Heavenly Star Chapter 334: Death Strike

. “Sect Master, my husband is here.”

An old and vigorous voice came from below. Immediately, a figure floated up from below and fell beside them. It was Earth Elder. Now he looks extremely embarrassed. His gray robe is already in a shabby state. He can’t hide his body. On the exposed skin, there are wounds urged by Darkness Power. Although standing steadily, his face was sometimes red and sometimes white, apparently having suffered minor internal injuries.

“It’s all right.”

“Don’t say anything else, she must already be at the end of the crossbow. Such an attack, she will not be able to have the next time, do not let her escape! Otherwise, put aside the hatred that hurts Sect Master Said, how can we be at ease with such a person in the world. ”Shui Xuanfeng said the injury, gritted his teeth and said, after he said it, he roared, floated up, and chased after the person who had flown to Ye Wuchen as quickly as possible. Tong Xin away.

She had been deadlocked with them for a long time, and it was a miracle that she could not die under the Water Jade Dragon formed by the four of them. It was impossible for also to act. However, she did not expect that she took another blow and broke the arm of Shui Yunlan … However, this was still not her limit. In that case, she actually released another Darkness Power that changed the world, letting Both God Level Expert suffered injuries to varying degrees.

Woman of Divine Wrath, where is she sacred! There is no limit to her life! ?

No matter what the outcome of today, the shadow of the girl in black in their hearts will never be wiped out. At this moment, they must choose, the only option is to block her at all costs, if possible, destroy her, otherwise, as Shui Xuanfeng said, there will be such a person in the world, they will never feel at ease.

Heaven and Earth Two Elders followed Shui Xuanfeng and went straight to Tong Xin.

The strength is almost exhausted. Tong Xin begins to feel the heavy eyelids. Her flight speed was as fast as electricity at this time, but at this time it was extremely slow. Before flying to Ye Wuchen, she was already caught up by Heaven Elder. Containing the strength of the strong Water Jade Power comes from the rear.

Feeling the power in the rear, Tong Xin‘s body twisted fiercely, and it shifted by dozens of meters to avoid it. With Tong Xin avoiding, the icy force swept away, turbulent air twisted and twisted all the way, directly below, when landing, the impact is exactly where Ye Wuchen is located.

Ye Wuchen has just noticed the danger, a mountain-like, tsunami-like pressure has hit him as a chest, and before he gets close, he has brought him a terrible feeling that his body is completely tangled. He was frightened, but then returned to calm, and released all Wuchen Power in an instant, building an air wall in front of him.

This is the first time that Ye Wuchen uses all its power as defense. However, although it was only a rush under Heaven Elder, the power of God Level was not that small. He blocked the Water Jade Power with a defensive barrier built by Wuchen Power, and was suddenly ripped open a gap … Ye Wuchen had a stuffy chest and white eyes. His body had been lifted up by an irresistible force, and he slammed on the wall of his body severely. After falling over two walls, he collapsed softly.

The whole body is sore and sore, and the breath in the body is extremely chaotic. Ye Wuchen took a breath and quickly adjusted his breath with Wuchen Power. Fortunately, the distance was a long time ago. In addition, he was blocked by Wuchen Power, which offset a large part of the impact of the power, so he was not hurt too much. However, the simplest hit of the God Level strong man also made him understand more clearly how great pressure Tong Xin faced when facing four God Level strong people, and how powerful they depended on.

When Ye Wuchen is attacked, Tong Xin‘s body suddenly stagnates in the air, and the heartbeat seems to stop completely. Watching Ye Wuchen hit and fly until it fell weakly … In the chest, something exploded suddenly, she turned slowly, and Hemang’s sudden eyes reflected a resentful hatred, staring deadly On the Heaven Elder coming at her.

Since she was next to Ye Wuchen, she has never been willing to leave him. She used her hand to clear all obstacles in front of him. With her, whoever Ye Wuchen wants to die, never needs herself. Shot. And three years ago, when she was away from the small part time around Ye Wuchen, she almost never saw her again, but lost the time of Ye Wuchen. She spent time in fear, extravagance, longing and resentment towards herself, when she finally When he found him again, she swore to herself that she would never let anyone hurt him again.

Like today, she would rather not listen to him than let herself leave him for so long, and let him come to such a dangerous place alone.

And just now, she watched someone openly, hurting him with his strength. Although he didn’t mean it, for whatever reason …

The sky suddenly became dark again, but it is obviously different from the previous few times. This time the darkness did not accompany the previous choking and depression feeling, but it came too fast. It was still a bright sky, and suddenly it was as dark as ink. There was no light in front of me, and nothing could be seen clearly.

Absolutely dark space-wipe out all dark-exclusive realms of light. Although the Dark Element built into this absolutely dark space does not have any attack capabilities, it can sink the world of all targets into an absolute darkness, and the eyes completely lose their function. Tong Xin, however, can use the ubiquitous Dark Element to accurately and accurately detect the location of the target and its movement.

The moment that absolute darkness has just formed, everyone who enters it subconsciously stops moving. Heaven Elder floats in the air, his face is extremely heavy, except for the sound, he can’t see anything around him, but the Spirit Awareness that exists with the power of God Level, is telling a pair of dark eyes with a thrilling hate light in the dark Staring at him from a corner in the middle, he felt a clear chill up and down, even deep inside.

It feels like it was hit by a cold knife on your neck, and your throat may be cut at any time.

“Careful everyone!” Heaven Elder backed a long distance and shouted Shen. This kind of non-aggressive Dark Strength cannot be offset by Water Jade Power, but can only be dispersed by light. However, among Southern Emperor Sect, there are very few people who have completed Light Magic. Even if he is a strong person who has reached the high level of God Level, there is nothing he can do. Can only try to step back and get out of this dark space. Darkness brought him more and more depression.


A slight sound, but it is uncomfortable in the ears, and the extreme sound sounds in the dark space, and it is this small sound that suppresses the restless sound caused by the advent of darkness. Into everyone’s ears …

Dark world, Tong Xin‘s body keeps flying straight and parallel to the ground. She stretches her right hand forward, and the icy blade of Blade of Divine Wrath points straight ahead, and her body begins to spin fast in a lightning-fast flight. In an instant, a gyro-like horizontal dark tornado was brought up. That dark tornado ripped the darkness, ripped the space, ripped all the forces that resisted it, and went away with the momentum and coercion that destroyed everything …

“Woo!” A muffled humming sounded, it was a kind of pain moan suddenly attacked, and this sound was clearly from the Heaven Elder mouth. Earth Elder and Shui Xuanfeng smelled simultaneously and yelled, “Heaven Elder, are you okay!?”

Their screams just dropped, and they suddenly lighted up. The sudden change from absolute darkness to light caused a sting in the eyes of people who were in absolute darkness, and closed their eyes subconsciously. Then, a scream of Earth Elder and Shui Xuanfeng was heard in their ears at the same time: “Heaven Elder!”

Woman of Divine Wrath and Ye Wuchen have disappeared from sight, I do n’t know where they are, and Southern Emperor Sect has the highest seniority and the strongest Heaven Elder has fallen from the air, lying on the ground softly, eyes wide open, and chest violent Heaving, chest, with a short red blade all over his chest.

Then Heaven Elder‘s chest flickered with a scarlet brilliance. The Blade of Divine Wrath flew up and flew to the south like a flash of meteors, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

“Hurry up! Woman of Divine Wrath took away Ye Wuchen … Go and get them back. Woman of Divine Wrath is already at the end of the crossbow. They can’t go far. Heaven Elder is not injured and will be fine.” Shui Yunlan said with gritted teeth. With the self-healing ability of Heaven Elder God Level Water Jade Art, let alone just pierce the wound without hurting the vitals, even if the vitals are injured, his life may not be hurt.

“Come on, my husband is okay. If she escapes, it will be our Southern Emperor Sect.” Heaven Elder covered her **** chest, and her voice was as calm as before, without the slightest pain.

However, no one noticed that the part covered by Heaven Elder‘s hand was wandering with a hint of gray gas …

Earth Elder and Shui Xuanfeng nodded in unison, without further delay, chasing in the direction that Blade of Divine Wrath just flew at as fast as possible. Behind them, dozens of Southern Emperor Sect Expert also quickly followed.

Tong Xin flew to West Pole with Ye Wuchen. She did her best to raise the degree to the limit with her last strength in the body. She even pierced Blade of Divine Wrath‘s defense of Heaven Elder and penetrated his chest. It’s recalled.

Tong Xin … Stupid Tong Xin, you are still here.” Ye Wuchen wrapped around her tiny waist with only one hand, and he stroked her head with one hand, gently said.

Tong Xin looked panic, turned his face to the side, his eyes flickered brightly.

“If you get spoiled like this, how can I leave you in the future … what if I have to leave me one day, what should I do?” Ye Wuchen smiled at the corners of his mouth, his eyes were lost. .

Tong Xin Panic looked away, brought his body close to him, and felt his temperature docilely. During the flight, her body suddenly sank a bit and slowly rose up again.

Ye Wuchen turned her arms over and held Tong Xin tightly in her arms, so that she stopped flying, so she stayed in the air with her, “Tong Xin, must be tired, take a good sleep, When you wake up, we will be home. “

His voice was very soft and soft. Tong Xin looked at him and blinked softly. The heavy tiredness and weakness finally struck at once, her eyelids became heavy and finally closed slowly. Closed eyes.

As she fell asleep, the Blade of Divine Wrath that belonged to her broke away from Heaven Elder and flew back to her.

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