Hua City. The rear Great Wind ** chased after him, shouting loudly.

The retreat of Heavenly Dragon Nation‘s team is very fast, maybe too impatient, from time to time, things fall out of their bodies, and more and more, soon paved the ground. Among them, there are all kinds of jewelry that are beautiful, large and small, and reflect gorgeous light under the light. also packs exquisite food and spreads it on the floor.

Great Wind Army slowed down the pace, then scrambled forward to pick it up, and some even had a scramble. The team in front of it suddenly became a mess, the front was chaotic, and the team behind the charge was chaotic. Time people turned their backs and stomped on each other. . . Suddenly, there was a cannon sound from the Yun Hua City. The Heavenly Dragon ** in the retreat suddenly shouted, and returned uniformly. one by one rushed into the self-defeating Great Wind ** with a weapon, like a surge. The flood will kill Great Wind **, which is self-concerned, and screams,

The situation suddenly reversed, and the defeated Great Wind ** became the side that escaped. After hearing the retreat signal, they rushed to the western camp, but suddenly a fire broke out in front of the sky, and the Earth Fire camp that was a few miles away turned into a flash. As a sea of ​​fire, Great Wind Army became even more confused and fled to the far west. Heavenly Dragon Nation was chasing after him, still shouting.

The exhausted Ye Hui finally returned to Yun Hua City under protection. He knew he was shameless and sent himself about the room, but waited for a long time without waiting for the call of Zhuge Xiaoyu. Finally, he could not bear the initiative. When I went to see Zhuge Xiaoyu, I got the answer: “General Ping Yun has no time to meet you. I will summon when I need to see you …”

Ye Hui can only leave in silence.

Splitting Cloud Valley, a valley near the boundary between Heavenly Dragon Nation and Great Wind Nation, belongs to the territory of Heavenly Dragon Nation, with mountains and mountains on the left and right, the road in the middle is not narrow, and it is more than 30 meters wide. Because it is late autumn, few people usually pass by, dried grass is spread all over, and it is as long as knees.

The fleeing Great Wind Army rushed to Splitting Cloud Valley, and his heart was slightly relieved, but behind him, Heavenly Dragon ** was still chasing after all. After driving all Great Wind Army to the valley, he suddenly died and gave up chasing. Before Taniguchi. . .

Great Wind Army stopped moving for less than a mile, and all stopped. Countlessly, the logs that had not been cut for a long time were crookedly stacked in front, and they were piled up ten meters high, blocking the road ahead. An overcast cloud immediately entangled in the hearts of the Great Wind generals. Obviously, this block was set in advance. They obviously gave a package to Heavenly Dragon Army. At this time, they wanted to come, but they did not know when they entered the Heavenly Dragon Nation package.

A dangling knife and gun was erected on the mountains on both sides, and a white-looking oil noodle stood in front of him, and looked down at him: “By the order of General Ping Yun, I have waited here for a long time and enjoyed it. Our ‘Heavenly Thunder Earth Fire‘ incineration feast … let’s go! “

With his loudly shouted, Thunderclap and Fire Poisoner were dropped from above and fell into Splitting Cloud Valley. . . The long dried grass was extremely dry, and it was on fire, but the fire in the valley of Kung Fu in a few seconds was lined up, accompanied by the booming explosion of Thunderclap.

Disobedience to the military order, the arbitrary Ye Hui has not yet known. He is actually an unsuspecting bait deliberately released by Zhuge Xiaoyu. The soldiers and horses quietly acted after this bait successfully attracted the attention of Great Wind **. arrange/laid out had a game that forced Great Wind Army into a dead end.

Great Wind Army wants to hide the sky and cross the sea, while Zhuge Xiaoyu secretly crosses the Chencang through this hidden sky. Ye Hui plays a very important role in it. If Ye Hui can learn a little bit smarter and converge a little arrogantly, Zhuge Xiaoyu will not be able to start.

The front road is blocked and the rear road is blocked by Heavenly Dragon Army. Escape one and kill the other. . . The entire Splitting Cloud Valley flames soared into the sky, and the sound of screams resounded through the sky. In the sea of ​​fire, Great Wind Army scrambled and rattled on each other to the dead even far beyond those who were burned to death.

The dusk is approaching and the setting sun is moving westward. When the western sky is covered with clouds of fire, the fire of Splitting Cloud Valley finally subsides, and Heavenly Dragon Army swarms up, killing all the remnants of Great Wind Army. Great Wind Nation was used to capture the tens of thousands of male troops of Yun Hua City. The entire army was wiped out in one day, and death was exhausted. After the news came, Yun Hua City couldn’t believe his ears at first, then thunderous, the city was jubilant. And the General Ping Yun‘s name really resounded through the Yun Hua City at this moment.

Ye Hui was tied to Wuhuada and kneeled in front of Zhuge Xiaoyu. He didn’t change his suit, his hair spread, his body was covered with blood, his armor was broken in many places, and his face was engraved with several scars. . . Yun Hua City had a big victory and wiped out Great Wind Army. When he got the news, he froze for a while. At this time in front of Zhuge Xiaoyu, he could not say a word, his head was lowered, and he did not touch Zhuge Xiaoyu‘s eyes.

Ye Hui You can confess! ” Zhuge Xiaoyu Shen Mei stared, and sighed coldly. At this time, she was completely gone. Ye Hui A swallowing gesture in front of me.

“The end will convict!” Ye Hui heavily bowed down, said with a tone full of hate.

“Defending the military order, rushing to send troops, killing me 9,000 men in Yun Hua City, if you would not have sent troops, you are already annihilated. You said, how should you punish your crime!” Zhuge Xiaoyu sharply said.

Ye Hui gritted his teeth and said, “Sin has been crippled.”

“Wrong!” Zhuge Xiaoyu stood up, lightly snorted and said: “Your sin is not enough to slap a hundred times! Now that you know that you deserve to die, you don’t need to say anything more, Shocking Thunder Shocking Fire, will Ye Hui dragged it out and beheaded, suspending the first stage on the gate for three days, and burial can be done after seven days. Go!

“Yes!” Shocking Thunder Shocking Fire never disobeyed the order of Zhuge Xiaoyu, immediately responded, and stepped forward to take up the body of Ye Hui. . .

Sure enough, this command from Zhuge Xiaoyu immediately frightened the people in the hall. The lieutenant general of Ye Hui and other generals of Yun Hua City hurried forward, and simultaneously bowed to Ye Hui and interceded.

General Ping Yun, victory or defeat is a common practice of soldiers. How can you condemn the death penalty of General Ye because of a defeat, and ask General Ping Yun to recover your life? At this time, it is a period of war. At the time of employment, at least give General Ye a chance to commit crimes. “A deputy general of Ye Hui shouted in fear. . .

“Victory is a common practice for soldiers, and it is good to not be convicted with one defeat,” Zhuge Xiaoyu said. “But Ye Hui is a disobedience first, and Ye Hui will be strictly prohibited by Heavenly Dragon tokens. Ye Hui will still go it alone. If you do n’t kill him, what military order is also at all, and how can you deal with those Heavenly Dragon ** who died because of him! “

“This … but General Ye has made a lot of hard work and credits. He followed his Old General Ye, and he can still be called a Ye Family person. No matter how much crime he committed, it should be …”

“Huh!” Zhuge Xiaoyu interrupted his words with a loud hum: “The man of Ye Family? The men of Ye Family are all heroic, a man who has no family name but does not follow military discipline is also called Ye Family. People? If there are a few more people like this in Ye Family, the wise will be destroyed once. Old General Ye military discipline is strict, never be smuggled, let alone a Ye Hui, that is, his children and grandchildren will make serious mistakes, he will also be punished, today is Old General Ye is here to decapitate you. “

“But …”

“Drag and decapitate quickly. Whoever stops it, the club will play!”

The heavy order from Zhuge Xiaoyu shows her heart that she is about to execute Ye Hui, and it will definitely end the Ye Hui. Those who begged hard and sighed, and no one dared to cry out. The Zhuge Xiaoyu of today is different from their previously recognized Zhuge Xiaoyu. It was a great victory. also‘s decisive momentum made them start to feel a sense of coercion in front of her. At the same time, also Admiration for the past, no more contempt before.

Ye Hui raised his hand and stopped the two who were going to drag him up. He grinned loudly: “General Ping Yun is right, I am really a shameless person who claims to be Ye Family. I am beheaded, I am convinced … Before, General Ping Yun can solve some of my confusions, but afterwards I die without complaints.

“Say.” Zhuge Xiaoyu sat down and said cleanly, a pair of beautiful eyes. Even herself, she began to feel more and more like a Great General.

Ye Hui said: “Great Wind ** has always been disciplined by the military, but the defeat of today Great Wind Army is due to their looting of the things discarded by our army … I heard that General Ping Yun before the today allowed a large number of soldiers to purchase various supplies in the city. It was originally prepared for today. I would like to know why the General Ping Yun determined that the disciplined Great Wind Army would rob and self-destruct. “

This is the doubt of Ye Hui, and also the doubt of most people in the hall. According to the military discipline of Great Wind Army, it should not have happened at random, and Zhuge Xiaoyu made a lot of preparations a few days ago, clearly identifying the situation of today, and the fact is that Great Wind Army caused the chaos in the entire army due to robbery and was killed back by Heavenly Dragon Army. defeat.

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