Heavenly Star Chapter 320: Shui Wuque

. She went out quietly, hiding from everyone’s eyes, and appeared silently in the green-green color # 小 ¥ 说 & 网 –far stares like the stars in the night, as if everything in the world could not escape him Both eyes: “In that year, you Southern Emperor Sect and Northern Emperor Sect co-starred a show that covered the eyes of the world. I have to say that the performance was quite successful. At least, after that, you came to Heavenly Dragon City under the instruction of Southern Emperor Sect. The mission, It is to quietly incorporate the Heavenly Dragon Nation capital Heavenly Dragon City into the control of Southern Emperor Sect. With the power of Southern Emperor Sect, this is really not a difficult task. And you have been very successful over the years. Even me, three years It is also difficult to achieve the level you are now doing. “

“…” Shui Mengchan fine eyebrows moved slightly. Three years? Shui Mengchan has now used everything in arrange/laid out of Heavenly Dragon City for nearly ten years. His phrase of “three years” is scornful in other populations, but a different kind of praise in his mouth.

“And what makes me suspicious is that after three years of falling from Soul Breaking Abyss, Long Yin has not died. And what all points to is clearly that you really want to marry Long Yin. Admittedly, in this way, You … or Southern Emperor Sect can control Heavenly Dragon City and Heavenly Dragon Nation in the shortest time. But even if you don’t use this method, with your strength of Southern Emperor Sect and the layout of these years, it will only take a bit more effort and It ’s only time. But you still choose the former. I really want to marry you to Long Yin, which is inconsistent with what I expected. Southern Emperor Sect’s Patriarch, in order to save some effort, he would not hesitate to marry his daughter to an age who can be her father People, is this really normal? “

Shui Mengchan: “…”

“And a father, when she was only a few years old, set up a bureau and decided that she would marry Long Yin to quickly complete the future of Southern Emperor Sect ambitions. After a few years, I will send you to Heavenly Dragon City, from then on Back home, is this normal? “

Shui Mengchan: “…”

“If you are really his only daughter, how can he be so? At least, a normal father will not leave a daughter who is not yet an adult far away, and it is hard to imagine. This is the first let My suspicion. If you are not his daughter, all of this is better explained … if it is me, I will also leave the ‘daughter’ who is not a daughter far away, invisible. “Ye Wuchen , Mysterious smile.

“And then, by chance, I learned that people who have the blood of the direct Southern Emperor or the blood of Northern Emperor will always be loyal to their ancestors and will never disobey the missions left by their ancestors. The guesses in my heart began to take shape “Ye Wuchen said here, the voice turned, half looking up, and enjoyed the pleasing posture of Shui Mengchan comfortably:” I have honestly explained, is it your turn to tell me what you really know. Some things can help you, but also help me. “

Ye Wuchen changed to a comfortable posture and made a listening posture.

“Human nature … It turns out that the truth of many things is actually hidden in the most common and most easily overlooked things.” Thinking back from childhood to adulthood, she really subconsciously ignored a lot. If she can have the Ye Wuchen‘s scheming, perhaps at a very young age, she can learn from the abnormalities of her mother, the “father”, and the also.

Because they are her “relatives” and the ones they should trust most, there is no need to have any doubts. She has been living in a false world.

She started returning herself to Southern Emperor Sect, met Shui Yuntian, and convinced each other in their own way of each other’s identity, and then told her everything Shui Yuntian had originally said, very detailed, almost Nothing is missing. These days, Shui Mengchan‘s heart has been entangled with these things, even in the dream, it is the miserable gesture of Shui Yuntian and his resentful words. Even if she wanted to forget, she couldn’t forget.

With her remarks, Ye Wuchen‘s expression also quietly changed. From the beginning of light smile, to calmness, to contemplation, searching for every message he could use.

Shui Mengchan When everything is finished, Ye Wuchen is also completely quiet, and the easy and freehand that was before is gone. With a slight sigh, he whispered: “The corroded heart is always so terrible.” His voice paused and his eyes turned to his left: “Now, do you believe it?”

Shui Mengchan was a little hesitant, and immediately felt that Ye Wuchen was not what she said. Looking around, the screen carved with purple wood was pushed away, and she rushed out. This is a young man who is almost the same age as Ye Wuchen. The height is similar to it, with a pale complexion and a handsome face faintly revealing a feminine femininity. The first thing people think of is the cynical pampered young master of some big families. However, at this time, his eyes were hazy, and the bruises on his lips were bitten. Under extreme horror and anger, he showed a nearly out of control gesture.

Elder Sister, is this all true? Is it true …” He asked Shui Mengchan in a chilling voice, although he no longer had doubts …

whole (Wuque), why are you here !?” Shui Mengchan shouted in surprise. Because he turned out to be her Little Brother, Shui Wuque who was “going around” all day out! And he hid behind the screen, so close to her, she didn’t even notice it.

He did n’t dare to believe everything that Ye Wuchen said to Shui Wuque before, and Shui Mengchan complained that even if he did n’t want to believe it, he had already believed it, because it was his Elder Sister himself. Different from Shui Mengchan, he feels more hatred and tingling pain in the heart. The feeling of being cheated and played is very shallow … because after all, his “parent-child relationship” with Shui Yunlan is extremely indifferent, he even He has long been reluctant to treat him as a father. For him, his loved ones are only Elder Sister and his mother. Those uncles, uncles, elders … also looked at him unpleasantly in his rebellion, and he was also unwilling to be with them. Zong Zhong’s friends were only those who were willing to follow him out.

“I brought him here, and it took some thought. I guess, if it wasn’t for your persuasion, whole (Wuque) should have come to me three years ago.” Ye Wuchen said with a smile.

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