Heaven Awakening Path Chapter 2: Soul Power

“Mr. Mosen really cares about you.” Walking on the tree-lined road, Lu Ping said to Su Tang.

“Yes, Mr. Morson is a good person.” Su Tang said.

“Very good,” Lu Ping said.

“So, can you step on his flowers less often?” Su Tang said.

“Actually, I have a sense of size, and it is weeds that help him step off.” Lu Ping said.

Dormant Fire Lotus is also a weed?” Su Tang glanced over.

“Maybe!” Lu Ping‘s eyes seemed to avoid Su Tang, and swept away towards the flower garden again.

The two walked and talked. First Path attracted other students, even the tutor’s eyes. The two of them, in Borrowing Wind Institute, is a well-known combination of flowers and nougat. Originally everyone wanted to talk about flowers and cow dung, but later a senior student resolutely disagreed. Although he thought that cow dung was disgusting and ugly, it was at least nutrients for flowers. It’s the nougat, the sticky lump can’t be peeled off, and it’s useless for flowers. This is the more appropriate description.

Some people think that the description of Lu Ping is too beautifying, and some people who love it are thinking that it is a slander and slander of the nougat. Accepted this setting.

With such eyes, both Lu Ping and Su Tang have become accustomed, and didn’t care too much. Unconsciously, the two walked along the boulevard to the Main Building of Borrowing Wind InstituteBorrowing Wind Building.

Borrowing Wind Building consists of six floors, one to four floors, which are the classrooms from the first grade of Institute to 4th Year. The fifth floor is used by the Institute instructor. The sixth floor is Headmaster sitting in person. It is said that Institute has many valuable collection books, the mysterious cultivation technique, all Favorite here.

Lu Ping looked up at this Institute‘s tallest building, speechless for a long time.

“For no reason, why am I here?” he mumbled.

“How long haven’t you been here? Occasionally should you show up?” Su Tang said.

“Okay …” Lu Ping reluctantly, finally entered the building following Su Tang.

First floor, bright lobby.

On the far left side of the left wall, Borrowing Wind Institute‘s institute regulation is hung. The content is quite brief. It is really well known and valued by students. Only Great Examination has not been relegated, and it has not been expelled from Institute three times.

The generosity and simplicity of institute regulation is completely based on the horoscope teaching of Headmaster, which was established in the early days of Borrowing Wind Institute‘s founding. At this time, it was hung on the side of institute regulation.

Be strict with yourself and be kind to others.

Eight characters are the courtyard style that Borrowing Wind Institute has always implemented. But this “always” to tell the truth can not be considered long, just on the other side of the Eight Character Academy training, linked to the history of Borrowing Wind Institute, the content is even simpler than institute regulation.

The entire continent has a total of 442 Institutes. Borrowing Wind Institute is not too bad, but it is definitely not related to long-established. Those who are entitled to call long-established are only Four Great Institutes. Headmaster of Borrowing Wind Institute is One of the Four Great Institutes, Black Tortoise Institute 327th lifetime. After traveling abroad for many years, he returned to his hometown and founded this Borrowing Wind Institute. Twenty-four years have passed. Adult Headmaster Gu Youdao is now sitting on the sixth floor of Borrowing Wind Building.

On the left wall, there are institute regulation, academies and history. On the right wall, there are outstanding talents emerging from Institute twenty-four years. There were mentors and students, some were alive and some were dead. Among them, there are none of them famous. There are four students who are more enthusiastic about them. What they have in common is that after graduating from Borrowing Wind Institute, they are recommended to continue their studies and eventually enter Four Great Institutes.

The same is Institute, which has such difference between heaven and earth. Everyone knows that this continent celebrity hero that has emerged for hundreds of years has come from Four Great Institutes.

Four Great Institutes, destined to be extraordinary. The four Borrowing Wind students who entered Four Great Institutes will definitely not appear as Borrowing Wind students in the future. Even so, just being able to enter the Big Four has been considered an achievement and an honor, and is considered to be the most promising four people trained by Borrowing Wind Institute.

The content on the left and right walls of the hall is already familiar to students, and few people will stop. Su Tang was preparing to go to the third-grade third-grade classroom along the stairs. Suddenly he felt no one around him. He turned around and saw that Lu Ping was going to the classroom on the first floor.

“Where are you going?” Su Tang cried.

“I’m a repeater. Of course, I went to the first grade classroom. You leave yours.” Lu Ping waved his hand.

“You’re just too lazy to go upstairs …” Su Tang was silent. The Borrowing Wind Institute courtyard is free. Even if first grade student wants to go to the third grade class, there will not be any obstacles, but Lu Ping has just found a first-grade classroom and got in.

Students have sat a lot. Lu Ping is a new face to many of them. However, with such a free and casual school style, everyone has become accustomed to not taking raw faces seriously. But after a few people carefully confirmed, they finally recognized: “Lu Ping?”

“Who is that?” Someone still didn’t know.

“Nougat Lu Ping!”

“Oh oh!”

Everyone knows this nickname. Everyone’s eyes were surprised, and all kinds of contempt followed.

“It’s the Lu Ping who has been holding the thighs of Sutang Senior Sister!”

“Yes, Great Examination for two consecutive years. However, it is still first grade student, our classmate!”

“It’s because I don’t have the talent that I will desperately hold the thigh of Su Tang Senior Sister?”

“It’s shameless!”

“It’s a bit disgusting to think that he is going to Great Examination with us this year!”

“But this is the last time.”

“Su Tang Senior Sister can finally get rid of this villain.”

All kinds of cold eyes, all kinds of contempt, don’t evade Lu Ping at all, just ridicule in person. Lu Ping didn’t seem to hear it. He picked a window seat in the corner of no one and sat down.

bell sound in class rang. The instructor has not yet arrived, but the classroom quiets down immediately. Each student returned to his seat and began to polish his Soul Power.

The Borrowing Wind Institute class schedule is said to be the advanced experience that Headmaster brought back from one of the four major Black Tortoise Institutes. I am afraid that these ordinary students have never had a chance to touch the four major doors in their lives. They cherish such things that are said to originate from the four majors. As soon as they hear the bell sound ring, they immediately use their time without waste Cultivation.

No, the instructor Luo Wei came to the classroom. His attitude of cherishing time made him very satisfied. However, at the far corner of the classroom, he saw a lonely figure, looking out the window thoughtfully, apparently not focusing on cultivation.

Luo Wei stared here for a long time, hoping that the student was aware of it. As a result, the uncle looked back at him. Luo Wei was a little angry and was about to come forward to remind himself that the student was finally willing to turn his head.

Looking at this guy’s face, Luo Wei turned her head to the side.

Lu Ping, that waste …

I haven’t seen anyone for years. I actually appeared in my class today, but Luo is the only one who is not honored. What kind of rotten wood cannot be carved, and the description of rotten mud that can’t support the wall is just tailor-made for this Lu Ping. This student, Luo Wei, felt that it would be a waste of his time to say one more word to him. With this energy, it is better to care about other children.

Looking back at other students who are working hard, Luo Wei feels better. These children may not have any amazing talents and talents, but at least they know how to work hard and cherish this hard-won opportunity. The tolerant institute regulation of Borrowing Wind Institute is to give these children more opportunities. As a result, the Lu Ping took the opportunity to be a parasite, and it was really disgusting to think about it.

Glancing at Lu Ping coldly again, Luo Wei stopped thinking about him, turned on the classroom board, and wrote six big characters.

Infusion, Sound, Qi, Pivot, Strength, Essence.

Six large characters are arranged in a circle, and there is a blank space in the circle, but these six characters seem to point to this blank space.

The students are refreshed. They are consciously aware of what the instructor is about to say. Although this content has not yet officially started, due to the freedom and openness of Institute, everyone has heard about it from seniors or seniors. And now, they finally want to get involved in this step.

In the eyes of all the students looking forward, Luo Wei also smiled, and wrote the seventh word in the blank of the six-character circle.


Seven Mortal Souls is the source of the power created by these practitioners. But in the first year of entering Institute, all students were taught that the beginning of perceive and Soul Power are only the six souls of Infusion, Sound, Qi, Pivot, Strength, Essence.

What is Seven Mortal Souls? Why has never been in the course? Students are curious about this issue, and have heard some theories from some sources, but they are not as accurate as the formal explanations of the mentors who are most familiar with them.

“Chapter Seven Mortal Souls, Excellence’s Soul!” Luo Wei pointed to the teaching board, only looking at this pattern surrounded by six souls, we know the importance of this Seven Mortal Souls. The students kept quiet in excitement.

“Before Liubo, I believe everyone now has a clear understanding.” Luo Wei said.

The students nodded. Six souls actually corresponded to the six senses of a person. Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind, the six sensory channels are six souls, which is not difficult to understand. For the six souls, each soul is divided into Sixth Heavenly Layer and realm for a total of Thirty-six Heavenly Layers. One Mortal Soul Second Heavenly Layer, or Two Mortal Souls First Heavenly Layer, all belong to realm of Second Heavenly Layer, but the realm of one Second Heavenly Layer is too much than the two realm stronger of First Heavenly Layer, and it is more difficult to cultivate.

At present, the main content of first grade student practice is perceive to Soul Power. Regardless of One Mortal Soul, it is enough to capture the existence of this power first, and it is not required to reach realm.

In this step, first grade student can basically be implemented. Many people can also perceive to multiple Soul Power. But to say that breaking through realm to First Heavenly Layer is extremely rare.

“Everyone here has arrived at Soul Power from perceive. They are as good as Bo Yong students. Even perceive has reached five types of Soul Power. The Two Mortal Souls Sound’s Soul has reached the position of breaking through to the First Heavenly Layer. It is very amazing. Speaking, Bo Yong, which he had named, showed a somewhat proud look, and other students also cast envious eyes.

“However, even if you are as good as Bo Yong students, it is too early for a practitioner to want to get in touch with Excellence’s Soul.” Luo Wei’s words suddenly turned at this moment.

“Why do we need to mention Excellence’s Soul so early? Because Excellence’s Soul is the future, it is the six major Soul Powers of Infusion, Sound, Qi, Pivot, Strength, Essence. After training reaches Sixth Heavenly Layer realm, Luo Wei said, while teaching the six on the teaching board. Big Soul Power, circled one by one, with six consecutive arrows, all point to Excellence’s Soul.

“Jingmo linking up, this term, I think everyone may also have heard of it. The so-called Jingmo linking up refers to the connection between Liumo and Excellence’s Soul, and there is a prerequisite to achieve this, that is, Sixth Heavenly Layer! Luo Wei said, and on each arrow, a six was marked.

“Only by practicing a certain Soul Power to realm of Sixth Heavenly Layer, it is possible to realize linking up with Excellence’s Soul. And when the meridian linking up is realized, our ability will enter a completely new field.” Luo Wei said.

“What’s that? Teacher!” Some students asked eagerly.

“The teacher will give you a demonstration next, everyone should know that the teacher is an Infusion’s Soul Linker?” Luo Wei said, his eyes were slowly closed, and when he opened them again, his eyes were already covered with a touch of light. White light.

“Wow!” The students suddenly started screaming. Luo Wei smiled, raised her eyes and swept away casually, and said, “Mr. Yuan Min, did you only bring three packs of snacks today? Maybe it’s not enough?”

“Ah?” Yuan Min, who was called by the name, didn’t know why the instructor said this. Other students turned around and looked at her in a fog, snack? What snack?

“Kant, did your clothes button up wrong? No, I’m not talking about your coat, but the fourth twist button of your beige vest.”

All students look at Kant again, beige vest? Where to wear it? But when Kant took off his jacket in surprise, everyone saw that there was indeed a beige vest underneath the jacket, and the third twist button was mistakenly snapped into the fourth buttonhole.

“Teacher …” Bo Yong is indeed the smartest student here. The first one to respond came and was surprised to see the white light in Luo Wei’s eyes.

“Yes, this is the new ability that the teacher has since Infusion’s Soul linking up, Penetrating Vision! So the teacher can see the snacks under the table by Yuan Min, and the vest that Kant is wearing inside, eh?” Luo Wei said that at this moment, his look suddenly changed. He originally wanted to follow the trend and strengthen the persuasiveness of Penetrating Vision. However, when he turned his eyes to the wall on the right, he saw a sneaky figure outside the classroom. The walls are moving.

Who is it?

As soon as Luo Wei thought about it, he quickly changed the effect of stronger to Penetrating Vision, but in the afterglow of the corner of his eye, he caught a slightly raised mouth corner.

Before he strengthened, the voice of his voice was heard from the corner of that mouth.

“Mr. Morson, what a coincidence?”

Moson? Is it Morson? Luo Wei’s Penetrating Vision was finally strengthened. The wall in Luo Wei’s eyes suddenly became completely transparent like glass. He clearly saw the outside of the wall, and it turned out to be Mosen, panic-stricken.

What about the speaker?

Lu Ping?

Lu Ping is lying on the window, half of his head stretched out of the window, the corner of his mouth raised a radian like Luo Wei just saw, and he smiled and talked to Mosen. ===================== Chapter 2 is coming, there are more in this chapter, there are four thousand words! When new books are uploaded, keep it up will keep two chapters updated every day. Please support me a lot, collect and click on recommended tickets or something. Thank you!

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