Heavenly Star Chapter 14: For Elder Brother …

sprtermark {color: # f0fafe;} “Ah, five years later, your heart has become calm and pure. But every time you return, the calm state of mind will appear obvious mess. You … after all I still can’t get rid of the word “love”. “Grandpa Long sighed.

Long Zhengyang‘s face showed bitterness: “I can’t forget her … I haven’t forgotten her since I saw her at the first glance. I will go to see her once every time I return to Heavenly Dragon City these years, and later I can’t see her face, but as long as I can listen to her voice, I feel very satisfied. As long as she can accept me, I really want to give up everything for her as Grandpa said.

Hehe can make Yang’er so obsessed. The woman named Shui Mengchan must not be an ordinary woman. If I am no longer a worldly person, I really want to meet somebody. Heroes are sad and beautiful, you suffer for this, this I couldn’t blame you, but … injustice! “Master Long looked up and sighed deeply.

Long Zhengyang supported his forehead with his hands, took a long breath, and his face was still bitter. Because he was infatuated with a woman who should not be infatuated. So he came to Grandpa, one to train his mind, the other to escape, and tried to forget, but it seemed like poison. For five years, he not only forgot the slightest forget, but also felt more painful every time he thought of it.

Yang’er, starting tomorrow, you don’t have to stay with me again. Go back, five years is enough, and staying there will only waste your time and delay your future.”

Long Zhengyang bowed his head and said, “Yes … but, I can’t bear grandpa.”

Grandpa Long patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: “If you are reluctant, you will see Grandpa a few times later. Yang’er, since you ca n’t forget her, you ca n’t escape, so do n’t escape. People often say The real man will not be tripped by love … Oh, it’s a joke. If you can’t even protect your love, you have to give it up, then it is a man who really fails and wastes! Do you understand? “

Long Zhengyang nodded solemnly: “Grandpa, I understand. I never thought about giving up.”

Hehe, okay. I think Ningxue is another goal of the granddaughter also. If she arrives in Heavenly Dragon City in the future, her snow-haired disability will be rejected by others. This status can protect her. And you are her Half Elder Brother, don’t let her be bullied, otherwise, the old man will be very unhappy.

Long Zhengyang nodded again: “Kids remember, Younger Sister Ningxue is half of my Younger Sister, and I will definitely not let people bully her.”

Grandpa Long nodded, looked helplessly towards the hut: “The young man won’t be able to survive tomorrow. After tomorrow, let Ningxue girl stay with me. When she wants to go out, I will let her Go to Heavenly Dragon City. “

His eyes have become deeper … Why is it so easy to recognize his relative with his experience and status. The real reason was even confused by himself. As if there was a voice in my heart to tell him again, it would be a right choice to get closer to this strange girl.

But … they still underestimated Ningxue‘s persistence.

Grandpa Long and Long Zhengyang slept in Long Zhengyang room that night. Ye Ningxue is always with Ye Wuchen. In the middle of the night, a little white shadow quietly opened the door and ran to the west, where it was in the direction of Heavenly Fierce Mountain.

She didn’t make a sound of herself, because she knew that if she was found, she would be stopped by them.

Only, in order to save Elder Brother‘s only hope, she can’t care about anything. If Elder Brother is gone, she really doesn’t want to live alone.

Ye Ningxue didn’t find it, just the moment she quietly left, Ye Wuchen‘s lips trembled slightly … because he wanted to make a sound and called her back.

Although he is unconscious and has no control over his body, his consciousness is completely awake. From Ningxue to chase him running desperately, then tripped by his body, pulled him out of the forest with his weak body for a few hours, and was rescued by Grandpa Long … every word of them, every He heard a tiny sound in his ear. He even felt every tear left by Ye Ningxue for him, and was heartbroken.

Now, for him, she went to Heavenly Fierce Mountain regardless of her life and stole the egg of Heavenly Beast Heavenly Fierce Bird just to extend his life for several weeks.

The chaos in the body is still colliding. It seems to want to split his body into pieces. The pain in the body is severe, but it is far less than his heartache.

Xue’er … He called her name silently, and his indifferent heart was gradually filled with an inexplicable thing.

When the full moon is empty, the earth is shining white. The night was cold and the water was scary and quiet. How could this ten-year-old girl be alone without fear? She thought of the scene of sleeping comfortably in the arms of Elder Brother the night before. faster and faster.

After running for an hour, when she reached the foot of the mountain, her body was wet with sweat. Without finding the mountain trail, she had to go up little by little and try not to make a sound. There are many beasts on the sky, and they are all sleeping at this time. If they are awakened, they will be in danger.

The mountains are not high or steep, and the tempers of various beasts are quite mild. But neither human nor beast dare to approach the top of the mountain, because it is the domain of Heavenly Fierce Bird. Although it is said that it will not actively attack humans, few people are bold enough to dare to try their lives as a bet. And the beast, the coercion of Heavenly Beast makes them dare not approach.

The sharp rocks and high or low thorns made a nick on the face and hands of Ningxue. She squeezed the tears that were about to overflow from the pain in her eyes and moved up step by step. Don’t allow yourself to step back.

The **** of luck seems to be caring for her. She went all the way up without touching or touching a beast. When she finally reached the top of the mountain, she was exhausted, but she desperately suppressed her heavy breathing, lest she be alarmed what.

Ningxue hides his body behind a large rock and watches everything on the top of the mountain secretly. The top of the mountain is very large and flat, and in the center is a huge bird’s nest. There is not a big bird in her imagination, but only a white ball reflecting the strange light in the moonlight.

Ningxue‘s heart beating, she walked out slowly, walked quietly to that bird’s nest, then gently held the white bird’s egg in her arms, and finally a smile of satisfaction appeared on her face. .

And at this moment, an angry bird sounded, and a shadow suddenly appeared in the sky to block the moonlight. Ye Ningxue held the egg of Heavenly Beast which can cure Elder Brother in his arms, looked up at the sky, and was Horrified pale.

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