Heavenly Star Chapter 397: Ice World

. Ye Wuchen‘s eyes slowly moved down and fell on the chest of Xue Feiyan. A thin line of ice blue above the neck is a deep cleavage. It seems to coincidentally and intentionally sandwich a snowflake-shaped jade pendant in between, revealing only a bright corner. Ye Wuchen Suddenly flooded the heart lake, and looked away without leaving any traces.

Xue Feiyan brought his body closer to him, his lips blowing a warm fragrance in his ears forward, and whispered in a nightmare voice: “Bad Little Brother, it hangs on the neck of Elder Sister Go up, if you want, take it down by yourself. “

Ye Wuchen breathed chaotically, and returned to normal instantly. His eyes moved, but he suddenly reached out his hand and pressed it accurately on the chest of the Xue Feiyan. Half of the palm fell into two groups because they were too full and tight. Tightly sandwiched between the ridges, a warm sensation soft into the bone wrapped half of the palm of Ye Wuchen, and at the same time sandwiched a cold jade piece.

“You are playing with fire.” Ye Wuchen laughed with a smile on the corner of his mouth. The hand stopped there, already reluctant to move away, and then released Snow God Jade, suddenly moved to the right, pulled away the clothes, and grasped a large soft mass that was completely uncontrollable by one hand, and grasped lightly. .

SiSiMei’s voice of goes all the way to the bone overflowed from the corner of Xue Feiyan. In the face of Ye Wuchen‘s sudden invasion, instead of resisting, she raised her chest slightly to make it easier for him to rag: “Bad Little Brother … you are bullying Elder Sister It’s … “

With the sound of “Rip“, the clothes on Xue Feiyan‘s upper body were ripped open, and two white dazzling ** bouncing out, swelling turbulent waves, ** with her upper body pressed by Ye Wuchen. On soft snowy ground.


The flirting **** atmosphere was completely broken by a fragile voice. The Ye Wuchen and Xue Feiyan just entangled with each other stood up after a brief stiffness, looking at Xiaomo who interrupted them again.

“Daddy, do you want to go north to play?” Xiaomo‘s eyes moved, some were afraid to look directly into the eyes of Ye Wuchen.

“Well, is Xiaomo going?” Ye Wuchen replied in a slightly weird tone. On the other hand, the Xue Feiyan on the side was much more embarrassed, and her clothes were completely torn, and there was no cover. A raised arm supported the two heavy clusters, but two pink pearl buds were quietly exposed, shaking gently in the breeze.

“Well! Of course, where Dad goes, Xiaomo goes.” Xiaomo eyes brightened, answered seriously. The trot ran to Ye Wuchen, grasped his hand tightly, and then stretched his right hand. A colorless and invisible force condensed. Suddenly, Snow God Jade around Xue Feiyan‘s neck suddenly floated and flew into Xiaomo‘s hands.

“Daddy, this is what you want.” Xiaomo raised Snow God Jade in front of Ye Wuchen. She had been watching them secretly from the beginning, listening to them. When they were about to start a very intimate move again, she finally couldn’t help running out to interrupt them. She always didn’t want to see her dad doing things closer to others than to her.

“It seems like a very small person in the middle of Eh?.” Xiaomo holding Snow God Jade saw the snowflake-shaped jade body inadvertently, and printed a small, unrecognizable figure, curious, subconsciously Stretched out his finger and wanted to touch it.

“Don’t touch there!” Xue Feiyan exclaimed before Xiaomo made a move. She was about to come forward to try to recover. The finger of Xiaomo had already touched the center position. Then, Snow God Jade shot suddenly. A group of blue and white rays spread along her fingers along Xiaomo to her whole body, and then spread to Ye Wuchen along her hand holding Ye Wuchen

Wh … the cold wind blows away, the blue light is gone, and Ye Wuchen, Xiaomo, also Snow God Jade have completely disappeared.

“Well!” Xue Feiyan frowned. She knows that Ye Wuchen is not afraid of water and fire because of its magical ability, and any cold will not be afraid. In addition, he has an Space Shift ability to escape at any time, so she is ready to give him Snow God Jade to see what he can find.

But Xiaomo … Will she be in a place where the unknown, but horrible, is dangerous … After all, except for the Founder Grandmother of that year, no one has ever been able to come back alive like Snow God Jade after using Snow God Jade.



Unknown space. When Ye Wuchen and Xiaomo are brought by blue light, the body suddenly freezes, and every part of the body cannot move.


Xiaomo uttered a painful moan, a black light spontaneously radiated from her body, covering her whole body and protecting her body.

Ice, up and down, left and right, every part, every space, even the eyes, are extremely hard ice. Their bodies, their limbs, and even their vision were completely sealed by ice. The blue light released from the group Snow God Jade took them to a world full of ice.

Xiaomo‘s released power makes the ice around her body begin to crack … but with her strength, if it is ordinary ice, even the thickness of tens of meters has all been flying, and here, it is just beginning to appear crack.

“It’s so cold … so cold … Dad … I’m so cold …”

Xiaomo‘s lips change from ruddy to bluish purple at an extremely fast speed, and then to pale and pale. Her Dark Strength also gushes out of her body and protects her body, but the deadly icy cold still penetrates her bone marrow and her whole body … The coldness here is too terrible, this one has the strength above God Level The devil’s daughter, even before she released all her power to resist this terrible temperature, is still unbearable.

Ye Wuchen is not afraid of any temperature and will not feel cold. But his completely sealed body couldn’t move at all, and he couldn’t even open and close his lips to make a sound. Through the transparent to the incredible ice, he saw the sharply changing face of Xiaomo and the rushing Darkness Power around him, and was shocked. And the temperature here is already so incredible that even Xiaomo becomes so uncomfortable within a few seconds. If an ordinary person comes here, the blink of an eye will be frozen into Ice sculpture.

Xiang Xiang … let’s leave here first.” Ye Wuchen said with a thought. Without Xiaomo, he would try every means to test what was here. But at this moment, how could he allow Xiaomo to lose his life in this terrible environment.

Deep into the depths of the quiet consciousness, it took a long time for the murky voice conveyed by Xiang Xiang with thoughts …

The temperature here can almost freeze all the absolute zero. If she leaves the body of Ye Wuchen, she will be frozen for a moment. Instead of exerting the power of space, she will lose her life.

“Daddy, it’s cold … Daddy …”

The sound that Xiaomo tried to make was so faint. With the mad release of her Dark Strength, the ice around her quickly spread through the cracks. Through the ice that started to break, Ye Wuchen had seen the black that protected the body of Xiaomo It is strong and weak at times, but the surface of Xiaomo has started to form a thin layer of ice, and then it immediately disperses under the black awns.

Absolute zero, the lowest point that the temperature can reach. One can freeze all the temperatures in the world. Whatever it is, it will freeze for an instant at this temperature. A little longer, a more and more depressed sense of suffocation began to occur, Ye Wuchen teeth clenched fiercely, because in this space where even air can easily freeze, there is no air at all, neither he nor Xiaomo can Breathe. With the special abilities of Ye Wuchen and the strength of Xiaomo, not breathing for a period of time will not affect them too much, but after a period of time there is a limit. Beyond the limit, they will feel suffocation and a rapid loss of strength and consciousness like an ordinary person. .


A layer of dazzling red light radiates from Ye Wuchen, which is the strongest amount of Fire Power he can release, but that layer of red light only flashes for a second and then suddenly goes out. At this temperature, even Fire Power released by Ye Wuchen will be easily wiped out. The ice around him was not hurt.

Ice … My Water Power, I wonder if I can affect the ice here.

The blue light condenses around Ye Wuchen‘s body and slowly spreads to the surrounding ice. This is Water Power belonging to Ye Wuchen, but compared to the power of fire and wind he has fully turned on, his Water Power is too weak, and How can this strength of Water Power affect the temperature of ice near absolute zero?

However, the surrounding ice moved, under the traction of force, slowly pushed back and compressed. That was extremely slow, but it was changing. Gradually, the ice went from sealing Ye Wuchen‘s body to breaking away from him, and then slowly away.

His Water Power is very weak and consumes a lot when it is displayed. Although the amount of Water Power that has not been fully opened has been growing silently as his Wuchen Arts has grown, Ye Wuchen has almost never been used. today, he miraculously manipulated this terrible ice with Water Power. Although there is only a very small degree, it is difficult for a Water Mage with God Level strength to come here.

The body recovered a little freedom, the power of Ye Wuchen stopped and shouted: “Nan’er!”

Star Cutting Sword appeared in his hand in a flash of Jin Mang. He didn’t dare to hesitate any more. He drank in a low voice and slashed his sword at the ice layer that separated him and Xiaomo.

Splitting Heaven and Earth! Hah!

Boom! Click!

The light of Star Cutting Sword turned the solid ice in the surrounding large area into pure golden. Under “Splitting Heaven and Earth“, the ice layer nearly two meters in front of Ye Wuchen was completely destroyed and turned into the purest. Nothingness disappears completely. Ten meters further out, there were also fine frost marks on the ice.

With the power of Splitting Heaven and Earth, the damage to this place is so limited. Imagine how hard the ice is here.

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