Heavenly Star Chapter 252: Home (4)

. (Some leaves go home, some fire leaves home ╮╯ ▽ ╰╭)

Chen’er, go and see your grandfather first. After your accident, he always believed that it was because of him that he buried your life. He was miserable in self-blame. He quit everything three years ago. In the middle of the day, flowers and grass are planted. Now that you are back, he can finally … “Thinking of Ye Nu, Ye Wei felt sour.

Ye Wuchen nodded: “Father, let’s go together.”

The layout of the small courtyard of Ye Nu is relatively quaint, but it is much quieter than the impression of Ye Wuchen. After walking in, there are no people, but the call of various birds is heard.

Ye Nu sat On a hardwood chair, he was devoted to feeding a bird in the cage, and he never heard of the approach of Ye Wei and Ye Wuchen. Ye Wei bent down and said in a low voice: “Father.”

“What’s the matter?” Ye Nu didn’t raise his head, lightly said. At this time, he was much older than what Ye Wuchen remembered. He hadn’t seen it for three years, but he seemed to be ten years old. He couldn’t help but start to think that after he entered Ye Family, what did Ye Family bring more benefits or more harm? For an old man like Ye Nu who wants nothing more, the biggest harm in the world is not death, but family torture.

“Grandpa, I’m back.” The Ye Wuchen, ashamed in his heart, called out with a very light voice, lest the voice was too loud, to the surprise of the old man.

Ye Nu trembled all over, his hands and body were stiffened there, and there was no movement anymore. He whispered so that he couldn’t believe his ears at all, just stayed there as if time had stopped.

Ye Wei feels comforting, more sour and bitter. In the past three years, how did the father who had died in the center of great grief and self-blame and regret come to him, and he often felt a twitch in his heart when he looked in his eyes.

Ye Nu looks up and looks at Ye Wuchen with blinking and trembling eyes. At this moment, he couldn’t believe his eyes again. This Rongma half-life, brilliant and talented, feared by countless people, respected and admired by Old General Ye, at this moment there is no usual coercion and calm, the dirty old eyes began to become blurred, and his throat seemed to be stuck What, trembling lips, but a word, no sound at all.

“Father, Chen’er is back! He is not dead! Chen’er he is not dead! He dropped Soul Breaking Abyss but he did not die but returned alive, now in front of you! Father, Chen’er is not dead! “In the ears of Ye Nu with dementia, Ye Wei shouted hard, reminding his father that everything is not an illusion, and why not release the infinite comfort and excitement of heart. URL

Ye Wuchen also repeats: “Grandpa, I’m back.”

Ye Nu wakes up like a big dream. Five souls and six souls return to the body again. He stretches out the veteran who has begun to become dry and thin in the past three years, nods his head vigorously, and says with a weak voice: OK, just come back, just come back … “

He shot his palm with before the forehead, wiped his eyes hard, in order to shake off the old tears that overflowed his eyes, and also to make his vision clearer. The vision in front of him is not an illusion, nor will it be the camouflage of others. The only Sword God Ring in his hand and the Ningxue around him are proof of iron. Non hallucinations, but unreal like hallucinations, he whispered: “… Do you hate grandpa …”

The deep regret and self-blame are his pain in the past three years. If he hadn’t agreed, and would personally persuade Ye Shuiyao to marry Great Wind Nation, how could all this happen. This was the most wrong thing he had done in his life. If it wasn’t for this, why would Ye Wuchen die at Great Wind Nation because of Ye Shuiyao. He always believed that the death of Ye Wuchen was a punishment imposed by Heaven on his abandonment of his loved ones. For three years, he suffered in the pain of cone heart. For three years, he seemed to be ten years old.

“Why should I hate Grandpa, Oh??” Ye Wuchen asked back.

He smiled slightly and said, “I have always lived and worked in Heavenly Dragon Nation. Everyone lives well, is well-groomed, and there are very few beggars. Even robbers and thieves are extremely rare. I have watched Great Wind Nation and attacked and harassed again and again over the years It ’s still the same, who ’s credit? It ’s Grandpa ’s. To say that Grandpa may feel outrageous, if there is no Grandpa, even the current Heavenly Dragon Emperor is not necessarily one. Grandpa ’s half-life battle, even marriage is on the battlefield. On the other hand, it has rescued countless people of Heavenly Dragon, to the peace and happiness of all people, these great virtues, these great achievements, and such prestige, who can reach Heavenly Dragon Nation? Looking at Heavenly Dragon Nation, there are no grandpas who are ashamed and owed. I think there is Such a grandpa is proud, so why is he resentful? “

Ye Wuchen sighed and said seriously: “I know what Grandpa has pained in recent years. In fact, Grandpa, you are really wrong. You should not regret or hate yourself. At the beginning, you were in the country The safety of the country was chosen between Anwei and my loved ones, and it is admirable. And I am just a person who cares about the safety of the country in selfishness. I want to say hate, I only hate myself, I hate myself. Many fathers and grandpas also have broken my heart for me. Only grandpas can hate me, what qualifications do I have to hate grandpas? I only hope that grandpas will forgive me for making big mistakes and be happy every day in the future. Will be less. “

A smile appeared on Ye Wei‘s face, and he believed that the words were enough to unlock the heart of Ye Nu. Sure enough, Ye Nu stayed for a while, and laughed heartily rose up with tears in his eyes: “It is indeed my grandson. It will always be such a clever and eloquent, which makes people refute it. Hahahaha …”

In three years, Ye Wei is the first time I have seen Ye Nu so happy and laughed, and he and Ye Wuchen have a happy smile at the same time. With a big laugh, the old man finally came out of the shackles of blame, the abyss of pain, everything that tortured him, disappeared.

Out of the Ye Nu courtyard, Wang Wenshu has made a table full of Ye Wuchen that I usually like to eat as fast as possible. Seeing them coming out, she hurriedly greeted her and said with concern: “Chen’er, Xue’er, you must have just returned, you must be hungry. I just prepared meals for my mother, come and eat, and talk to my mother by the way.”

She was too curious to know what Ye Wuchen has experienced in the past three years. The Ye Wei behind him also wanted to know very much. Indeed, there were many people who had fallen into Soul Breaking Abyss or tried to enter Soul Breaking Abyss with ropes. None of them survived. The higher of Soul Breaking Abyss It is inestimable that Great Wind Nation once made a three-kilometer-long rope to hang a stone to test, but did not test to the bottom. Such a terrible depth can really be a miracle.

But then again, are there fewer miracles in Ye Wuchen?

“It’s been a long time since I ate the food at home, I really miss it … Before that, I want to see the Elder Sister first.” After that, he turned and looked in the direction of the small courtyard of Ye Shuiyao. Now that he has returned, it is estimated that the entire Heavenly Dragon City has been known, Ye Family is boiling because of this, and Ye Shuiyao has never appeared, as if I did not know.

“Yeah, go and see Yao’er, she’s going to see you over the years … she’ll be very happy.” Wang Wenshu nodded quickly.

“I’ll go with Xue’er Tong Xin. Will my mother cook some dishes for me?” Ye Wuchen smiled.

How could she refuse this request, agreeing with joy. Before Ye Wuchen left, he suddenly turned around and asked, “What about Ye Wuyun?”

He has always called his first name to Ye Wuyun. If he can, he doesn’t even want to call his name.

“He went to Chengbei for purchase in the morning and will be back soon. Now he should know that you are back.” Wang Wenshu replied.

“Purchasing?” Ye Wuchen bent his mouth, and said with a serious mockery: “Even the subordinates did the work, but he was really diligent.”

Wang Wenshu didn’t hear the irony. said with a nod: “Without you these years, the family has been sad and miserable. Everything is under the care of Yun’er. People who are busy and busy every day worry about it. It will be tiring. Don’t worry about him so much, he always said that he can give it to others, don’t worry, this child … “

Ye Wuchen nodded and smiled, pushed by Ningxue and Tong Xin towards the Ye Shuiyao courtyard. Ye Wei looked at his back, thoughtfully. I haven’t seen it in three years. Ye Wuchen has been a biennium. Although he is sitting, it is obvious that his height has grown a lot. Although his appearance has not changed much, he can also see his maturity. But the feeling he brought to Ye Wei was very different. As for what it was, he couldn’t understand it for a while, it was just the feeling.

The pattern of the Ye Shuiyao courtyard has not changed at all, and it has not been changed for many years.

This time, Ye Wuchen went directly into the bedroom. Opening the door, a scent of cold air blew, but there was no noise in the room. Waiting for him to be pushed into the room, when the door was closed, a beautiful figure came to him, leaned down, hugged his neck, and his full red lips were gently printed on his face: “Little Chen, you are finally willing to go home.”

Elder Sister, aren’t you afraid of being seen by your mother?” Ye Wuchen touched the position just kissed, and said with a smile.

Ye Shuiyao likes him to call her Elder Sister, she believes that they are not real sisters, but every time Ye Wuchen calls her like that, she will have a sense of satisfaction and joy that breaks through the taboo.

“Not afraid.” Ye Shuiyao smiled lightly. Ye Wuchen once said that when she laughs it is her most beautiful time. In front of her beautiful smile, the most beautiful scenery in the world is overshadowed. Therefore, she began to get used to revealing in front of him a smile that others would never want to see. From the day he returned, she had no reason to be unhappy.

“Then Elder Sister will kiss me in front of my mother later.” Ye Wuchen said with a smile.

Ye Shuiyao face is reddish and hits him slightly.

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