Green Plum Fairy Road Chapter 3: Facilities


   There was no words for the night. The next morning, Mo He unexpectedly got up very late. After all, he didn’t go to bed until late at night last night. Even in his dream, he dreamed of many of the film and television dramas he had seen in his previous life. In, those magical scenes made by special effects.

   was yawning in his mouth, Mo He rubbed his sleepy eyes, just washed a bit, and soon started eating breakfast.

   The fish that Mohe caught yesterday was also put on the table this morning. For them, an ordinary farmer, you can see a bit of fishy fish, which is a rare delicacy.

   However, Mo He is no longer thinking about this breakfast now. After breakfast, watching Mo Dashan go out and leave, Mo He also quickly put down the dishes and cried to his mother, “Mother , I’m full, I went out to find Da Zhuang and them to play!”

   Then, he ran out immediately, regardless of the mother’s yelling behind.

   After Mohe went out, he saw that his father was heading towards Sanye’s house. He did not choose to follow behind Mo Dashan, but turned and ran in the other direction, and then went around most of the time. In the circle, I came to the back of Sanye’s yard. There are a few jujube trees here, which can be considered tall. The season is just right now, and there are many jujubes hanging on them, which are not yet mature.

  Mohe had already thought about it yesterday. Today, you must come to Sanye’s house. Even if you are found out, you will treat yourself as a greedy child and run here in advance to harm these trees. jujube.

  Mohe climbed up the tree, stood on a branch and looked at Sanye’s yard, and saw that in the small yard, many people were already standing at the moment. The door link of the house is now A white cloth was hung, and some people were filial piety.

   Mohe frowned slightly. The third master has passed away. He doesn’t know how people in this world go to funeral after death, so he doesn’t know whether these scenes in the yard are normal.

  Mohe stood on the jujube tree and looked at the yard, and there are many people in the yard now. When someone looked around, they saw Mohe who was picking jujubes from the tree to eat, and he reached out and pushed Mo Dashan, then pointed in the direction of Mohe, and said with a slight smile: “Dashan, is that the baby you added!”

  Mo Dashan turned his head and saw Mohe on the tree. He immediately smiled in a jealousy, and then he was about to rant.

   And just at this moment, I saw the entrance of the courtyard, the village chief Zhang Yuanwang and others walked in, and then the chief green plum also walked into the courtyard.

   Seeing the arrival of the green plum chief, if Mo Dashan wanted to scold him, he was stuck in his throat at this time. He could only glance at Mo He’s direction with his eyes, and thought to himself: “On weekdays Li is so well-behaved and sensible, so skinny today, it seems that I have to tidy up when I go back!”

  , Mr. Qingmei, who walked into the small courtyard, looked around and looked at Mohe on the jujube tree behind the small courtyard. He quickly retracted his gaze and didn’t care, but walked straight into the room. , Soon walked out, nodded to the people standing in the yard, the village head and others’ faces immediately showed joy.

   “Then I will trouble Dao Long!” The village chief Zhang Yuanwang had a smile on his face, and respectfully bowed to Dao Long Qing Mei, and said with a hint of flattery in his tone.

   “It’s okay, since I’ve come to Wangshan County Guan, this is my duty. Bring everything I prepared!” Dao Mei nodded slightly.

   Soon, under the orders of these elders, the people in the yard moved. Some people lifted a table and placed it in the middle of the yard with some sacrificial supplies on it. Some people stand on both sides, holding a paper streamer in their hands, standing neatly in two opposing rows…

  In just a few minutes of work, the scene in the courtyard immediately became a little solemn and solemn. Outside the courtyard, Mohe on the jujube tree, at this time, I was completely intently looking at the courtyard. The scene he was looking forward to is likely to be presented before his eyes.

  Everything was prepared, the village chief Zhang Yuanwang once again turned his attention to Dao Mei, but he didn’t dare to urge, so he smiled and asked: “Dao Master, do you see?”

   “You can start!” Dao Mei nodded again, then walked forward, picked up the prepared burning incense from the table, squeezed the incense head gently, and saw the one in his hand. Burn incense and ignite.

   inserted the ignited incense into the incense burner, Daochang Qingmei’s palm gently flipped, and a three-foot green front appeared in his palm, and a few talisman paper appeared in the other hand, which he placed On the desktop, and then took out a small print again, and placed it on the desktop again.

  ”Benevolence and virtue inherit goodness, Yin virtue blesses the soul, kind people and virtuous old people, open temples and establish ancestors! Today there are good people without land, live eighty-three years, and die, kind and filial parents, admire their neighbors, and love The younger generation, kind and famous, Xu opened the underworld to protect the dead, and the good people have no land, and the soul returns!” Holding a three-foot green front in one hand, Qingmei Dao Chang’s mouth chanted loudly, and accompanied by his chanting, facing him The small seal on the table gradually glowed with golden light.

   Following the fall of the last word in his mouth, Daolong Qingmei’s steps immediately moved, waving a long sword in his hand, and his figure is as strong as a dragon.

   A piece of talisman paper jumped up on the table with the tip of his sword, and then the talisman paper instantly burned, and with the burning of the talisman paper, a strong wind suddenly blew in the courtyard, blowing Everyone couldn’t open their eyes. Mo He was looking at the jujube tree intently. At this time, he hugged the trunk of the side tightly, so that he was not shaken down the tree.

   I don’t know if it was his own illusion. Mo He felt that this strong wind was exceptionally cold, and at the moment the wind blew, he was trembling with cold.

   At this time, Mo He suddenly heard a violent shout in his ear, like a thunder and explosion, making himself a bit tinnitus.


   This violent shout came naturally from Mr. Ome’s mouth, and after he made this shout, the strong wind stopped immediately, and the surrounding temperature seemed to have risen somewhat.

  Mohe turned his head and looked at the yard again, not sure if it was his own illusion. At that moment, Mohe seemed to see a lot of illusory figures in the yard, and was shot out by a cyan light. Besides, there was only a figure with a faint golden light shining on his body, still standing in the courtyard.

   And when he blinked his eyes, the figure that he saw just now disappeared suddenly, together with those illusory figures, disappeared without a trace, as if he saw this scene It’s really an illusion.

   When the strong wind stopped and the yard returned to calm, Daochang Qingmei stood with a sword in his back, and the feeling of fairy bones in his body strengthened.

   After a few breaths, Daochang Qingmei flipped his palm, and the three-foot green peak in his hand disappeared. Then he picked up the Fang Xiaoyin on the table and took it back again. Then he turned his head and said to everyone.

   “Okay, now you just have to watch and don’t let the incense burner be wiped out. You can go for funeral and burial when it’s sunset today.”

   Hearing this, everyone present was overjoyed. As soon as the village chief Zhang Yuanwang wanted to speak, he heard Dao Mei speak again and pointed to Mo Hedao who was still lying on the jujube tree: “Call in that little guy. At sunset this evening, let him lead the way for the dead!”

   Hearing what Mr. Qingmei said, Mo He, who was lying on the tree, felt bad. He suddenly saw in the yard, his father Mo Dashan suddenly fell to his knees and knocked his head **** the ground. Anxiously shouted: “The Taoist leader is forgiving, the Taoist leader is forgiving, my boy is ignorant, and ran into the Taoist leader, and asked the Taoist to recite that he is a child and spare his life!”

   At this moment, Mo He’s eyes suddenly reddened, and he felt very blocked in his chest, and he was speechless.

   My parents in this life are just ordinary farmers, honestly digging in the land and don’t know much, but this affection is not compromised at all.

  Mohe can’t wait to rush over and help the honest guy who is kneeling on the ground and kowtow. Every time his head hits the ground, it’s like a heavy A hammer is fierce. To my own heart.

   But before Mo He rushed down, I saw the Qingmei Daochang frown, stretched out his hand and made an upward movement, and then Mo Dashan was lifted from the ground by an invisible force.

  ”Why is this, I let this child lead the way for the dead, it will not affect him, but will have some benefits, not to harm the child, and I think this child is very spiritual, and I like it very much. “The green plum said.

   After he finished speaking, Zhang Yuanwang, the village chief on the side, hurried to Mo Dashan’s side and said to him: “I heard Dao Master’s words, so hurry up and bring your baby in. It’s good! “

  Mo Dashan looked a little surprised at this time. He didn’t know if what the chief green plum said was true or false. He was a farmer who didn’t understand this. It’s just that in the legends of the countryside, people Keep it as far away as possible, otherwise, if you get a little bit of it, you will get bad luck or have some serious illnesses.

   Therefore, when Mo Dashan heard that he wanted his son to lead the way for the dead, he would immediately kowtow for mercy. He is such a precious son now, and will pass incense in the future. He is only so young now that he can’t be born. What is it?

   But it’s all about it now. The Taoist said that not only was there no harm in this matter, but it might also be good for his son, which made Mo Dashan feel a little settled.

   sighed in his heart, and with an uneasy mood, Mo Dashan walked outside and quickly came to Mohe’s side. Looking at Mohe who was standing there obediently, Mo Dashan wanted to clean him up. Suddenly, but thinking that the chieftain and the village chief are waiting, they can only bring Mo He into the yard, and only hope that the chieftain will not lie to himself, and everything is good in the end.


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