Heavenly Star Chapter 200: Spilled blood

. Feng Ru, who “made great achievements”, trampled deep down on Ye Wuchen‘s heart, that is the biggest taboo that no one is allowed to touch.

Ye Wuchen‘s momentary change and the terrible momentum and terrible sound made Feng Lie and Feng Ling startled. Feng Ru became pale, his neck was like being severely pinched, and he couldn’t breathe at all. Subconsciously receding in the unprecedented fear. Ye Wuchen slowly turned her eyes, letting the Feng Ru be held around the neck by a devil with a knife, and the whole body was stiff and could not move: “Yes … you …”

Feng Ru The pupil of the eye contracts sharply, and then contracts again, the heart beats so hard that it almost jumps out of the chest. She wanted to say, “It’s not me! It’s not me …” But there was no sound in her throat that seemed to be severely stuck. Under her body, there was a sound of dripping water … It was terrible at Ye Wuchen. In the eyes, he was scared to incontinence.

What is this momentum … Such a terrible momentum can never be released by a human. They would rather believe that he is a devil and a beast … The tremors in Feng Lie and Feng Ling are exactly the same at this time. Even outside the Imperial Study Room, the guards around the sword felt a terrible cold wind rushing up from the backbone of the back, making them creepy and snoring.


Ye Wuchen let go of Ningxue, issued a devil-like roar, red eyes, and the body shot like a thunderbolt to the frail Feng Ru that had been frightened, and a heavily that infused with resentment blasted to her chest. …


The bombardment of Ye Wuchen‘s fist heavily suddenly appeared on the Feng Zhaoyang in front of Feng Ru, as if hitting an iron plate fiercely. Feng Zhaoyang‘s body remained unmoved, and his eyes moved for a while on the face of Ye Wuchen. His terrible momentum at this time made him feel trembling. With the movement of the body, the strength surged out, and the Ye Wuchen flew back. The body hit the wall behind him fiercely, shaking the walls.

Elder Brother!” Ningxue yelled and ran to desperately to help him. All the five fingers of Ye Wuchen‘s right hand were broken, but he didn’t feel the slightest pain. While repairing his fingers with Wuchen Power, he said vaguely: “Feng Zhaoyang, should I hate you for blocking or thank you for your mercy.”

Even if Feng Zhaoyang used only one-tenth of his power, Ye Wuchen has already died.

He held the Ningxue, approached step by step, and his right hand had recovered as before in such a short period of time. He was easily defeated by Feng Zhaoyang and hit the fly, but his horror and also‘s heavy pressure on everyone did not decrease at all, and the steps approached slowly, as if stepping on their hearts. After many storms, the Feng Lie with a rocky heart felt a throbbing heartbeat at this time, and his uneasy emotions swelled quickly. He yelled with a calm voice as much as possible: “Senior wind, although this person is a Sword God, but he hurt Ling’er first Now, I will be hurting Ru’er again. Why would I have been so bullied on Feng Family. If today is not removed, I will not lose my face in Feng Family, and I will suffer endlessly in the future. Wind seniors … “

Will Feng Lie not see that Feng Zhaoyang is indeed merciful to Ye Wuchen, because after all, he is the heir to Chu Cangming in Feng Zhaoyang‘s youth … there is still one The reason he doesn’t know is Woman of Divine Wrath. Feng Zhaoyang knows that Woman of Divine Wrath is now following Ye Wuchen. If Ye Wuchen dies, Great Wind Nation is likely to cause successive disasters due to Woman of Divine Wrath. Even … the terrible disaster of twenty years ago will repeat itself.

Feng Zhaoyang hesitant, Ye Wuchen has approached him, his eyes faintly stained with blood, he stopped, face was gloomy, the anger and resentment that almost made him explode are still crazy Inflated, I don’t know when, he already had five black **** in his hands, and threw Feng Zhaoyang, Feng Lie and Feng Ling in a sneer, while holding Ningxue, he rushed to Feng Ru which was completely paralyzed.

Feng Zhaoyang‘s hesitation was doomed to his failure. The five Heaven Shaking Thunders made him smell dangerous, he couldn’t care about Ye Wuchen, his body pulled back, blocking in front of Feng Lie and Feng Ling, and an invisible thing was built in front of him. Air wall.

The moment Heaven Shaking Thunder hit the air wall, Ye Wuchen‘s right hand had clamped the Feng Ru‘s neck like an iron pliers, so he held her neck and jumped away in a loud roar. This royal study.

Five bursts of sparks and overlapping explosions caused half of the bricks in the Imperial Study to fly into ruins, and the sword guards surrounding the Imperial Study also wounded large blocks. The Feng Lie and Feng Ling guarded by Feng Zhaoyang were unharmed, but the huge impact caused Feng Zhaoyang to frown. In his memory, the firearm of Heavenly Dragon Nation did not seem to be so powerful.

How can he know that Heaven Shaking Thunder, which is capable of being injured by Hua Family even Heaven Level strong, will be comparable to Thunderclap.

The Ye Wuchen jumping outside was surrounded by hundreds of guards immediately, but none of the princess dared to step forward. And the exploding Imperial Study Room almost let them stun their souls, and saw the Emperor Crown Prince intact before they were relieved. Feng Lie and Feng Ling just woke up from shock, but were shocked but found that Feng Ru had been choked by Ye Wuchen, simultaneously changed color, and shouted: “Let her go!”

In a day, Feng Family was hijacked twice in their Imperial Palace, and both were the same person, twice they were surrounded by a large group of guards, and twice their guardian **** Feng Zhaoyang was on the side. .

Even though their today will be stunned by Ye Wuchen, this frustration and shame will never be washed away.

“Let her go and you can go.”

It’s Feng Zhaoyang. For so many years, he has been silent and rarely said a word. Everyone heard it clearly and clearly. This sentence determines the fate of Ye Wuchen. Because … the emperor will listen to him. That being said, he will surely let them leave.

Ye Wuchen, can hijack my Feng Family twice under Feng Zhaoyang … I have to admire, I only have to admit Feng Family, let go of Imperial Sister, you can go, no one will stop you.” Feng Ling behaved It was extraordinarily calm, but his heart was violently raised. Feng Ru on Ye Wuchen‘s hand was white at this time, her eyes were white, her whole body was stiff, and she could not make any sound. The hand holding her throat was trembling slightly, and tightening a little during the trembling, her fingers were almost going to fall into the flesh. At any time, she would twist her neck.

Is he hijacking, or does he really want to take her life here! ?

Ningxue fell into their hands. Ye Wuchen would dare to come alone and naturally would not have no way to escape. He would never let Ningxue go wrong even if he didn’t think for himself. And using Heaven Shaking Thunder in Feng Zhaoyang‘s unguarded room suddenly shot him away, and holding one another was one of the methods he had prepared … but at this time, the endless resentment completely changed his mind.

“Heh … heh …” His face was dark and his voice trembled heart: “You … actually dare to hurt Xue’er … actually dare to hurt Xue’er …”

His right hand suddenly released a few minutes, and Feng Ru, who had been struggling with pain for a long time, coughed violently on the edge of death, and then made a trembling and weak voice: “Imperial FatherImperial Brother, save me …”

“This is … the price !!!”

Ye Wuchen‘s left hand protects Ningxue‘s head against her chest to prevent her from seeing everything that is about to happen. She takes her hands off Feng Ru. Without the desperate restraint on her neck, Feng Ru almost desperately wanted to run forward, her steps were about to take off, and on her chest … a pain that was so extreme that drowned her nerves and consciousness … Finally The memories are from her own screams and the fear that caused her Soul to collapse, also … In front of her, the arm that penetrated her body and was stained with blood.

The smell of acrid blood permeated the air, and the atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme. Everyone saw the chilling grin on Ye Wuchen‘s face, filled with devil-like cruelty in satisfaction.

Three marks-holy, evil, and demon.

Before the age of seven, he only had Saint Heart. He never cared about his life and death. The meaning of existence was only for others. He didn’t know. At the age of three, for his mother and his close relatives, he would rather endure great pain rather than die for relief. At the age of seven, he used a naive smile and used himself Life has saved billions of human beings, also countless souls.

At the age of seventeen, his Evil Heart and Demon Heart are finally fully awakened under the severe impact. He used to be more ruthless when he saw Tong Xin‘s killing. He used a more cruel method to take away a person … still a woman’s life, but there was not even a trace of intolerance and discomfort, only excitement.

Once the brutal blood is ignited, only the baptism of blood is enough to extinguish it. The body of Feng Ru was horrified with almost bursting eyes and fell down, a raging flame began to burn on her body, reflecting the horrible face of Ye Wuchen-even her body, he was not allowed to stay.

Only when he actually touches his inverse scale will he understand how terrible the person who owns Demon Heart is.


A stern shout awakened people from the cold chill, Feng Lie trembled, how could he not want to believe that Ye Wuchen really killed his only daughter in front of him … still so cruel. dead. He has three sons in Feng Lie, but he has only one daughter. Although he has a bad temper, he is very filial. Even if he can despise everything, she is his own flesh and blood, which father can bear his daughter so miserable Die in front of yourself!

The guards awoke like dreams, swarmed like tide, and chopped to the body of Ye Wuchen. But suddenly I heard a roar: “Stop!”

This voice is like Heavenly Thunder shocking the world, shaking everyone’s body all over the place, trembling in the ears, blackening the eyes, Chaos in the brain, the body suddenly stopped there, forgetting what to do.

Feng Zhaoyang.


He approached slowly and pulled out the big knife that was always behind his back, and never left his body. The flash of light from the scabbard reflected his low face, at this time, he finally lost the usual indifference and peace.

“You all step back.” Feng Ling waved his hands weakly, his gaze rested on the still burning body … the only thing that burned in the flame was his Imperial Sister. Just because she slapped the little white-haired girl.

The guards hurried down, in addition to fear in their hearts, they stirred a deep desire. Because they can see War God shots with their own eyes.

Feng Zhaoyang holds the wind-cutting knife, desolately said: “My negligence, made a big mistake, this shame, let me wash it myself, after killing him, I will plead guilty to Feng Family.”


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