God of Cooking Chapter 94:

The moment he saw Chloe’s eyes, he imagined one thing in his head . His eyes sharpened . Maybe? If you were a man, you couldn’t help but to imagine useless things . However, Jo Minjoon tried to deny that fact . Chloe was gentle and warm with anyone . If he misunderstood her, that would be the worst and meanest thing .

Kaya slightly opened her mouth .

“So where are you going to open that restaurant?”
“I don’t know about that . I wonder if it will change according to the situation . ”
“Even so, won’t it be in the US?”
“Probably . If you don’t become as good as Rachel and Joseph to the point of creating branches in other countries… . . I don’t think that you will be going to another . Ah, is Jo Minjoon’s situation a little different?”

Chloe slightly looked at Jo Minjoon and asked . Jo Minjoon shrugged his shoulders . Looking that she was asking him that lightly, he thought that what he felt before was just a misunderstanding .

“There’s a high probability for me to go to Korea . ”
“Come to the United States . I told you to immigrate . ”
“…… . . Why are you so obsessed about immigration nowadays? I think that you are saying that word a lot more . ”

At his words, Kaya just looked at him fiercely without saying anything . Instead of replying, she began to eat a sandwich until her mouth exploded . Chloe could vaguely know the reason as to why Kaya was acting like that, and faintly smiled . She said with a calm voice .

“It seems that Kaya is worried about you being in Korea?”
“What? What about that?”
“First, it’s a ceasefire country . Regardless of how reality is, it could be seen as a dangerous place in Kaya’s’ eyes . ”

At her words, Jo Minjoon let out a deep sigh . The feeling you got when you saw it from the inside and the outside could only be different, but he wondered if she should worry this much . Kaya thought that this was the opportunity and said with a serious face .

“Get a job in an American restaurant . They said that it was possible to get a citizenship if you work anywhere for a few years . ”
“…… . . Kaya . Thank you for worrying, but the situation you are thinking about is completely different . There’s not even one person in Korea that worries because war might happen . ”
“I do worry . ”

Silence flowed for a moment . Only then did Kaya realise that it could be heard in a different way . However, she didn’t try to change words . Because it was true that she worried about him . Anderson made invidious remarks .

“The poor wife stepped out . ”
“You will get beat up . Shut your mouth . ”
“Oh my! Your mouth is that of a rough poor wife . ”

Even at Kaya’s threat while holding the fork, Anderson didn’t stop . Kaya glared at Anderson for a moment and then smirked and shrugged her shoulders . Anderson frowned . However, Kaya didn’t look at Anderson anymore . It was an attitude as if it wasn’t worth arguing with him .

“Anyways, Minjoon, think about it . Aside from war occurring, you have much more popularity in the US . You also said it before with your own mouth that you wanted to become a chef that wanted to succeed . Then, there would be nowhere better than here?”
“I know that but… . . In the first place, isn’t it a problem to worry about after looking at the results of Grand Chef?”
“Why worry about the results? Victory is mine, anyways . ”

At Kaya’s words, Anderson’s eyes became fierce .

“I can’t just let those words pass . That you are able to beat me?”
“You, did you get 9 points?”

At Kaya’s words, Anderson’s face froze like rock . Kaya smirked and said .

“I got 9 points . At the On the Lake restaurant . Minjoon told me directly . And was it buffet for Chloe? She got it then, but you didn’t get it . ”
“…… . . Don’t get proud of yourself because of something you got by luck . And his scoring isn’t an absolute thing . ”
“Acting like that when you couldn’t even get 9 points from that absolute thing . You aren’t even lucky . Then stop acting strong and just stand still . ”

Anderson’s mouth trembled . He stood up from that place .

“I’m going to the car . ”
“Endure it Anderson . Kaya’s a kid . You should understand her . ”
“I don’t like it . Kids . ”

Even after Jo Minjoon held him back, Anderson left the place without even looking back . Kaya pouted her lips and grumbled .

“Kids also don’t like you . ”

“Do it slowly . Slowly . ”
“Don’t exaggerate . ”

Kaya’s hand was directed to the gauze in Jo Minjoon’s neck . She was putting a more nervous face than him . Along with her careful hand movements and the peeling of the gauze, the skin got pulled . Kaya let out a sigh .

“Even so, the blister seems to have subsided a bit . ”
“Because it’s already been a week . ”

Jo Minjoon replied while frowning . He could feel that his neck was trembling because it took air in a long while . Kaya slowly put her hand on his shoulder . Her soft palm was also trembling .

“It hurt, right?”
“I told you that there’s no need for you to feel sorry . ”
“I’m not feeling sorry but worry for you . ”
“There’s not even a need to do that . It’s something that already happened . It doesn’t even hurt now . ”
“The scar, will it remain?”

At that question, even Jo Minjoon couldn’t reply quickly . The doctor had said that it was going to be difficult to not leave a scar . He forced a laugh and said .

“It’s nothing bad for a man to have a glorious scar . ”
“…… . . I’m sorry . ”
“I told you that there’s no need to feel sorry . ”

Every time he looked at Kaya’s weak side, he felt a strange feeling . To him, she was a strong and perfect idol . But every time she acted like a girl, it seemed like she had opened her heart to him .

“But did you think about it?”
“…… . . Is it talk about immigration again?”
“You said that you were going to think about it last time . ”
“It’s not something to think about in just a few days . I have to think about it hardly . ”
“My sister liked you . ”

It came out of nowhere . Jo Minjoon looked at her as if telling her what did she mean . Kaya shrugged her shoulders and opened her mouth .

“Mom also liked you . She said you were nice . ”
“…… . But why are you saying that so suddenly?”
“What about your family? They don’t say anything about me?”
“I wonder . They ask me somethings, but we aren’t the type to talk on the phone for a long time . Well…… They ask me that… If we aren’t really dating . ”
“And what did you tell them?”

Kaya sharpened her eyes and looked at him . Jo Minjoon forced a laugh .

“What could I have told them? It’s obvious . I told them as it really is . ”
“So, what’s that reality?”

Jo Minjoon raised one brow? Kaya opened her eyes intensely as if what was he looking at .

“No, I’m just asking . I’m curious . ”
“I told them that you were a close friend . You aren’t going to say anything now if I say that you are my friend, right?”
“…… . . I’m not, anymore . ”

Kaya replied with a sullen voice and replied . She smacked her lips for a moment and continued saying .

“They didn’t say anything about Chloe?”
“I wonder . We didn’t particularly appear together in the broadcast . You and I became ‘together’ so much it is strange . ”
“What’s that strange thing?”

Jo Minjoon stood up from the place . Kaya, who was twisting her legs, hurriedly stood up and staggered . Jo Minjoon grabbed Kaya’s arm .

“Do it calmly . Look at Chloe, how feminine she is . ”
“So you are comparing me right now? Then you, too, become more masculine . I told you to grow some muscles . ”
“I am . I’m going to the gym now . ”
“You are going after one week . ”
“……I couldn’t go because of the injury . Stop with the rebuking . In the first place, it isn’t that different . ”
“But you aren’t that bulked . ”

Jo Minjoon shut his mouth tightly . The moment he got in the gym, Anderson that looked at them sent an absurd sign .

“Did you fight?”
“Why are you asking that so suddenly?”
“Because you clearly have faces that you have fought . ”

Jo Minjoon just shrugged his shoulders instead of replying . Chloe wiped off the sweat in her forehead and drank some water .

“There’s not much time until we are together . Let’s spend the time in a good way . ”
“Now that you say it like that, I got depressed . ”
“Heehee, sorry . ”

Chloe’s cheek was tightly raising the corner of her mouth . Anderson opened his mouth .

“The semifinals must be a team mission, right?”
“Probably . ”

“Now that I see, last time Martin said something that worsened my mood . ”
“What did he say?”

Kaya replied .

“That there will be an unexpected event . So don’t be scared . ”

A plane was flying over Michigan Lake and heading to Chicago . If you owned a plane, people would of course think about romantic things . Travel, international CEO… and if that wasn’t it, just the truth of being up in the air made you envious .

However at this moment, Rachel Rose wasn’t feeling even a bit of that romance . The reason of it could be confirmed with her eyes, nose, and ear . It was because of the old man in front of her . A white man that seemed like a bear, with brown hair mixed with blonde and a beard with similar colour, was eating the flight meal in a flurry way . A private plane . That wealthy and luxurious word lost all colour as he was eating his meal .

“Serguei . If you are a chef, have some manners about food . You are the same from back then . ”
“Burp, don’t act that noble . Why? As you age, you want to act more noble? What to do . I can’t seem to do something that makes me puke . In the first place, it isn’t so delicious as to respect the manners . ”

The rough and thick voice let out a Russian English words . Rachel hesitated for a moment and then put a piece of biscuit in her mouth . Thinking about the dishes she was going to face in a little while, it was a stupid thing to fill their belly, but looking at how Serguei was eating, she got hungry for nothing . Now that she had aged, she didn’t feel that hungry . But was it because she was next to a huge eater? She slowly melted the biscuit in her mouth and said .

“What about the food? You should feel thankful that a flight meal is this much . And not changing after you age is an embarrassing thing, but still acting like a brat after you have aged is even more embarrassing . ”
“Ha, Beethoven and Gogh were also brats . Being resolute isn’t a flaw for artists . ”
“Beethoven and Gogh didn’t age as much as you . ”

Serguei didn’t refute back and grabbed a handful of salad . It wasn’t with a fork, but with chopsticks . Rachel looked at the thing that was in the chopsticks and smirked and said .

“There’s nothing better than a chopstick to grab a big amount of food at once . You can’t use things like fork because it’s stingy . ”
“You really……How could you become a chef?”
“How would I? I became one because I like to eat . ”

Gulp . Rachel, looking at the amount of salad that should make you difficult to even feel the flavor, put a sickened face . For that man to be the representative of the famous ‘Season Madbadge’ that was comparable to Rose Island . Among young chefs, even the rough looks of Serguei may seem manly and respectful but…… . . It was a scene which Rachel couldn’t comprehend .

“So, what are you planning? After that old man Daniel died, you were also hiding like a **** . ”
“…… . You still couldn’t fix that bad habit of yours of saying exactly the things you think . ”
“It’s the truth . The only perfect thing of that guy was certainly cooking…… . . But at the same time he was a perfect fool . So you it’s true that you are a **** for becoming depressed because that one **** died . ”

As he said it as if it was really obvious, she didn’t even get angry . Rachel said with a sickened voice .

“There’s a child that got in my eyes . …… . Lower your pinky . If you keep acting that shallow, I can also get mad . ”
“Hehe…… . I want to see nature of the great Rachel Rose in a long while . ”
“It’s because you act like this that your wife keeps calling me . ”
“What? Saying what?”
“It’s a basic thing to make the contents of the consultation a secret . So keep that smelly mouth of yours shut . The broadcast, did you watch it?”
“I didn’t even have time to eat, so would I have time to watch it? Ah, are you talking about that guy? The one who had an absolute sense of taste?”

Rachel nodded . Serguei nodded as if it was understandable .

“I know why you are interested, so how are his skills?”
“I still don’t know well . I will know it today . ”
“He should get nervous . There’s nothing more bothersome than to match the sense of taste of an old hag . ”
“He will be able to . ”
“How are you that certain?”

Rachel’s eyes became calm .

“Because if he’s not able to, I’m planning to make that capability myself and make him grab it . ”

< Four people, four dreams (2) > End

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