Heavenly Star Chapter 408: Intimidation and lure

. The five words of 铿锵, such as five Shocking Thunders, were introduced into the ears of Long Zhengyang. His body bounced like an electric shock, and looked Ye Wuchen in shock. Ye Wuchen is still full of light smile, and his calm eyes are facing him like a calm water. Under the five words he just said, no one can keep calm.

Ye Wuchen‘s body slowly stood up in the shock of Long Zhengyang, folded his hands backwards, and paced to the center of the hall: “Because I’m Evil Emperor, I can do many things you can’t imagine, and I will complete all Commitment to you will protect the safety of Huang’er and help her maintain the power of Heavenly Dragon, and even fight the world! “

I do n’t know when a row of fine sweat drips on the forehead of Long Zhengyang, and it quietly merges into a stream. The sweat was cold. From the heart that suddenly became trembling, he found that he did not have any resistance to believe this incredible word. Ye Wuchen is not as blind as the legend says, and his state at the moment is a bit weak.

If the winter suddenly arrives, the atmosphere is frozen, and after a long silence, Long Zhengyang says, “As long as you can help me get Shui Mengchan, everything is as you wish.”

After hearing this, Ye Wuchen facing away from Long Zhengyang showed a flash of disappointment. He turned back, lightly said: “Big Brother Long, you said both of these words wrong. What you want , Whether it ’s people, wealth, or rights, you should use your own strength and hard work to fight for it, but you let me help you get Shui Mengchan, I ca n’t do it. Second, it ’s because you do what I want, I say so much to you today because you have had a great deal with me and Xue’er, it is me, as you wish, not you as I wish. Because today can’t change whether you agree or not, I am determined Situation. “

In the face of Long Zhengyang‘s flickering, sometimes dim, sometimes complex eyes, Ye Wuchen said slowly: “I might as well tell you that Shui Mengchan … is my woman! Before you Imperial Father have crashed, it is already.”

Long Zhengyang: “!!!”

“Because you dare not, I dare, so I succeed. So, do you want to try to take Shui Mengchan out of my hands?” Ye Wuchen said quietly.

The brain has become muddy, as if all the alcohol that had been poured suddenly poured out. It was a deep sense of weakness and an unspeakable sorrow.

Big Brother Long, I say so, will you hate me?” Ye Wuchen sat sighed in front of him.

Long Zhengyang looked up at him for a while, desolately said: “Hate? Why hate? Although I am a country Crown Prince, but with the power of your Evil Sect, it is very easy to destroy an Heavenly Dragon Nation. I am in this Crown Prince. What is the difference between Evil Emperor and ordinary people? What do you want to accomplish, you don’t have to say so much to me at all … And you not only speak frankly, even your identity, because you are serious about me As a friend … these ‘Big Brother Long‘ sounds are not false at all … why should I hate, and what qualifications do I have to hate. “

Ye Wuchen shook his head and smiled: “Big Brother Long you are ridiculous. If it weren’t for you and Grandpa Long, my Ye Wuchen also Xue’er might not be in this world anymore. It ’s hard to find a life-saving grace, how can you forget it?”

Long Zhengyang barely smiled on his face and said, “My grandfather’s eyes are like gods. What he said then was not exaggerated at all … You can say that, I really have nothing to worry about Huang’erHuang’er She has been lonely since she was a child. Although she is stubborn, she is really hard-hearted. She can meet you. It is the greatest blessing in her life. I do n’t need to worry about it … Qing Zhou City, I have been there before, it is indeed a Wonderland-like place, there will definitely be suitable for me. “

“… Big Brother Long, where you want to go, you have to choose according to your own heart, you don’t need to force yourself. If you really want to go there, you can think of you as another new life in your life-Luhan色 # 小 ¥ 说 & 网-. Forget your former Crown Prince body, forget your Shui Mengchan, and treat yourself as another person. In this way, all the things you have suppressed over the years will gradually dissipate … In Qing Zhou City, there are few people who practice martial arts, there are many scholars and artists, countless talents and beauties, with the temperament of Big Brother Long, there will still be a dragon amongst men. There will be countless women admiration, including Big Brother Long favorite, Wuchen I believe it only takes a short time, Big Brother Long will slowly forget Shui Mengchan. Even if you do n’t forget, there are some beautiful things in the memory, sometimes it is much better than forcibly staying with you.

Long Zhengyang‘s eyebrows stretched slowly, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: “Brother Ye, how can you be wrong with your eyes and choices … Listening to you, I can’t wait to go there. You are right, life is not destined to be perfect whole (Wuque). Some things are only regarded as beautiful, but memories that cannot be touched will live easier. Right is not what I want, and the court will never be a place for me. .Qing Zhou City, maybe after I go, I never want to come back. “

The two raised their glasses and bumped into each other, smiling at each other.

After Long Zhengyang left, Ye Wuchen kept watching his back disappear from his sight and then looked back. Although he persuaded Long Zhengyang to forget Shui Mengchan, to himself, he would never allow himself to give up what he wanted and only regard it as an intangible memory. He is not worried that Long Zhengyang will reveal his Evil Emperor identity. Although Long Zhengyang did not say clearly, he knew that Long Zhengyang had all agreed to him, and tried his best to support Long Huang’er to the throne.

Ye Wuchen lifted his hands and turned his body, and silver clothed silver-masked has already covered his body. He stretched out his right hand and called in his heart, calling out the pocket girl with white light all over his body.

However, I do n’t know if it is an illusion. The Xiang Xiang in his hands is a little bit larger than before. This looks like it has no difference from the previous appearance, and her ability has also increased by the same extent as the Ye Wuchen ability soared. To what extent has her Space Power grown, Ye Wuchen is already clear in the heart.

“Let’s go and see an old friend.” Ye Wuchen smiled strangely.

Great Wind Nation, Heavenly Wind City Imperial Palace Royal Study.

The flickering white light in the corner of the eye made the frowning Feng Lie startled, and almost got an electric shock from the seat. He is too sensitive to the white light that has been seen many times, because it foreshadows the arrival of a person, and this person is the person who only one can make him react like this.

More than a month later, the demonic Evil Emperor once again appeared in front of him. Although Feng Lie maintains calmness, the sound of heartbeat is loud and clear. This is someone who makes him fear, makes him have nightmares, and makes him powerless to resist or even kneel for mercy.

“Evil … Evil Emperor, what are you doing again …” The sound from Feng Lie is trembling uncontrollably.

Two eyes glanced across the body of Feng Lie from top to bottom, making this fiercely popular Great Wind Emperor almost uncontrollable and timid to fall backwards, he said with a cold laugh: “Feng Lie, you don’t need to worry, this time this Emperor is here to tell you a good news , By the way, let you do something you dream of doing. If you said to this Emperor at the beginning, you should not forget it.

“What is it?” Although Evil Emperor said so, Feng Lie‘s heart still did not relax. The shadow he has brought to him will never be erased.

Heavenly Dragon Nation Emperor Long Yin is dead.” Evil Emperor said indifferently.

Feng Lie pupil shrinks: “Long Yin is dead?”

Heavenly Dragon City is far away from Heavenly Wind City. The news that Long Yin was stabbed to death by Lin Kuang last night did not have time to reach Great Wind Nation. Hearing this news, Feng Lie is hard to hide.

“How he died, I believe you will know soon, but this is not important.” Evil Emperor eyes narrowed and said lowly: “Long Yin died, Heavenly Dragon Nation has no head for the time being, in order to compete and decide the throne, said Maybe it will be chaotic for a while. This is indeed a hard time to have the next opportunity … What this Emperor wants you to do is to launch troops at the fastest speed, take Heavenly Dragon Nation directly, and incorporate Heavenly Dragon Nation into your Great Wind Nation layout. With your strength of Great Wind Nation, I don’t think it will take much time to do this, you are willing!?

As Evil Emperor said, this is indeed a Feng Lie dream. And if Long Yin really crashes, it is indeed a good opportunity for Tianci (bestowed by heaven). He depressed the surging heart, and asked cautiously, “Why did you let me attack Heavenly Dragon Nation?”

“Huh! The purpose of this Emperor is very simple.” Evil Emperor smiled faintly: “You, Feng Lie is a good puppet, this Emperor will be waiting for you, and will help you a little bit of the world, sweeping Heavenly Dragon, Sunflower Water, Azure Billows The Three Kingdoms, let you be the only Emperor of Heavenly Star Continent … and your king will always be the puppet of this Emperor. You can understand the meaning of this Emperor? Hahahaha … “

In Zhang’s loud laughter, a white light flickered over Evil Emperor‘s body, and he disappeared in front of Feng Lie.

On the Feng Lie weak paralyzed sat seat wet with cold sweat all over the body, wipe the cold sweat on the forehead with a shaking hand. The meaning of Evil Emperor is very clear, he is going to use his hand and the power of his Great Wind Nation to rule the world, and Evil Emperor only needs to sit on it, and it does not cost a soldier.

But can Feng Lie refuse? He can’t, even if he can, he won’t.

Being the only Emperor is what he wants in his life. Even if he really can only be the puppet of Evil Emperor, he is not willing to give up his pursuit. In addition, Evil Emperor has also stated that he will help him, which makes him unable to hesitate. With the strength of Evil Sect, if he really helps him, it will undoubtedly be a tremendous help.

Evil Emperor has a very thorough grasp of Feng Lie‘s mind. Although it is persecution, it will let him proceed without resistance. A storm is about to begin.

On the square in front of the Heavenly Dragon hall, a whole simultaneously kneeling full of courtiers, eunuchs, and maids, all of them are princes and filial piety. Among them, Ye Nu Ye Wei and Hua Zhentian are prominently listed, and the front is the princess prince. All kinds of unpleasant crying. Ye Wuchen floated above the sky, her gaze stayed on the weeping Long Huang’er for a long time, then she turned away and said silently: “Pause for a while, at least wait for her mood to stabilize.”

Following that, he stared coldly and bit his teeth gently: “Then dispose of the **** man first!”



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