Heavenly Star Chapter 119: Poor Huang’er

.Ye Wuchen didn’t think that one day it would play a “companion” status. Don’t be company. You have to work part-time to protect and teach … who made her fiancée in his name … although he didn’t want to admit it at all. And that Flying Phoenix Princess is estimated to not even know the true meaning of marrying people.

When Ye Wuchen started to move towards Flying Phoenix Palace, a maid had already hurried to the first step, and whispered in front of Flying Phoenix Palace: “Princess, he is here.”

The excited voice of Long Huang’er came out immediately: “Hurry up and leave, no one is allowed to approach, no matter what sound you hear, you are not allowed to come over!”

The palace maid responded quickly, mourning in silence for the future horse. Whenever the Flying Phoenix Princess issues this instruction, some people are going to be bad. The gentlemen whom the emperor had asked her for before were a more pitiful precedent than one. The emperor could only laugh bitterly at this, and could not blame it.

The palace girl’s head drooped all the way, and she didn’t dare to look at Ye Wuchen more. Her steps were obviously a little hurry, and finally she brought Ye Wuchen to Flying Phoenix Palace. She bowed, said in a low voice: “Young Master, the princess is waiting for you inside. The slaves retire.”

After waiting for Ye Wuchen to respond, she has left in a hurry, which means that she is fleeing.

Ye Wuchen shook his head a little funny, walked to the door and knocked on the door, and said, “His Royal Highness, Wuchen. See you.”

“Come in, hurry in!” Flying Phoenix Princess’ resounded immediately, and the tone didn’t sound eager to wait.

Ye Wuchen As soon as I pressed my hand on the door, I noticed the dense Water Element above the front. He yanked the corner of his mouth, determined the orientation, and door shoved open, then closed again, and then shoved away again … the chain of motions came together in one go, and then he walked in slowly.

The bucket that was originally supported by it fell first, and then was struck by the door. It struck out a beautiful arc and flew out. It happened to fly to the elated Little Princess. More unfortunately, the bucket tilted just before flying to the top of the princess’ head … Suddenly, the full bucket of cold water crash fell on the body of Little Princess, and drove the Flying Phoenix from head to toe into a drop Water Phoenix.

Ye Wuchen a look of surprise, such as stepping on the glass beads covered in front of the door, and ran to the Flying Phoenix Princess that had been stupid, asked with concern: “Princess, how do you make yourself **, million What should I do if I get cold? “

Flying Phoenix Princess was constantly stunned by cold water. After hearing this, her eyes blinked poorly a few times, then wow a cry. At this moment, a strong wind shot from the right side of Ye Wuchen.

This is a flower spotted snake less than one meter long. It is a Flying Phoenix Princess’ proprietary pet and is named Little Flower. This flower spotted snake has been tamed in the hands of the best animal trainer in the palace and will never bite, but since it fell into the hands of Flying Phoenix Princess, it has not done much to scare people. At this moment, it sprang up like an arrow and fired at Ye Wuchen, snake mouth opened wide, exposing the two pointed fangs. This shot was erratic, and I didn’t know how many people were scared and screamed, screaming to escape. A few timids almost fainted.

But when encountering Ye Wuchen, it is doomed to follow Long Huang’er.

Ye Wuchen unhurriedly stretched out **** and one clip, and clamped it accurately at the key part of the flower spotted snake snake’s neck, flower spotted snake whole body stiffened, which was destined to be unlucky. It suddenly softened like a dead snake. With a smile on his face, he said to the crying crash‘s Little Princess: “Our Royal Highness also likes to play snakes. I don’t know what the name of this small flower snake is?”

As he said, he accidentally took the small flower snake closer to her. The flower spotted snake, which had become weak, suddenly struggled for some reason, snake mouth was exaggerated, and moved to Long Huang’er‘s face as the Ye Wuchen hand moved.

Long Huang’er The small face brush turned white, and even the cry stopped. Although this flower spotted snake is a pet that she uses to scare people, she usually sends it to the maid when she scares people. She does not dare to look at it because this kind of poisonous snake venom is a woman’s natural nemesis. Her snake mouth fangs scared her almost to death. She finally screamed at “Wa”, disregarding her whole body, and ran out desperately, slipping on her feet when stepping on the glass **** at the door, small butt heavily fell to the ground, and she cried again and again.

If before, the cry of this little ancestor had shocked all the guards and maids around, but she unfortunately gave an order that no one should be allowed to come near, even if she heard any voice. So it became impossible to ask for help.

Ye Wuchen quickly followed, lifted her up, and asked with a look of concern: “Princess, what’s the matter with you? How can you run away when you see me? How do you say, Imperial Father has assigned you to me.”

Before Long Huang’er, she felt the slippery touch on her hand. She turned her head and looked at it, and was suddenly scared and screamed. It turned out that the tail of flower spotted snake got entangled in her hand while struggling.

“Have it away … I’m afraid of snakes, I’m afraid of snakes … Wuuu …”

Long Huang’er At this time, nothing can be taken care of except grievance and fear. His face was covered with crystal clear tears, as if he had suffered a great grievance. The hair and body are even worse, not ordinary miserable.

Ye Wuchen glanced at flower spotted snake and with some doubts asked in the hand: “Oh?, but this snake is not beside the princess, isn’t could it be that raised by Her Royal Highness herself?”

“No … no … you throw it away!” Long Huang’er shouted in panic, and the body kept shrinking into Ye Wuchen‘s arms to dispel chill and fear in her heart. This is the first time she has been so grieved.

Ye Wuchen threw his hand, threw the poor little snake on the ground, and then smiled and said, “Princess, in fact, the snake is not terrible at all. It is not only terrible, but it is fun.”

“You … you lie!”

“Okay, I’ll show it to you, it’s okay.” Ye Wuchen turned over Long Huang’er‘s body, fixed his eyes on the flower spotted snake that was about to escape, said with a mysterious smile: “Now, let’s make it a very round and round Ring. “

With Ye Wuchen falling down with a strange sound of magic power, the flower spotted snake really turned the body slowly, and the amplitude became larger and bigger. Later, the snake head bit the snake tail and adjusted continuously. It forms a standard circle and appears in front of Little Princess.

“Did you see it?”

Long Huang’er small mouth opened wide, eyes widened, surprised even crying and chill on his body.

“Now, become two more circles.”

Ye Wuchen‘s eyes flashed for a moment. His Soul Strength amount can give the most ordinary person the simplest Soul hint, but it is impossible to control his body, but it is not too difficult to control such a small snake.

flower spotted snake‘s body quickly moved as if manipulated, and soon became entangled into a standard “8”.

“So … become a ship again.” Ye Wuchen chuckled, looking at the expression of Long Huang’er obviously staying satisfied.

flower spotted snake‘s body is unfolded, the tail is stretched out flat, and the middle body is flattened down to form a boat shape.

“Now, a little more difficult … just a box.”

“… Well, here’s a more difficult one, surrounded by a small five-pointed star.”


“Finally, a heart shape.”

When flower spotted snake finally uses the body to form a decent heart shape, it has been tortured prefer death over life. But Long Huang’er‘s eyes are getting brighter and brighter, as if inlaid with two little stars that will glow. What this little girl with an underdeveloped brain likes most is novelty. And the performance of this flower spotted snake was really new to her, and she couldn’t be more new. At this time, the look at this little snake no longer had the thick fear that she had before.

“How is it fun?”

“Fun … but, you … how did you do it, and why does it understand you?”

When she turned around, she felt a chill all over her body again, snoring violently, and the tears of aggrieved almost fell out again. Can only subconsciously shrink his body into the arms of Ye Wuchen, because his chest is full of the warmth she needs most-of course not the normal kind of warmth, but Ye Wuchen uses a small amount of Fire Element to let the air around his body It becomes extremely warm, as summer suddenly arrives.

“This … I won’t tell you.”

Long Huang’er mouth pouted, tearful eyes, she forgot that this flower spotted snake was originally used to scare Ye Wuchen. She put her hands on her chest and pitifully dispelled the coldness on her body.

Ye Wuchen brushed her hair with both hands, Water Power cleared the water trace above, and then took away the remaining cold with a stream of heat. With both hands down slowly, the water traces and cold on her body faded away little by little, while blaming, “Princess, there are so many fun things, why do you want to play with water, what to do if you catch cold.”

Long Huang’er looked at the pair of hands that seemed to have magic power, stroking his noble body little by little, completely forgetting to resist. She wanted to say that she didn’t play with water at all, but thinking of how the water came, she could only wrinkle her nose and swallow the grievance into her stomach. Also obstinately said: “Ben … Princess just likes playing with water … because there are no fun things in the palace …”

“How come, there are actually a lot of fun things, just you didn’t find it. You see …”

Ye Wuchen stretched out his left hand in front of Long Huang’er, and palm was empty. He slowly closed his hands, and then quickly opened, palm had a flower alluring, and still a little dew pink Little Flower.

Before Long Huang’er had time to exclaim, Ye Wuchen closed the hand again, and it was empty when opened, and the pink tender flower appeared again when it was opened and closed again. Long Huang’er‘s eyes flashed with a star-like light, and he couldn’t help but reach out and hold it in his hand: “Isn’t this Flying Phoenix Flower in my yard?”

Flying Phoenix Flower? Want to come is this Little Princess get its own name. Ye Wuchen comes to mind. This is when he passed the front yard, he took it off and put it in Sword God Ring, and then easily used Sword God Ring to make this “magic” without any technical content, but it could easily attract this Little Princess eyeball.

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