Heavenly Star Chapter 318: Poison

. “Yes, ** is always the most terrible thing in the world. It can make brothers look at each other, husband and wife hate each other, and their hands and feet become crippled. The human heart will slowly decay and change in the ** It’s ugly … Shui Yunlan, I was only a few days after his birth, and he looked amazing. Because of this coincidence, I and he have always been the best partners, growing up together. He Talent is very high, and has great ambitions, and has always worked harder than ever before when he was very young. Originally, the strongest of every generation of Southern Emperor Sect would have the blood of pure Southern Emperor , Destined to be Southern Emperor Sect Sect Master, and in my generation, whether it is Wenwu, he is far better than me, the people in Zong praise him, even my father and grandfather praise him, and as His partner, I never felt jealous, but sincerely admired him and was proud of him. “

Shui Yuntian‘s voice stopped for a moment, and my thoughts returned to the root of that nightmare: “When I was a boy, he and I liked your mother, and Sister Fu liked me when I was very young. After we were together, I Feeling the alienation of Shui Yunlan, also has the deep hatred behind my eyes when I turn my back to him. However, it was too naive at that time. I couldn’t fully understand how terrible a person filled with resentment and jealousy would become. I didn’t blame him, but regretted him. At the same time, the disharmony in the case became stronger and stronger, and some people insisted on keeping in mind the mission left by their ancestors. The other part insisted that Southern Emperor Sect would no longer evade the world, but control the world power as Northern Emperor Sect wanted. At that time, all Heavenly Star Continent didn’t know, in fact, the entire Sunflower Water Nation had fallen into the hands of Northern Emperor Sect. Sunflower Water Nation The generations of monarchs are nothing but puppets of Northern Emperor Sect. “

Shui Mengchan nodded gently, his heart clenched. She can already guess about the next life. Sin is derived from this greed for power and jealous resentment.

“Later, everything suddenly returned to peace, and no one mentioned it anymore. This made the father and grandfather worried. This was more like a negotiation, and it was hidden, waiting for a sign that the time was right. But the situation at the time was too complicated. Those who obeyed the words of their ancestors and had no disinterested people were relatively small. After all, except those who had the true blood of Southern Emperor and were loyal to their eternal ancestors and those who were loyal to my grandpa and father, How many people are willing to run for a sword in their lifetime. This is also the reason for the transformation of Northern Emperor Sect. Although transformation of Northern Emperor Sect has no one knows the process, it is certain that the real Sect Master of Northern Emperor Sect is dead Now, those who are on the same front as him are dead … Because after transformation, Northern Emperor Sect did not reorganize for a long time, and then extended the minions to Sunflower Water Nation, this move is enough to explain everything. The URL and our Southern Emperor Sect at that time How similar the stalemate is. This is the human heart, and people, after all, are not wantless and holy Ah… … “

“My father and grandfather are worried every day that transformation, which is the same as Northern Emperor Sect, will appear in Zongzhong, but even if they are worried, it will not be possible to truly reverse the situation. The calm lasted for a few years and was there For a while, I married Sister Fu and had you … two years after you were born, Sister Fu was pregnant again with Rokko. My mother said that Sister Fu was pregnant with a boy … I can have a son and a daughter, I firmly believe During that time, I was the happiest father in the world, but I didn’t expect that … it was a beautiful and short evening before my night. “

“Father.” Shui Mengchan whispered: “Tell me what happened afterwards …”

“Later, Hehehehe …” Shui Yuntian grinned: “That day was the 25th birthday of Shui Yunlan. Compared to me who already had a second son, he was still alone, and Zongzhong knew why. It also makes my guilt deepen every year. A birthday, but I do not know why a birthday party was organized, I, Sister Fu, also I was the father of Sect Master, my mother, all at the invitation of Shui Yunlan‘s father Shui Xuanfeng I went to this somewhat strange birthday celebration, and my grandfather will be 70 years old in three days. He has gone to Zongzhong’s secret room to prepare for transfer cultivation, so he did not go to … Chan’er, you can guess, they Why did you choose this day … “

Shui Mengchan‘s eye wave is violently turbulent, biting his lips.

In Southern Emperor Sect, when you reach the age of 70, the cultivation base of Water Jade Art will regress itself. Therefore, in order for the descendants of Southern Emperor Sect to continue to be strong, the owner of the direct bloodline of Southern Emperor must pass all his cultivation base to his grandchildren at the age of seventy to help him directly enter God Path Realm . For Southern Emperor Sect, it is much easier to practice Heaven Level than ordinary people, but there is a huge gap between Heaven Level and God Level. Even if you reach Heaven Level in your youth, it is extremely difficult to find God Path. Way. The Sect Master of each generation of Southern Emperor Sect relies on this method to enter God Path in youth. The same is true of Northern Emperor Sect. Southern Emperor and Northern Emperor were rivals of countless years, but what they left behind was so similar.

They chose that day, obviously …

“Except for us at the birthday banquet, there were more than thirty people in also … I was just over thirty people, and I will not forget them even if they are ashes. Our family entered their game like you except me. I My father and I had smelled a bit of an unusual smell, and all of the thirty or more people were not only those with a high weight of Southern Emperor Sect palm or cultivation base, but also those who were most resolutely claiming to be in the world. They can be said to be Representatives of people. Although my father and mother were vigilant and secretly guarded, they still all tried. It was poisonous and uncontrollable. My parents, I, Sister Fu, also, were all poisoned, and often accompanied my parents. The old purple Ye Er is also all poisoned. “

Remembering the scene at that time, a pair of fists of Shui Yuntian clenched tightly.

“Poison? Impossible … Water Jade Art can make us innocent …. Wait, could it be that, could it be that is …” Thinking of that possibility, Shui Mengchan‘s face turned pale for a moment, and a doubt that lasted for a long time was resolved. .

“Yes … it is Water and Fire Unfettered Powder. After entering Spirit Level, Water Jade Art will not be afraid of poison, but only fear that this is not poison, but it is better than poison Water and Fire Unfettered Powder! Those people secretly and Northern Emperor Sect in those years An agreement was reached, and the combination of Water Jade Art and Flame Soul Art condensed into Water and Fire Unfettered Powder, which allows Water Jade Art to be eliminated in a long time. We lost all Water Jade Art, and I watched my parents die tragically … “

so that’s how it is … No wonder. Twenty-three years ago, Southern Emperor Sect and Northern Emperor Sect staged a show that covered the world’s eyes. No wonder that agreement was reached so smoothly and unobstructed. It turned out that they had a collusion.” Shui Mengchan suddenly Wake up. Because of the scene that year, Southern Emperor Sect could enter Heavenly Dragon City in a grand manner, while Northern Emperor Sect turned to covert manipulation. Although Southern Emperor Sect and Northern Emperor Sect are strong and there are many Experts, they are not “horses” and their numbers are too far away from the real thousands of horses. If only one of them is capable of achieving the goal of stepping down to the world For many years, perhaps people of that generation will not see it until they die. Therefore, the people of Northern Emperor Sect reached an agreement with the Southern Emperor Sect group of people who helped them get rid of the “stubborn” Sect Master. After the incident, the two cases set about half of the world. In this way, the time and effort will be saved by more than half.

In the end … though they didn’t mention it, they knew it. There is no room for two tigers. After reaching their goals, they will inevitably die one day.

Shui Yuntian didn’t seem to hear his daughter’s murmur, and continued said with a tone full of hate: “Those lunatics unloaded their usual camouflage and showed their ugly side. They humiliated my father a lot, and finally forced him to inject a poison, Water Jade Art The father who was dissipated could not resist this kind of poison at all. He died of poisonous law in a short while and had no breath. When he was dying, he told me that he must live, no matter how much pain and stigma he suffered. Revenge can only survive if Southern Emperor‘s blood never dies. The mother bit her tongue and committed suicide at the moment of her father’s tragic death. She also told me with eyes that she must live … every scene at that time, every ugly I have a clear face and ugly voice. I remember it clearly, thinking about it for more than 20 years, and hating it for more than 20 years. I even remember the embarrassed expression of Shui Yunlan and the fist that he kept exerting on me … “

“I am not dead … because Sister Fu, I am not dead. If I die, Sister Fu will follow me like my mother follows my father. For Shui Yunlan, although he hates me goes all the way to the bone, he is even more unwilling Seeing the love of Sister Fu, Sister Fu promised to stay with Shui Yunlan and keep everything for them in order to keep me alive and for the unborn baby. But no one should take my life or hurt me and her children … they all promised This is the result they had agreed on. Shui Yunlan is the most critical person in their plan. Naturally, he will not force Sister Fu to die and cause him to be chaotic. This will lead to a chaotic overall plan. At the same time, the existence of Sister Fu, why not Become a cover for them. “

“So, Shui Yunlan changed clothes with me who was already dying. At that moment, he became ‘Shui Yuntian‘, and I became ‘Shui Yunlan‘. With only one breath left, I was dragged to Zong who could not even speak. In the rush, Zong Zhongren displayed my ‘crime’, saying that ‘Shui Yunlan‘ had collusion with Northern Emperor Sect and poisoned Sect Master‘s family because of love and hate, and had caused Sect Master to be poisoned. Madam Sect Master was in love and was present Of the more than thirty people who hit ‘Water and Fire Unfettered Powder‘, except for ‘Shui Yunlan”s father, Shui Xuanfeng, who beat ‘Shui Yunlan‘ to a halt and rescued others, it was Shui Xuanfeng. “

Shui Yuntian‘s voice becomes distorted. Recalling their perfect acting skills, the scene of also that has obviously been practiced many times, he wants to laugh again in sorrow: Dignified Southern Emperor Sect people, in order to selfishly use the vicious method of madness. Later, she also sadly started such clown moves. Everything that was born later was logical, there were more than thirty highly respected people to testify, some people would doubt its authenticity, and who would think that Shui Yunlan is actually Shui Yuntian, and Shui Yuntian is actually Shui Yunlan. Under the plea of ​​Shui Xuanfeng who “destroyed his righteousness”, and “Shui Yuntian” who read his old feelings, “Shui Yunlan” was not sentenced to capital punishment, but his tongue was cut off, and he would never see the sun under the blockade of Demon Locking Chains. Let him atone for his dead Sect Master and Sect Master in the dark suffering.

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