Heavenly Star Chapter 331: Stalemate

.Tong Xin‘s body stagnates in a distant high altitude, hands down, supporting the terrible Dark Strength. Black light and blue light stalemate in the air. At the intersection of black light and blue light, a black to incredible area slowly appeared. The sky was bright and dim, but this dark area was in the dark. China is still so eye-catching-it can be said that it is completely another level of darkness, a level of darkness known to ordinary people.

The moment that the Dark Strength and Water Jade Power collided in this black area suddenly rushed into it as if attracted, and filled it up instantly, and the black area reappeared like a disillusioned light. Generally, it alternates between appearance and disillusionment. In the collision between the four God Level strong men and the strongest force of Woman of Divine Wrath, the space finally cannot bear and breaks down. The faint black area is formed by the collapse of space. Horrible black hole.

The collision of energy is so deadlocked in mid-air. Black light and blue light are like two evil dragons biting each other in the air. No one has given in and no one has shown defeat. Heavenly Earth Elder and Shui Xuanfeng father and son suddenly faced simultaneously changed. At this moment, the horror in their hearts passed the previous sum.

“She … she … blocked it …” Shui Yunlan has turned his blue hands up, palm trembles, his arms, and even his whole body seems to be blue like water jade. This is a state where he has done his best, Without the slightest reservation, in order to kill Woman of Divine Wrath as quickly as possible, so as not to cause her more casualties, he didn’t spare any effort, and he had a consciousness that he would be extremely soft for half a month. He originally thought that the strongest four of Southern Emperor Sect combined with Water Jade Dragon to force a heavy blow into the air, avoiding the inevitable Woman of Divine Wrath, which would destroy her in one fell swoop, but never thought that the strongest Heaven Elder, and The Shui Xuanfeng and Earth Elder, which are almost the same as his strength, tried their best to fight together and were blocked! !!

“We … still … underestimated her …” Shui Xuanfeng was pale and her breath was too weak to be detectable. At this time, it is a competition of pure power, which is more dangerous than fighting. Now, they are in a state of stalemate, and once this stalemate is broken, the defeated side will be swallowed up by the opponent ’s power suddenly, and it will end up in nowhere.

Simply put, this time, it is already in a situation where either Woman of Divine Wrath died or they died. If Woman of Divine Wrath can’t hold it first, then she will be swallowed up by Southern Emperor Sect‘s strongest “Water Dragon’s Wrath”. If the four of them can’t hold it first, then they will be transformed into Woman of Divine Wrath‘s Dark Strength Ash fly. URL

Woman of Divine Wrath … what is holy !!” Earth Elder gritted his teeth and said in a weak voice.

“One person blocked me four … It turned out she just kept it.” Heaven Elder is the only one who can say the whole thing, but his slightly trembling voice shows how big his inner shock is. . He has not heard of the legend of Woman of Divine Wrath, but if he did not have today, he would still not believe that a person could be so strong that he could resist him and join forces with the three strong God Level Middle Rank members.

This teenage girl who looks like a teenager is really human?

“Don’t be distracted … how can we … be defeated!” The features on the face of Shui Yunlan have been crowded together, showing a terrible distortion, which is a manifestation that the power has been used to the extreme. They can’t be defeated … four people, each of them God Level, any one out of Southern Emperor Sect, can stand proudly at the peak of Heavenly Star Continent‘s strength, admired by all practitioners, even Emperor of a country will never dare to offend, even thousands An army of horses will never dare to grab its edge. This time, apart from Shui Yunlan, they are all joining forces with others for the first time to deal with one person, and they are also amazing four God Level teaming up-how can the strongest four of Southern Emperor Sect team up to be defeated by one person, they, how Can lose! !!

The sky is still dim, and the forces colliding have not kept calm. In addition to creating a broken space, the overflowing force also releases a heavy mountain-like weight that envelopes the earth. In the distance, all the Southern Emperor Sect people have been stunned, their hearts are hanging up, and their heartbeats are extremely surprisingly quick. In Southern Emperor Sect, there is no ordinary person, they know what this competition means. Among other things, if Woman of Divine Wrath wins, it means that the four strongest Southern Emperor Sect, including Sect Master, will be buried in her hands. The rest of them will simply become Woman of Divine Wrath cut prey.

Oh, it seems that they are getting lower and lower, and they will be pressed on top of their heads at any time, and they will be brought into the bottomless abyss that can never turn over.

One minute … two minutes … three minutes …

Time, the heart beats with the flow of one second and one second. Every second in the silent world is so clear and slow. Shui Yunlan and Shui Xuanfeng have been covered with fine sweat beads on their foreheads. Earth Elder is also sweaty, with a pale face like stone. Only the blue light on the hands, the body, and the crazy release of Water Jade Power have not weakened at all. The power of God Level will not be so easily exhausted, but this kind of unreserved, maximum energy output, he does not know how long he can persist.

So, will there be a accident/surprise suddenly break this balance …

Over the sky, Tong Xin presents a completely different state from the four of them. Even in this scenario, her expression is still a kind of indifference. No tension, no pain, but indifferent calm. As if, this is a Doll doll with no emotion. In his eyes, a deeper light than the night was shining directly.

transformation, at this moment in life and silence, a striking scarlet light suddenly shot out from the body of Tong Xin, drawing an incredible arc in the air, bypassing the dragon-like Dark Strength and water dragon The general Water Jade Power stabs straight down with a cold killing intention, and the target is Shui Yunlan.

The price of distraction must be a small collapse of energy. Tong Xin disperses the power to drive Blade of Divine Wrath, so that crazy Water Jade Dragon who wants to soar to the sky rises a few points, and retreats her Darkness Power. The next moment, the situation Bounce back with a greater margin.

“Be careful !!!” Tian Earth Elder and Shui Xuanfeng both growled. That Blade of Divine Wrath didn’t fly fast, and the energy fluctuations brought by it were quite small, but at this time they had almost no protective power on them, which was enough to be easily injured by Blade of Divine Wrath. And watching the Blade of Divine Wrath approaching, they couldn’t shoot at all. Tong Xin merely separated the tiny forces, which caused a significant change in the situation. If one of them withdrew Water Jade Power, they would suffer the crisis of annihilation and darkness at the same time. Once suppressed, it is difficult to want to stand up in this situation,

Shui Yunlan The pupils of the eyes shrink sharply, and the scarlet point is getting closer and closer in his shrinking pupils. Woman of Divine Wrath can control Blade of Divine Wrath with his own thoughts, does not mean that his Shui Yunlan can disperse a little bit of power to block Blade of Divine Wrath with his thoughts. He has a chance, he gritted his teeth, his hands were still transporting Water Jade Power upwards, but his body did to the right. A polar translation.


Blade of Divine Wrath passed by, cutting his sleeve without hurting his flesh, and his movement caused a momentary loss of his Water Jade Power. Suddenly, the suppressed dark awn Like a awakening beast, it suddenly rushed down in a roar, and stepped on the blue light under his feet. The Southern Emperor Sect four people were suddenly topped by Taishan at the same time, their eyes were black, and their chests were shaking. Both feet fell into the ground under heavy pressure.

“Uh uh Eh!!”

A few deep voices squeezed from the gap between the teeth were released from their mouths. When the entangling force in the air finally returned to balance, their teeth were almost bitten, and their whole body was wet with cold sweat. . But at this moment, the shadow and stress in their hearts are undoubtedly several times stronger.

While you are doing your best, you can even distract yourself from your weapons … just this ability is by no means a “person”. To control weapons, not only use “force” and “qi”, also distracts the mind to guide the manipulation. In this situation, dispersing force and energy will greatly increase the danger, and distraction is tantamount to death, because the mind is one. When it’s gone, the power will go with it. And Woman of Divine Wrath was in a stalemate with them perfectly distracted to manipulate Blade of Divine Wrath to attack them, and at the moment of distraction Shui Yunlan pushed the pressure back to the side several times.

If your heart is pressed by an iron plate of heavily, you can’t breathe heavily. The Blade of Divine Wrath that straddles the body of Shui Yunlan and nailed to the ground will be stabbed again at any time, could it be that, the four strongest of their Southern Emperor Sect, today will be defeated and died in the hands of a little girl?

The atmosphere changed drastically due to the dancing of Blade of Divine Wrath. Southern Emperor Sect people were frightened and wanted to shout and fear to affect the Sect Master four people. one by one was pale, his fists clenched, cold sweat Clip back.

Shui Yunpo, who was standing in front of the crowd, suddenly had no origin. He paused for a while, slammed himself on a a slap in the face, and ran towards the place where they were fighting.

“Stop, don’t get near there!” An old man with an old-fashioned expression and a solemn expression reached out and held him dead.

Shui Yunpo turned around and shouted, “Are we all stupid! What are you still doing here? Don’t hurry to help Sect Master!”

This roar made them simultaneously hold, then one by one woke up like a dream party, rushing forward. From the moment when the four strongest men in their line played against Woman of Divine Wrath, they regarded themselves as outsiders, because fighting at that level was not something they could intervene in and touch at all. Interrupted, it will only die in vain. Therefore, under the inertia of this kind of thinking, they always watched the confrontation between the two sides without taking any action from the beginning to the end, and ignored it subconsciously. Such a state of stalemate, regardless of the stalemate, can easily be achieved by anyone with Heaven Level strength Change the situation.

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