Heavenly Star Chapter 367: It’s her!

. Ye Wuchen shook his head at Xiaomo, Xiaomo nodded obediently, did not speak. (.) Ye Wuchen fell from the air, landed silently, and landed in front of Leng Ya. Leng Ya didn’t see him at all. He stopped when he was about to hit Ye Wuchen, and looked at the person in front of him with indifferent eyes.

In the face of Ye Wuchen, he has no surprises, no expression, no sound, no turbulence in his eyes, as if blocking him in front of him, is an ordinary stone wall.

Leng Ya, what happened?” Ye Wuchen asked in a very gentle voice. His heart is dead … what he brings to him is also a dark smell of death. And he walked out of Land of the Lost alone, which means that he broke out of Northern Emperor Sect by himself and broke out of Flame Soul Sand array.

Ping’er … dead … Ping’er … dead …” He muttered intermittently, moving forward, bypassing the body of Ye Wuchen, trembling with trembling footsteps, like an old man with a wind candle. Walked forward. He didn’t know where he was going and what to do.


In his arms is a woman he has never seen before. He is under ten years old. His scattered head and blood stains obscure her face, making him unable to see her full picture. Her clothes are also messy … It doesn’t matter who she is. Ye Wuchen looked up and sighed silently. What happened to Leng Ya, he can already guess.

He can be said to be one of the people who knows Leng Ya best in the world. He knows how important he is to each emotion under his cold and indifferent appearance. There will always be only one Master of his, even if his Master becomes an unforgiving evil person, a beggar on the street, he will never change his heart in the same way … the same is true of the love of men and women in his world. The string of his feelings broke completely.

Fate has always been so cruel to him. He is destined to be a carefree, lonely life, bloodstained life.

Ye Wuchen turned around, walked behind him, stretched out his hand, pressed it on his shoulder, his words did not come out, and his hand suddenly shrank back. His eyes fell on his palm, and then on Leng Ya.

When he touched the body of Leng Ya, the bitter coldness that passed down to him was almost the same as when Xiaomo gave him fudge … almost the same.

Demon Qi …” Ye Wuchen looked at the back of Leng Ya and whispered soft murmuring. At his side, Xiaomo nodded gently, and looked at Leng Ya with a puzzled and slightly hazy eye.

Ye Wuchen stepped forward, grabbing on his left shoulder, and the wound that was still seeping blood slowly healed extremely quickly. He whispered: “Let’s go back. She is still by your side, watching you secretly, and you will definitely want her to see your friends.”

Leng Ya has never heard of it, still moving forward step by step. In the face of Leng Ya at this time, while Ye Wuchen was in pain, he also had a deep sense of weakness. Because of the existence of the mysterious “Bloody Demonic Killing Eye“, his feelings are different from ordinary people, and for a moment he did not know how to comfort him. Or, comfort doesn’t help him at all.

“I hurt you … I knew it so, how could I let you follow me there.” Ye Wuchen said with sore eyes, slowly speaking with a slight voice that only he could hear, the slightest voice Dissipated quickly in the wind. Xiaomo leaned over and held his hand with his own hands. said in a low voice: “Dad, are you sad … aren’t you sad?”

Ye Wuchen hangs, smiles slightly at her, and nods gently.



Curly in the corner of the room, Leng Ya looks like a dead corpse, motionless. The eyes were open, and it was not the red color when Bloody Demonic Killing Eye was opened, but it was completely different from normal human eyes, but a kind of dim dead gray.

He is lying beside Ping’er, who is also motionless. After being brought back to Evil Sect by Ye Wuchen, as long as anyone wants to take away the body of Ping’er from his side, his Bloody Demonic Killing Eye will suddenly open, releasing murderous aura, which allows the air to condense and make Yan Tianwei violently move. After leaving Ping’er‘s body far away, his red pupil disappeared, and murderous aura disappeared slowly.

Leng Ya The strength of murderous aura at this time is completely incomparable compared with the first time he opened Bloody Demonic Killing Eye on Heavenly Star Magic and Martial Conclave. Everyone meditated in their hearts … what had been born of him for the past three days.

In this dark room, he sat motionless from night to dawn. The door of the room remained tightly closed, no one opened it, and no sound came in. It was not until noon that the room door was pushed open from the outside, Ye Wuchen appeared there, did not go in, just stared straight at Leng Ya, and his eyes were as calm as water.

In the deathly silence, the first action was Leng Ya. From the curled up posture, he raised his head and stood up. His body became incredibly stiff due to curling up for too long, and he got up very slowly. He raised his head, and looked directly into Ye Wuchen‘s eyes. From his eyes, Ye Wuchen didn’t see any emotions.

“You haven’t let me down.” Ye Wuchen said this in a lamentable tone.

Leng Ya picked up the Ping’er around him and wiped the body of Ye Wuchen out of the door. There was no sound from beginning to end.

On the open grass, Ye Wuchen stands behind Leng Ya again. Before, he had been watching in the distance silently, slowly digging the ground with his hands, digging deep and deep, and then put Ping’er into this Leng Ya‘s own sleeping place for her. He knelt there, looked at her for a long time, and finally pushed his hands forward in trembling, so that the fresh mud covered the face that he would never see again and would never forget.

Leng Ya.” Ye Wuchen uttered, but apart from shouting his name, he didn’t know what to say.

Leng Ya turned around and looked at the Ye Wuchen with those gray eyes that could not see the whites: “I will not forget my promise.”

He said his life was hiss, and it will never change. After one night, he had no sorrow. After burying Ping’er with his hands, he had no attachment. Only his heart has become as dark as his eyes, and there will be no change in this life.

Ye Wuchen nodded, he doesn’t need to say much. Leng Ya is no longer Leng Ya a few days ago. Many of his things have changed, but the things deep in his bones have never changed. This is his attachment and pride.

“Sit down and tell me about her.” Ye Wuchen pressed Leng Ya‘s shoulders and sat down on the grass, facing the newly built grave. Leng Ya also sat there, look ahead, use his own voice to flatten lightly said: “She is Ping’er.”

Ye Wuchen nodded slightly, listening to his remarks, remembering the name “Ping’er” in his heart.

“She is Yan Zhimeng‘s maid and her sister. She said that Yan Zhimeng is no longer in Northern Emperor Sect. Three years ago, she was pregnant and Yan Ximing tried to force her to kill her child. She suddenly descended from the sky through a game. The heavy snow, fleeing under the cover of snow, did not know where … Ping’er was closed for three years in order to protect her from leaving and blocked Yan Ximing‘s pursuit. I was there and met her. “

Ye Wuchen: “…”

Leng Ya uses a soothing voice without emotional fluctuations to tell everything that was born in those days, exhaustively to every detail, even every sentence, every action. From the beginning to the end, he maintained the same posture, the same voice, and there was no emotional fluctuation at any time, as if he was telling another insipid story of others.

If my heart is dead, how can there be any emotional excitement. At this time, even if there were hundreds of knives on his throat, and thousands of poisonous snakes were entangled in him, he would not feel any fear.

From day to mid-day, to the western part of the sun, and then to dusk, when the last sentence of Leng Ya ends, Ye Wuchen stands up and drags a long figure under the sun. In my mouth, I muttered a word silently …

Snow …

“Go and check if Sunflower Water Nation has snowed three years ago!” Back at the lobby, Ye Wuchen said quietly.

After more than ten minutes, he got the answer. Yan Gongluo hurriedly said in an extremely certain tone: “Master, Sunflower Water Nation is hot and humid all year round, and the temperature never snows. Don’t say three years, it is the forward turn. There have been no snowfalls for ten, twenty, thirty years. “

Ye Wuchen got up from his seat, walked back and forth a few steps, and turned around: “Let Big Brother Chu stay with Leng Ya for a few more days, I must go first.”

Xue … it’s her, it must be her!

“Ah? Master …” Yan Gongluo froze and just shouted, but they could only see the Ye Wuchen, which had been impatient, disappear in front of a white light.



Heavenly Dragon Nation, the forgotten corner.

The appearance of Ye Wuchen made Tong Xin feel his return for the first time. She playing with Ningxue by the river took Ningxue with her hand and flew back. When she saw the figure of Ye Wuchen, she hurriedly dropped from the air and put her His body is close to him.

Elder Brother, you are finally back.” Ningxue cheered in a very joyful voice, but did not reveal how worried and expectant she was these days.

“Are you okay these two days?” Ye Wuchen Put your hands together Ningxue Left face and Tong Xin Right face, asked softly, Xiaomo Then don’t look away, so that he will not see the dissatisfaction on her face.

“Well! Elder Sister Tong Xin and I have turned over the places I and Elder Brother have been in the past few days … Elder Brother. Is this Little Elder Sister?” Ningxue looked curiously at the girl brought back from Ye Wuchen, from her On her body, she felt a vague sense of familiarity. It’s hard to remember that she happened to meet her three years ago at Great Wind Nation. Tong Xin also took a look at her and took her eyes back. She recognized her all of a sudden, after all, she and Ye Wuchen also met on the street not long ago. As for why she appeared here, she didn’t care.

“My name is Xiaomo. Three years ago, we met outside of Heavenly Wind City.” Xiaomo turned his head, his lips twitched, and he said with a slight repulsion.

“Well, Xue’er, remember when we went to Heavenly Wind City to Elder Sister three years ago, did the little girl with a sprained foot on the road meet?” Ye Wuchen bent down and said to Ningxue with a smile.

“Well?” Ningxue thought for a while and smiled: “Hello Xiaomo Elder Sister, my name is Ningxue.”

She remembered the incident three years ago, but it was difficult to remember what the little girl looked like three years ago. After all, it was only a short-term contact that was unexpected, and the time has been separated for a long time.

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