God of Cooking Chapter 54:

God of Cooking – Chapter 54: Crossroad (4)


While he was getting treated, Chloe’s evaluation was proceeding . There were no upsets . Although there weren’t compliments, there also weren’t critics .

Looking at the face of Chloe that was returning, Jo Minjoon frowned . But of course, it wasn’t because of the results of her evaluation . His pain was getting worse . The doctor applied an anesthesia through a syringe and said in a blunt voice .

“As time passes, your sense will awaken, and the pain will get worse . ”
“……How long will it take to heal?”
“It’s different to each person, but normally it will take around 1 week for the scar to close . And in 2 weeks, it will completely heal . It will take even longer for the sensation of your finger to completely come back . ”

The doctor talked like that and sewed his thumb with a thread . There were five stitches . The injury on a hand for a chef was no different than a company for life, but even so, looking at the needle sewing through his flesh, he felt somewhat uncomfortable .

“Don’t look . It’s not good for your mental health . ”

As he turned his head to look at the judges because of what the doctor had said, Hugo was getting his evaluation last . 7 points . It was the same with the ossobuco, but he thought that Hugo was a relatively skillful chef . He thought that if he went on like this, he would reach level 7 in cooking in a few years .

“Thanks for your good cooking . ”

With Emily’s last words, the evaluation ended . The judges glanced at Jo Minjoon . The final conclusion had to be done when all the participants were gathered . The doctor tapped Jo Minjoon’s wrist and said that the treatment was done . As he went back to his countertop, Joseph opened his mouth .

“We have decided the first place for today’s mission as the results of sharing our opinions . First, I’ll tell you what kind of dish got first place . Risotto . It is risotto . ”

At those words, Jo Minjoon licked his lips and looked at the judges . There were only 8 points dishes today . Him and Kaya . However in the case of Kaya, she received a critic about her creativity, while he didn’t get any . So of course, he could only expect to it .

Joseph looked at Jo Minjoon . He raised his hand and made a gesture as to get closer .

“Minjoon . Congratulations . You are today’s protagonist!”

He couldn’t control his expression . The smile made his lips to raise, and he tried his best to shut his mouth . However, that result ended in being a bright smile . It was the first time . 8 points, and being first . He had always tried his best to survive, but there wasn’t a day where he became the best . However it was just like Joseph had said . He was today’s protagonist .

Joseph continued speaking .

“Get some confidence . Minjoon . Regardless of that absolute sense taste you are already an excellent chef . If you improve your risotto a bit, it can even be presented on my restaurant’s table . It was that kind of dish . ”
“In my opinion, it seems that you have always doubted about your own skills . Saying that the best you could make was a 7 points dish is proof of that . Why are you thinking like that? Think about the risotto you made . Didn’t you say it yourself? That it was an 8 points dish . Stop doubting in yourself . ”

After Joseph talked, Alan’s words made Jo Minjoon not able to reply back . He couldn’t just say that because the system said that his cooking level was 6, he could only make a 7 points dish at best . It wasn’t because he had to keep it a secret . Whatever it was, in the end it was evident that Jo Minjoon had surpassed his own limits .

He felt that his felt his throat choke and that something was surging up . That was resentment, happiness, sadness surging through his throat and made him want to shed tears . He planned to not cry until he had won, but he raised his hands to cover his eyes . Beyond his palms, a voice was heard .

“Cook like today . I believe that you being the best won’t end today . Because the twenties is a good age to grow . ”
“…… . Thank you . ”

His voice was wet . Although it would be seen good in the screen, Jo Minjoon was rather embarrassed of his own voice . He felt that he wasn’t manly or old enough . But it just couldn’t be helped . Because the dream he had always wanted approached right in front of him and was saying that he could get it… . . If in that kind of situation, you didn’t get a surge of emotions there were two reasons for it . That the dream was a fake one in the first place, or he had never felt moved .

As he stopped shedding tears and moved away his hands, in his cloudy sight, Alan was also looking at him with a moved expression . Jo Minjoon tried to make up a smile and bent down to the judges . It was a korean salute, but even so, he wanted to express himself .

As the announcement of the first place ended, after that came what made everyone bothered . The announcement of the disqualifiers . Even the judges couldn’t get used to that moment . Alan said with a hard voice .

“We ate many dishes today . In the case of risotto, we had our opinions collide a little, but in the case of paella the disqualifiers were too clear to see . Carlos . Coney . Come to the front . ”

Carlos walked to the front with a pale face . Coney had a calm face as if she had already expected it . Alan said in a cold voice .

“Coney . You have made the most terrible dish until now . Did you know that?”
“Yes…… . . I do . ”
“However, it doesn’t mean that you are also a terrible chef . I have eaten well the dishes you have prepared until now . The dream to become a chef, I wish you don’t give up . You have potential . Just keep going like this . ”
“…… . . Yes . ”

Coney replied as she nodded . After that, was the turn of Carlos . Carlos was nervous because of the soon to reach announcement and was tensing his muscles . The tattoos on his arm wriggled, but it just seemed like a weak cat with it’s fur erected . Emily opened her mouth .

“Actually, we have thought a lot picking you . Saying the truth, there were many participants who had made risotto in your level . ”
“… … …”
“However, a disqualifier had to appear . And from those, we picked the chef we got the least amount of impression . I’m sorry, Carlos . It seems that you are done until here . Coney, Carlos . Leave your Grand Chef badges and leave please . ”

Carlos and Coney pulled out the badges with their hands trembling . They left the badges in the table they had just cooked until now, and they could only leave the kitchen with strengthless steps . Jo Minjoon bit his lips and looked at Carlos’s back .

He couldn’t say that they were close, but it was the first time a participant he was rather close to and had shared conversations with to disqualify . They cooked together for the same dream, but in front of the crossroad they had to separate .

Actually, this competition could be called as a constant crossroad . Because every time the broadcast ended, at least one participant disqualified . If in the start you felt a strong feeling to survive, now it was at the point you had to compete with each other without yielding .

It was bitter . So much that the sweet taste of victory dispersed .
As the interview with Martin ended and night approached, the participants were gathered in the hall as usual . It was time for the broadcast to start .

Although there were two disqualifiers, it wasn’t right for them to keep being sad . Because even if they weren’t in this program any more, it didn’t mean that their dreams were ruined . Jo Minjoon massaged Hugo’s shoulders strongly . Hugo got surprised and looked back at him .

“You would be feeling lonely for your best friend to have disappeared . ”
“………Whew, I don’t know . ”

Hugo let out a sigh as he shook his head . Just as much as he was close to Carlos, regret was as big as that .

The broadcast started . Just like irony, the first one to appear in the screen was Coney . She was looking at the camera with resolute eyes .

I’m an unmarried mother . My kid just became four and is going to kindergarten . And I’m in debt not being able to even pay the kindergarten . The talent I have? No . I don’t know if I’m able to call this as talent . It’s my last rope . I’m doing it because I like? I wonder . Honestly saying, I feel more pressured than feeling fun in cooking . Because it’s my last hope . Because of a stable life of my child and I…… . I can’t fall here . I will win . Surely . I’m not as knowledgeable about cooking like the other participants, and I have just learned through going to all kinds of kitchens…… But my reason to win is clearer than all of them .

It was a heavy content . The people that tried to keep a bright attitude were sulking . If you were a normal viewer, you would cheer looking at that scene, but they already knew . That Coney had disqualified .

‘That **** of paella . ’

Jo Minjoon let out a sigh inwardly . Honestly speaking, even if Coney got through this mission, there was no way she could win . Because there was a basic difference in skills . But even so, he couldn’t stop feeling bad for her .

THe broadcast was about the three course . Jo Minjoon could look at that situation in detail for the first time . Precisely speaking, it was Anderson’s and Kaya’s fight . They, who were arguing about who was going to be the main, in the end, a mosaic was put in Kaya’s hand and then ended . Joanne hit Anderson’s arm and said .

“Do you want to beat a kid?”
“…… . . Shut up . ”
“You two are similar, similar . ”

At her words, Kaya that was far away, frowned and glared at her . Joanne raised both of her hands as if she was surrendering .

And after that, it was just as they had known . No, there was one thing he didn’t notice . And that was that the other teammate of Kaya and Anderson was Carlos . Anderson’s team disqualified and in the losers revival phase, Kaya asked for help to Jo Minjoon and then the commercials came . Now, the participants didn’t bother them about their love line . Because they have already teased them sufficiently . Although it would be different for the viewers .

“You won’t be able to sleep tonight too checking the comments . ”

Hugo smiled and said that . Jo Minjoon looked at him and asked .

“You don’t check it?”
“I read a little . Even if I read it, there’s nothing I can say . And there isn’t much about me . Because I haven’t been put in a love line from the director like certain someone . ”
“…… . Be thankful that you weren’t . Because this is really stressful . ”
“And why do you get stressed?”

It wasn’t Hugo who had asked the question . Jo Minjoon turned his head . Kaya was looking at him with a puzzled expression .

“You also check the comments because you get stressed . Isn’t it?”
“I do get stressed but not because of that . If you get grouped with me it’s an honor, why is that stress?”
“…… . You shouldn’t get between a married couple’s fight . I’m out . ”
“Enough . Sit . What couple are you saying?”

Jo Minjoon made Hugo, that was about to leave, to sit . Hugo glanced a little and whispered lowly in Jo Minjoon’s ear .

“I’m afraid of her . ”
“Nowadays teens are all like that . ”
“I don’t think I was like that . ”
“You were a teen a long time ago . How old were you? 28?”
“Kuuk…… . ”

Hugo put a depressed face and dropped his head . At the sight of them playing by themselves, Kaya wanted to say something more, but in the end she didn’t . The broadcast was starting again .

It was about their personal stories . They showed the story of every participant and  told the reason why they couldn’t disqualify, and it was also the same in case of Kaya .

I’m not planning to return to that kind of a sewer . Well, the other participants should have similar reasons . A reason to not disqualify . But, I’m sorry but it’s unavoidable . Because I also have a reason . I’m going to win even if I have to kill them all .

It was really extreme, but nobody blamed her . Because they now knew well about her character . But of course, it would be different for the viewers .

He glanced at Kaya and saw that she was putting a quite serious face . It was at that moment . It seemed that Carlos was also at the disqualifiers revival phase, but they showed him cooking and on top of that, his voice covered it .

Actually, in the past, I used to do drugs . And the way to get out of that was through cooking . It’s the truth . I’m not saying it for the emotional parts, but I really only had cooking . The only thing I could concentrate and have fun . Aside from drugs…… I only had cooking . Perhaps, cooking could have been a drug for me . And I’m planning to win everything with this drug like cooking . Reality, and prohibition syndrome . All of it .

Voices were heard among the participants . Nobody knew that Carlos used to do drugs . And it seemed to be the same for Hugo, because he had quite a serious face . Jo Minjoon patted Hugo’s shoulder lightly .

“It’s going to be fine . Although he got eliminated, cooking didn’t leave him . ”
“…… . It will, right?”
“It will . He was a good guy . Let’s believe in him . ”

Hugo laughed bitterly and looked again at the screen . The broadcast continued running and soon was announcing the disqualifiers and the winners . Looking at the Grand Chef’s logo widening and filling the screen, Jo Minjoon felt the broadcast to be too cruel .

This broadcast’s victory was a sweeter mistake than anything else . However, this mistake was only allowed to one person . Aside from that person, all the remaining ones will end up in a failure . The disqualification and trials of the participants would give the viewers a stirring emotion that amounted to only a tear, but for the concerned party, they embraced them a suffering that made them feel about to crumble .

What would be in the end of that crossroad?

Cheers? Or…… . .

< Crossroad (5) > End


Translator’s note: Regular chapte!

Thanks for reading and for your support!

Translator : Subak
Proofreader : Maled

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