Green Plum Fairy Road Chapter 4: The House of Hades


   followed Mo Dashan into the yard and saw that everyone in the yard was looking at him, especially the Dao Mei Daoist who was also looking at him at this time. Mo He knew that it was time to show himself Up.

  ”Good village chief, good grandfather seven, good uncle Zhang…!”

   Standing next to Mo Dashan, Mo He was very sweet, and greeted all the elders present one by one. Only when Dao Chief Qingmei was left, he hesitated slightly, and finally called out, ” Hello, Grandpa Dao!”

  For most people, they always feel happy to see the well-behaved and sensible juniors. This move by Mo He immediately made people feel good.

   “This boy is really good!” Dao Mei looked at Mo He, and once again praised him, then under the leadership of the village chief, he turned and walked out of the yard.

   “Hey!” After Dao Mei left, Mo Dashan sighed sadly. Even with Dao Mei’s assurance, he looked at the five-year-old child who was about to be infected with those filthy dead souls. , Still made him feel uneasy.

   And thinking about this, Mo Dashan looked at Mo He’s gaze, and suddenly felt a little angry. The child who is usually sensible, happened to run to the jujube tree today. Such a thing happened.

   But at this time, he also lost his anger a little, and at this point, there was nothing to do.

   “Since they are all here, go in and give you a knock on your third master!” Mo He, as a junior, has come now, and he should also go in and kowtow.

  Mohe was very well-behaved at this time, and according to Mo Dashan’s orders, he honestly went in and kowtowed, so that the adults around him felt that the child was very sensible.

  Especially the Sanye’s family, they also took out a few gums and stuffed them into Mo He’s hands. This is a rare commodity. At least Mo He has only eaten it once in the world for five years. .

   “I was conjured by an adult!” Mo He held a few gumdrops in his hand, with an innocent smile on his face, but in his heart, he was very depressed now.

   In the blink of an eye, it came to the time of sunset. Seeing that the sun was slanting westward and was about to set, there was a loud cry in the courtyard of Sanye’s house, and then I saw Mohe Wearing a small sackcloth and carrying a lantern made of white paper in his hand, he walked out of the courtyard of San Ye’s house first.

   Next to Mohe, there is a green plum Daochang with a sword in one hand and Xiaoyin in the other. In the back are eight strong men, carrying a coffin together, and behind People with other sundries, and the crying team.

   A group of people came to a place about one mile outside the village. After arriving here, a few strong men put the coffin into the tomb that had been dug and brought The other sundries and sacrifices are arranged.

   At this time, the sun is about to completely set, Daochang Qingmei reached out his hand and touched Mohe’s head, and said to Mohe: “Tong’er, go and put this first soil.”

   Mohe heard the words, went forward and squatted down, grabbed a handful of soil from the mound next to him with his immature hands, and threw it into the tomb. At the same time, he thought “Let me grow up as soon as possible Well, I’m always touched by others, I don’t want face!”

  After Mohe put in the first soil, other people around immediately started to fill the tomb in a few seconds.

   Qingmei Daochang stepped forward and said loudly: “Mo Youtian, a villager in Xiahegou, died eighty-three years old, good and famous, accumulated yin and virtue, Xu Kaiming, enjoy peace and quiet!”

   At the last word, the small seal in Daochang Qingmei’s hand suddenly flew from his hand, turned into a stone-milled seal, and landed on the ground in front of him.

The scene of    stunned the people around. Mo He was also very shocked in his heart, but at the same time he was shocked, Mo He was also full of yearning.

   Looking at the shocking gazes of the people around, Daochang Qingmei stretched out his hand, and the big seal the size of a millstone changed back to a small seal and flew back into his hand. Later, I saw a white paper out of thin air in Dao Mei’s hand. After shaking his hand lightly, I saw that white paper turned into a small paper house. The doors, windows, and rooms are all complete. Very delicate.


   gave a soft drink, Dao Chief Qingmei threw the paper house in his hand forward, and saw it quickly burned.

   Just when the paper house was burning, Mo He found that there seemed to be hallucinations in front of his eyes again, vaguely as if he saw a house appearing on the grave of San Ye, and the style of this house was clear It’s an enlarged version of this burning paper house.

   This time Mo He was very sure, what he saw was definitely not an illusion.

   Just as Mo He was still a little dazed, I heard Dao Mei say to him again: “Tong’er, put your lantern in front of the grave, and then call your third master to come over and tell his children and grandchildren to cover him. New home!”

   Mo He heard the words, looked back at Dao Chang Qingmei, and saw him looking at him with a smile, Mo He thought for a while, stepped forward and put down the lantern that he had been holding in his hand, and then whispered softly. .

  ”San Ye, come soon, your children and grandchildren have built a new home for you! San Ye, come soon…!”

   Mohe called three times, and then suddenly felt a faint coolness on the top of his head, and when he turned his head, he saw another figure beside him.

   This figure is draped with a faint golden light, the light is very faint, and he is looking at himself with a smile, and looking at his face, he looks exactly the same as the San Ye who Mo He has seen several times, but in his At the center of the eyebrows, there was a mysterious mark.

   “San Ye!” Mo He yelled subconsciously. At the same time, he felt a little scared in his heart. After two lifetimes, it was the first time he saw a real ghost.

   San Ye touched the top of Mo He’s head, with a gratified smile on his face, then turned his head and knelt down to Daochang Qingmei, his mouth moved, as if he was saying something, but Mo He listened There is no sound.

   Dao Mei seemed to understand him, and said blankly: “You have a good character during your life, and you are protected by the yin virtue after you die. You really should not suffer from the wind and rain. This is what you should Got it, go!”

   once again kowtowed at the chief green plum, San Ye stood up, and then disappeared.

   Next, the people in the village started burning paper and throwing paper money. When the sky was completely dark, everyone packed their things and turned back to the village.

   On the way back, Mo Dashan came to Mo He very nervously and kept asking if Mo He felt uncomfortable. The situation was until the head of Qing Mei who was walking in front couldn’t listen. I turned my head and said specifically to Mo Dashan: “I have already said that helping the deceased to lead the way this time will not do any harm to this child, but will have some benefits. In the future, being sheltered by the ancestors will protect him from minor illnesses. The intrusion of small disasters.”

   Seeing Mr. Qingmei said this again, Mo Dashan was completely relieved. While thanking Mr. Qingmei again and again, a smile finally appeared on his face.

   Not only will my son be fine, but in the future there will be blessings from the ancestors from minor illnesses and disasters. This is a great thing.

   You must know that in this ancient world, there is no doctor around Xiahegou Village. If you have any minor illnesses on weekdays, you will be forced to carry it. When you really can’t handle it, then go to the town to see the doctor. As long as the fee is a little bit more expensive, ordinary farmers can’t afford it. Some children die because of illness.

   Looking at Mo Dashan’s smirk, the people around him also cast envy. Many people thought in their hearts. Knowing this, they called their own cubs.

   After returning to the village, Mo Dashan was about to take Mo He home, and was suddenly stopped by Dao Mei.

   “Tomorrow morning, I will visit your house, when I have something to discuss, please get up early and wait.” After speaking, he glanced at Mo He again, then turned and left with the village chief.

   “Here, Chief Dao is going to my house tomorrow?” Hearing Dao Master is coming to his home but not saying what it is, Mo Dashan feels a little strange, and at the same time feels a little nervous, but He didn’t dare to stop Dao Mei, so he could only go back like this.

   When I got home, the sky was completely dark. Mo Dashan told his wife what had happened during the day and said that Dao Mei would be coming tomorrow. As a result, after telling his wife, the wife immediately began to feel frightened.

   “The master, you said, why did the Daoist come to our house? Will there be any bad things in our house? Will it…!” When it came to this, he turned his head and glanced at Mohe aside .

  ”No, the Daoist told me today that the son will lead the third uncle this time. Not only does it do no harm, but it is good. There is no need to worry about minor illnesses and disasters in the future. There should be other things. “Mo Dashan was also a little worried, but he still comforted his wife.

   As for Mo He, who pretended to sleep on the side, was a little excited. Tomorrow morning, it might be an opportunity for me. If everything is really as I guessed in my heart, then this is to walk into a The beginning of a magical world.

   That night, the three of Mo He’s family slept very restlessly. In the middle of the night, Mo He’s mother got up several times and stuffed Mo He with a quilt, and his father Mo Dashan turned over several times.

   until the next morning, a **** crowed, announcing the dawn of a new day, and my mother got up early and started to pack up the family’s breakfast.

  Because the Daoist chief is coming this morning, the Mohe family’s food today is much better than usual, and even after the meal is ready, the family did not move their chopsticks. They were all waiting for Dao Mei to come home.

  While waiting, Dao Mei, accompanied by the village chief Zhang Yuanwang, finally came to the door of Mo Dashan’s house and walked into the small courtyard.


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