Heavenly Star Chapter 383: Secret Room

. “This … Master Li, if you take a closer look, you will definitely find a way.” Wang Wenshu said with a little hope, nervous. Not only this Li Yuyi, but the dozen or so doctors before him all said that the eyes of Ye Wuchen have nothing unusual at all.

Li Yuyi shook his head and sighed again: “Well, my husband is incompetent, staying without face … General Old Lin, General Lin, Mrs. Lin, leave.”

Li Yuyi gave a gift, stopped trying, and turned away with the medicine chest. The other doctors also shook their heads and followed. The Ye’s family absently greeted them a few times and did not send them away. The sorrowful cloud covered my heart again. Blindness is undoubtedly more difficult to accept than walking weak and weak.

Wang Wenshu quietly wiped the tears in the corners of his eyes with his sleeves, walked to the bed of Ye Wuchen, and pretend to smile: “Chen’er, take a good rest first, and call for the best doctors in and out of the city for your mother … you I also heard that they all said that your eyes are not a big deal, there must be any Divine Doctor that can cure you. “

“Well, mother, don’t worry about it.” Ye Wuchen smiled comfortably, but silently sighed in her heart. No one knows better what his eyes are like now. As they said in Li Yuyi, his eyes did not have any damage or unusual at all, because his eyes were not damaged in any way, but because he was cursed … the curse imposed by the backwash of the power of Calamity Bow.

The only way to revive the eyes is to lift the curse … But to break a curse, there must be more power than the intensity of the curse. The source of the curse of Ye Wuchen is from the forced launch of “Blood Darkness Soul Seeking Arrow“, which means that if this curse is to be lifted, it must have more power than “Blood Darkness Soul Seeking Arrow“!

Even the “Splitting Heaven and Earth” whose attack strength is far less than “Blood Darkness Soul Seeking Arrow” ​​can kill War God Feng Zhaoyang with one sword. Under the world, who can have such power! ?

Chen’er, take a good rest, there will always be a way.” Ye Nu took a long breath, and after a while, left with Ye Wei heavy hearted. Go and find all the Divine Doctor that may be invited.

As soon as they left, the concealed door was suddenly opened, revealing a flowery beauty with a deep panic. Usually Rourou (soft) is timid, easily shy, and does not even speak loudly Hua Shuirou at this time, without hesitation of others in the room, hurriedly went straight to Ye Wuchen, and suddenly fell on his bed, Rourou (soft)‘s voice With a deep panic in the middle: “Husband, Dad said your eyes are invisible … Is it true … It must be Dad who lied to me, right?”

Ye Wuchen didn’t answer, the corners of his mouth turned upwards, eliciting a soft smile.

Husband …” This smile represents the default, Hua Shuirou has a flower in front of it, and the water is misty. Since Ye Wuchen returned from a coma a few days ago, she has traveled to and from Ye Family several times a day to take care of him in the coma. She has been standing beside him for three consecutive nights. Wang Wenshu has advised her many times before going to rest. After hearing the news that he woke up, she had a deep surprise in her heart, and then she heard a terrible thunderbolt.

“Without eyes, I can still see my Little Rourou.” Ye Wuchen raised her head, stroking from her left face to her right face, and quietly covered her hands with water. Today, he has been laughing, but has caused many people to cry … This is a kind of happiness to him and a kind of torture.

Husband, you will be fine, your eyes will be cured.” The delicate girl suppressed tears and comforted him with her tenderness. She turned and lowered her head and asked Wang Wenshu softly: “My dear, I just saw Master Li and they left … what do they say?”

“They all say that the eyes of Chen’er are not at all problematic, so …” Wang Wenshu said half of it, just like being choked half can’t go on.

Hua Shuirou bit his lip, hesitated for a while, then suddenly thought of something, saying, “I … I want to ask them myself.”

When she finished speaking, she usually felt guilty and didn’t wait for them to respond, and hurriedly turned away. Ye Wuchen lying there frowned slightly. After a short while, his face changed slightly, but he eased immediately and said, “Mother, I’m a bit tired.”

Wang Wenshu hurried forward and covered a blanket over him: “Then take a good rest for a while, and go back for my mother first.”

“Mother should also take a good rest.” Ye Wuchen knew that she had worked hard and hard in these unconscious days, she must be exhausted.

After Wang Wenshu left, Ye Shuiyao also left. She knew he had his own business to do. After everything was quiet, Ye Wuchen sat up from the bed and didn’t seem to be strenuous when he got up. Within a short period of time after waking up, his strength also quickly recovered. At this time, at least in action, he was not much different from a normal person.

Ningxue has been secretly wiping her tears. Although she was careful not to make a sound, the slight “bada” sound caused by the teardrops falling to the ground did not hide Ye Wuchen‘s ears. Without vision, all attention is focused on hearing, which also makes hearing more sensitive.

Seeing that Ye Wuchen got out of bed, Ningxue quickly rushed to support him, leaning back whispered in his eyes and asked, “Elder Brother, where are you going?”

“Go down.” Ye Wuchen took her hand.

Ningxue carefully pulled Ye Wuchen‘s hand in front, guiding him. In fact, although Ye Wuchen has lost sight, his Spirit Awareness is enough to allow him to perceive everything around him, and there will not be any big obstacles in his actions.

After reaching the large screen, Ye Wuchen crouched down, pressed his hand on a non-obvious floor, and made a mistake to the left with all his strength.

The floor was removed horizontally. It was not the ground underneath the floor, but a deep hollow, and a beam of white light overflowed from it. Ye Wuchen took Ningxue and jumped from it.

This is an underground secret room, after Ye Wuchen left Soul Breaking Abyss and returned to Ye Family, Da Lu’zi, Er Lu’zi, San Lu’zi among the Yan Clan people were built silently, without alarming anyone including Ye Family. Here, it has become a private hidden place for Ye Wuchen.

This space is not that big. It is only half the size of a Ye Wuchen bedroom. A magic lamp lights the inside out. At this time, the place was full of people, and today is also the first time that this small space has gathered so many people. In the deepest corner, a stunned, motionless person sits paralyzed. It is Lin Yun that has been hidden by Ye Wuchen for a long time-also Ye Wuyun.

As soon as Ye Wuchen entered, he was immediately surrounded by the people inside. In the darkness, a soft body flew into his arms: “Master Elder Brother, just wake up … Wow, your eyes Really invisible … what to do, what to do … “

“Daddy.” A small hand was pulling his clothes, his voice was deeply worried.

Master, are you all right? Your eyes …” This is the voice of Yan Gongluo.

“It seems to be ok, is your eye really invisible, or is it just a disguise like before?” accident/surprise, Ye Wuchen heard the voice of Shui Mengchan.

His serious coma has touched too many people’s hearts, especially the Yan Clan person who tied his fate to him. Therefore, after receiving the news, the three Northern Emperor direct lineage inheritors of Yan Tianwei, Yan Duancang, and Yan Gongluo, as well as Yan Gongyue and Yan Gongruo, also Leng Ya, and Chu Jingtian who were almost scared to cry, traveled here and there, hiding him all the way. Because the Tong Xin with him also lost consciousness.

Except for them here, also Shui Wuque and Shui Mengchan, and Shui Yuntian that took Ye Wuchen and Tong Xin from the energy storm at that time. there is still one is the Xiaomo back with Ningxue. This is her first visit to Ye Wuchen‘s home. Staying here for the small part time, the instinctual exclusion of Xiaomo did not have much communication with them, most of them remained silent, protecting Ye Wuchen with their own breath, just briefly saying a few words they made them startled Then, of course, the content is to tell them that Ye Wuchen is her father.

But for the same purpose, although she has been reluctant to communicate with them, she has not shown intentional rejection and hostility to them.

Seven days ago, Ye Wuchen fainted after launching “Blood Darkness Soul Seeking Arrow“, Tong Xin also lost consciousness after demobilization in order to protect him. Shui Yuntian took them away from the damaged land, and was suddenly taken away by a white light while running, and when it appeared again, it was already in this secret room under the Ye Wuchen room. Here he met his biological son Shui Wuque.

Father and son recognized each other and cried with headache. Shui Yuntian knew that he shouldn’t reveal his identity. After learning that it was Ye Family, he slowly sorted out his clues and sent Ye Wuchen and Tong Xin back to the room, then he hid in it. And Xiang Xiang broke away from the body of Ye Wuchen, and used her Space Power Breaking Space to inform Yan Clan people and Xiaomo thousands of miles away in her way, because she knew that after Tong Xin lost consciousness, besides Shui Yuntian who could not reveal her identity, Ye Wuchen, and then There is also no protection. For his absolute security, Xiang Xiang informed those Ye Wuchen the most trusted people at the fastest speed, let them gather here, and protected him secretly.

Master, what happened, who actually pushed you and Tong Xin to such an extent.” Yan Tianwei steel, which has always been calm and solemn, clenched tightly. Saint Lord is blind, how can he not be confused.

Ye Wuchen closed the eyes that could not see any light, one hand was pressed on the shoulder of Xiaomo, and the other raised to interrupt the chaotic interrogation. He didn’t talk about the problem of his eyes, but Following the breath, he sensed the position of Shui Yuntian, turned to him and asked, “What about that person?”

Shui Yuntian knew that he was asking that person was Jue Tian, and replied: “He is dead and was killed by Saint Lord in one shot. He died of the whole Southern Emperor Sect core … 唉.”

His involuntary sigh contains too complicated emotions. He resents them. The resentment that has been accumulated for more than two decades has reached a level of horror, and the person he hates Most of the bones did not exist in this disaster, but … after all, it is the foundation of Southern Emperor Sect, the place where he was born and raised, and the foundation inherited by his ancestors to this day. And he is still the real Southern Emperor Sect’s Patriarch. Although his hatred abated, what was unavoidable was his inner solitude and hiss.

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