Heavenly Star Chapter 139: Making a relationship

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Flying Phoenix Palace.

Ye Wuchen quietly opened the door, walked in silently, and walked to the bedroom of Long Huang’er. But I saw a petite man standing with his back to the front of his sat bed, bowing his head down, his arms moving slightly, and I didn’t know what he was doing. Ye Wuchen approached quietly, went all the way to her back, glanced, and took the things in her hands into the eyes. This is the light called: “Huang’er.”

“Ah!” Long Huang’er was shocked first, then sat up like an electric shock, and hurriedly took the East ** behind him; “You … you scared me.”

Huang’er, what are you hiding behind? Show me.” Ye Wuchen said with a smile.

“No … don’t,” Long Huang’er shrinks, hides tighter, and then pitifully said, “Wait for you to look good or not …” Long Huang’er a painful shout, mouth pouted, in the eyes Almost burst into tears.

Ye Wuchen quickly stepped forward and carefully held her hands in front of her. She took a piece of white brocade in her left hand and a needle holding a thread in her right hand, and a blood drop on her little finger was slowly overflowing. It turned out that she was in a hurry and accidentally punctured her little finger with a needle.

“You look so big, so careless. But you are …” Ye Wuchen gently held her little finger, blaming the heartache.

A kind of warm feeling was uploaded from the injured finger, and the tingling sensation completely disappeared. She lowered her head and said, “When people are all right, I also want to learn to embroider something.” /

There are already a few crooked lines on the white Kampa, which is obviously just beginning, and the stitches are even worse. Ye Wuchen couldn’t bear to hit her, and said, “Okay … wait for Huang’er to finish showing to me?”

“Well, I was …” She said halfway, and suddenly stopped, her expression twisted a bit, and she asked, “Can we go out and play today?”

Ye Wuchen shook his head apologetically and whispered softly: “Huang’er, I will go to a very far place during this time, and I will be back after a while, so I can’t be with you. You have to wait for me to come back, please? “

Long Huang’er shook his eyes, anxiously said: “Where are you going? You ca n’t go without it.”

“It’s very important. You can’t go away. But rest assured, I will be back soon. By then, I will take you out every day, will you?”

“Then, when do you leave?” Long Huang’er asked again, reluctantly.

“Leave tomorrow morning.”

“Tomorrow morning … then you must come back early, if I come back late, I, I will be angry!” Long Huang’er said, holding her back with her little hand, at this time she had forgotten that her hand had just been caught Needle puncture.

“Okay, I’ll be back sooner.” Ye Wuchen said stroking her cheek and said that this Long Huang’er has also become his little concern at this time.

Ye Wuchen has too many things to prepare and hasn’t stayed in the Long Huang’er palace for too long. Watching him leave, Long Huang’er had deep grievances, nostalgia and perseverance in his heart. But she didn’t expect that the world was impermanent, and the unknown situation always came unknowingly. It’s three years since I’ll leave.

……………………………… Hello everyone, I ’m the dividing line …………………………

Back to Ye Family, the first thing I saw was Hua Zhentian, who had been waiting for him for a long time. Ye Wuchen complexion turned proper, came forward: “Master Father, I don’t know …”

“What is your father-in-law! Who is your adult father-in-law.” Hua Zhentian humbly sullenly.

Ye Wuchen was speechless for a while, I wonder which Hua Zhentian is wrong. I asked him to call his father-in-law that this old man was also the old man.

“This … I don’t know what Wuchen did to make you angry?” Ye Wuchen asked carefully, while observing his face without trace.

“Hmm!” Hua Zhentian sighed coldly, “You didn’t do a good job, but this father-in-law can’t help you! Although you and my daughter have such a little meaning, don’t talk about being married, even a formal one There are no relatives, so why do you call me my father-in-law! “

Ye Wuchen This is stunned, dare to love this Hua Zhentian … more anxious than myself. He quickly said: “Master Father-in-law is saying that if Master Father-in-law does not object, what will be the relationship between me and Shuirou today?”

Hua Zhentian bull’s eye stared, and said with a big face, “Is this true?”

“Of course, how dare you deceive your father-in-law.” Ye Wuchen earnestly said.

Hahahaha! Okay, okay! This father-in-law is comfortable to listen to! Daughter … beautiful daughter come out soon, this kid just begged your father to hurry to make a relationship with you, come out soon.” Hua Zhentian one Excited at the front hall yelled, his face seemed to pick up a big ingot.

The Hua Shuirou who was whispering inside came out with Wang Wenshu, Hua Zhentian fart fart ushered in, “Madame Ye, this kid just begged for the old man … my Old Hua first settled the relationship, and my Old Hua also made it difficult Yes, it depends on what you and Brother Ye think. You see that they are not too young. My daughter is well-known throughout the Heavenly Dragon City. Even if you can rest assured that I am the father, I do n’t worry, so quickly settle down Better. You see … “

My son beg you? Wang Wenshu roll your eyes, see how this posture is all you ask my son … Your daughter is famous, my son is even more famous … Which girl is crying and crying to marry in.

Ye Wei just came over, hearing this laughed and said, “Hahahaha, okay. Chen’er is about to travel. Of course, it ’s better to have a happy event. But the emperor has a life first, and the two of us will talk first. How about it? “

“Okay! I think so in Old Hua. So …” Hua Zhentian‘s voice was one card, and his voice was immediately lowered by three points: “If you want to be a relative, what should you do?”

The rough man is the rough man … Wang Wenshu secretly despised him, and then pulled over the already embarrassed Hua Shuirou, and said, “Shuirou, in the entire Heavenly Dragon City, I really can’t find one more than you. Reassured daughter-in-law. If Chen’er can marry you, it is his blessing. “

“Aunt.” Hua Shuirou called softly.

Wang Wenshu smiled slightly, and the more satisfied he was with this daughter-in-law. She pulled up her sleeves and carefully took off a dark bracelet on her left hand. Ye Wuchen noticed this bracelet very early, Wang Wenshu has been worn on the hand and has not been taken off. But living in a giant like Ye Family, this bracelet is extremely rough, even the materials are the most ordinary fine iron, Ye Wuchen can be seen at a glance. Wang Wenshu values ​​it so much, and there must be some story hidden in it.

“This bracelet was originally owned by Grandma Chen’er. The grandfather of Chen’er had battled on the battlefield all year round and did not return home for several years. The grandma of Chen’er had a deep affection for him, but he went out of his way and went through all kinds of difficulties and went alone Thousands of miles found the grandpa of Chen’er on the battlefield. At that time, the people present were all moved by her affection and persistence, and the two of them were also formed on the battlefield under the testimony and blessing of thousands of soldiers Husband and wife. The only token of love is the bracelet made by the Chen’er grandfather himself with iron. Later, they returned triumphantly, supporting the entire Ye Family. The grandmother of Chen’er had no interest in those precious treasures. She always carried this bracelet, because it was the most precious treasure in her life … Later, she gave up and gave me this bracelet before she died, and told me that only Ye Family‘s daughter-in-law was You can take it. “

She pulled Hua Shuirou‘s hand and gently put the bracelet on her delicate wrist. Hua Shuirou caressed it with his hands, his eyes slightly warmed, “Auntie, I must wear it forever until …”

“I have already put it on. You are my Ye Family daughter-in-law, are you still auntie?” Wang Wenshu said with a smile.

Hua Shuirou‘s face is full of red glow, and she is full of shame and joy, she pinches the corner of her clothes, bows her head slightly, said in a low voice: “Mother …”

Wang Wenshu has n’t had time to agree with the smile, and the excited Hua Zhentian rubbing his hands over there has laughed cheerfully: “Okay! Now the family affairs are finally settled …”

cough cough,” Wang Wenshu coughed twice, and said, “My dear, you haven’t come up with your Hua Family token.”

Hua Zhentian‘s laughter came to a halt as if choked by a big rock, he stared, then simply dumbfounded, patted his head awkwardly: “Look at me, I forgot to bring it when I went out, I immediately Go back and get it. “

Fuck, what should I do to keep my tokens alive … or make a bracelet and make a story?

“Master Father-in-law, no need, in fact, Shuirou has given me the token of love.” Ye Wuchen shouted Hua Zhentian, and then took out a green small flute from the sleeve: “Jade people donate flute, this is the meaning of heartfelt promise , Shuirou sent me the token of love, but I have been with me. “

Ah… … well, good, good, yes, that’s it, Hahahaha, come, come, come, in-laws, let’s go drink two cups, how can we not drink such a happy thing. today let’s drink no Not drunk. “Hua Zhentian embraced the shoulders of Ye Wei intimately, and laughed heartily walked forward to the hall. Ye Wei‘s face showed a smile that was uglier than crying, drinking with Hua Zhentian … Aren’t you looking for abuse?

“Oh yes,” Hua Zhentian suddenly turned around again and said vaguely: “You two young people are not too young, even if you haven’t got married yet, you can do that … … It is estimated that the two in-laws should also want to hug a grandson earlier … well, go, drink. “

Ye Wuchen: “…”

Hua Shuirou: “…”

Wang Wenshu: “…”

Sure enough, it didn’t take long before Hua Zhentian came out contented and took Hua Shuirou home. Ye Wei has fallen unconscious on the ground, and it is estimated that it will not be used tomorrow morning.

Before leaving, Hua Zhentian laughed in the ear of Ye Wuchen with a drink and said, “I have seen for a long time that your kid is destined to be a romantic species. It is difficult to guarantee that you will not bring a mother-in-law back this time … Now, my daughter is the boss. Even a princess … you have to stand by me. “

Chen’er, what did he just sneakily say to you?” Wang Wenshu asked quietly after Hua Zhentian left.

“This doesn’t matter.” Ye Wuchen somewhat feebly said, even prepared a posture to turn around and escape: “In comparison, is there a little trouble coming?”

“Trouble?” Wang Wenshu looked puzzled.

As soon as the voice fell, the door that was closed for a long time was opened again, showing a smiley face. Seeing Ye Wuchen was in the courtyard, she eyes brightened ran in happily, it was Zhuge Xiaoyu.

Ye Wuchen clearly felt that Wang Wenshu‘s body was stunned, and then took a step back, said in a low voice: “Chen’er, I am not a good elder when it comes to things between your juniors, I will take care of your father.” /

Turn around and leave. Ye Wuchen can only helpless, no doubt, she has already learned the horror of this idiot.

It seems … you must use a tougher trick than last time.

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